For the old Badge Hunters thread that covered all previous versions, click this link.In Game Hunter's absence, I'm starting up a new Badge Hunters thread that covers version and beyond. This thread will document everyone who has obtained each Diamond and Angelic badge, with links to each of the winning mortems. If you obtained a Diamond or Angelic badge, be sure to post it to the Post Mortem board, and feel free to notify me directly so I can update this thread accordingly (I'll link mortems from external sources like Discord, but linking threads from here is preferred). Each badge's list of achievers will be in chronological order of when each person won the badge.
Legend(^) - The linked mortem has video of the winning run.
(d) - The link goes to a mortem posted on Discord (be sure to join the Jupiter Hell Discord server to view such links)
(*) - The linked mortem fulfilled the requirements for the badge, but the badge doesn't show in the mortem since the player copied over a previous version's data where they obtained the badge previously.
(S) - The badge was achieved in the standard game (only noted for badges that don't explicitly require it).
(Pure) - The badge was achieved purely, as in, it was obtained in the requisite challenge only and not in a Dual Angel.
The following challenge headings are only noted for badges that don't explicitly require the noted challenge:
(AoOC) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Overconfidence.
(AoCn) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Confidence.
(AoMC) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Max Carnage.
(AoLT) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Light Travel.
(AoSh) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Shotgunnery.
(AoB) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Berserk.
(AoRA) - The badge was achieved in or by mixing the challenge with Angel of Red Alert.
Other headings will be added if neededDiamond Hunters
Technician DiamondArmorer DiamondHeroic DiamondGatekeeper DiamondUAC DiamondVeteran DiamondStrongman DiamondElite DiamondDemonic DiamondReaper DiamondBerserker DiamondMarksman DiamondShottyman DiamondLightfoot Diamond- This badge is currently bugged and so may be unwinnable!
Eagerness DiamondInquisitor DiamondQuartermaster DiamondHunter DiamondDestroyer DiamondMasochist DiamondCenturial DiamondEveryman DiamondDaredevil DiamondArena Diamond- This badge was only won once after over a decade in and is very luck-based in nature, so it is strongly recommended you have video proof when claiming this badge!
Longinus DiamondScavenger Diamond