I still don't know what YAVP stands for, except that it means a win :) Yet Another Victory Parade?
This time was a bit of a walk in the park, although I nearly ran out of pulse rifle ammo while trying to hunt down a gyro. There were smartguns lying all over the place, but I couldn't pick them up! Grenades also seemed to be really easy to come by this time, there were rooms full of them in security.
-- AliensRL (DAY 7++) Post Mortem ------------------------------------
Name : Hudson
Class : HW Specialist
Rank : Experienced
Result : Killed the alien Queen and escaped
Total Experience : 9165
Experience left : 825
Game length : 126348 truns
Armor : Gyro-stabilizer [0]
Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (12/12)
Primary : M41-A pulse rifle (45/60)
Heavy : M56 smartgun (45/50)
Medpacks: 10
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : advanced
Light weapons : advanced
Heavy weapons : basic
Technical : untrained
Medical : basic
Fitness : basic
Perception : basic
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 191/400
.44 ammo : 36/150
M309 ammo : 275/500
M250 ammo : 30/500
60mm gren. : 12/40
12g. shells : 200/200
frag grenade : 2/5
inc grenade : 0/5
krak grenade : 0/5
-- Kills (492) -------------------------------------------------------
195 juveniles
10 workers
87 warriors
146 hunters
53 elites
1 queen
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
You lightly hit the juvenile!
You barely hit the juvenile!
You barely hit the juvenile!
You heavily hit the juvenile!
You criticaly hit the juvenile! The
juvenile dies.
You reload your weapon.
You prepare your heavy weapon!
You enter the corridor. Entering
Civilian Tower, level 1...