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Author Topic: Global crises and how to deal with them  (Read 9670 times)


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Global crises and how to deal with them
« on: October 21, 2020, 09:53 »

Sooooo... 2020 is not a good year when you're in a band and want to go out on stage. Not that it's a good year when you're not in a band, but hey. I personally went through a rough patch starting mid March, when the effects of virus control measures were rearing their heads. So I did what I usually do - I did a song. A solo effort again, with the big difference with previous stuff being a more pop/electro twist to due to using Renoise to program some drums, bass and synths, and supplement that with live guitars, piano, vocals and (sampled) drums.

Best thing though: I had a blast making a video for it, based around the appropriate theme of 'living room fitness'. Thankfully I found a lot of people around me willing and able to contribute, and I'm very pleased with the result.

If you find yourself in a situation where the current global madness is getting to you, please know that you're not alone, and like reading the big and friendly letters spelling DON'T PANIC, watching this video may soothe you. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did making it. Love, D.

P.S. The title's a pop culture reference. Bonus points if you can guess where it's from and why it ended up being the title for this track.
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Re: Global crises and how to deal with them
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2020, 07:35 »

Hey, great to hear from you too!

While I'm not in that dire a situation as many folks (I still have a job), it has been taking a toil on my mental health as well.

Is bad.  Remembering DON'T PANIC is non-trivial.

Here's to hoping that 2021 would be less horrific than 2020 ever was.
I computed, therefore I was.


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Re: Global crises and how to deal with them
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2020, 08:17 »

Hey, great to hear from you too!

While I'm not in that dire a situation as many folks (I still have a job), it has been taking a toil on my mental health as well.

Is bad.  Remembering DON'T PANIC is non-trivial.

Here's to hoping that 2021 would be less horrific than 2020 ever was.

Hear, hear. And no, I probably don't have it half as bad as a lot of other people, especially if you consider all the luxury still left to me, the stuff we tend to take for granted. I hope that you find a way to positively channel that energy and turn destructive into creative, much like I did. Good to know you're still up and about!
[] Current: Hell Knight 1st Lieutenant [20/12/4/0/0/0]
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