Not sure what caused it, I went from lvl 10 to lvl 11, and suddenly the music froze and you couldn't do anything, the cmd terminal was responding just stuck.
I run doomrl from the bat file and use mp3 music
thats the third difficulty and me clearing every level before I left it.
had to ctrl+c it, asked me if I wanted to continue batch processes and I said yes,
didn't get to save and doomrl acted like nothing happened ie: no error codes (nothing even on the score list about my run :D)
Looking at it I had the intuition lvl 2 trait I think
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// This is the DoomRL initialization file. Modify at your own risk :).
// If you mess up something ovewrite with a new doomrl.ini.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Wether to allow high-ASCII signs. Set to FALSE if you see wierd signs
// on the screen.
AllowHighAscii = TRUE;
// Setting to TRUE will skip name entry procedure and choose a random name
// instead
AlwaysRandomName = TRUE;
// Setting to TRUE will skip the intro
SkipIntro = TRUE;
// Setting to TRUE will remove the bloodslide effect
NoBloodSlides = FALSE;
// Setting to TRUE will remove the flashing effect
NoFlashing = FALSE;
// Setting to TRUE will make the run command not stop on items
RunOverItems = FALSE;
// Setting to FALSE will turn of music during gameplay
Music = TRUE;
// Setting to FALSE will turn of sounds during gameplay
Sound = TRUE;
// Setting to TRUE will turn on enhancments for blind people playing
// DoomRL using a screen readed. Yes, some do.
BlindMode = FALSE;
// Setting to TRUE will make old messages dissapear from the screen
// (usefull in BlindMode)
ClearMessages = FALSE;
// Changing it to a value greater than zero will autochoose a trait at
// character creation. The number written is the number of the trait
// on the list (eg. 2 is Finesse). Setting it to 255 will choose a random
// trait.
StartTrait = 0;
// Changing it to a value greater than zero will autochoose a difficulty at
// character creation. The number written is the number of the difficulty
// on the list (eg. 4 is Ultra-Violence). Setting it to 255 will choose a random
// difficulty.
StartDifficulty = 0;
// Music volume in the range of 0..25
MusicVolume = 12;
// Sound volume in the range of 0..25
SoundVolume = 20;
// Handles what should be done in case of trying to unwield an item when inventory
// is full : if set to False will ask the player if he want's to drop it. If set
// to True will drop it without questions.
InvFullDrop = False;
// Messages held in the message buffer.
MessageBuffer = 100;
// Sets wether message coloring will be enabled. Needs [messages] section.
MessageColoring = True;
// If set to true will archive EVERY mortem.txt produced in the mortem subfolder.
// The amount of files can get big after a while :)
MortemArchive = True;
// If set to false DoomRL will quit on death and quitting. Normaly it will go back
// to the main menu.
MenuReturn = True;
// If set to true, you will start in front of the entrance to the first level, and
// not behind the building.
Frontal = True;
// You can get far more higher quality Doom MP3 tracks from
// To use them in DoomRL just copy all the Doom I tracks into
// a new subfolder named "mp3" and uncomment the MUSIC2 to MUSIC21
// from below, then comment the corresponding MIDI tracks.
MUSIC1 = "music/0 - intro.mid";
//MUSIC2 = "music/00 - inter.mid";
MUSIC3 = "music/99 - bunny.mid";
//MUSIC4 = "music/11 - hangar.mid";
//MUSIC5 = "music/12 - nuclear plant.mid";
//MUSIC6 = "music/13 - toxin refinery.mid";
//MUSIC7 = "music/14 - command control.mid";
//MUSIC8 = "music/15 - phobos lab.mid";
//MUSIC9 = "music/16 - central processing.mid";
//MUSIC10 = "music/17 - computer station.mid";
//MUSIC11 = "music/18 - phobos anomaly.mid";
//MUSIC12 = "music/19 - military base.mid";
//MUSIC13 = "music/22 - containment area.mid";
//MUSIC14 = "music/24 - deimos lab.mid";
//MUSIC15 = "music/26 - halls of the damned.mid";
//MUSIC16 = "music/27 - spawning vats.mid";
//MUSIC17 = "music/28 - tower of babel.mid";
//MUSIC18 = "music/29 - fortress of mystery.mid";
//MUSIC19 = "music/32 - slough of despair.mid";
//MUSIC20 = "music/33 - pandemonium.mid";
//MUSIC21 = "music/19 - military base.mid";
//MUSICV = "music/98 - victory.mid";
MUSIC2 = "mp3/d1inter.mp3";
//MUSIC3 = "mp3/d1end.mp3";
MUSIC4 = "mp3/e1m1.mp3";
MUSIC5 = "mp3/e1m2.mp3";
MUSIC6 = "mp3/e1m3.mp3";
MUSIC7 = "mp3/e1m4.mp3";
MUSIC8 = "mp3/e1m5-e4m4.mp3";
MUSIC9 = "mp3/e1m6-e3m6.mp3";
MUSIC10 = "mp3/e1m7-e2m5-e4m8.mp3";
MUSIC11 = "mp3/e1m8-e3m4-e4m1.mp3";
MUSIC12 = "mp3/e1m9-e3m9-e4m9.mp3";
MUSIC13 = "mp3/e2m2.mp3";
MUSIC14 = "mp3/e2m4-e4m6.mp3";
MUSIC15 = "mp3/e2m6-e4m7.mp3";
MUSIC16 = "mp3/e2m7-e3m7-e4m5.mp3";
MUSIC17 = "mp3/e2m8.mp3";
MUSIC18 = "mp3/e2m9-e3m1.mp3";
MUSIC19 = "mp3/e3m2-e4m2.mp3";
MUSIC20 = "mp3/e3m5.mp3";
MUSIC21 = "mp3/e3m8.mp3";
MUSIC22 = "mp3/e2m1.mp3";
MUSIC23 = "mp3/e2m3.mp3";
MUSICV = "mp3/d1readme.mp3";
SOUND_PISTOL = "wav/dspistol.wav";
SOUND_SHOTGUN = "wav/dsshotgn.wav";
SOUND_PLASMA = "wav/dsplasma.wav";
SOUND_ROCKET = "wav/dsrlaunc.wav";
SOUND_BARREL = "wav/dsbarexp.wav";
SOUND_RELOAD = "wav/dswpnup.wav";
SOUND_DOOROPEN = "wav/dsbdopn.wav";
SOUND_DOORCLOSE = "wav/dsbdcls.wav";
SOUND_ITEM = "wav/dsitemup.wav";
SOUND_AMMO = "wav/dssgcock.wav";
SOUND_BFG = "wav/dsbfg.wav";
SOUND_PUNCH = "wav/dspunch.wav";
SOUND_CLAW = "wav/dsclaw.wav";
SOUND_FBALLFIRE = "wav/dsfirsht.wav";
SOUND_FBALLHIT = "wav/dsfirxpl.wav";
SOUND_BRLMOVE = "wav/dsstnmov.wav";
SOUND_POWERUP = "wav/dsgetpow.wav";
SOUND_PUSHFAIL = "wav/dsnoway.wav";
SOUND_PLDEATH = "wav/dspldeth.wav";
SOUND_SKULL = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_ROCKETEXP = "wav/dsrxplod.wav";
SOUND_TELEPORT = "wav/dstelept.wav";
SOUND_DIEIMP = "wav/dsbgdth1.wav";
SOUND_DIESER = "wav/dspodth1.wav";
SOUND_DIEFORMER = "wav/dspodth3.wav";
SOUND_DIEDEMON = "wav/dssgtdth.wav";
SOUND_DIECACO = "wav/dscacdth.wav";
SOUND_DIESKULL = "wav/dsskldth.wav";
SOUND_DIEBARON = "wav/dsbrsdth.wav";
SOUND_DIECYBER = "wav/dscybdth.wav";
SOUND_DIEARACH = "wav/dsspisit.wav";
SOUND_ACTIMP = "wav/dsbgact.wav";
SOUND_ACTFORMER = "wav/dsposact.wav";
SOUND_ACTSER = "wav/dsposact.wav";
SOUND_ACTDEMON = "wav/dsdmact.wav";
SOUND_ACTCACO = "wav/dscacsit.wav";
SOUND_ACTSKULL = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_ACTBARON = "wav/dsbrssit.wav";
SOUND_ACTCYBER = "wav/dscybsit.wav";
SOUND_ACTARACH = "wav/dsspidth.wav";
SOUND_HITIMP = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITSER = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITFORMER = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITDEMON = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITCACO = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITSKULL = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_HITBARON = "wav/dsbrssit.wav";
SOUND_HITCYBER = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITARACH = "wav/dsspidth.wav";
SOUND_PAIN = "wav/dsplpain.wav";
SOUND_LEVER = "wav/dsswtchn.wav";
SOUND_CHAIN1 = "wav/dssawhit.wav";
SOUND_CHAIN2 = "wav/dssawful.wav";
SOUND_HOOF = "wav/dshoof.wav";
SOUND_DIEPAIN = "wav/dspedth.wav";
SOUND_ACTPAIN = "wav/dspesit.wav";
SOUND_HITPAIN = "wav/dspepain.wav";
SOUND_ACTVILE = "wav/dsvilact.wav";
SOUND_HITVILE = "wav/dsvipain.wav";
SOUND_DIEVILE = "wav/dsvildth.wav";
SOUND_ATKVILE = "wav/dsvilatk.wav";
SOUND_DIEMAN = "wav/dsmandth.wav";
SOUND_ACTMAN = "wav/dsmansit.wav";
SOUND_HITMAN = "wav/dsmnpain.wav";
Quit = "Q";
WalkWest = "LEFT";
WalkEast = "RIGHT";
WalkNorth = "UP";
WalkSouth = "DOWN";
WalkNE = "PAGEUP";
WalkNW = "HOME";
WalkSW = "END";
Wait = ".";
Escape = "ESCAPE";
MoreInfo = "m";
Enter = ">";
Unload = "U";
Pickup = "g";
Drop = "d";
Inventory = "i";
Equipment = "e";
Open = "o";
Close = "c";
Look = "l";
Fire = "f";
Reload = "r";
ReloadSpec= "R";
Use = "u";
Help = "?";
Playerinfo= "@";
Save = "S";
Tactic = "TAB";
RunMode = ",";
SwapWeapon = "z";
Screenshot = "F10";
ScreenshotBB ="F11";
// Commands for blind mode:
ExamineNPC = "x";
ExamineItem = "X";
QK_Chainsaw = "0";
QK_Knife = "1";
QK_Pistol = "2";
QK_Shotgun = "3";
QK_AssaultSG = "4";
QK_DoubleSG = "5";
QK_Chaingun = "6";
QK_Rocket = "7";
QK_Plasma = "8";
QK_BFG9000 = "9";
SoundToggle = "(";
MusicToggle = ")";
Messages = "P";
// Message coloring system. Works only if MessageColoring
// variable is set to true. Must start with a color name
// followed by anything (ini entries need to be different!).
// As for the string, it's case sensitive, but you may use
// the wildcard characters * and ?.
RED_1 = "You are bleeding!";
RED_2 = "Your * destroyed!";
RED_3 = "You die*";
BROWN_1 = "Your * damaged!";
YELLOW_1 = "You feel relatively safe now.";