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Author Topic: ( BETA 1) [M|AoOC+AoB|6%|YAVP] Zen Master's Cross  (Read 7999 times)


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( BETA 1) [M|AoOC+AoB|6%|YAVP] Zen Master's Cross
« on: September 07, 2023, 20:36 »

While there is discussion to not have the medal Zen Master's Cross, I decided to try to go for it anyway. The medal requires that all kills are in the "other" category, as opposed to "fists", "knives", "pistols", or "shotgun". Other kills only seemingly count in-fighting, nukes, enemies dying in fluids, and other means of kills that are not directly from your weapon. One of the nice new features is that if for example, you are holding a Shotgun and a Demon dies in acid, it doesn't count as a "shotgun" kill but an "other" kill. Note that weapons of different categories such as Chainsaw, Rocket Launcher, etc will still count towards your kills in a general sense. The stipulation for this medal is that "Other" kills matches your total kills.

I figured the easiest way to earn this is Angel of Overconfidence + Angel of Berserk, so that I start near the end of the game, and can grab the Nuclear BFG as a way to kill The Spider Mastermind since there aren't any other ways to kill it. After a few tries, I got it pretty fast.

I saved the Chainsaw boost until entering Mortuary.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And lucky me, there were no Archviles on the right side.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

After that, I continued on my way to the Spider Mastermind, blew up Dis, and got this strange medal!

Here's the mortem:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


As amusing as this was, I still think this medal should be swapped for a different idea.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2023, 20:53 by Icy »
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]
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