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Post Mortem / [0.9.2a|M|Te|YAAM] Turns out Scout is hardmode
« on: September 04, 2020, 00:31 »
I've run almost exclusively Scout for the last 6 months. Yesterday I decided to branch out a bit and try Technician. Ho-lee-sheet! Compared to Scout, it was easymode deluxe. Headshot carried me all the way to the end and the ability to reshuffle mods made each weapon I picked up be instantly useful. That Plasma Pistol allowed me to oneshot even Armored Ravagers. The Summoner went down in three shots.
Oddly enough, Pinpoint is supposed to do something similar for Scout, but I never felt this incredibly powerful as Gunslinger Scout as I did with Tech.
Oddly enough, Pinpoint is supposed to do something similar for Scout, but I never felt this incredibly powerful as Gunslinger Scout as I did with Tech.
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Post Mortem / [0.9.2a|M|Sc|YAAM] Finally got my asskicking
« on: September 03, 2020, 03:17 »
Been struggling hard to get 100% kills for some reason. I've taken great care to find every enemy and kill them, yet ended up with less than 100% for so many runs and it's driven me nuts. Anyway, enough of that!
Decided to go with my favorite boi, the Scout Gunslinger! Started out finding a spare revolver on floor 1, so I had one ready for when Gunslinger popped. It did short work of everything in Callisto. Dove into the Barracks to see if I could find upgrades, and lo and behold, two AV2 9mm. They carried me leisurely through Europa and into Io where I ended up picking up one Plasma gun to conserve ammo use. 9mm is rare down there.
Only a level or two later I decided "fuck it" and picked up a second plasma gun and PB modded both. One had the honor of becoming C-modded in Tyre Outpost. It was quite handy against Reavers.
Once into Beyond I dove into Limbo as ammo was getting low and I was real worried about not lasting through the entirety of Beyond. For some reason, it feels like Limbo makes Beyond shorter.
Found an AV3 Energy Pistol in Limbo that I ended up modding with the mods I had on hand. Summoner died in the third salvo.
I don't think I'll ever pick up Gun Kata again. It's real neat being able to fire on the move, but when you're already starved for ammo, you *really* don't want to take potshots at things and it gave me unreasonable stress in the latter parts of Io and Beyond. All in all, good run!
Decided to go with my favorite boi, the Scout Gunslinger! Started out finding a spare revolver on floor 1, so I had one ready for when Gunslinger popped. It did short work of everything in Callisto. Dove into the Barracks to see if I could find upgrades, and lo and behold, two AV2 9mm. They carried me leisurely through Europa and into Io where I ended up picking up one Plasma gun to conserve ammo use. 9mm is rare down there.
Only a level or two later I decided "fuck it" and picked up a second plasma gun and PB modded both. One had the honor of becoming C-modded in Tyre Outpost. It was quite handy against Reavers.
Once into Beyond I dove into Limbo as ammo was getting low and I was real worried about not lasting through the entirety of Beyond. For some reason, it feels like Limbo makes Beyond shorter.
Found an AV3 Energy Pistol in Limbo that I ended up modding with the mods I had on hand. Summoner died in the third salvo.
I don't think I'll ever pick up Gun Kata again. It's real neat being able to fire on the move, but when you're already starved for ammo, you *really* don't want to take potshots at things and it gave me unreasonable stress in the latter parts of Io and Beyond. All in all, good run!
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Post Mortem / [0.8.9a|E|AoM|Sc|13|YAAM] Finally an ADV Energy Pistol
« on: February 29, 2020, 11:49 »Spoiler (click to show/hide)
So today I took it very carefully, and in the Military Barracks (after seeing nothing but ADV Shotguns the entire run) I got TWO 9mm Calibrated. Turns out, with Gunslinger, those two puppies are amazing, in spite of the lacking damage. The ability to confidently snipe anything is incredbily powerful, and bots that usually cause a huge problem for Gunslinger runs are no match for two 9mmC.
They carried me all the way to Io, where I picked up two Energy Pistols and progressively modded them up until I finally got an ADV one. I can't remember where I got it exactly, it might have been in the Io Vaults, but not sure. For once I got the Vaults having three keycards, so getting in was easy. The other two vaults were forcefully opened with my remaining 9mmC. It took a lot of ammo, but at this point I was at 150+ Cells, so it was worth spending some more to get in.
The Summoner died in three shots. Saw him, shot him for 40% of his health. Saw him, shot him for another 40%. He spawned a Reaver instead of teleporting and I said "Hasta la vista, motherfucker!" and dead he was. All in all, good but very easy run. I should have expected as much playing on easy. But also very fun!
Post Mortem / [0.8.8|H|Sc|4|YAAD] - When the game won't allow you to go on
« on: February 06, 2020, 13:15 »Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Was doing great. Two decent weapons, and well on my way to Gunslinger L2 when I enter Callisto 4.
I spawn inside a room. I opened the door and was face to face with a security bot. It was a two-size door, so no way to get to cover quickly. Outside and to the left were two former soldiers.
I stealthed to get away and turned to the right and around the corner. The door on that side opens. Another Security bot. Are you serious? I keep running to try and find some cover to fight this onslaught of murder. Stealth wore off. Start taking tons of damage.
Dove around the second corner of the box I started in, now down to 40% HP after using two healthpacks. Two drones. Out of tricks.
Thanks RNG. Yet Another Annoying Death.
That's just unwinnable. I can't see what I could've done differently, aside from possibly take two facefull salvos from the first security bot in order to get to cover and heal up, then take it down. But I doubt I would've survived that either.
Post Mortem / [0.8.8|M|Sc|13|YAVP] - So Gunslinger is pretty hot.
« on: February 03, 2020, 12:47 »Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yeah so, Gunslinger is *really* strong. I spent most of the game using that advanced pistol, only adding mods as I found them, and a 9mmC for bots. I murdered most things before they got a chance to shoot and accuracy seemed decent.
I swapped the 9mmC for a Plasma pistol in Io 1, hoping to get another one to throw mods at, but never saw another one for the entire run (hence the piles of Cells in my inventory).
Now that I've played Gunslinger once, I feel that it has potential but it might just be a touch too strong. It remains to be seen. I'm gonna run a fair few more Gunslinger runs and see if this was just a fluke or if it might need a nerf somewhere.
Also, am I wrong in thinking that Pinpoint lacks a purpose when you have SoG 2? You're already at +40% crit chance with SoG 2, and Pinpoint caps at +50%, meaning you'll gain it after a single shot even with with PP 1.
Or are they separate stacks, so the +40% from SoG 2 stacks with PP?
Post Mortem / [0.8.7|M|Ma|13|YAVP] - Carried by launchers
« on: January 31, 2020, 17:42 »Flynn Taggart, level 13 Marine, defeated
The Summoner against all odds.
He survived for 9224 turns.
The run time was 1h 41m 17s.
He scored 4058 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
CALLISTO L4 -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
IO L4 -> Io Warehouse
Io Warehouse - cleared
BEYOND L2 -> Limbo
Limbo - cleared
Explorer Ribbon (+50)
* Visited all encountered special levels
Conqueror Ribbon (+100)
* Completed all encountered special levels
He killed 408 out of 411 enemies.
1 former CRI soldier
1 military bot
17 former soldiers
15 reavers
6 hellish soldiers
8 corrupted soldiers
17 turrets
3 exalted fiends
26 armored ravagers
6 plasma ravagers
2 siege ravagers
10 security drones
9 CRI bots
20 CRI marines
1 summoner
48 fiends
32 fire fiends
9 exalted reavers
7 toxic reavers
8 security bots
13 former grunts
2 corrupted guards
5 hellish grunts
3 corrupted grunts
25 ravagers
8 former guards
24 archreavers
6 former CRI commandos
1 former CRI grunt
6 corrupted commandos
2 corrupted sergeants
4 hellish sergeants
11 corrupted heavys
2 former commandos
2 hellish heavys
2 kerbeross
7 former sergeants
2 former CRI sergeants
4 cryobeross
1 toxiberos
14 rocket turrets
6 combat drones
12 cryoreavers
3 cybeross
Skilled L2
Hellrunner L2
Reloader L2
Sustained fire L1
Angry Motherfucker
Reload Dance
Slot #1 : CRI plasma rifle P
Slot #2 : CRI plasma shotgun P
Slot #3 : ADV rocket launcher
Body : ADV red armor
Utility : CRI rifle power control
multitool (x1)
Got carried *hard* by that advanced Launcher. The ability to stun turrets and shroud enemies in toxic gas, doing chip damage and blinding them was crucial to making it through the later parts of Io and Beyond.
I made the questionable decision to drop my Adv Autoshotgun and Adv 7.62 Assault Rifle on Io 1 and replace them both with plasma weapons. I've always wanted to try a plasma run, so here I go.
I was struggling with ammo throughout. I was never comfortable on ammo ever, and diligent usage of barrels and the launcher got me through Beyond, but when I saw the door to Limbo, I made the choice to head through there. Limbo is largely populated by Archreavers. Easier to kill than fat ravagers, so I figured I would expend less ammo going through there.
I barely got through and slogged my way through the last Beyond level and made it to the Summoner. First time I've fought him since the changes, and him teleporting away made things difficult, but I persevered and chased him down. Ended up in a complete melee slug with him, and he quickly capped my pain at 75%, giving me a whopping 3% hit chance on him.
Not good. I used my last CRI teleport thingy and ended up far enough away to use my last health kit and wait for the Summoner, giving me a good aim bonus for when he reached me. Two salvos later, he was dead.
And there I was. In the Precipice of Defeat, with a nearly empty inventory, an empty plasma shotgun, an empty launcher and a plasma rifle with one salvo left in it.
But I fucking did it.
Unfortunately, I seem to have missed 3 enemies, which is weird, since every level I left was blue. I guess the reavers in PoD count towards the kill percentage?
Post Mortem / [0.8.7|M|Ma|9|YASD] I really hate Heavies and A-Ravagers...
« on: January 30, 2020, 12:26 »Flynn Taggart, level 9 Marine, killed on
Europa Central Dig by a cryoreaver.
He survived for 5439 turns.
The run time was 50m 15s.
He scored 1520 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
CALLISTO L4 -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
He killed 220 out of 230 enemies.
2 combat drones
3 armored ravagers
5 ravagers
9 cryoreavers
26 fiends
5 rocket turrets
1 archreaver
26 former guards
10 former grunts
12 former sergeants
7 hellish soldiers
10 security drones
3 toxic reavers
10 turrets
3 exalted soldiers
1 former heavy
2 corrupted guards
23 fire fiends
8 corrupted soldiers
5 corrupted sergeants
1 military drone
3 corrupted commandos
4 hellish grunts
12 corrupted heavys
3 hellish sergeants
18 former soldiers
7 security bots
1 former commando
Skilled L2
Reloader L2
Whizkid L2
Reload Dance
Slot #1 : chaingun BA
Slot #2 : ADV 12ga shotgun P2
Slot #3 : rocket launcher P
Body : ADV blue armor P
Utility : - NONE -
rocket (x9)
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x17)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x68)
gas grenade (x1)
multitool (x2)
So, about 95% of my runs for the last month has ended due to Heavies or Armored Ravagers. Not necessarily by killing blow, but the definitive cause of death. I just don't know how to deal with them if I don't have a hilariously overpowered weapon capable of oneshotting them. Sure, Heavies can *usually* be oneshotted before the fire, not always, but most of the time. These are only a problem if you step into their LOS if you haven't seen them first.
Armored Ravagers though. How the hell do you deal with them? No matter what I always get hit by them. It doesn't matter what I do, they always get at least one shot off at me, and with how cramped most levels are, this means taking damage. And considering almost half of all enemies on late Europa are ARs, they bleed my healthbar to the point where I don't have staying power and just get murdered by stray shots.
I'm genuinely looking for advice on how to *deal* with ARs. Not run away and ignore them, because I'm currently trying for 100% kills. How do you deal with them?
General Discussion / Enemy stats
« on: February 01, 2019, 06:16 »
Is there a comprehensive list of enemy stats (damage, accuracy, armor etc) somewhere, or does the in-game stats take into consideration armor and stuff?
I can see "Dam: 14" when I aim at an enemy, but I'm unsure if this involves their armor or not. I'm getting to the point where these things are becoming more important in order to figure out builds and balance and it right now feels like I'm flying a bit blind.
I can see "Dam: 14" when I aim at an enemy, but I'm unsure if this involves their armor or not. I'm getting to the point where these things are becoming more important in order to figure out builds and balance and it right now feels like I'm flying a bit blind.
AliensRL / [0.8.4 BETA|Medic|8|YAVP] After four games of trying, I finally did it!
« on: March 08, 2017, 10:51 »
Some of the most heart-racing gameplay I've ever had. Terrifying is only the beginning. Nice surprise after killing the queen too. I was carried hard by the combination of the flamethrower and the pulse rifle. My early game was carried by an early shotgun find. This game is not easy :P
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Post Mortem / [M|AoMr|94%|18|YASD] Pistols are hard.
« on: February 28, 2017, 14:04 »
Continuing my Pistols Only runs.
Alright, so Cybie is a complete pushover if you have Dodgemaster. He will literally never hit you (although he can sometimes blindfire into walls nearby you and still do damage, but most of the time you'll be fine).
The four power mods I have in my inventory was for when I got Whizkid (one more level -.-) so I could assemble two Energy Pistols in order to get a better weapon. My T-modded pistols have been with me since like level 3. There really is an extreme lack of viable weapons for pistol builds, I've noticed. Only when you get SoG3+ do you really start feeling like guns actually do something. Before that there's a lot of pea-shooting.
And on top of that Bruiser Brothers and Barons of Hell seem to be my complete bane. They don't fire often enough to make dodging a valuable tactic. They'll walk up to you to melee, and thus push you into a corner and either melee you or hit you with splash. It's really hard fighting these guys in the very narrow levels of hell.
Also, how you deal with Revenants and Mancubi? Both of them fire A LOT, do decent melee damage (the Revenant especially) and both have huge splash, leading to an impossible quest to dodge them. Just corner shoot? And if you don't have a corner, just slog it out and hope you win?
Alright, so Cybie is a complete pushover if you have Dodgemaster. He will literally never hit you (although he can sometimes blindfire into walls nearby you and still do damage, but most of the time you'll be fine).
The four power mods I have in my inventory was for when I got Whizkid (one more level -.-) so I could assemble two Energy Pistols in order to get a better weapon. My T-modded pistols have been with me since like level 3. There really is an extreme lack of viable weapons for pistol builds, I've noticed. Only when you get SoG3+ do you really start feeling like guns actually do something. Before that there's a lot of pea-shooting.
And on top of that Bruiser Brothers and Barons of Hell seem to be my complete bane. They don't fire often enough to make dodging a valuable tactic. They'll walk up to you to melee, and thus push you into a corner and either melee you or hit you with splash. It's really hard fighting these guys in the very narrow levels of hell.
Also, how you deal with Revenants and Mancubi? Both of them fire A LOT, do decent melee damage (the Revenant especially) and both have huge splash, leading to an impossible quest to dodge them. Just corner shoot? And if you don't have a corner, just slog it out and hope you win?
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Post Mortem / [M|AoMr|96%|16|YASD] Pistols are lots of fun, unless it's Cybie
« on: February 25, 2017, 10:20 »
I really need to work on fighting Cybie with pistols I feel. My dodge wasn't high enough to reliably dodge his missiles. But once he fired, I got about five shots off before he could fire again, so I routinely did dodge-attempt, 4 shots, dodge-attempt, 4 shots. Works well, and would probably have been more successful *if* I had more dodge. But as it is, Sharpshooter is freaking hard to get to apparently. Feels like it takes forever. I picked a level of Whizkid in order to get myself an Energy Pistol, but that felt hilariously lacklustre compared to the Storm Bolter. Once I got the Anti-Freak Jackal I had tons of fun, but that thing seems...less useful than it initially looks. Damage is great, but fire seems to be a common resistance, and it also blows up all the loot.
And yourself. Do not use in melee range.
And yourself. Do not use in melee range.
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Post Mortem / [M|AoMr|98%|19|YASD] Pistols are lots of fun
« on: February 25, 2017, 07:02 »
I had tons of fun with this one. I never realized just how stupidly OP it is to just stack SoG early on and pick people apart before they get a chance to react. With some careful movement you can really really make this a cakewalk. I was holding on to that pistol in my inventory forever, hoping for a second Power Mod, but it never came. So I was stuck with the Storm Bolter for most of the run.
I had some really bad luck with the Cyberdemon, lost my Fireproof Red Armor, and came out of the fight with only 8% HP and no decent armor, aside from my Tactical Armor. Managed to find a berserker pack and a second red armor, but foolishly pulled a lever on level 19. It spawned a Vile, a Revenant and two something elses I don't even remember. They tore me to shreds in an instant, before I even had time to close the door. Welp.
I had some really bad luck with the Cyberdemon, lost my Fireproof Red Armor, and came out of the fight with only 8% HP and no decent armor, aside from my Tactical Armor. Managed to find a berserker pack and a second red armor, but foolishly pulled a lever on level 19. It spawned a Vile, a Revenant and two something elses I don't even remember. They tore me to shreds in an instant, before I even had time to close the door. Welp.
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AliensRL / [0.8.4 BETA|Medic|3|YASD] - Don't mess with security bots
« on: January 12, 2017, 05:11 »
Probably ended up killing way too many aliens (ie wasting ammo) but I agree with the assessment that Medic easily is the best pick right now. Decent enough XP bonuses and you can get really far on your 5 medpaks before you need to restock.
I'm not sure if it's a glitch or not but I was able to use the HK MG4 heavy machine gun without a gyrostabilizer. The help file states that you have to have one to use "heavy weapons", but I'm assuming that means the Smartgun only, really. I have yet to find an RPG or Flamer yet, so I dunno. Got myself a Pulse Rifle this time around and holy crap, that baby shreds everything. I tried to conserve ammo for it though and used a sawed-off as my primary alien-dispatching tool and only used the HK for hordes.
That said, I managed to get my butt into Military 3 via Engineering 1->2->Security 2->Military 2->3. It was heavily radiated, so I popped back down to find myself a rad suit and then back up. I was really low on keys, so I didn't expect to do much exploring really, but I got around a corner and got absolutely perforated by two bots lurking there. I thought it was only one and I was trying to get closer to blow him up with the Pulse Rifle. I kinda didn't think about the fact that I wasn't wearing armor at the time, due to the rad suit. Welp.
RIP. Still, my best run yet. I lived for way longer than last time, and I had great luck with item finds.
I'm not sure if it's a glitch or not but I was able to use the HK MG4 heavy machine gun without a gyrostabilizer. The help file states that you have to have one to use "heavy weapons", but I'm assuming that means the Smartgun only, really. I have yet to find an RPG or Flamer yet, so I dunno. Got myself a Pulse Rifle this time around and holy crap, that baby shreds everything. I tried to conserve ammo for it though and used a sawed-off as my primary alien-dispatching tool and only used the HK for hordes.
That said, I managed to get my butt into Military 3 via Engineering 1->2->Security 2->Military 2->3. It was heavily radiated, so I popped back down to find myself a rad suit and then back up. I was really low on keys, so I didn't expect to do much exploring really, but I got around a corner and got absolutely perforated by two bots lurking there. I thought it was only one and I was trying to get closer to blow him up with the Pulse Rifle. I kinda didn't think about the fact that I wasn't wearing armor at the time, due to the rad suit. Welp.
RIP. Still, my best run yet. I lived for way longer than last time, and I had great luck with item finds.
-- AliensRL 0.8.4 BETA 1 (r983) Post Mortem --------------------------
Name : Tobias
Class : Medic
Rank : Seasoned
Result : killed in action
Died on : Military Tower, level 3
Score : 1571
Total experience : 4285
Experience left : 145
Game length : 122525 turns
Security keycards : 0
Military keys : 1
Armor : Radiation suit [0]
Sidearm : sawed-off shotgun (reload)
Primary : M41A pulse rifle (94/99)
Heavy : HK MG4 machine gun (80/80)
Medpacks: 4
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : untrained
Light weapons : basic
Heavy weapons : untrained
Technical : basic
Medicine : expert
Fitness : basic
Perception : untrained
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 400/400
5.56 ammo : 171/400
.44 ammo : 139/150
M309 ammo : 227/500
M250 ammo : 100/500
60mm gren. : 0/40
12g. shells : 155/200
napalm cartrid: 20/20
frag grenade : 4/4
inc grenade : 4/4
krak grenade : 3/4
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
4 * medpack
5 * painkiller pack
5 * stimpack
5 * armor pack
2 * multi-tool
1 * military stimpack
1 * military key
-- Kills (246) -------------------------------------------------------
57 juveniles
42 warriors
65 scavengers
39 hunters
41 drones
2 workers
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
You're hit! You're hit! You're hit!
You're hit! You're hit! You're hit!
You're hit!
You're hit! You dodge! You dodge! You
dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You
dodge! You dodge!
You barely hit the military bot! You
barely hit the military bot! You
barely hit the military bot! You
barely hit the military bot! You
barely hit the military bot! You're
hit! You're hit! You're hit! You're
hit! You're hit! You're hit! You're
hit! You're hit! You're hit! You're
hit! You die. Press < Enter >...
AliensRL / [0.8.2|Tech|1|YASD] - I am not good at this game
« on: January 09, 2017, 01:06 »
After having beaten DoomRL several times both normally, secret ending and Ao100 I figured I was well equipped to give AliensRL a go and see how hard that was.
Let's just say it plays differently. I knew enough to know that wasting ammo on killing workers is pointless. What I did not expect was how sturdy the first hunter pack I ran into were. Three Juveniles completely ripped me to shreds. I even forgot I had medpacks. So when I just barely survived with like 2 or 3 HP I was ill prepared when the last wayward juvenile came out of the dark and put me in the coffin. *whoops*
Let's just say it plays differently. I knew enough to know that wasting ammo on killing workers is pointless. What I did not expect was how sturdy the first hunter pack I ran into were. Three Juveniles completely ripped me to shreds. I even forgot I had medpacks. So when I just barely survived with like 2 or 3 HP I was ill prepared when the last wayward juvenile came out of the dark and put me in the coffin. *whoops*
-- AliensRL 0.8.2 Post Mortem ----------------------------------------
Name : Ripley
Class : Technician
Rank : Private
Result : killed in action
Died on : Civilian Tower, level 1
Score : 3
Total experience : 2015
Experience left : 215
Game length : 2339 turns
Security keycards : 0
Military keys : 0
Sidearm : M4A4 tactical pistol (7/9)
Medpacks: 3
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : untrained
Light weapons : untrained
Heavy weapons : untrained
Technical : expert
Medicine : untrained
Fitness : untrained
Perception : untrained
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 82/400
5.56 ammo : 0/400
.44 ammo : 0/150
M309 ammo : 0/500
M250 ammo : 0/500
60mm gren. : 0/40
12g. shells : 0/200
napalm cartrid: 0/20
frag grenade : 2/3
inc grenade : 2/3
krak grenade : 2/3
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
3 * medpack
3 * multi-tool
-- Kills (3) ---------------------------------------------------------
2 juveniles
1 scavenger
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
juvenile slashes you.
You barely scratch the juvenile! The
juvenile slashes you.
Your weapon is empty!
Your weapon is empty!
You reload your weapon. The juvenile
slashes you.
You lightly hit the juvenile! The
juvenile slashes you.
You lightly hit the juvenile! The
juvenile dies.
Suicide? Too easy...
Suicide? Too easy...
The juvenile shreds you! You die.
Press < Enter >...
General Discussion / Congratulations!
« on: December 15, 2016, 05:06 »
Congrats on making the Kickstarter goal, Kornel!
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