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Author Topic: Another Journey to 100%  (Read 18075 times)


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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #15 on: July 16, 2020, 12:54 »

even for a veteran player, this is pretty incredible progress for two weeks


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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #16 on: July 16, 2020, 15:18 »

Thanks, I've been having a ton of fun with it!

Day 14

Today, I've shifted my focus slightly away from Dragonslayer hunting and playing for JC kills with my somewhat new strategy. I'm now at 30 of them and can get them very consistently. Since I don't have much else to comment on, I'll explain my gameplay a bit more thoroughly.

With Angel of Berserk and Overconfidence, the first two levels tend to be a bit rough, and it's important to not be afraid of using the starting Large Med-Paks. Save the Chainsaw boost though. I usually grab some nearby items, evaluate the situation, then find a door to camp behind and pick away at enemies using Run->Wait. Naturally, the widely varying possibilities for situations calls for widely varying actions, but this is generally my plan. Always skip Unholy Cathedral and Vaults, but exiting through them is fine of course.

After that, I stock up on as many Phase Devices as possible to prepare entering Mortuary/Limbo, ideally with a little extra if possible like Invulnerability and Envirosuits. Limbo is generally better because of the lava separating enemies more, and Phase Devices more likely to be beneficial, but Mortuary can work too. Use Phase Devices before Homing Phase Devices so that if you get unlucky while burning through them all, you can still at least exit alive. The top-right corner is ideal of course since that's where the Nuclear BFG is, but the bottom-right can also work if you can tough out any enemies. On Limbo, the two little islands nearby are also fairly manageable. Be cautious of enemies who can destroy the Nuclear BFG. If you're lucky and got a nuke before entering, always skip this level entirely.

If you have a nuke upon entering floor 5, it may be worthwhile to start seeking out Invulnerabilities or at least buffing up your inventory a little. Floor 6 and 7 are better of course, especially if you have Homing Phase Devices leftover. If you're unlucky, the run ends if you can't get Invulnerability, but I still always skip Lava Pits/Mt Erebus since the gear required is a ton, and time-wise, starting a new run can be close in speed anyway.

Nuke Dis, approach JC on a straight horizontal line a bit past the "d" of "id". Use an Envirosuit if available, drop the Chainsaw and pick it up to boost, then approach in a zig-zag. Play aggressively and always focus on attacking JC, healing only if necessary. I very rarely ever die here. Of course if you're extra lucky, you can just use a second nuke here.

My trait selection is always Brute->Brute->Berserker->Brute. From here, I usually pick Intuition to scout for Invulnerability, or Hellrunner if I think I may need an extra help making it to Dis while invulnerable. If I have no need for either, I go with Finesse.

For mod packs, Agility Packs go into Chainsaw, then Boots, Technical goes into Boots if I have a pair for Grappling Boots, which is very helpful for Revenants, Mancubi, and JC, and Power goes into Chainsaw then Red Armors. Bulks are rarely useful, generally only if there's a lack of everything else. Piercing Chainsaw helps with damage significantly and Red Armor (P), especially with Berserk makes you pretty unkillable.

That's all there is to it! I've tried various other strategies in the past for JC kills, including a different style of Berserk + Overconfidence, but this method has got to be optimal. I can get JC kills at worst once every 20 minutes, I've had 2 kills in a row multiple times, and I've had 3 kills within 20 minutes as well. It's also pretty fun to play. The only major downside is requiring Invulnerability on the last couple floors where some runs do end up immediately dying, but getting a nuke usually isn't a problem.

Some highlights:

A nice Trigun run made quick work of the ending, and the whole run was less than 6 minutes:

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I had one really unique run where I was very low on health and got a level up. As I was just about to be attacked, I went with Ironman specifically for the immediate health boost, survived, and I went on to kill JC too:

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One time entering Hell Fortress, I used Hell Staff and of the 1367 possible tiles to pick from, I got the absolute best one:

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Here, I had Invulnerability, but needed to exit fast before it ran out. I also needed a nuke since I didn't get the Nuclear BFG. On floor 7, I grabbed a Tracking Map and saw this:

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With a Homing Phase Device, I was able to scoop up the nearby nuke and exit quickly enough, turning what was a run on life support into another JC kill!

Finally, I once had a massive stack of Phase Devices before entering Limbo:

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Funny enough, none of them were Homing Phase Devices, but I still got to the Nuclear BFG after 3 of them.

And that's all for today. I'll keep grinding JC kills to reach 50, which shouldn't take too much longer. Maybe I'll find Dragonslayer too...
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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2020, 14:53 »

Day 15

Today I continued with JC kills, now having reached 41/50. The last 9 should come by and then I'll have the Apostle ranking and be done with the grind.

Some highlights:

I was having a relatively weak run, one with no Med-Paks and pretty low health. I found a Tracking Map in this situation:

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As you can see, I had a Baron in basically every direction, with Invulnerability to the left near the door, a Large Health Globe to my right, and the stairs right below me. I decided that the best choice was to dance around and hope that I could approach the Large Health Globe without being spotted.

However, I was not having any luck with the Barons and had to use the Chainsaw boost early and went for Invulnerability:

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After some fighting, I managed to get to the stairs in decent shape:

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It's always fun to be presented with interesting, challenging puzzles like this. Fortunately, use of the Chainsaw boost wasn't a problem because I found a second nuke shortly after:

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And the much needed Invulnerability:

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And a very nice floor 7:

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It's nice that the game rewarded me with good fortune after previously receving bad luck with what I believed was the correct decision. It also shows again that weak runs can still get JC kills.

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Here's an amusing start. It's actually very nice for a quick kill and easy experience:

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Here was another interesting start:

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The options here are to head up-left, charge the Revenant, charge the Baron, head down-left, or head down-right. I actually decided to wait since there was a good chance the Revenant would blow itself up and then I could charge the Baron with an extra level of Brute. Unfortunately:

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I didn't get the Revenant to fire. I still made it work, but not as optimally as it could have been.

Here was another interesting situation, though I'm encountered similar ones many times:

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I had no Phase Devices, and the Invulnerability was too far to make it in time to survive nuking Dis. However, by cutting the door, pushing a barrel towards the Invulnerability and then using my Combat Knife to throw at it, I was able to make it, with 3 turns of Invulnerability to spare. The Combat Knife has come in handy many times actually for other barrel-blasting setups, usually for opening paths.

Another amusing run I had insisted on giving me Bulk Packs:

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And on another run...

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Finally! There were lots of tough monsters and not a ton of help towards it, but I managed to grab it with some careful play:

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I'm very happy I won't need to do another 666 game now, and I finally get Armorer Diamond Badge! Getting this on floor 1 also meant I can skip the Berserker trait, which is now useless. On the next floor, I found the next best unique for this character:

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No Malicious Knives on this run of course though.

I got a little overconfident and fought through Limbo instead of rushing for the Nuclear BFG and got beat up pretty bad for it, but managed to survive:

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On floor 6, I found stacked Invulnerability:

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And another stack on floor 7!

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I completely forgot I wouldn't be able to use the Nuclear BFG and needed a regular nuke, oops. Fun fact, you also can't Chainsaw boost, unsurprisingly:

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Knowing that now, it could have been very helpful on the approach to getting Dragonslayer, rather than saving it just before actually picking it up. Anyway, I made short work of the Spider Mastermind in 3 hits and got another Gutts' Heart:

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That's all for now. Once Apostle ranking is done, I will have completed all the major grinds that interfere with runs and can focus entirely on collecting Badges and Medals without being sidetracked. It'll be a breath of fresh air after all this JC grinding for sure.
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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #18 on: July 18, 2020, 15:54 »

Day 16

After a long grind, I have finally reached 50 JC kills and got Apostle ranking!

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It's not that hard to get, but it takes some serious time to get all those kills, and I'm glad it's all done now. This also means every major grind is out of the way and I can focus entirely on Badges and Medals now. I'm not sure what I'll go for first.

Some highlights:

This was a crazy room to open, with 16 out of 21 tiles occupied, all by monsters who can't open doors:

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In the same floor, there was a somewhat similar one too:

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On one run, I had my first triple nuke before floor 4, meaning I could blow up an extra floor, in particular, Mortuary/Limbo. I found the necessary Invulnerability right by the start and the stairs too:

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My first run through this grind on grabbing Angelic Armor:

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Floors 5 and 7 were also nice and I was able to actually complete the run:

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In one scenario, I was able to barricade myself and pick off Arachnatrons. If you weren't already aware, they cannot destroy Napalm Barrels because of the high armor value:

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On one close run, I didn't have an Invulnerability on floor 7 as my current one was almost out, but I rolled this instead:

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And I once killed a Baron who exploded like a pinata:

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And that's it for now!
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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #19 on: July 19, 2020, 13:34 »

Day 17

One of my current goals now is to re-earn everything I had previously got and the list is getting quite short now. They are as follows:

Medals: Gargulec Cross, Thomas's Medal
Gold Badges: Strongman
Platinum Badges: Reaper, Berserker, Quartermaster, Everyman
Diamond Badges: Gatekeeper, Reaper, Berserker, Quartermaster, Scavenger
Angelic Badges: Veteran, Lightfoot

So far, I haven't earned anything that I didn't before.

I cycled around a bit with different challenges without too much success, and I was attempting a few things that would give me multiple badges in one completion, but after that I decided to just go for some easy stuff.

My first pick was Quartermaster Gold Badge, which I got in one try. It's a pretty easy challenge with the help of Max Carnage, but I had quite a bit of good luck too. On floor 7, I got a very early Assault Shotgun:

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I happened to find another one a bit later too:

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Later on, I also found a relatively early Trigun, which does still work with Red Alert:

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I didn't find much for Invulnerability, but it still got some usage:

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And otherwise, it wasn't very eventful. Very easy to get.

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After that, I played for Daredevil Platinum Badge, which likewise wasn't too much trouble or particularly interesting. I carried two nukes with me and found my first Invulnerability on Hell floor 4:

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I found another on the very next floor, nearby both the start and stairs:

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I tried to make the most of each action of Invulnerability:

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Floor 6 also tried to work with me for another, but I ran out of nukes at that point:

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And near the end, I got slightly reckless with a Mancubus and almost died. It would have been pretty annoying, but it was completely avoidable and my fault:

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And likewise, it was easy overall and nothing too eventful.

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That's it for today! I'll continue picking away at some of the easier achievements and see what I end up earning.
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]


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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #20 on: July 20, 2020, 16:47 »

Day 18

My first target today was Gatekeeper Diamond Badge. I think it goes without saying that it requires some good luck since Phobos Anomaly requires either a Phase Device or Invulnerability. After some attempts, I got a run with a Phase Device that worked out:

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I used a rocket to open up the door but blew off far more than I intended. I still was able to clear everything without getting hit, and I chipped off the edge bit with another rocket to cornershoot the Bruisers after:

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After that, it was very easy:

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With Dodgemaster, the rest of the run is essentially not getting killed to Tower of Babel. Along the way I found this:

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However, I took a look at the code before trying this challenge and knew that nuking the Cyberdemon wouldn't count. Still, it can come in handy for regular floors. I found something even better later:

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And with that, I got my Gatekeeper Diamond Badge, and a new ranking:

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Next, I went for Reaper Platinum Badge with Overconfidence and Max Carnage. It's pretty easy, just takes some luck to get to the Nuclear BFG and then defend the island. I had some good runs that all died and managed to get it on a bad one with Invulnerability and rushing towards an empty island. My Phase Device failed on me, but the lack of monsters balanced out the luck:

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For awhile, I was confused how monsters kept respawning with no Archviles in sight, forgeting that they do that on Nightmare.

I shot repeatedly into the darkness until everything was dead. For those who go for this in this manner, always aim between you and the monsters so any knockback effects send them away. After some time, I got the completion:

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Next, I went for Reaper Diamond Badge. Technically, I could have just gone for this and get both in one run, but felt like playing them separately for fun.

On one run, I found a first floor Trigun:

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I had a number of Invulnerabilities and nuked a pile of floors for quick experience. I later rolled a nasty Cacodemon cave with no proper cover:

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I later also realized I had to cross lava and with no health remaining, which was the end of the run:

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What's cool though is I got another Fallout Platinum Cross. Honestly, Trigun is one of the most OP weapons in the game and I can see myself relying on finding it for the ultra difficult challenges ahead.

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On another run that was looking good, I rolled this for Hell floor 4:

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My strategy for this badge is basically the same as before: grab the Nuclear BFG through either Phase Devices, Envirosuits, or Invulnerability, then camp until everything is dead. Invulnerability right by the stairs here is very promising.

It looked like I had a long way to go though:

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After some running around, I discovered that the door tile was one further than I saw, nice:

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I had fresh Invulnerability and one Homing Phase Device and took the coin flip risk:

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Unfortunately, I got the absolute worst pick and in trying to get to where I needed to be, I was getting walled out by projectiles and unable to move much:

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I eventually made it to the island but the Nuclear BFG had been destroyed and that was the end of the run:

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On a new run with Invulnerability still fresh after the Cyberdemon kill, I found this:

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This would mean that the Nuclear BFG would be unnecessary! I decided a Rocket Launcher would definitely be the best pick, but I could also double the rate of ammo refill on the Nuclear BFG. I also found this along the way but decided I didn't need it:

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I had a really nice floor 4:

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And it kept getting better:

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Before entering, I had a huge stack of goodies:

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After three tries of Homing Phase Devices, I got the second best spot and decided to just go with that:

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I was having trouble defending and bad spawns appeared:

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With Dodgemaster, I can normally handle Nightmare Cacodemons, but I was getting boxed in and with no cover. After burning through my Med-Paks, I decided to use my last Homing Phase Device, but with hardly any effect:

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Out of desperation, I used a regular Phase Device and it went about as well as you could guess:

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On another run, I had an interesting first floor where I could cut everything off and blow up all corpses, leaving just a Commando and I stocked up on Cells:

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Having Plasma helped a lot and I had lots of other good fortune through the way. On Hell floor 4, I had a pretty good start:

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I also rolled Limbo again and had another nice stack of items, the only main thing I was lacking was Med-Paks:

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I decided to take another risk and used a regular Phase Device, which worked out pretty well:

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Nightmare Cacodemons were swarming again, but all the Plasma I had helped a lot, and I needed almost all of it to defend my space. After quite some time with blasting Cacodemons and firing Nuclear BFG shots into the darkness, I eventually cleared Limbo.

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Overall, a pretty good day. While my rate of play will remain high, there aren't really many easy challenges left, and many of which require long runs, so I might start seeing days where I don't get anything new. I'll put in a good fight and see how things go.
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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #21 on: July 21, 2020, 13:19 »

Day 19

Today, I went for Scavenger Diamond Badge with the Azrael strategy. I tried a few times and was struggling to get really anywhere, so I switched to using the Humanity variant and got it pretty quick. It's very easy and probably the best way to get it. Humanity + Overconfidence supplies you with Ballistic Red Armor and Chainsword, and tons of Med-Paks to use Whisper of Death once arriving at The Vaults. 4 attacks are the minimum required to kill Archviles, with 5 the maximum if any Revenants get resurrected.

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After that, I decided to bring the difficulty down to Hurt Me Plenty and play for Platinum Everyman Badge and Thomas's Medal using the same strategy. I've had quite a few good runs, but it's hard to make it through the later parts of the game when running around with at most 5 HP. I didn't manage to get them just yet, but I should soon.

Here's a few interesting screenshots:

This was a silly setup for floor 1:

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And I believe this was the longest level feeling I've ever had, almost a short novel:

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On my best run with tons of gear, I rolled this for floor 4:

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I decided to save the nuke for later, and certainly not nuke Mortuary/Limbo as I need all the goodies inside. I was able to sneak in and used several Whispers of Death between all the Soulspheres and Med-Paks. When leaving, I had this:

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On floor 5, I found two more Small Med-Paks, got some extra experience to get towards Dodgemaster, and was pretty set to get a completion, but of all things that could happen, a Cacodemon stepped into a teleporter, appeared in front of me, and instantly killed me. That's how it goes.

It's a pretty fun challenge and Everyman Diamond Badge with the same strategy should be good too once I go for that later on.
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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2020, 14:22 »

Day 20

After a bit of struggling the last couple days, today was a huge success! On my first run of the day, I got Everyman Platinum Badge and Thomas's Medal with the Humanity + Overconfidence strategies!

The first floor had two Homing Phase Devices, which meant I could later skip floors 5 and 7, but I didn't want to get too excited since the hardest parts are at the beginning. After getting Azrael's Scythe, wiping The Vaults, and clearing out Limbo with some luck and more Whispers of Death, I was well set to complete. The stack of items leaving Limbo means there's enough Med-Paks for Lava Pits/Mt Erebus, Red Armor (P) for tanking the Lava Elemental, Nuclear BFG where needed, even if just for the ending, and a Soulsphere to reach a whopping 10 HP.

I had Invulnerability for Lava Pits, which ran out, but I also had an Envirosuit and killed the Lava Elemental in 2 hits:

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Then with the Homing Phase Device for floor 7 and Nuclear BFG for Dis, it was all done.

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Next, I tried for Quartermaster Platinum Badge and got that in just a few tries too! My general strategy was to use Max Carnage, kill a handful of monsters along the way to get Dodgemaster for the Cyberdemon, and stairdive for most of the whole way through.

On Deimos floor 4, I had a nice double Invulnerability:

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On floor 7, I found a Homing Phase Device while still Invulnerable and opted to use it then.

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Hell floor 1 was a bit rough:

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But I found another Homing Phase Device:

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And decided after searching through most of the level which has two staircases to hold onto it, which was a bit risky with some of the monsters that were around:

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On floor 2, while this weapon is basically useless, it's a nice source of Cells:

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Funny enough, it was good that I went to grab it or I may have had a very long level:

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Floor 3 was also a mess and while I wanted to hang onto my Homing Phase Device, I think it was the right call to use it there:

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And it was for sure:

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Floor 4 was nicer:

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And looking even better with yet another Homing Phase Device. I was a little worried about all the Archviles and Revenants though so I tried to stay above to direct their fire away from it:

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Which also revealed the stairs!

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After killing them, it seems that it was destroyed unfortunately:

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Or not:

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Floor 5 was fair, and I was lucky to have ran in the right direction:

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And with this floor 6, I had the game won!

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I did Run->Wait at Dis to end the game after.

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My next pick was Berserk + Overconfidence on Ultra-Violence with 100% kills to get me both Gargulec Cross and Berserker Platinum Badge. My general strategy for this is to get a strong floor 1, grab Azrael's Scythe, and then Run->Wait camp to kill everything on the rest of the floors. So long as you can kill basically everything in one hit, door camping is very safe, especially once getting Vampyre.

This challenge took a number of tries unlike earlier, and I had some interesting games along the way.

I had a really odd island level with intersecting bridges:

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On one run, I rolled a lever that would floor the whole level with lava, and also found a Homing Phase Device:

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My plan was to pull it, warp onto the stairs, and get an easy clear, although I wouldn't be getting Azrael's Scythe on this particular attempt:

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Unfortunately, there were a number of flying enemies, and a nearby Chaingunner who was safe on an opened door:

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I couldn't do a whole lot from here:

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On another run, I found a Trigun on floor 1!

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Also with an Invulnerability near the stairs to Unholy Cathedral:

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Unfortunately though, there were Barons hanging around there, it was a flooding level, and I had just slightly too little health to grab it.

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On another good run, I had a Revenant level, which is excellent for experience and easy kills. I left with a giant stack of Med-Packs:

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I was able to get Azrael's Scythe and not long after floor 2, got Vampyre. Getting runs up to this point can be rare, so I had to take things a bit more seriously from here. Floor 3 was nice and I was able to start door camping:

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Floor 4 was also nice:

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The entire right side of the level only had one entrance, which made camping very powerful:

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It was very helpful too since the other side was a mess:

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Because of the Tracking Map, Run->Wait was only so fast, so I slowly approached and cleared out the level. I had a pretty solid stack of items:

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Floor 5 gave me another Computer Map and revealed lots of useful items:

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I was also able to isolate very well:

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Floor 6 once again gave me a Computer Map:

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I had to play a bit aggressively as there were a ton of Archviles and Mancubi to the right, with barrels littered everywhere. Envirosuit helped a lot, but I had a few sketchy moments:

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After that side was empty, I was able to do more door camping:

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Floor 7 was a big mess of a level, but at least I found yet another Computer Map:

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Because of the angle of a vault towards a rough spot below, I decided to charge in. It's not as dangerous as it looks since the Cacodemons end up meat-shielding each other and they all get killed easily:

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I was considering using some Whispers of Death, but wasn't sure if it would be the best call to approach the Spider Mastermind with less HP. I decided not to and was able to clear the bottom without as much trouble as I expected:

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And with that, it was an easy finish!

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Next up, Berserker Diamond Badge. Like other Nightmare challenges with kill requirements, my strategy was to rush to the end, isolate an enemy, and repeatedly kill it until I'm set to finish.

This start didn't look very promising:

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On a much better run, I got to floor 4 and accidentally went to The Mortuary, thinking it was The Vaults. Lucky me, the upper-right area was pretty empty!

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And on floor 5, I found an Invulnerability to go with my Nuclear BFG:

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I decided to nuke floor 5 for the experience, get Intuition, and hopefully find some useful power-ups in the next floors. And it worked out really well!

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Floor 7 was the main floor that mattered and it had two lava rivers!

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The left side was already cut off!

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For the right side, I was going to make use of a few barrels to help. Combat Knives are really helpful for this on Berserk challenges:

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I wasn't quite sure what to do with the right side though and there was a pile of Hell Knights and Barons over there. I had most of the bodies destroyed, except one Hell Knight and hoped I could push the last barrel close enough to it:

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Not quite:

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So instead, I let the Hell Knight destroy the Mancubus corpse I was saving and went for repeated Hell Knight kills instead, which was slightly riskier:

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In any case, the setup was complete, but I had quite a few kills to get:

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I still had to fight the Spider Mastermind without dying, but I had the Chainsaw boost to help:

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And after just a small handful of runs, I got the badge!

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I now have earned all the Medals and Platinum Badges I previously got and decided to get around to the last Gold Badge, which was Strongman. I'm not sure if my strategy or playstyle is weak, but I've always felt relatively weak on challenges that require Knives and Fists only. Despite that, I got a complete luckbox run and got the badge after just a couple tries!

After an average start with some door camping, I had a bad floor 5 and had no choice but to skip Chained Court:

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Floor 7 was where things started to look really good though:

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Most of Deimos was me running around with Invulnerability and stairdiving, however, I realized my run was basically finished at the Cyberdemon with little experience and no Chainsaw. Perhaps related to my weakness on these challenges, I clearly had a major misunderstanding of how powerful Berserk really is. I started off with blasting the Cyberdemon with Plasma, took a couple hits which triggered Berserker, and charged at him with a basic Combat Knife. To my surprise, I actually managed to kill him, and with lots of health and a couple Med-Paks too!

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Hell floor 2 was a terrible start, but a Phase Device dropped me off right at the stairs!

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Floor 3 had the stairs one tile over!

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Floor 4 had an Invulnerability near the stairs, but I did have to work a little for this one at least:

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I also found this, but it was destroyed before I could grab it:

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Floor 5 put me by the stairs again!

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Floor 6 was good too!

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And floor 7 too!

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And suddenly, I was at the end of the game. I was still slightly worried about dying, but with Berserk and lots of Brute, I was still strong enough to make the Spider Mastermind flinch and took her out without too much trouble!

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Slightly insulting to be given all this merely for a Gold Badge, but I'm certainly not complaining!

I now am only missing 3 rewards that I had previously obtained: Quartermaster Diamond Badge, Veteran Angelic Badge, and Lightfoot Angelic Badge. These are all tough challenges, but I think I can get them without too much trouble. I'm definitely at the point now where I don't think I will be getting new things every day, especially since I just cleared out a lot of what I was missing just today.

My other main targets are Everyman Diamond Badge using the Azrael strategy, which isn't too much harder than doing so on HMP, and completing an Angel of 100 game on Nightmare will give me all of Dervis' Medallion, Heroic Diamond Badge, and Centurial Diamond Badge, completing my Medal count and really upping my Diamond Badge count. I've been a bit frustrated with myself for not having done it before since it's so many rewards for one run, especially since I'm a huge fan of Angel of 100, so it will be some good redemption for sure. There's lots more unfinished business ahead, and there are a lot of non-reward challenges I intend to do too once the remaining rewards start becoming more and more infeasible.
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]


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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #23 on: July 23, 2020, 03:11 »

Welcome back Icy, good to see you again... looks like you've made pretty incredible progress so far.

Got the really tough stuff left to go though - it'll be interesting to see how you handle it this time around, and if you can exceed your previous achievements.

Best of luck!
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #24 on: July 23, 2020, 13:18 »

Thanks, although I have to say, you chose an amusing time to pop in.

Day 21

I decided to start with Veteran Angelic Badge, which isn't too bad once you get through the first half of the game. If you can get to Mortuary/Limbo and grab the Nuclear BFG, it solves a good amount of problems for the run.

Last time, I got a golden run and was able to get this badge on my first try, and with that, I took this run very carefully to see if I could do it again.

To start, I found a great armor on floor 1:

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I also found a much needed weapon:

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There were also a few Mancubi and Shotgun Guys who I farmed up a bit for ammunition. 100% kills on Nightmare can be a bit of an obstacle since everything needs to be killed and then destroyed, which is very ammo-expensive.

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Floor 2 was a bit messy, but a fair challenge, and I was able to scoop up more ammo:

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Floor 3 was a maze with a vertical lava river, and I accidentally blew up the bridge, which I actually did not want because crossing over later is dangerous:

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Once again, I had tons of ammo to grab:

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Overall, a very strong start:

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Floor 4 had a horizontal lava river and was very nasty. I also almost died pretty quickly:

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After clearing the floor, I was at a tough decision as I rolled Limbo, but didn't have any of the needed supplies to take it on, in particular, Med-Paks and Phase Devices:

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I decided I would push my luck and hope I could find a nuke by chance. Floor 5 was a decent start:

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At one point, I was getting attacked by a Mancubus with few options to go from here. I decided to use my Homing Phase Device, despite it being at an angle relative to where it was firing from, hoping it wouldn't kill me:

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But it unfortunately didn't work out:

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No first try this time! This run took almost an hour though and it's pretty draining to do all that only to not get the desired luck regarding Limbo. This is the kind of thing where you can only get a few runs a day, even if you play a lot.

So I decided to try something more sprinty and a bit crazy.

I was theorycrafting a bit with Pacifist Angelic Badge and perhaps most people go with Hellrunner, but I am pretty convinced that Intuition is the optimal choice. While Hellrunner does give you more movement speed and dodging, Intuition provides you with the locations of Computer/Tracking Maps, which are invaluable, as well as Invulnerabilities and other useful powerups. While it's obviously necessary to prevent any monsters killing each other, you yourself must also survive. I would argue the movement speed difference from Hellrunner is made up for by having access to maps as well.

I also looked into the coding and the badge requires exactly 1 kill and a completed run, so no silly business here. However, it's worth noting that if a player makes it to Dis while Invulnerable, they should let it run out before nuking the Spider Mastermind, in the off-chance that JC accidentally kills something it spawns.

On my tenth attempt, with my previous best being Phobos floor 5 with no deaths, I had this happen.

To start, I had a very interesting room:

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I also found a pretty useful armor early on, which is nice for better damage reduction and movement speed compared to Blue Armor:

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Floor 4 gave me a nearby map:

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Floor 5 also gave me a Phase Device! As you need to get through Phobos Anomaly with 0 monster deaths, it's essentially mandatory to have at least one of these. Invulnerability also likely won't cut it.

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I also found both the main exit and the Chained Court and was undecided of where to go. I think the Berserks could be helpful, but I was concerned with monsters all killing themselves and decided I would look into it on a future run where I only found Chained Court. With this, I have now surpassed my previous best!

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Floor 6 gave another excellent example of the power of maps:

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I took a chance with the nearby teleporter, but it was unfortunately mostly useless:

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Things were getting dicey:

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But I managed to make it to floor 7!

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I really wanted the map if not the stairs, but I couldn't reasonably approach it:

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Even from another angle:

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But I found the stairs!

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So after all this, I still have to get very lucky with a Phase Device to skip all the early monsters. I used it and...

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I got past! I ran around the Bruisers and rolled an amazing Deimos floor 1, that also had no risk of monster kills with a Lost Soul cave!

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It got better too:

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Floor 2 also had very nearby stairs!

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And again on floor 3!

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Floor 4 was looking bad though:

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Or not! I even rolled City of Skulls, whereas Abyssal Plains would have to be skipped:

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Floor 5 was another cave, and it had Invulnerability too!

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This was getting pretty insane.

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Floor 6 didn't look too promising, but Invulnerability helps. However, I heard a Demon yell in pain and got worried:

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After exploring the starting rooms and having nowhere else to go, I had to go left and had a room of Demons with a bunch of damaging fluids. And just like that, it was all over:

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I did go the correct direction too, so there weren't really mistakes on my part:

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This was an absolutely crazy run that had ridiculous luck in it, but ultimately, I was barely half way done, getting low on supplies, and lost it due to monsters being dumb. It would honestly take me hundreds of more attempts to get another run like this, and some ungodly amount to actually complete it. I did genuinely think that this was something a player could realistically get if they played out enough runs, but after having been given everything I could have realistically imagined, I've been thoroughly convinced that this is not feasible at all.

Anyway, I've been getting struck by the same feelings I had before where the game is slowly turning from fun into a slog, despite me clearly capable of a lot more, so I'm going to take another break. For reference, I have played 150 hours in the last 3 weeks, which is more than most full-time jobs! If it wasn't obvious already, I'm generally very on/off type of person.

Hopefully the burnout is just temporary, but I have everything up to this point backed up so I won't have to redo everything again. Maybe it will be 3 days, maybe it will be 3 years, but I'm going to do some other stuff for awhile. Perhaps maintaining a daily blogging style is not the best way to approach since I unnecessarily put pressure on myself to perform, though it does get some fast results. Maybe I'll simply post in the post-mortem board section for future rewards and create an additional separate thread if I discover any more relevant strategy ideas like the Humanity Azrael strategy or JC farming, etc. We'll see!
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]


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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #25 on: July 24, 2020, 07:41 »

Ah, dammit, just when it was getting good, too...

I don't blame you, I'm very similar myself - which is why I've only just now popped back in after another long hiatus.

Pretty amazing Pacifist Angelic attempt there... I've never made it anywhere near that far myself. I think you're right though, the luck you need to complete that particular challenge is probably well above that required for anything else.

And not to tempt you as you're looking to the door, but what do you think of Speedrunner Angelic? Personally I believe it to be doable, and with a great deal less luck than Pacifist, but I suspect it would still take quite a lot of grinding to both build the right amount of intuition to play quickly enough to meet the time standard, as well as to land a run where that intuition would work out correctly for you in all critical situations.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: Another Journey to 100%
« Reply #26 on: July 24, 2020, 09:53 »

switch it up with some jupiter hell!
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