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I listen to DoomRL MIDIS when i play DoomRL. i am not about to list my tastes in music for some soulless mass-marketing bot to derive market research data from, but if i HAD to pick a playlist for DoomRL, it would consist almost entirely of industrial music. So there.


--- Quote from: Visalos on April 23, 2009, 03:33 ---I listen to DoomRL MIDIS when i play DoomRL. i am not about to list my tastes in music for some soulless mass-marketing bot to derive market research data from, but if i HAD to pick a playlist for DoomRL, it would consist almost entirely of industrial music. So there.

--- End quote ---
Got the same reflections. I was on for a while, but when decided to quit. is really a strange web-site with strange people, that love listen to music while reading books/watching TV. If I listen to music, I do it for my own pleasure not to amuse people (OMG! He had listened to 20000 times last week!).
Still it is a good place to check new music/genres/bands.

As for the music to shooters, it shoot be industrial, simple/fast/brutal. No time to listen to arpeggios [:

I listen recently Imogen Heap - quite good with DoomRL :)

I actually listen to podcasts while I play games, including DoomRL. I don't know why, Maybe it doesn't get in the way of playing games like it does for me, but I'm obviously not sure.


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