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Messages - Minaro

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: February 12, 2017, 19:22 »
Barons, revenants and mancubi can do still do more than 1 damage per shot as well, and barons double the armor damage. Also, don't take too many hits in quick succession, as the armor would not regenerate quickly enough, and trouble starts once durability drops below 50%.
Still, one hell of a piece of armor.
I was running MB so anything that wasn't doing Acid or Plasma damage was a joke. I checked and unless my math is off somewhere, Barons would indeed have been able to deal as much as 6 damage in one shot, provided they did maximum damage. Most of the time I would just dodge their shots and run into melee range, though.

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: February 07, 2017, 12:29 »
Yeah, I think the only thing dealing more than 1 damage/shot might've been Hell Knights or Cacodemons.. Possibly. Arachnotrons should've been down to 1/shot even with the halved armor.

Discussion / The lucky run of confidence
« on: February 05, 2017, 19:02 »
So, after getting the first medal for a simple run of AoOC and noticing (as I suspected) that it didn't give me any of the AoC medals, I figured I'd just do a run of that aswell. Made a silly mistake and died on my first run. On the second run, I run into the Deimos Lab first thing. After clearing it out, I had gotten myself a Cybernetic Armor, a Nano mod and a Jackhammer. I'm playing as Technician. I doubt any mistakes I'll make at this point are going to end up being fatal, unless I do something downright silly.

thelaptop: Merged with screenshots because... it's a screenshot.

Discussion / Re: The impossible bronze badge
« on: January 30, 2017, 14:01 »
Even after all these years there's one badge series that I find to be complete bullshit, the 'Speedrunner' series.

My average win in this game is around 3-4 hours and even the bronze asks for it to be done in 30 minutes, any suggestions on how to pickup the pace without getting killed?
It's possible, but it's far from fun. I personally enjoy the tactical need to take my time doing things. In the speedrunner bagdes you basically just charge straight for the stairs, get yourself enough talents to kill the mastermind - assuming you get that far. Skip any special levels except the CC, and you only go CC to get the chainsaw.

Discussion / Re: Any advice for the latter half of N! AoD/A100?
« on: January 30, 2017, 09:45 »
Cheers, I was planning to try a N! AoB/AoD run next. I've tried a few before, but they tend to get stomped just before they can get rolling.

Discussion / Re: Any advice for the latter half of N! AoD/A100?
« on: January 30, 2017, 00:17 »
Well AoD ain't *that* bad if you're gonna run N! anyway, one of the biggest problems on AoD is the respawning and that already happens on N!. Visual range is the second one, but unless you're finding yourself in a very unfavorable position you'll be dragging things through chokepoints most of the time where it won't matter anyway. No persistent mapping is an inconvenience but manageable.
I think my biggest worry was not being able to save, since I lost motivation for playing DoomRL for a while around floor 20-30. Ended up doing a few floors a day - at most - for a decent while. It would've been a major letdown if my computer had crashed or something during these ~9 days. I churned through the last 50 or so floors yesterday. Once I found an Onyx mod I mostly just rambo'd around. But yeah, it was a major slog. Especially around 15+ where I had enough talents and gear to feel fairly confident about not dying (unless I ended up in a *really* bad spot), but not confident enough to not hole up in the first suitable chokepoint I'd find... but I guess that shows on the turncount.
I also maxed out on levels somewhere around floor 50 iirc. Might've been earlier.

Discussion / Re: Any advice for the latter half of N! AoD/A100?
« on: January 29, 2017, 17:28 »
Just thought I'd give you a view of what I ran into on floor 99. Had a Homing Phase Device but I thought I'd humor myself :P

Here comes the Mortem;
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The score for this run was more than 15x higher than the highest score of my other runs :P
No idea how to disable the codes to prevent the text from getting strikethrough'd.

thelaptop edit: You use the "mortem" tags instead of "pre".  I've done them for you here to show you what I mean.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 29, 2017, 13:04 »
City of Skulls is basically only worth if for shotgun builds, as they can "easily" deal with the swarms of Lost Souls. The Mortuary (and Limbo) scare the everliving crap out of me and I don't even play Nightmare :/
Vampyre builds and MB builds carrying a shotgun can usually deal with City of Skulls.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 29, 2017, 02:41 »
I always do try and sidestep volley-fire enemies like commandos and chaingunners but most of their volleys hit me anyway (Unlike my plasma rifles, which always seem to miss :P). Is this something innate to volley fire and dodge chance?
Yes and no. I'd advice you to take a look at Dodging on the wiki. Certain kinds of projectiles are easier to dodge than others, and distance plays a part in it aswell. That said, Pistols and Chainguns are among the harder to dodge followed by Arachnotrons and Plasma rifles. Add that to the fact that they fire multiple shots, you're unlikely to dodge everything even when maxed out on Hellrunner unless you're a great distance away from the source. Because of that they tend to be the worst kinds of enemies to run into in an open space (especially Spideys since the others can still be disposed of fairly easily).

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 28, 2017, 22:52 »
Are there any special levels (beyond the ones where corpse management is trivial, like Skulls and Carnage) where you feel that you come out in better shape than you went in with, or is it entirely the desire for Conqueror that makes you do them?
Military Base. Just open one of the two middle doors in the starting area, kill the two guards outside, drop a medpack in the doorway and kill them all in melee range. Depending on how patient you are you might risk taking slightly more damage than necessary, but in general you shouldn't take much at all.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 28, 2017, 05:47 »
Also MMB fire protection extends to feet too. Lava diving is still not recommended, but not longer deadly.
Right, I completely forgot about that. It's kind of hilarious since I would sometimes find myself taking more damage from wading through acid than lava.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 28, 2017, 04:19 »
I've see this recommended a lot, actually. Is losing Berserker really worth it? I've personally *never* taken a build with it. It has some great utility clearly, (does the 50% resistance give you less knockback vs sergeants?) especially versus arch-viles, but you lose the great perks that come with berserking. I'll keep an open mind, but could someone detail the benefits for me? Seems like in the cases where i'd appreciate the damage resistance i'd rather take a big hit and go berserk and then smack everything up.
The biggest problem with Berserk is the lack of flexibility, and how screwed you are if you end up in a bad spot. Berserk will never proc from the attacks of most enemies, and even some that may often have to roll in the higher ranges to cause you to go berserk. This problem is even bigger for Marines with their higher health pool (they need a 20 damage hit instead of 16 to go Berserk). Out of all the regular enemies only Barons, Revenants, Mancubuses and Arch-Viles are able to make you go berserk. Out of those the only reliable source is the Arch-Vile, who is guaranteed to make you go berserk unless you increase your maximum health above 60. All the others have an average damage below the threshhold, the baron being the worst case (they do 4-20 damage).

Arachnotrons are often among the worst for any berserk build. They hit hard, their damage can only be significantly reduced by already being berserk or having very specific armors (or Cerberus assemblies) and their attacks are among the hardest in the game to dodge. On top of that they are very fast. If you actually get into melee range with them they're complete pushovers, but in any other scenario they're one of your worst enemies.

The biggest problem is that Arch-Viles are your only guaranteed source of instant berserk, from any other enemy you could theoretically die before you even go berserk. Going berserk on your own usually requires several enemies within short distance of each other since few enemies can withstand enough damage to let you berserk on just one of them, and during that time you'll be taking the full brunt of any attacks aimed at you. Not to mention that once you actually go berserk it is often difficult to keep it running since you'll one-shot most enemies.

MB basically loses out on Acid and Plasma resistance aswell as the double damage and speed boost of being berserk. They also need to keep a knife in their secondary slot, but in exchange they get even more melee resistance than the berserk builds, they already get Dodgemaster as one of their requirements and the most important part - it's always active. MB faces a similar weakness that berserk builds do - they dislike Arachnotrons - but in my honest opinion I haven't played any build that enjoys fighting Arachnotrons unless it's on your own terms. Because they miss out on Acid resistance they're also worse at fighting multiple Barons, but they're better at fighting them in melee - in fact, I'd say MB is the best build at fighting in melee range. Even with basic armors few things will be able to do more than a few points of damage at best.
I often make an "early" P-modded Nanofiber red armor and use that until I find an armor and the mods necessary to make something better. It saves inventory space, at most I'll carry a fireproof red armor (or two) in case I run into multiple Mancubuses and the like.

If you would happen to find both an Onyx mod and an Energy-Shielded Vest on a MB run you might aswell just consider yourself immortal - even without a Nano mod to make it a Cybernano armor you'll still be taking minimal damage from anything that isn't rapid-fire or Barons.

An added benefit of MB is also the fact that if you happen to find a berserk pack you'll have the best of both worlds - much like the Energy-Shielded Vest case you might aswell consider yourself immortal while berserking.

To answer your question about knockback, damage resistance does not reduce knockback - you'll want either your boots, armor or traits to make up for that. That holds true for berserk aswell though.

I may be slightly biased towards MB for multiple reasons, but I've tried to be as objective as I can. My opinion is that the biggest strength of MB is the flexibility compared to berserk builds. Berserk builds often have the potential to do better, but they're at greater risk since they have downtime.

As for Vampyre; I'm currently doing an AoD/A100 N! run with a Vampyre build, and the short answer is basically what Sylph said. A longer answer is that you tend to play slightly differently - depending on your supplies and the layout you may play more cautiously than you normally would, but at the same time you always have the equivelent of access to infinite health orbs as long as you're able to set up a relatively safe position to spawnkill something.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 27, 2017, 12:46 »
Edit: oh, and it seems the guide does not promote Malicious Blades master trait enough. It's really good, i swear :)
I'll agree with that one. While it prevents you from getting Berserker and Tough as Nails, combined with a decent armor or two it will make you practically immortal against anything that isn't Plasma or Acid. In my experience, Spideys tend to be the hardest to deal with since unless you've managed to get a really good base for a Cerberus armor (Onyx :P) or just found a really neat piece of armor you're basically relying on dodge and tactics to avoid damage from them, which is harder because of their low base dodge chance and their rapid fire nature. Commandoes and Captains pose similar problems because they're rapid fire, but tend to be easier to deal with. Barons and Knights tend to be easier in my experience since they're easier to trick into melee range, where they'll deal no damage.. And the fact that unless there's a ton of them you can just dodge into melee range. Just having any kind of Red armor or better makes anything dealing fire damage a pushover, which basically means the only things you fear are inopportune hordes, bad spawns or other factors you have little control over.

I don't think there's any other trait that boosts your survivability as much with a single trait as MB, apart from possibly Cateye in certain challenges. It quickly became a personal favorite of mine.

*Edit* That reminds me, the description of the MB trait on the wiki is incorrect, it gives you 75% Melee resistance. Also, the Vampyre trait description on the wiki is likely correct while the in-game one is incorrect. I'll probably remember a few other things that don't match up, they tend to come back to me at random times.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 25, 2017, 17:01 »
IMHO, it's only "broken" for builds that can stunlock Spidey (i.e. can make her flinch consistently and fast enough).
The only builds that I can think of are Berserker builds with a chainsword at least (and those have to get in melee range first), and SoG5 Sharpshooters (SoG4 could probably work as well, with something better than a standard pistol, SoG3 would be too slow). Huge-damage weapons need to reload too often to be consistent.
I don't know, wouldn't basically any melee build with a Ripper be able to pull that off?

Just remembered something else I've been wondering about for a while, how much damage does Lost Souls actually deal? I just remember checking the wiki long ago and upon seeing the numbers there just said "BS". Most likely those numbers are from before the update that changed their AI and stats.

Discussion / Re: Nightmare advice?
« on: January 24, 2017, 17:04 »
This means that Spidey took a hard enough damage from a single hit, and loses its next action. Note that since her speed is 150%, she can still act before you do, unless you are fast enough yourself.
Make it "in her guide" ;) (you probably couldn't have known, of course).
Huh, that's what I would've guessed off the top of my head - though that sounded borderline broken so I didn't really think that was it.

Nah, didn't know. Made a correction :P

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