BETA 5 is up! (crazy cadence, I know :P)
The big big one is the fixed dodge value. Yes, due to a bug, since 10 years all the versions had 95% dodge chance for the player, and no one noticed...
There are new nightmare monsters. New Ao100+ monster groups. New assembly. A continuous drop action. Cleaned up tactics/running (mostly internal stuff). Weapon group kills in mortems. Mouse pathing through hazard fluids if resistant. Colored mortem view. And much more. Especially fixes :P
DoomRL BETA 5c Windows LQ0.9.9.9 BETA 5
[new] -- GH#129: post mortem view colored and highlighted
[new] -- GH#128: grappling armor assembly added (BA) - -50 knockback, +30% melee res
[new] -- GH#218: nightmare souls, nightmare knights and nightmare elementals added
[new] -- GH#218: nightmare revenants and nightmare mancubi added
[new] -- GH#218: several new Ao100+ enemy group randomization entries added for levels 30+
[mod] -- GH#218: several Ao100+only enemies have their min-level reduced
[mod] -- GH#218: nightmare cacodemons stronger
[mod] -- GH#161: drop item action continues if no enemy/damage is present
[mod] -- GH#000: spawned enemies (lever/summon) will now "wake up" faster
[mod] -- GH#000: cleaned up tactic/running - now running/tired is a regular affect
[mod] -- GH#000: changed the display of affects to full words
[mod] -- GH#000: dodge bonus from armor additive, not multiplicative
[mod] -- GH#208: right Vault on UV+ has 4 barons, 4 armors
[mod] -- GH#212: kill weapon groups displayed in mortem
[mod] -- GH#118: Deimos/Armory - schematic drop is independent, rare mod/carmor always drops
[mod] -- GH#020: mouse pathing will be done through hazardous fluids if player is immune/100res
[mod] -- GH#128: cerberus boots/armor won't reduce item resistances if base item had better
[mod] -- GH#128: nano-shrapnel is a master assembly requiring an extra power mod
[fix] -- GH#000: thrown weapons will respect berserk damage multiplier
[fix] -- GH#201: fixed flickering on Linux ncurses build
[fix] -- GH#201: fixed explosion refresh issues when running in console mode
[fix] -- GH#000: MAJOR - dodge chance was calculated wrong (too high), fixed
[fix] -- GH#175: projectiles will no longer pass through walls at weird angles
[fix] -- RCFIX : feature items fade light-wise the same as the level
[fix] -- RCFIX : enemies fade light-wise a bit with distance
[fix] -- RCFIX : assembly eligibility tested before item filter (fixes demo ammo)
[fix] -- RCFIX : item reveal state doesn't reveal feature items (trees, barrels, etc)
[fix] -- RCFIX : fixed lingering glow color on player armor
[fix] -- RCFIX : emissive on glowing items should be more noticable
[fix] -- RCFIX : restore explosion color (needs a better solution)