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Author Topic: ( [N!|90%|YAVP] Elite Diamond Badge  (Read 2718 times)


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( [N!|90%|YAVP] Elite Diamond Badge
« on: October 13, 2024, 20:15 »

This badge isn't too hard, but it can be very tedious if you try to cheese it, which I did. After getting near the end of the game, I repeatedly killed an enemy until my percentage reached 90%, and then secured the win. I now am at 24/26 Diamond Badges, which I believe is the most anyone has ever had!!!

In Deimos Lab, I found a Blaster, which is nice to cover any potential ammo issues with repeated kills:

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Along the way, I found a Pain Elemental cave, which provided a safe way for clearing out a large number of enemies, which helped to buff up the kill count:

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After getting towards the end, I was deciding on if I wanted to grind a nice setup in Hell 6 and risk a bad Hell 7 after a couple hours of kills, or to skip it and risk having a Hell 7 with no ideal setup. I opted to kill an Arachnotron repeatedly in Hell 6 with a Chainsaw. I would have liked a bit more experience to reach the next level and get Brute x3 for more accuracy and consistency, but oh well.

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I got quite a few kills!

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Hell 7 wasn't too bad, and a somewhat fitting start:

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And I was able to get to the stairs without any nasty surprises:

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What a doozie!

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v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/26/26/4]
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