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Topics - Minaro

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Any advice for the latter half of N! AoD/A100?
« on: January 21, 2017, 22:28 »
So I decided to get a N! AoD/A100 run going. At this point I've pretty much gotten over the hefty hurdle that was the earlygame and thanks to a Necroarmor drop I'm comfortably killing mostly everything with my Vampyre build without losing much - if any - hp. I should be fine for the most part for a while.

My question at this point is basically if there's anything you can think of that I should keep in mind for the later levels of the run to keep things from getting hairy? I'm sitting on a Energy-Shielded Vest in case I find the parts to make a Cybernano armor, which would further simplify things - should I get there. Other than that I haven't found anything spectacular - I'm using a Chainsword, Assault Shotty and Laser Rifle as my main ways of disposing enemies aswell as a RL for corpse disposal.

Discussion / Beating the Chained Court+ on AoD
« on: December 26, 2016, 10:34 »
So, I decided to do my AoD run on a new computer while I'm away for the holidays. Last time I did one, I did a dual AoD/A100 run so I never ran into any special levels.

I'm currently at the Chained Court+, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I should do. I'm slowly running out at health at this point, and I'm fairly sure I've killed everything atleast once (I've probably killed some of them more than a dozen times at this point). I even blew up the Hell Knight corpses to stop them from respawning, and I would do the same to some of the formers but they don't leave any visible corpses. My problem is that no matter what I do the wall blocking the stairs and mod packs never disappears.

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