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Author Topic: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist  (Read 4511 times)


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[0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« on: June 10, 2020, 05:50 »

It was a while since I last played a little JH, and instead of hunting down those Badges, I thought I'd just so something a little more... touristy in nature, you know, just for fun.

I had tried with ye olde Marine, but kept dying stupidly, until I went back to my first love, Gunslinger.

Man was it a blast!

I got an early AV3 9m pistol that had EMP/frenzy powers, and an AV2 9mm pistol that had vampiric/bleed powers.  I wouldn't say it was a breeze, but it was definitely a fun romp.  Somewhere in the early mid-game I got hold of an AV2 red armour that had camo and silent shot(?), and I just modded it up with a Bulk mod to extend its life.

That AV2 chainsaw had a monstrous 100 piercing damage and +50% critical damage (or something), but it was mostly for the lulz.  It replaced another PB-modded chainsaw I picked up near Io, and I took Gun Hoarder just so I could pick it up.  Part of the reason was that I was running out of 9mm, and took Scavenger late.  I began Europa with nearly 6 stacks of 9mm, and ended with about 1 stack.  Pretty scary, even for Easy.

Gun Kata + Dash is an amazing combination -- running away while auto-firing, yes please!

Not sure why I ended up with a whopping 359 out of 349 kills... is this to do with the mobs from the Summoner?  I did remember that when I was in Black Site Vaults, I had some surprise spawns of various exalted stuff that MGK+Das made short work of.

The summoner fight was straightforward -- I just lobbed 3 gas grenades and 1 frag grenade for fun.  As you can tell, I was never hurting for health, and my dual pistols won the day for me.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Just one more suggestion though: when the mortem is generated, could we also output the special traits/properties for all those advanced equipment?  I think it's way cooler to share what the RNG giveth at the end of a run.

Edit: Added the log file in case anyone wants to investigate the "impossible" kill count.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 05:59 by thelaptop »
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Re: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2020, 18:17 »

Not sure why I ended up with a whopping 359 out of 349 kills...

Thelaptop, you cheater!  Are you taking lessons from 2Dev?  :P  Seriously, though, I'm not sure why it would do that; as far as I know, extra kills from the Summoner or from the Gateway don't count toward your kill count.  (At least they didn't in my own runs)

I got an early AV3 9m pistol that had EMP/frenzy powers, and an AV2 9mm pistol that had vampiric/bleed powers.

So you had one pistol for the squishy targets and another for the...  er...  clanky targets.  :D  Sounds like a fun game.  Congrats on your victory!  :)
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Re: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2020, 22:50 »

Seriously, though, I'm not sure why it would do that; as far as I know, extra kills from the Summoner or from the Gateway don't count toward your kill count.  (At least they didn't in my own runs)

There was also a strange event at the Vaults where after clearing out the top one of the turrets, I suddenly had all kinds of extra spawns showing up with a message [that I didn't read in detail].  I suspect this could have caused the issue.  That's why the log file was put up there, in case there was indeed a bug in the counting there.

So you had one pistol for the squishy targets and another for the...  er...  clanky targets.  :D  Sounds like a fun game.  Congrats on your victory!  :)
Yup!  It was an amazingly fun one.  Thanks for the congratulations!

As always, scrub/noob tactics these days due to the severe restriction of free time to do whatever I want because life is happening.  >.<
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2020, 18:46 »

Damn, seeing that YOU have fun while playing JH makes me a lot relieved :). I know I've been on this path, but the goals were set. I knew many people from the old guard chimed in, but while being confident that new people will like the game, due to the numerous changes, I was always afraid if the old guard will still enjoy this new rendition. Makes me sleep a bit better.

AV props in mortem are just a question of time. Probably will implement them alongside Unique item descriptions. Impossible kill count is due to me trying to avoid the "killed them all but game didn't register" bug too eagerly. It will be fixed at some point, but it's way less frustrating than the opposite (btw, those extra kills come from CalSec Central).
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Re: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2020, 21:29 »

Hahaha... I'm a little amused at your fear, Kornel.

I think JH's main goal didn't deviate from what made DRL as popular as it was -- that it was a coffee-break rogue-like.  In many ways, I see a mirroring of the development cycle of DRL in JH, with the difference that JH is reaching maturity at a faster rate than its spiritual predecessor.

Still waiting for a working ASCII JH version though.  I swear that all the fancy graphics are distracting me from following the text of what is happening on screen, and making enemy identification a tad more tricky.  ;-)

Glad to hear that AV properties in mortems will come eventually.

Also glad to hear that you know why that impossible kill count came about.

And now, I'm going to try my hand at Gunslingin' my way through an AoMr game.
I computed, therefore I was.


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Re: [0.9.1|E|Sc|YAAM] Gunslingin' Tourist
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2020, 14:09 »

I had a feeling it had something to do with those damn bots. I just got finished with my second major JH win, which had me boomsticking my way through with Army of Darkness, and I indeed had to go through CalSec Central. Killing all the regular enemies there gives you the 100% for that level, but if you want to get into the vault in order to get the goodies, you have to go through a gauntlet of those damned sentry bots, either killing them all manually, or booking it to the vault and shutting them down (as well as the other bots of the act) with the vault terminal. My over-count for this was ten kills as well, which may correspond to the ten sentries guarding the vault.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2020, 12:19 by Bonedaddy »
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