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  • January 14, 2025, 02:46
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Author Topic: ( [U|66%|YAVP] Everyman Diamond Badge (with video)  (Read 2843 times)


  • Second Lieutenant
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  • First-try Veteran Angelic Badge
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Tonight I didn't want to commit too hard to anything and was just chilling having some fun with meme attempts of Pacifist Angelic Badge (spoiler: got nowhere). After a bit of that, I decided to try Everyman Diamond Badge for some different fun, and was able to get this run in just a few tries.

My starting map was very nice as it gave me a nuke, some Med Packs, and Hell Staff. Unholy Cathedral is pretty easy with the Ballistic Red Armor and Chainsword combo, and you almost always have enough Med Packs for The Vaults. The last two bonus levels and surviving the other floors are what make the badge challenging, but I was very lucky with what I rolled.

I spent a good deal of time on a floor with two Invulnerabilities as I really wanted to make sure I got them, and the Hell Staff came in handy to bring me close to the stairs. After using Whisper of Death at The Vaults, I was lucky to roll Limbo so I could get an instant nuke. Invulnerability ran out after, but all floors gave me nearby stairs, and I had enough Med Packs to take on the Lava Elemental. I was a bit foolish to initially try shooting the Lost Souls and could have botched my game, but I switched to more Whisper of Death after. The Lava Element helped with approaching the Spider Mastermind safely, and the rest was easy.

I'm now at 22/26 Diamond Badges!

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]
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