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CastlevaniaRL ?
Well... it is nice to stumble uppon this post, almost by the forgiveness of the RNG :p
I will release the next version next week (1.1e); and it comes with a LOT of new features, so keep tuned ;)
Hmm.. i think i'll check this out when you release the next version in that case.
Kornel Kisielewicz:
Slash! Well would you look at that ^_^. Nice to see you here :-D. I hope you will drop in when DRL 0.9.9 will come out and tell me what you're thinking 'bout it :-)
As for CastlevaniaRL I'll try it as soon as I'll have enough free disk space to install JRE. No kiddin -- I don't have ANY diskspace now :-(
Santiago Zapata:
Yes, I will be glad to make a full review for 0.9.9, so just let it come ;)
So, you dont have 7MB available for the JRE?? :p
I hope you can give a look to the game in the next version; it comes with a lot of enhancements ...
Santiago Zapata:
CastlevaniaRL 1.1e has finally been released!
It is finally a playable game from begin to end, allows save/load and is full of monsters, artifacts and stuff.
find it at
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