DoomRL > Discussion
DoomRL quotes Shakespeare!
this is from Hamlet - Act I, Scene 4! It more widely known as 'There is something rotten in the State of Denmark' though.
Malek Deneith:
Hmmmm ... maby it has something to do with that secret level Kornel was speaking of? (He did mention about "something that happens once in N games" - maby it is this?)
well, whatever it was, i died on level 12 :(
it happened when i had a rocketlauncher before entering chained court though.. check this out:
edit: yes, i take a lot of screenshots of all my games.. but i throw most away.. these 2 are keepers though ;)
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Hmm, interesting, I don't remember adding that Quote :-|
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Ah... sourcedived and found it ^_^. It's a trivial warning. Don't pull the lever :-P
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