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Author Topic: [M|ArchAo666|100%|YAAM] Sharpshooter Full Clear (with partial video)  (Read 4648 times)


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I've started and stopped a few Archangel of 666 games, usually after finishing testing a build and then getting bored, but this time I decided to finish up the game. With the new version being worked on, I figured this would be a good last hurrah for version which I've been playing off and on for about 10 years.

With Sharpshooter, damage is incredibly consistent and good for planning, and has the best ammo efficiency of almost any build. Full clearing 666 still mostly devolves to getting Biggest Fucking Gun and cleaning up after, of which Sharpshooter is decent at, but there are definitely better builds for it. One of the nice things with Pistols and Son of a Gun x5 though is with a firing speed of 0.1s, it gives the fastest action speed while still being able to recharge the BFG, keeping enemies in place as much as possible.

As I wasn't anticipating finding a pile of Nano Packs, the last three traits of Eagle Eye x2 and Reloader went to waste and would have better as Finesse x2 and Juggler. The former three were for Grammaton Cleric Beretta, which didn't see too much use overall really.

Compared to my other 666 full clears, this time I didn't have Tough as Nails x3 or Badass x2, and I found myself needing to be less aggressive and healing more since I only had half health and took more damage. I also overlooked that this would damage my armor more, which was an issue at a few points. Still, this was HNTR so it wasn't a huge deal. I also ended up using Cerberus equipment for the most part as Inquisitor Set and Phaseshift Set weren't sturdy enough without the extra defensive traits.

Sharpshooter is a very good trait, even with a tough start, but it's not particular great at full clearing long games like this.

Overall, this was a pretty fun game and I've now done a 666 full clear with each class.


Some highlights:

On the very first floor due to a lucky vault, I was able to get Red Armor (P). This is a really nice help for a build that starts off weak:

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Early Gothic Armor was a nice find:

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Getting Whizkid a bit later than I normally would, my inventory was getting stacked with mod packs:

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Early Malek's Armor was also nice:

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I already had my end-game armor by floor 27, which actually was a lot later than it could have been if I invested in Whizkid early:

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Hot start:

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Split islands:

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Very goofy vault:

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Another hot start:

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While Storm Bolter Pistol was my primary weapon for awhile, Energy Pistol was really nice for an additional ammo type, and being able to punch holes into walls:

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Nano Pack on floor 95:

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Hot start, or maybe a cold one I guess:

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Grammaton Cleric Beretta on floor 99, which was mostly a boss killer early on:

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Another hot start:

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Silly Archvile line:

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On a floor I was preparing to nuke, something at the edge of my vision caught my eye:

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It was a bit of a puzzle to grab, but I did get it:

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Horrendous inventory as I was waiting to find a Combat Pistol to make my end-game weapon:

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Interesting floor:

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Trigun exactly 100 floors after GCB, which was a nice power upgrade:

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More Nano Packs. With this, I went for Biggest Fucking Gun (N):

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Finally on floor 256, I found a Combat Pistol:

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Going for a strike:

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Another Nano Pack. I used this one for Antigrav Phaseshift Boots:

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And another:

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I decided to go for a nice explosion here:

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The explosion gave a hefty wall of text in my messages:

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Another split island, this one with a vault:

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Found Dragonslayer, but not using it for this game:

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Found it a second time too:

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Finally found Inquisitor Boots, but didn't end up using them much anyway:

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Double nuke room near the end of my game:

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Saw another Nano Pack on the second last floor. I likely blew up some throughout the game, but this one survived:

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Final stats screen:

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Here's the mortem

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