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Author Topic: [N!|ArchAoHu|18%|YASD] Hell 5 Death  (Read 5479 times)


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[N!|ArchAoHu|18%|YASD] Hell 5 Death
« on: November 07, 2022, 20:42 »

Today's been my first day of grinding for Everyman Angelic Badge and on my first run up to and past the Cyberdemon, I managed to push all the way to Hell 5. Unfortunately, I rolled some very unfortunate luck and couldn't escape out of the situation.

Despite praising Reloader in my study, I've ultimately switched to Hellrunner realizing just how little shooting there really is and given that, speed is absolutely necessary.

One trick I accidentally found while playing out games was that if an enemy is killed on the edge of Phobos Base Entry, they are unable to respawn, which has made getting starts easier and a fair bit faster. Getting to The Chained Court is the hard part and every run so far that has made it there has also made it to Deimos. Given that, if I can string together enough good fortune with close stairs, Berserk Packs, and Invulnerabilities, this challenge is absolutely doable.

Onto the run itself, the first several floors were standard, and then I got an excellent Phobos floor 7.

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Deimos floor 2 was also absolutely fantastic.

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Here, I was heavily split on what to do. City of Skulls is perfectly safe to run through, but it would have burned a lot of Berserk. On the other hand, if there were a swarm of enemies to the right, I might have taken heavy damage. I opted to go for the normal stairs and fortunately only had to kill a Former Human.

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This floor was very tempting, but ultimately went immediately for the stairs and still had to burn through 2 Med Packs anyway.

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This was an excellent floor and I was ready to fight the Cyberdemon with some heavy Berserk duration and still some Med Packs. With the math I did in my study thread, Chainsaw (B) was ready to go!

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I got a bit greedy, but was forced to immediately take the stairs.

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I had a fortunate Cyberdemon fight and tore it apart! Hell 1 was overall pretty nice.

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Because of the position of the barrel and all the fluids, I had no realistic option but to run to the right and blast away. Unfortunately though, I could hear Archvile noises.

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When turning the corner, I just about got blasted to almost certain death into the acid, but dodged! Praise Hellrunner!

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Going around the corner, there was a Computer Map that revealed a lot of goodies, but unfortunately I just couldn't go for them.

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Wishing I had Reloader!

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Even with running, fluids are brutal on this challenge and they cut off everything.

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Scary start, but it was home free.

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Things are starting to get really serious here. I did a pot shot down left and heard a bunch of Mancubi and was forced to run upwards. I found an Envirosuit!

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From here, I charged between the boxes to draw as little attention as possible, and have a ton of defense against fire.

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This was a brutal call. While I did have a Phase Device, The Mortuary was simply way too risky and I opted to charge through the maze, with the backup plan of heading back if it was too packed.

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Fortunate entry into the maze.

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I was very lucky it was only Lost Souls and Pain Elementals, and had an easy escape.

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This is finally where things started to look grim, despite only 3 floors from the Spider Mastermind, who I was absolutely confident I would destroy if I could get there. Given that this is a maze level and the stairs are literally on the complete opposite side, I dashed for the Phase Device and hoped for the best.

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Using Chainsaw (B), I was lucky to get mostly hits, especially without Berserk. But I turned the corner and had this mess.

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I could hear a Mancubus directly to the left, so I figured with my fire resistance that I would charge at the Archvile and hopefully be able to get around.

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I was on the verge of getting eaten, but a Revenant blew up most of the Demons and I survived with 1 HP left!

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Unfortunately, the corner had a clog of Demons that I couldn't use Shotgun knockback through, so I had no choice but to run back down.

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And unfortunately, I got blown up.

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Here's the mortem:

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Pretty dang good for my first day of trying for this, 18 serious attempts for the badge, 3 runs past Phobos, and 1 run past Deimos. I'm going to commit to grinding for this badge and I'm going to get it!
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]
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