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Author Topic: [1.3.0|H|Royal|YAAM] Platinum run  (Read 4047 times)


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[1.3.0|H|Royal|YAAM] Platinum run
« on: March 17, 2022, 14:12 »

Hi everyone! Here i bring mortem of my Royal Platinum Run
I had tried lot of potential platinum before i realized, that royal one looks little bit less difficult.
So, i got it in very few tries.
To achieve vin in this challenge you just need to get one/two good piercing pistols from Callisto Docking Bay, catch gunslinger trait and then just clear all in a row.

My main mistakes were lost all my 9mm ammo and wearing off red key helmet.
Although it is enought to have one normal pistol in final battle.
Deathgaze is fun relic, but not mantatory to get ))

Terra 130, level 14 Scout,
defeated The Summoner against all odds.

He survived for 12100 turns.
The run time was 3h 18m 37s.
World seed was 4086.
He scored 7846 points.
He liked it HARD!
He took the royal way!

CALLISTO L1 -> Callisto Docking Bay
Callisto Docking Bay - Cleared!
Callisto Docking Bay -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - found Scrapgun
Military Barracks - Cleared!
Military Barracks -> The Rift
The Rift - Cleared!
The Rift -> Callisto Anomaly
Callisto Anomaly - Cleared!
Callisto Anomaly -> Valhalla Command
Valhalla Command - Cleared!
Valhalla Command -> MDF Central
MDF Central - Cleared!
MDF Central -> Valhalla Spaceport
EUROPA L1 -> Refueling Base
Refueling Base - Cleared!
Refueling Base -> The Pit
The Pit - Cleared!
The Pit -> Containment Area
Containment Area - Cleared!
Containment Area -> Tyre Outpost
Tyre Outpost - Cleared!
Tyre Outpost -> Asterius Breach
Asterius Breach - Cleared!
Asterius Breach -> Frozen Temple
Frozen Temple - Cleared!
Frozen Temple -> Europa Central Dig
IO L1 -> Io Warehouse
Io Warehouse - Cleared!
Io Warehouse - found Wavesplitter
Io Warehouse -> Infernal Lock
Infernal Lock - Cleared!
Infernal Lock -> Black Site Vaults
Black Site Vaults - Cleared!
Black Site Vaults -> CRI Armory
CRI Armory - Cleared!
CRI Armory -> Noxious Hollow
Noxious Hollow - Cleared!
Noxious Hollow -> Dark Cathedral
Dark Cathedral - Cleared!
Dark Cathedral -> Gateway
BEYOND L1 -> Precipice of Defeat

  Medal of Prejudice (+200)
   * Won with 100% kills
  CRI Star (bronze cluster) (+50)
   * 25+ kills without taking damage
  Conqueror Ribbon (+200)
   * Completed all encountered special levels
  Royal Bronze Badge
   * Complete 8 special levels in Royal Trial
  Royal Silver Badge
   * Complete the Royal Trial
  Royal Gold Badge
   * Fully complete (all levels) the Royal Trial
  Royal Platinum Badge
   * Fully complete the Royal Trial on Hard+

He killed 427 out of 427 enemies.

 13 former grunts           4  military sentries
 1  former CRI grunt        18 CalSec bots
 2  former grenadiers       2  security bots
 2  corrupted grenadiers    6  military bots
 3  former soldiers         2  guardian bots
 13 hellish soldiers        26 reavers
 1  former CRI soldier      35 cryoreavers
 2  former sergeants        28 toxic reavers
 2  hellish sergeants       28 archreavers
 2  former CRI sergeants    10 kerberi
 8  former guards           3  cyberi
 2  corrupted guards        8  cryoberi
 1  former commando         5  toxiberi
 10 hellish commandoes      6  medusae
 2  corrupted heavies       2  archmedusae
 1  hellish heavy           10 ravagers
 2  security drones         5  armored ravagers
 7  combat drones           5  siege ravagers
 31 fiends                  2  plasma ravagers
 31 fire fiends             5  CRI marines
 29 ice fiends              15 CRI bots
 3  toxic fiends            10 MDF sentries
 3  security sentries

  Dash L3
  Hellrunner L2
  Son of a Gun L2
  Dodgemaster L1
  Gunslinger L2

Trait order

  Slot #1 : 7.62 pierce rifle
   * Vampiric 2
   * Anti-armor

  Slot #2 : AV2 7.62 sidearm +P
   * Fresh Mag 3
   * Auto-calibrated
   * Molten 3
   * Hunter 4

  Body : AV3 combat armor A
   * Painkiller
   * Swift
   * Silent

  Head : ENV helmet A
   * Long-range tracking
   * Heatvision 6
   * Darkvision
   * Sealed
   * Fire-resistant
   * Padded

  Utility : AV3 pistol AMP
   * Pistol focus mode
   * Pistol booster

  Relic : medusa's eye
   * Deathgaze

  Relic Corruption
  CRI backpack
  CRI backpack

  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x100)
  energy cell (x17)
  7.62 ammo (x100)
  7.62 ammo (x88)
  9mm ammo (x18)
  combat pack (x2)
  stimpack (x1)
  large medkit
  large medkit
  large medkit
Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel [26/19/13/4/0]
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