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Author Topic: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|AoTD|Angel of Shotgunnery|YAVP]  (Read 3117 times)


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[1.0.0|N!|Ma|AoTD|Angel of Shotgunnery|YAVP]
« on: October 27, 2021, 14:47 »

So I managed to  crawl my way to winning a Nightmare Angel of Shotgunnery run, which was really pleasing. Finding a jackhammer was very lucky. Finding the 'monster' unique shotgun was even better. It is pretty useless until upgraded. Initially it only does damage at all at 1-2 range, so using it without autoloader is asking to get hit. A lot. Also very fortunate to have found an AVP2 with autoloader. Crucial for the win. I found better AVP's later, but Autoloader was too important. (I turned down an AVP with a flat 20% damage boost to keep autoloader.)

I found on this run that Io was harder than Dante, though this was pretty subjective. Also, army of the dead is pretty neat. I used gas grenades to avoid the medusas as far as possible. Gas grenade, then blast into the green haze with your finest shotgun = great way to rid yourself of medusas. I prioritised gas grenades over even plasma grenades, as one does damage, but one keeps you alive.

gowq, level 16 Marine,
defeated the Harbinger against all odds.

He survived for 10533 turns.
The run time was 3h 38m 47s.
World seed was 1485.
He scored 9116 points.
He opposed the NIGHTMARE!
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!

CALLISTO L2 -> Valhalla Terminal L1
Valhalla Terminal L3 - Low Power
Valhalla Terminal L3 -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - Cleared!
Valhalla Command - found Monster
EUROPA L3 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1 - Secure Vault
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - Cleared!
IO L2 - Infestation
IO L2 -> Io Black Site L1
Io Black Site L1 - Exalted Curse
Io Black Site L3 -> Black Site Vaults
Dante Station L2 - The Hunt

  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+50)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Blind Luck Star (+50)
   * Won despite getting down to 1hp at some point
  Shottyman Platinum Badge
   * Complete AoSh on Nightmare!

He killed 858 out of 1045 enemies.

 25 former grunts           8  fire fiends
 3  corrupted grunts        22 ice fiends
 1  former CRI grunt        3  toxic fiends
 7  former grenadiers       15 CalSec sentries
 2  corrupted grenadiers    10 security sentries
 1  hellish grenadier       26 CalSec bots
 2  former CRI  grenadiers  1  security bot
 12 former soldiers         2  guardian bots
 12 corrupted soldiers      9  reavers
 3  hellish soldiers        28 cryoreavers
 1  former CRI soldier      7  toxic reavers
 8  former sergeants        29 archreavers
 2  corrupted sergeants     18 kerberi
 3  hellish sergeants       16 cyberi
 1  former CRI sergeant     10 cryoberi
 1  CRI sergeant            6  toxiberi
 23 former guards           11 medusae
 2  CRI guards              6  archmedusae
 7  former commandoes       9  ravagers
 14 corrupted commandoes    9  armored ravagers
 7  hellish commandoes      10 siege ravagers
 2  former CRI commandoes   10 plasma ravagers
 2  former heavies          23 CRI marines
 6  corrupted heavies       8  CRI bots
 2  former CRI heavies      24 guardians
 8  security drones         7  sentinels
 4  combat drones           8  warlocks
 80 fiends                  3  archwarlocks

  Ironman L2
  Furious L1
  Hellrunner L3
  Reloader L1
  Army Surplus L2
  Whizkid L1
  Angry Motherlover L2

Trait order

  Slot #1 : AV2 12ga shotgun PA
   * Frenzy 12
   * Retaliate
   * Ripper 8
   * Calibrated 1

  Slot #2 : 12ga jackhammer P
   * Ripper 8
   * Autoloader
   * Jackhammer

  Slot #3 : Monster
  Bodyduramesh scout armor
   * Duramesh

  Headbattle helmet B
   * Durable
   * Battle hardened

  UtilityAV2 shotgun AMP
   * Shotgun pellet boost
   * Shotgun autoloader

  Reliccryoreaver's claw
   * Windchill

  Medusa's Curse

  12ga shell (x50)
  12ga shell (x43)
  plasma grenade (x1)
  large combat pack
  large combat pack
  large medkit
« Last Edit: October 27, 2021, 14:51 by CaptainSublime »


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Re: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|AoTD|Angel of Shotgunnery|YAVP]
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2021, 16:26 »

Nicely done.  I have been dreading the Shotgunnery challenges as the shotgun is in such a terrible state in Jupiter Hell.  They are slow, weak, hard to maintain ammo for, counters nothing has has several hard-counters out in the darkness.  Being a shotgunner in a game with archwarlocks is just hilarious.


  • Lance Corporal
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Re: [1.0.0|N!|Ma|AoTD|Angel of Shotgunnery|YAVP]
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2021, 08:21 »

Nicely done.  I have been dreading the Shotgunnery challenges as the shotgun is in such a terrible state in Jupiter Hell.  They are slow, weak, hard to maintain ammo for, counters nothing has has several hard-counters out in the darkness.  Being a shotgunner in a game with archwarlocks is just hilarious.

Thank you. Appreciate the comment. I agree that the shotgunnery challenge is virtually impossible without certain criteria being met. I did an awful lot of runs to work all this out. (I am trying to do a nightmare shotgunnery run with a Technician now, and it is much harder than the marine run. No Hellrunner? Ugh. No army surplus? Ugh. (Scavenger helps with this though, but is not as good.) Toxicologist is great though. :)

-Hellrunner L3 is non negotiable. You must have it. Too many late game monsters will just rip you to shreds if you can't move fast.

-Autoloader is non negotiable. Either through having it on an AVP, or through Whizkid 2/3 and bulk mod packs, you have to have it. Having it on an AVP is brilliant, because you can then mod those high end shotguns like a jackhammer and Monster with non-autoloader perks, such  as point blank damage etc, zombiebane, or the one that does 25% bonus damage to exalted.

-L2 Army surplus is non negotiable. Anything beyond the first third of the game, shotgun ammo will become too scarce to have any hope of maintaining enough ammo without it.

-Army of the Dead is virtually non negotiable. It improves damage too much to ignore.

-Late game I found a vampiric mod pack, but by that time I had already filled up all my everything with mod packs, so I thought I would try to get L3 Whizkid, so I could place it on a weapon. But The game ended long before I could get near L3 Whizkid. So I dumped it on the final level.

I didn't find archwarlocks difficult actually, but only because I had L3 Hellrunner, otherwise I never would have got clear of their flame attacks, and also autoloader, to allow me to move and shoot quickly enough while avoiding flames. With those two things, even archwarlocks were easy. Without them, they would be impossible. :)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2021, 08:28 by CaptainSublime »
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