This post is dedicated to all the veteran Doomguys, that have been sent into early retirement by
For those who don't know what I'm talking about:
Scores between and aren't compatible, and while the player.dat is compatible at first, it seems it's corrupted/deleted once you advance in
And with all the changes to gameplay and balance it wouldn't be right to have the old achievements mingle with the new ones.
So I decided to send my Doomguy into retirement myself, rather than having him disappear during my next rank up.
So here he is:
His tour of duty started in and his last mission took him to
May he live happily ever after _o/~
--------------------------- DOOMRL Player Info ------------------------------
Skill rank : Captain former human 3908
Experience rank : Cacodemon former sergeant 3274
Games won : 7 Partial wins : 0 former captain 1742
All kills : 17826 Standard wins : 6 imp 1930
Melee kills : 1843 Full wins : 1 demon 2400
lost soul 1842
To achieve Major rank: cacodemon 1091
-- win the game on at least Hurt Me Plenty baron of hell 309
-- complete the Angel of Marksmanship challenge Cyberdemon 7
-- complete the Angel of Purity challenge hell knight 572
arachnotron 234
To achieve Mancubus rank: former commando 182
-- kill a total 500 of mancubi Angel of Death 2
-- kill a total 50 of mancubi with pistol pain elemental 227
-- kill a total 10 of mancubi in melee arch-vile 102
mancubus 4
Difficulty level achievements Deaths Kills
I'm too young to die! : fully won (3 win total)13 2062
Hey, Not Too Rough : won (2 win total) 72 6433
Hurt Me Plenty : won (2 win total) 19 871
Ultra-Violence : reached level 25 75 4547
Nightmare! : reached level 16 28 3913
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----------------------- DOOMRL Player Info (Kills) --------------------------
Monster name Melee Pistol Easy Medium Hard V.Hard N-mare TOTAL
former human 474 2203 373 1760 230 977 568 3908
former sergeant 798 1351 279 929 105 822 1139 3274
former captain 42 543 85 414 63 337 843 1742
imp 79 832 201 684 77 417 551 1930
demon 122 953 318 868 112 557 545 2400
lost soul 107 913 325 797 96 499 125 1842
cacodemon 92 458 162 484 71 326 48 1091
baron of hell 29 104 47 106 22 128 6 309
Cyberdemon 2 none 3 2 2 none none 7
hell knight 22 207 128 161 38 187 58 572
arachnotron 30 99 63 66 24 78 3 234
former commando 12 90 17 56 12 85 12 182
Angel of Death 2 none none 1 1 none none 2
pain elemental 18 127 25 75 7 105 15 227
arch-vile 14 27 32 30 11 29 none 102
mancubus none none 4 none none none none 4
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--------------------- DOOMRL Player Info (Challenges) -----------------------
Challenge Medium Hard Very hard Nightmare
Angel of Berserk Pt0/St1 level 3 level 7 none
Angel of Marksmanship level 25 level 6 level 25 none
Angel of Darkness none Pt0/St1 none none
Angel of Impatience Pt0/St1 none level 13 none
Angel of Light Travel none Pt0/St1 none none
Angel of Haste none none none level 16
Angel of Purity none none none none
Angel of Masochism none none none none
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