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Author Topic: My mortem dump thread and progression record to as close to 100% as I can get  (Read 21438 times)

Omega Tyrant

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This thread is to document the mortems for all the badges and medals I obtained in, as for most of them I did not feel like making individual threads here for (and so the Post Mortem board does not get flooded with my runs). This also records my progression to 100% (or rather how close I can get, given how some of the Angelic badges are currently realistically impossible). I additionally will be using a scoring system I devised to track how "close" I'm getting to 100%, which is being used instead of just doing a flat percentage of every badge/medal because it would be silly to treat a Bronze badge of equal weight to an Angelic badge. The scoring system is as follows:

*Each Bronze badge is worth 1 point
*Each Silver is worth 2 points
*Each Gold is worth 4 points
*Each Platinum is worth 8 points
*Each Diamond is worth 16 points
*Each Angelic is worth 32 points.
*Each Medal is worth 3 points.

While badges can vary significantly in difficulty in each tier (e.g. Brick and Lava Silver have probably been obtained less than most Golds and even some Platinums, whereas Gatekeeper Diamond is easier than most Platinums), the difficulty average of each badge tier is roughly twice as hard as the preceding tier, and doing it this way, I won't get bogged down with trying to attribute specific subjective scores to every individual badge. Then there are medals that are tricky to score, as there is no discrete tiering with them, and they range wildly in difficulty from Bronze level (Arena Bronze and Hell Arena Champion are literally the same thing) to harder than most Platinums (few people have probably ever gotten Hell Arena Pwnage or Chessmaster's Cross, and Dervis' Medallion is literally the same thing as Centurial Diamond). For simplicity sake, each medal will be assigned 3 points regardless of difficulty, so again I don't get bogged down with assigning subjective scores to every individual medal and so the maximum score ends up at a clean 1500 ((26*1)+(26*2)+(26*4)+(26*8)+(26*16)+(17*32)+(50*3)=1500)

First standard HMP run for many Bronze/Silver/Gold badges and medals

This is my first run of the official release (well I had one run before, but I tested an old telefragging bug that someone reported, and after it was confirmed fixed, I decided to kill myself by telefragging to see if you got a funny death message for it, unfortunately you don't :( ). The Unlock All setting was bugged in the release version, with it not unlocking the harder difficulties, so I had to start off with a standard HMP game. I did a quick run through with the currently broken Vampyre in a mostly uneventful run that gathered up many of the easy badges and medals, other than me taking a detour to obtain Iron Skull for the first time (which thankfully had its requirement reduced to a less absurd 5000 damage). Still a tedious medal, but I didn't need to spend too much time on it, as getting halfway there at City Of Skulls, and then just taking many lava baths before picking up healing items/powerups in the second half of the game was enough to get me to 5000 damage.

Badge count - [12|4|2|0|0|0] Medal count - 9/50 Score - 55/1500 (3.67%)

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First standard UV run for Veteran and Elite Platinum, as well as some more medals and several Golds/Silvers/Bronzes

Here is my first official UV run of I advanced enough as a player that I can consistently fully beat standard UV with virtually any build and don't need to make any thorough plans for it, so I just went with my favorite build of Shottyhead here. Aside from picking up some more Silvers and Golds, I reobtained Veteran and Elite Platinum here, while also picking up the Hell Arena's Key and Shambler Head (the latter of which I believe is the first time I got it outside of AoMC). Nearly picked up the Angelic Pin too, but making Nano Shrapnel with the Double Shotgun proved to be a mistake as I couldn't hit things outside my vision with it without shooting at very specific angles, so I tried waiting the center of Mortuary behind the walls for cover after clearing out one side, where an Imp then got a double move and hit me (I thought Imps couldn't do that to Scouts, but maybe wait was changed to no longer be affected by the Scout's speed bonus?).

Badge count - [13|6|6|2|0|0] Medal count - 14/50 Score - 107/1500 (7.13%)

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Quick run for Pacifist badges and Icarus + Compet-n medals

For the official release, I opted to not use the Unlock All option, as I wanted to see how quickly I could unlock everything. So after the UV run, I went for the quick Angel Of Pacifism run to get another rank of unlocks, which took some attempts, and in one of those failed ones I got Pacifism Bronze (excluded the mortem here because I forgot about it initially and trying to edit it back into this first post later had it hitting the character limit, while I didn't feel like editing all the posts to fit it in chronologically, surely no one cares about the mortem for a Bronze badge?). In less than an hour I was able to get a successful run, picking up the Pacifism Bronze to Gold badges, as well as all the Icarus and Compet-n crosses, which got me enough medals to get Heroic Silver too.

Badge count - [14|8|7|2|0|0] Medal count - 19/50 Score - 131/1500 (8.73%)

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UV A100 run for Centurial Bronze to Platinum

Next up I went for an A100 run once it was unlocked, easily my favorite challenge mode, and throughout all my time playing DRL, I have probably put as much or more time into A100 runs than I have playing standard games. Again I can make about any build work in A100 on UV (I even did a 100% UV A100 run with Entrechment once during the beta process), but went with Scavenger here. Part of it is because Scavenger is really fun in A100 (especially so with letting Scavenger now disassemble any type of equipment), but part of it is I also wanted to build as many assemblies I can, particularly the annoying ones that require rare weapons and/or rare mods, to both build towards the Technician badges and to get them out of the Schematics pool for Armory/Deimos Lab (unfortunately has not changed how Schematics drop, so you want to get all the assemblies done ASAP so you don't have them cost you a crucial rare mod in any of the harder challenge runs). There was still quite a few I was unable to make (quite annoying I didn't find a single BFG nor Chainsaw despite them being made less rare in, but I was able to get the majority of assemblies done, while thanks to Technicians getting the newly added WK3, I was able to build the ultimate pistol to completely eradicate the lategame (a P3N2S2 Combat Pistol, a 3d6 Combat Pistol that was effectively Nanomachic and retained its accuracy against out-of-sight enemies). With this run, I get the Centurial Bronze to Platinum badges done, as well as the Experience Medal.

Badge count - [15|10|8|3|0|0] Medal count - 20/50 Score - 151/1500 (10.07%)

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Zen Master's Cross AoOC run for many annoying medals, Heroic Gold, and Daredevil Gold added new some medals, four of which are the Pacifism Medal (win with 10% or less kills outside of AoPc), the Shotgunnery and Marksmanship Crosses (win with all your kills being with fists and shotguns or pistols respectively, outside of AoSh and AoMr), and the Zen Master's Cross (win without directly killing anything outside of AoPc). These medals are quite annoying (especially the Shotgunnery and Marksmanship Crosses that feel pointless when we already got weapon-locked challenges), but in the beta testing I discovered that going for the Zen Master's Cross will get all those medals, as well as the Malicious Knives Cross and Sunrise Iron Fist, due to a technicality in the coding where those medals are earned by not recording a kill with any disqualifying weapon. So if you don't kill anything directly... you don't record any disqualifying kills, and thus you'll obtain all of them in a pseudo-pacifist run.

With that in mind, I just did some quick AoOC runs on HNTR playing a stair-diving pacifist, nabbing the Nuclear BFG from Mortuary/Limbo, and then nuking the Mastermind. It took a few attempts, but you don't need to get that lucky to win this way. With a whopping six new medals from this run, I get enough for Heroic Gold, and also pick up Daredevil Gold too.

Badge count - [15|10|10|3|0|0] Medal count - 26/50 Score - 177/1500 (11.80%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:11 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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UV AoMr run for Marksman Bronze to Platinum, Arena Gold, and Brick Silver

Next up is a standard UV Angel of Marksmanship run. For some reason I did a bunch of those in the beta testing, and went from being not very well versed with pistols to being quite proficient with them (still far prefer most other builds though). Aside from knocking out the Marksman badges up to Platinum and getting Arena Gold, I also aimed to get Brick Silver, which is perhaps the least obtained Silver badge in the game (it was in fact the very last Silver I got back in, finally making the effort to get it shortly before renewed development). I played a Sharpshooter, because despite its serious flaws, it's easily my favorite Pistol mastery (though not a high bar when the other Pistol masteries suck), and because I don't want to play Scavenger too much (another very viable pick for AoMr, which I think is actually better). If you want to near-guarantee getting Brick Silver, you also need to play Sharpshooter or Scavenger or masterless Technician, because you need either the consistent max damage or SoB to break through The Wall before burning too much ammo and need to be able to build an Energy or Demolition Pistol before you reach The Wall/Containment Area (which non-Technicians otherwise need to get two levels of Fin first before they can get WK, not an easy thing for pistol builds that need so many other traits). Despite Sharpshooter's notoriously awful early game, I get through Phobos first try. Additionally during this run I was lucky enough to find a second Sniper mod immediately after Deimos Lab and then a Combat Pistol on the floor right after, getting a 2S Combat Pistol pretty early (though I nearly threw the game right after in Containment Area by getting too complacent, a Sharpshooter with a 2S Combat Pistol is very much not invincible). Unfortunately the game ended up being really stingy with power mods and I couldn't triple P mod it, nor even double P mod until near the end, but the luck gotta balance out. I found a third Sniper mod too at the end of the game, but with nothing to use it on, I slapped it on the Combat Pistol for the hell of it despite three Sniper mods currently having no extra effect.

Badge count - [16|12|12|4|0|0] Medal count - 26/50 Score - 198/1500 (13.20%)

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HMP AoD run for Hunter Bronze to Gold but no Arachno Silver

I ended up posting this in its own Post Mortem thread, as I believe it's the first legitimate AoD Conqueror. Unfortunately I got Halls of Carnage instead of Spider's Lair, so I'll need to do another AoD run for Arachno Silver.

Badge count - [17|13|13|4|0|0] Medal count - 26/50 Score - 205/1500 (13.67%)

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UV AoI run for Eagerness Bronze to Platinum, Lava Silver, and Chessmaster's Token, in addition to picking up Technician Gold and Mastermind's Brain

I posted this in its own Post Mortem thread, as I believe it is the first AoI Conqueror run (thanks House Of Pain!).

Badge count - [18|15|15|5|0|0] Medal count - 28/50 Score - 232/1500 (15.47%)

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Failed HMP fist run for Strongman Diamond with Fallout Gold Cross

This is a failed attempt at getting Strongman Diamond. Despite fixing kill attribution issues (notably indirect kills are no longer attributed to the weapon you have equipped, making this badge a lot less annoying), I found out that missing a shot that explodes a barrel which then kills an enemy, counts as a kill for the weapon you shot with. And it happened early in the run too, but I played on as I wanted to see if that would count or not, well it wasted my time but now you know not to blow up barrels with guns or knives if you want Strongman Diamond. I wouldn't post this mortem here, but I picked up the Fallout Gold Cross for the first time in it (after learning from Icy that you don't need to stay around and survive the nuke going off, just activating them counts, so I set some off I found to get this medal), so here it is for record progression sake.

Badge count - [18|15|15|5|0|0] Medal count - 29/50 Score - 235/1500 (15.67%)

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Successful fist run for Strongman Bronze to Diamond and picking up Gambler's Shield

Normally a Diamond mortem would unquestionably be worth posting on its own, but since I already obtained Strongman Diamond before (as my very first Diamond badge in fact, and I posted it here), I didn't feel like posting a thread for it. The second attempt for Strongman Diamond went smoothly and I earned this usually tedious badge pretty quickly (sub-3 hour runs are uncommon for me); I would just pistol formers, imps, and Lost souls once to get their attention and then punch them (a Pistol with no power mod, SoG, or SoB can never kill them in one shot), then pistol bigger enemies to wound them until they got closer (saving shotguns to weaken very big enemies who I was sure there was no weaker enemy around behind them to get hit in the spread). Once Vampyre kicked in, with how OP it is in, I didn't need to worry about gradual wear, and I ended up doing most of the special levels (only skipping Hell's Arena because it would have burned too many armors and medkits I need early, and then skipped Mortuary because it wasn't worth the risk). I also picked up Gambler's Shield along the way despite having no Intuition, as Vampyre made them have very little risk and so I kept hitting levers in Deimos and Hell to try getting this annoying medal out of the way, luckily finding enough to succeed.

Badge count - [19|16|16|6|1|0] Medal count - 30/50 Score - 269/1500 (17.93%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:14 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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Standard UV run with Fireangel for Gatekeeper Silver and Diamond plus picking up the Angelic Pin

Another Diamond badge down, that I also didn't post a thread for as I've gotten Gatekeeper Diamond before. While Fireangel is normally one of the weaker masteries, it shines for this badge, as no damage rocket jumps means you don't need a phase device or floor 7 Invuln to reliably get past the Anomaly ambush without damage; blow up the door on the other side, activate run before triggering the ambush, and then rocket jump through. There is still some luck involved, as you might get a low damage roll on your rocket jump that doesn't send you far enough, but running and the requisite Hellrunner makes the odds low that you'll get hit after the jump, then you just have to slowly pick away at the ambush enemies from out of sight with the Tactical Shotgun until they die, and then repeat the same for the Bruisers (though you can also blow up the center wall that is destructible to create a nice corner shooting spot). Then no damaging the Cyberdemon after is trivial when you have Dodgemaster, and Fireangel ensures even if you get an unlucky spawning spot with him that leaves you cornered so you can't avoid splash damage, you still won't take any damage (the only way to fail getting the no damage on him with Fireangel is for him to get a lucky direct shot from out-of-vision that you dodge in to, or you for some reason let him corner you into unavoidable melee range). Overall I would definitely say this is the easiest Diamond badge that isn't pure grind, getting this first try, and as long as you're good enough to beat UV with a weaker mastery and can beat all the tough special levels in Phobos (as you need to do them to ensure you get Fireangel before Anomaly), you can get this badge without any serious grinding. Also thanks to an Invuln on Hell 4 and having a Nanomachic Rocket Launcher, I manage to pick up my first Angelic Pin in, and also my first Angelic Pin ever that wasn't in AoMC.

Badge count - [19|17|16|6|2|0] Medal count - 31/50 Score - 290/1500 (19.33%)

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UV AoMC run for Destroyer Bronze to Platinum and Untouchable Pin + Medal for Heroic Platinum

Back in, Destroyer Platinum was one of the first Platinums I got and I was under the impression it was an easy one, but when doing several casual AoMC runs over the years, I actually had some trouble avoiding taking over 200 damage. So I was thinking I maybe got lucky in obtaining it many years ago, but when I seriously tried for it in, I got it first try (skipping Phobos Lab definitely helped, when the ambush is a lot of unavoidable damage if you don't have a phase device), and came very close to getting the Untouchable Cross for the first time too (finishing with 60ish damage taken). Getting the Untouchable Pin and Medal also nets me enough medals to get Heroic Platinum.

Badge count - [20|18|17|8|2|0] Medal count - 33/50 Score - 319/1500 (21.27%)

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UV AoH run for Everyman Gold to Diamond and all the AoH-exclusive medals

Since this is my first new Diamond badge in that I never got in, and being one of the rarest badges to boot, I of course posted the mortem in its Post Mortem thread. Very happy with how it turned out, not even having to make a real grind for it, and I also got it recorded as well (you can watch it on Youtube here)

Badge count - [20|18|18|9|3|0] Medal count - 36/50 Score - 356/1500 (23.73%)

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UV AoSh run for Shottyman Bronze to Gold

A bit underwhelming to followup Everyman Diamond, but hey may as well get these easy badges out of the way when I don't feel like playing AoSh on Nightmare yet. I went Gunrunner at least instead of my usual Shottyhead or the significantly buffed Army Of The Dead to make it a bit more interesting, and while most of the item finds in this run were unideal or came too late to matter, Gunrunner is viable enough to make it work with unideal luck.

Badge count - [21|19|19|9|3|0] Medal count - 36/50 Score - 363/1500 (24.20%)

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Very quick HMP run for Speedrunner Bronze to Gold

I decided to try some quick attempts at the Speedrunner badges to inch farther closer to getting all the Bronze/Silver/Gold badges again, and I ended up getting Speedrunner Gold in yet another first try. I remember Speedrunner taking me a bit of grinding when I got it back in, so it's nice to get this badge done in a single try, especially as I do not like seriously speedrunning games myself (though I like spectating speedruns, especially Doom speedruns).

Badge count - [22|20|20|9|3|0] Medal count - 36/50 Score - 370/1500 (24.67%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:18 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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UV AoP run with Entrenchment for Inquisitor Gold + Platinum

To make reobtaining Inquisitor Gold and Platinum more interesting, I went with Entrenchment (likely the only time you'll see it in this thread), widely considered the worst mastery in and certainly still is in when it's the only one of the bad masteries to not get directly buffed. For what should have been a hard challenge, it ended up going surprisingly well, much easier than when I went for this badge many years ago with my favorite mastery. This wasn't really by any surprise value of Entrenchment, rather than my own advancement as a player since then and some pretty good luck, including finding an early Combat Shotgun, lots of vaults, the RNG being generous with large medkits and me being able to obtain them before Hell Nobles nabbed them, lots of Bulk mods, and most importantly, a Nano mod from Deimos Lab. Entrenchment becomes actually functional when you can build a Nanomachic Plasma Rifle, but any build with SoB + EE can near guaranteed win with that weapon, yet won't suffer if they can't build it, so it's not a real endorsement for Entrenchment. Unfortunate I couldn't complete the rare AoP Conqueror, as with no Finesse, I can't outspeed the Angel of Death without building a Ripper (which would have been a huge waste of mods) and didn't get a Hatred Skull nor could find a good melee armor to beat him straightup, and I wasn't going to waste my time throwing knives, so I had to skip the Cathedral (if only that Mjollnir spawned in Hell 3 or before instead of Hell 7...).

On one more note, the other rare mod in Deimos Lab was replaced by one of those fucking Schematics, which could have been ok as it was for Anti-grav Boots, the last advance assembly I'm missing and thus it would get me Technician Platinum. But turns out Schematics count as a powerup, so I couldn't pick it up and that Schematic spawn ended up being even more of a waste than usual, while that badge will end up having to wait a bit longer (I could have actually assembled those boots with the aforementioned Nano mod, but a Nanomachic Plasma Rifle was again too critical to give up). With the Inquisitor badges, my Gold count exceeds my Silver count (not too unusual, I got all the Golds in before all the Silvers), and my Platinum count reaches double digits, while my Score has exceeded the 25% completion mark.

Badge count - [22|20|21|10|3|0] Medal count - 36/50 Score - 382/1500 (25.47%)

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HNTR AoRA run for Quartermaster Bronze to Gold and Skull Silver

I posted this in its own Post Mortem thread, as it looks to be the second AoRA conqueror ever (couldn't claim the first as Papilio did it several years ago, but still a rare enough achievement for me to find it worth its own thread).

Badge count - [23|22|22|10|3|0] Medal count - 36/50 Score - 391/1500 (26.07%)

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UV AoMs run with Malicious Blades for Masochist Gold + Platinum and Technician Platinum

I posted this in its own Post Mortem thread, as it is the first UV pure AoMs Conqueror run. Also picked up Technician Platinum here as I was finally able to build Antigrav Boots and thus finish all the advanced assemblies.

Badge count - [23|22|23|12|3|0] Medal count - 36/50 Score - 411/1500 (27.40%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:20 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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UV AoB run for Berserker Bronze to Platinum and Gargulec Cross

When attempting to get Berserker Platinum and the Gargulec Cross back, I was going to try doing it with Survivalist for a bit more fun. But I quickly ditched that, as I realized that the already annoyingly luck-based nature of early AoB gets exasperated to a very annoying degree without having Berserker. I wanted to do something different from Vampyre since, aside from feeling a little dirty using Vampyre to get any badge, I already used it to get Berserker Platinum and Gargulec Cross back in, but the only other possible option that wouldn't take an annoyingly long grind was Blademaster, which I've already been using frequently and have farther plans to use, so I just went with Vampyre to get it over with.

Even with Vampyre, UV AoB is still very tough early on, and it can take several attempts before you get a doable run, as the math just doesn't work out in your favor without good luck with medkits, armors, powerups, and favorable level generation. Sure enough, I couldn't pull off a sixth consecutive first try badge here and died quite a few times. For the winning run though, I got some good luck with a floor 2 vault that had a Red Armor plus Large Medkit, and even only had Lost Souls instead of Pinkies so I didn't have to lose that much health retrieving them. With that Red Armor, in conjunction with some good luck with the second wave's spawns being closed enough to wipe out in a Berserker chain, I was able to clear UV Hell Arena in AoB for my first time, and I also even only needed to burn one Large Medkit too, so I came out profitting in Large Medkits and a fresh Blue Armor at the expense of a damaged Red Armor (that later got turned Nanofiber after The Chained Court). I then later got a bunch of Phase Devices and a Homing Phase before The Wall/Containment Area, and then the latter level spawned where you need much less luck to phase past its wall, so I decided to risk the Gargulec Cross there and it worked. With Hell Arena and Containment Area taken care of, the big obstacles to the AoB Conqueror were done, and so alongside getting the Berserker badges and Gargulec Cross back, I got my first AoB Conqueror clear. That leaves Angel of Shotgunnery, Light Travel, and Purity as the only challenges left that I haven't completed a Conqueror run in (excluding the Arch challenges and challenges where it's technically impossible). Also got a Nano mod at the end, but unfortunately I already put other mods on my Phaseshift Boots so I couldn't turned them Antigrav and couldn't even make Power Armor, so that Nano mod just got stashed to look pretty in my inventory (not that it mattered though, as the run was won at that point).

Annoyingly, I didn't get the Gargulec Medal, despite other lesser versions of medals being awarded alongside their greater counterparts if you haven't gotten them before (as seen in my previous mortems here), so I'll need to do another run of AoB on a lower difficulty just to get it. I guess its coding specifies HNTR or HMP as a requirement, rather than HNTR or greater?

Badge count - [24|23|24|13|3|0] Medal count - 37/50 Score - 429/1500 (28.60%)

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Quick HNTR AoB + AoOC run for Gargulec Medal

I plan to avoid exploiting dual-angel cheese, as I feel it really cheapens badges and medals to get them that way, but since I should have gotten the Gargulec Medal alongside the Gargulec Cross in the Berserker Platinum run, I'm just doing a quick AoOC run to get that medal instead of doing another full 100% AoB run. The provision to start you with a Chainsaw when you mix AoB with AoOC is very nice; aside from significantly reducing the amount of luck needed to survive early AoB, I was also able to exploit the "drop the Chainsaw and then pick it up for a free Berserk" trick to survive the starting room of House Of Pain, which additionally had a Duelist Armor and Malek's Armor at the end of it to ensure the rest of the run went without a hitch.

Badge count - [24|23|24|13|3|0] Medal count - 38/50 Score - 432/1500 (28.89%)

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UV AoCn run for Daredevil Bronze, Silver, and Platinum

I went with Ammochain, as I haven't used it in official yet and have no immediate plans to use it, while Rel + SoB with Marine resistances helps it survive early. I spawned on a floor with a unique and two vaults, great! But also got spawned near a Shotgunners + Commando group, and when getting away, I ran into many Imps and Hell Knights, which could have been an immediate run ender. But I survived it, and found a Lava Armor in one of the vaults, one of the nicest things I could ask for when one of the biggest hurdles of AoCn/AoOC is that you're lacking good armor while fighting heavy hitting enemies that will wipe you out quickly. Then in Hell's Armory, I found a Jackhammer; while it unfortunately doesn't work with Ammochain, it was still one of the best things I could ask for, as it pairs very nicely with Triggerhappy + SoB and I have Reloader to alleviate the reloading bottleneck, while its new single-shot mode makes it essentially a better Tactical Shotgun (just as strong with twice the clip size and the ability to reload its clip entirely at once). The rare mod turned out to be an Onyx mod, which meant I could make Lava Boots and thus keep the Lava Armor in good shape without having to hurt myself (though I held out a few floors before doing so in case I found a very good exotic armor to use it on). The luck did get balanced out a bit by the RNG withholding Agility mods so I couldn't make a Hyperblaster until near the very end of the game (I really shouldn't have made Tactical Boots so immediately... which ended up pointless too whebn I found Phaseshift Boots later), and by getting The Vaults instead of House Of Pain, which I couldn't enter without losing the requisite 100% kills.

Overall the run was great and I got this first try, unlike before when it took me some tries in (though using Ammochain instead of Malicious Blades was much better here). With Daredevil Platinum out, I am running out of badges I can get without playing Nightmare...

Badge count - [25|24|24|14|3|0] Medal count - 38/50 Score - 443/1500 (29.53%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:22 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

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UV AoLT run for Lightfoot Bronze to Platinum

When you need to complete the game fast and have limited inventory, Blademaster is the obvious choice to nab the Lightfoot badges, and I comfortably get Lightfoot Platinum first try. I nearly died after The Chained Court, after coming out of it damaged with no medkits nor any armor left, while getting two consecutive Cacodemon caves. I managed to make it to Phobos Anomaly though, which had a very nice Red Armor, two Large Medkits, and Large Health Globes. After that it was a wrap, with some decent stair luck, making it to Dis without any close calls and taking just a bit over 10000 turns. With that, I have all the Bronzes, and the only Platinums and Diamonds left that I can get without playing N! are grinding badges, the Scavenger badges, and Quartermaster Diamond, so the time is coming to finally play Nightmare. But I do have a couple other runs planned first before making the jump to Nightmare.

Badge count - [26|25|25|15|3|0] Medal count - 38/50 Score - 458/1500 (30.53%)

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HNTR AoD run for Arachno Silver to complete the Silvers

Rather than put this off for the eventual Nightmare AoD run where I'll probably want to avoid having to clear Spider's Lair, I decided to try "quickly" getting it done now. "Quickly" in quotes because the game would not fucking stop giving me Halls Of Carnage, and after a half dozen AoD runs, I was thinking maybe the game was bugged to not spawn Spider's Lair in AoD (all of which I Q+Y'd out of when I saw Halls Of Carnage, other than one run where I had the Trigun and so pivoted to see if I could the Fallout Platinum Cross or maybe even Klear's Cross... until getting softlocked in House Of Pain after leaving a couple Pinky corpses behind when advancing to a later room, and so being forced to nuke myself to register the Trigun in my found specials at least). I was going with Cateye first because it's the natural choice to make AoD as painless as possible, but after getting fed up with the repeatedly fruitless runs that took over an hour each, I went to Blademaster to try getting it done faster. And on the first try with Blademaster, I finally get Spider's Lair. With that done, I now have all the Silver badges, this time getting them all before all the Golds unlike in (Armorer Gold is going to be quite annoying when you're blazing through all the lower tier badges fast...)

Badge count - [26|26|25|15|3|0] Medal count - 38/50 Score - 460/1500 (30.67%)

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« Last Edit: December 11, 2024, 01:06 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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UV A666 run for Armorer Gold and an annoying quartet of medals.

I posted this in its own Post Mortem thread, as intentionally killing yourself on the final floor of A666 to get several medals is a pretty ludicrous concept. In addition to getting four new medals (the Experience Cross, Purple Heart, and two spoilery medals), in that run I was fortunate enough to find the remaining Exotics and Uniques I haven't found yet in to pick up Armorer Gold, so now I have all the Gold badges. With those medals, I also exceed the proportion of medals I got back in, and have just eight more left to complete the medals and get Heroic Diamond (it might take a while though to get those remaining medals however...).

Badge count - [26|26|26|15|3|0] Medal count - 42/50 Score - 476/1500 (31.73%)

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Standard UV run with Scavenger to get Technician Diamond

I decided to just get the last assembly out of the way that I needed for Technician Diamond and also ensure I would never get any more Schematics, so I just ran standard games with Scavenger. The first run I got Hell's Armory, not good as I would only get one rare mod, but instead of a rare mod I got the Cybernetic Armor from the mod cache, so I potentially had the very rare opportunity to build Cybernano Cybernetic Armor. Unfortunately I didn't get either a Nano nor Onyx mod throughout the rest of the run despite finding many Uniques; two of the Uniques I found were a Revenant Launcher and Lava Armor (which have guaranteed mods that aren't Nano/Onyx mods), then a Necroarmor that didn't drop one, then a Hellwave Pack I can't scavenge, and then both the Scythe and Angelic Armor didn't drop one either. In the second run, it nearly died in Phobos, as I had a rough Unchained Court where a Baron manage to blow up both Berserks right when I opened the door, and then immediately after surviving Unchained Court, I got ambushed by a Pinky group + a bunch of other nasties right at the start of floor 6 while being unable to run away with no Hellrunner nor even Agility-modded boots, and while also lacking a Shell Box to not get mauled when reloading my Shotgun. But I managed to survive it by chokeholding in the doorway I was stuck in and, for the first time ever, actually finding use from the Arena Master Staff to finish off the group after they were significantly weakened (you can see my screenshots of this ordeal in the Discord server here). After also surviving a tough Phobos Lab when I had no Shell Box nor any speed boost, I then pulled off a Shambler Head in Hell's Armory, which rewarded me with a Nano + Onyx mod and thus I could finally build Cybernano Armor regardless of any subsequent luck with Scavenger. I was ready to use it on Red Armor, but held off for a few more floors in case a very good Exotic armor or the Cybernetic Armor spawned, and I thought that paid off when, after picking up a map on Deimos 4, I saw a golden-colored Exotic armor in a vault that could be the coveted Energy-shielded Vest, but unfortunately it was a fucking Energy Shield that you can't mod and so I had to build Cybernano Red Armor (something I would normally advise against, but I just needed to get this assembly done).

The rest of the run was then mostly uneventful, while I would only find one Unique in the whole run, which was the Railgun (that meant guaranteed Sniper mod), and the two Artifacts again didn't drop a Nano nor Onyx mod, so that Shambler Head ended up proving necessary to complete Technician Diamond here. For a couple last notes, this run was one of the very rare non-AoOC runs where I never built Tactical Boots, as I somehow only got three Agility mods even with Scavenger and after recycling a half dozen Bulk mods, that were very spread out too (didn't find the second until Halls Of Carnage, which I used to build the Hyperblaster I had ready since Armory, and then the third from The Mortuary's Assault Shotgun, which I used to build Cerberus Boots because it was evident I was very unlikely to build Lava Boots instead by then and +5% more movement speed wouldn't have really mattered at that point), and I got one of those rare super fast floods on the last floor before Dis, where the lava floods each row every two seconds (I had Cerberus Boots so I was in no real danger, still rushed through to see if I could find some more plasma ammo and anything else interesting, but the level ended up having nothing of note besides a Megasphere and so I should have just let the lava flood to kill everything).

With that, I'm up to 4 Diamonds now, only one away from tying my total in

Badge count - [26|26|26|15|4|0] Medal count - 42/50 Score - 492/1500 (32.80%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:24 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

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UV AoMC + AoCn run gets Fallout Platinum Cross and Klear Cross

I posted this in its own Post Mortem thread, as I believe it's the first time anyone gotten the newly added Klear Cross. I've been grinding for Scavenger Platinum + Diamond, and this run was initially aiming for that, but after a crushing failure at The Vaults in what was my most promising run yet, I decided to play out the rest of the run and happened to find a Trigun. I was just going to get the Fallout Platinum Cross out of the way with it, but when noticing that Angel Arm doesn't tire you and after getting the Nuclear BFG from Limbo + another random nuke, I realized I could get Klear Cross too, a medal I thought was going to require its own horrible grind. The improvised detour went as planned, and now my medal count is up to 44, leaving only six medals left to complete the collection and the Heroic Diamond badge.

Badge count - [26|26|26|15|4|0] Medal count - 44/50 Score - 498/1500 (33.20%)

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UV AoMC + AoCn run for Scavenger Platinum + Diamond

I posted this in its own Post Mortem thread, as while I did get Scavenger Diamond previously in, I did so via the Azrael's Scythe cheese method and not through the actually teleporting into the center vault, while said cheese is no longer possible in, so this is the first time I got the Scavenger Platinum and Diamond badges through the "intended" way (albeit aided by the Napalm Launcher). With these badges, I'm now tied with my Diamond badge count of 5 from, as well as only one Platinum behind with 16 but with many more medals, putting me at roughly around the same progress I finished with. I also only have a single Platinum I can get without playing Nightmare (Armorer Platinum, which is a terrible grind not worth going for at this moment when I'm at 590 specials found currently), and only two Diamonds I can get without playing Nightmare (Armorer Diamond, which is also not worth grinding for specifically at this time, and Quartermaster Diamond, which I got previously in but don't quite feel like going for it again yet in

Badge count - [26|26|26|16|5|0] Medal count - 44/50 Score - 522/1500 (34.80%)

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« Last Edit: December 09, 2024, 19:26 by Omega Tyrant »
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

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Since has progressed enough in development to start getting beta versions tested (which is going to be implementing some major changes for Nightmare), I'm going to put this endeavor on hold for now. When officially launches, I'll resume it, and hopefully the unwinnable badges get fixed this time, so 100% can be actually possible.
Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

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N! AoI + AoRA run for the first ever verified Eagerness Angelic badge, as well as picking up Quartermaster and Longinus Platinum

Ok so I'm not quite done with yet, and well, what an unexpected badge to suddenly post as my first official Angelic. When testing out the first beta for and finally playing some Nightmare in it, I got the urge to test if the previously never won Inquisitor and Eagerness Angelic badges really need any nerfs as has been proposed, and found them to be very winnable. Wanting to claim Eagerness Angelic officially and not wait for to finish, I decided to boot back up, and was successful in being the first to officially Eagerness Angelic. I also incidentally picked up Quartermaster and Longinus Platinum; the latter is a freebie once you play N! so it's whatever, and I was planning to do a pure AoRA run for the former, but if you can do Eagerness Angelic, is that really necessary? Anyway, the full writeup can be read in its own Post Mortem thread.

Having an Angelic after never getting one in, and exceeding my Platinum badge count, my file has indisputably exceeded my file.

Badge count - [26|26|26|18|5|1] Medal count - 44/50 Score - 570/1500 (38.00%)

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Logged Badges - [26|26|26|18|6|2] (26/26/26/17/5/0 in Medals - 44/50 (35/43 in

Omega Tyrant

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N! AoP + AoRA run for the first ever verified Inquisitor Angelic badge, as well as picking up Inquisitor Diamond

Just like with getting Eagerness Angelic in the beta and wanting to get it officially without having to wait until properly releases, I booted up once more to claim the first ever official Inquisitor Angelic badge. I incidentally get Inquisitor Diamond too, which I would rather do a pure run for like other badges, but considering AoRA makes it so much harder and it gives you no benefits in AoP, I suppose I "proved" enough that I don't need dual angel cheese to get that badge. For the full writeup on this run, go see its own Post Mortem thread.

Aside from getting the big second Angelic, I also now exceed my Diamond badge count, and get my "completion percentage" into the 40s. I think this could be it for though, I might go get Quartermaster Diamond again and Quartermaster Angelic since those don't require N! and thus likely won't be changed much for, and I'm on an AoRA kick as is, might as well solidify myself as the AoRA master. It'll depend on if starts seeing more progress soon.

Badge count - [26|26|26|18|6|2] Medal count - 44/50 Score - 618/1500 (41.20%)

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« Last Edit: December 14, 2024, 21:09 by Omega Tyrant »
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