Well... I didn't *actually* win, but it was good enough for the Diamond badge, so I guess it's worth sharing. :)
The difficulty ramps up pretty ridiculously in this challenge; at a couple points, I encountered enemies that, according to their stats and my calculations, were capable of doing up to 240 damage per shot! :o You basically need to be able to avoid getting hit at all, or with my Survivor build here, be able to take a hit. :)
This seed (from last week's Gauntlet) was generous with stations, and I took advantage of that to fill up on stimpacks and medkits, which are important for emergencies. The auto-repairing medi-fibre armour may seem redundant when Survivor provides its own health regen, but this challenge is so loaded with large quantities of enemies that having that extra bit of regen was very welcome, especially since the medi-fibre armour continues healing you if you're on fire, unlike Survivor's health regen. (Not sure if this is an oversight, but I took full advantage of it) :P
I was doing fine up until the storage room on level 47, which forced me to burn through every single stimpack in my inventory, (nine of them!) due to close quarters combat with hordes of enemies coming at me from two directions with only a single pillar for cover... and then levels 48 and 49 didn't have a single station among them, so I couldn't replenish my supplies. If not for that, I could have won this. Up until the last level, I had 100% kills, so it would've been a pretty sweet victory. :|
But I got the badge, so... yay, I guess? :P
Tormuse, level 46 Marine,
killed on Precipice of Defeat by a toxic reaver.
He survived for 61306 turns.
The run time was 15h 17m 28s.
World seed was 87079.
He scored 11467 points.
He challenged the Gauntlet trial.
Death log
* your action, you're at 7 health
* Burning deals 0 damage to you
* your action, you're at 10 health
* Burning deals 0 damage to you
* your action, you're at 11 health
* armored ravager deals 4 damage to you
* toxic reaver deals 17 damage to you
* health down to -9, you die
Gauntlet L4 - Secure Vault
Gauntlet L10 - Exalted Summons
Gauntlet L12 - The Hunt
Gauntlet L14 - Infestation
Gauntlet L16 - Exalted Curse
Gauntlet L32 - Exalted Curse
Gauntlet L39 - Lockdown
Gauntlet L48 - Volatile Storage
Gauntlet Diamond Badge
* Reach L50 in the Gauntlet Trial
He killed 2745 out of 2785 enemies.
108former grunts 15 security sentries
18 former grenadiers 18 military sentries
13 corrupted grenadiers 5 CalSec bots
32 hellish grenadiers 3 security bots
16 former CRI grenadiers 16 military bots
2 CRI grenadiers 3 guardian bots
42 former soldiers 106reavers
102corrupted soldiers 25 cryoreavers
87 hellish soldiers 66 toxic reavers
30 former CRI soldiers 212archreavers
15 former sergeants 49 kerberi
17 corrupted sergeants 38 cyberi
23 hellish sergeants 7 cryoberi
11 former CRI sergeants 10 toxiberi
66 former guards 53 medusae
30 former commandoes 97 archmedusae
45 corrupted commandoes 50 ravagers
66 hellish commandoes 77 armored ravagers
26 former CRI commandoes 14 siege ravagers
8 CRI commandoes 71 plasma ravagers
4 former heavies 25 CRI marines
18 corrupted heavies 15 CRI bots
38 hellish heavies 68 guardians
2 former CRI heavies 62 frost guardians
14 fanatics 53 sentinels
166fiends 68 warlocks
66 fire fiends 39 archwarlocks
24 ice fiends 9 watchers
25 toxic fiends 14 cryowatchers
10 CalSec sentries 11 pyrowatchers
Skilled L3
Ironman L3
Furious L3
Hellrunner L3
Son of a Gun L3
Reloader L3
Sustained fire L1
Tough as Nails L3
Rip and tear L3
Army Surplus L3
Cover Master L2
Bloodhound L3
Field Medic L3
Whizkid L3
Angry Motherfucker L3
Trait order
Slot #1 : CCB plasma pistol +BAVC
* Freezing 2
* Vampiric 3
* Precise
* Barbed 3
* Auto-calibrated
* CC BioLabs
Slot #2 : MDF .44 deagle +BC
* Barbed 3
* Freezing 2
* Auto-calibrated
* Mimir Defence Force
* Unflinching aim
Slot #3 : AT 9mm frag shotgun +BA
* Stabilized 1
* Second chamber
* Auto-calibrated
* AsterTech
* Shredder
* Slowdown
Body : MDF medi-fiber armor PB3
* Carrier
* Auto-repair
* Padded
* Fire-resistant
* Mimir Defence Force
* Medi-fiber
Head : blast helmet PA2
* Critical 10
* Crit Enhancer 25
* Aim assist
* Blast shield
Utility : AV2 utility AMP
* Metabolic boost
* Carrier
Relic : toxic reaver's spleen
* Mephitic Curse
energy cell (x100)
energy cell (x100)
energy cell (x46)
rocket (x10)
7.62 ammo (x100)
.44 ammo (x38)
9mm ammo (x40)