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Author Topic: What I think of the game  (Read 3362 times)

Newts Revenge

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What I think of the game
« on: May 29, 2007, 11:38 »

Hi. I just discovered AliensRL and I really like it so far. It was easy to learn how to play it thanks to the clean interface and sensible controls, and it is fun and very absorbing. It has great potential. However there are a couple of things I need to say about it...

- No save function = MAJOR sadness :(  The game needs this more than ANYTHING else. On my second game I had played for a couple of hours and just started to feel like I was getting somewhere, and then I discovered what happens if you accidentally press Ctrl-C instead of Shift+C.... aaargh! Also it takes quite a while to play the game and I don't like having to leave it running to avoid losing my game while I do something else.

- There are an awful lot of flak jackets lying around and no real reason for them to be there, since only the first one you find is any use. With weapons it makes some sense to have them lying around in case you run out of an ammo type and need to switch, but I can't see any reason for all the trash armour to be there. It would make more sense if your armour eventually wore out from taking hits and needed to be replaced.

That's all I'll say for now except keep up the good work, and for Newt's sake watch out that you don't get Foxed!

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: What I think of the game
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2007, 10:25 »

There was no time to implement a save function unfortunately :/. I'll try to squeeze it into the next release.

As for the abundance of items lying around, I personaly like it -- junk has it's flavor :). Yet "ablative" armor may happen in the future.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz
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