Got some ideas. Will share them here. Feel free to share yours if ya got any. All these items would only be found once during the game, from some special levels.
Power armor:
- Armor: 5
- +20% to firing speed
- +5 chance to hit
- +2 to ranged damage
- +20% to movement speed (i.e. 20% slower)
- Immunity to berserk
Spirit armor:
- Armor: 4
- Will be merged with your body: Meaning that it's always on, and can't be taken away.
- Its effectiviness is inversely proportional with your hit points: The less HP, in better condition the armor. On max HP, it's armor value is 1, on 50% or less, it's 2, and on 25% or less, 4.
- Is compatible with other armor.
Cursed armor:
- Armor: 7
- +5 to melee damage
- 5% chance to go berserk on each melee attack (works together with Berserker)
- Each time the player takes damage, there's a 10% chance that he will be immobilized for several turns, and can't move or do anything else. This effect will be negated if the player's wielding
Straight Silver:
- Type: Combat Knife
- +4 to melee damage
- -50% to attack speed
- -40% to movement speed
- Gives +1 to Inituition
(Can anyone guess the reference?)
- Type: Sword
- Damage: 1d8 + 1d10 + 1d12 / 3-30
- -20% to attack speed
- -30% to movement speed
- Enemies will always know the location of the player (i.e. they have Inituition x3)
Demon Flare:
- Type: Plasma rifle
- Fits 50/50 plasma shots
- Fires 10 shots per round instead of normal 8
- +2 to damage
- +10% to attack speed
- +1 to vision range
- -2 to armor
So, that's it, for now. Comments?