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Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 01, 2012, 22:42 »
I use FullscreenMiniMapSize = 6

thanks :)

Discussion / Re: The new Spider Mastermind...
« on: March 01, 2012, 22:14 »
In previous version the major difficulty was to manage to get in melee without being annihilated by plasma at range, get surprised by the boss direction, and in 2 shots your character was dead.
Now that's a complete different story as it can destroy the player as easily at melee or at range, the most funny is that even taking a large medic kit is often not enough to prevent the insta death that follow (you losing a turn to use the medic kit, while the Spider deals plasma/melee death just after).

So now , unless the player is obviously lucky enough to find good plasma-protecting items, the Spider Mastermind is a very hard challenge even at the lowest level of difficulty.

edit : retrying a saved game, it looks like the Trigun (assuming you have maxed every damage bonus dealing traits) + power red armor can beat it , only at melee, and only if you managed to get to melee without having been hit by a plasma (that would then have hit your health and armor level too much to hope anything)
After that, taking large medic kits while shooting+reloading is enough, but it's very close in term of health, the armor got destroyed a turn before the end in melee, the character would have been dead if it had one more turn
So unless lucky enough to find plasma protecting items, it's always going to be solved by how quickly and without being hit you can get to melee.
And even so be sure to have good armor and good damage dealing weapon.

Just killed the Mastermind in my first 0996b - first time saw this spid in my life, and I got to say I felt extremely lucky that
1, I got the correct armor equipped;
2, I've chosen the Shotgun path thus spent my unused perks in Ironman, without which I'm sure to lose in the situation you described (one large med and back to 26% and yes with 50% torso resistance, w/o ironman I'm a goner).

Spoiler: Mortem (click to show/hide)

On a side note, seems its now possible to have mAC & mAD at the same time. intended?

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 01, 2012, 19:52 »
graphics version - windowed mode - minimap question

personally i find the minimap in the graphics version extremely hard to use, because:
#1 - it's too "transparency" - I cant tell the difference between a red dot and a dark red dot for example (fuel & enemy);
#2 - it's way too small.

now I believe the "too small" problem can be addressed by change the settings:

-- minimap size multiplication, set to 0 to remove minimap, -1 is auto
-- choice based on resolution
WindowedMiniMapSize = -1

; however I cant seem to find a viable number to make it larger - setting it to 0.5 removes minimap completely, setting it to 2 actually reduces the size in half.
the comment says "minimap size multiplication", I'd thought if I say 2 it'll be twice as larger as default, no? :(

help urgently needed on these two issues...otherwise I gotta stick to the ASCII ver :(

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: May 31, 2011, 20:54 »
Quick question:

Is it so that all assemblies cannot be modded further?
If so, Is there any reason to high-power mod a weapon if I have whizkid? (so that instead of PB mod I can just apply PPP and enjoy 2 other mods)

Discussion / Re: Screenshots: ASCII and Graphics
« on: May 09, 2010, 19:50 »
Talking about funny LOS...

You see a former commando (unhurt) [1n11e].                                   
 Screenshot created.                                                           
 #=.................#     ........                                             
 #..................#     ........                                             
 #=......########...#    ..........                                             
 #=......#......#...#    ..........                                             
 #.......#......#.......@..#       ..               . .                         
 #..............#..........#      .               .                             
 #.......#......#..........#       .              .    .                       
 #..............#..........#      .                     .                       
 #.......#/######..........==                                      ^           
 #......=====.....===......# .                                                 
 #......=====....^.........#                                   ^               
 Die                        Armor : modified red armor [6/6] (70%) (P)         
 Health: 176% Exp:  8/31%   Weapon: missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]               
 cautious                                                    Phobos Hell  Lev1 

now Aim the poor Commando w/ missile Launcher...

You see a former commando (unhurt) [1n11e].                                   
 Screenshot created.                                                           
 #=.................#     ........                                             
 #..................#     ........                                             
 #=......########...#    ..........                                             
 #=......#......#...#    .........*                                             
 #.......#......#.......@..#       ..               . .                         
 #..............#..........#      .               .                             
 #.......#......#..........#       .              .    .                       
 #..............#..........#      .                     .                       
 #.......#/######..........==                                      ^           
 #......=====.....===......# .                                                 
 #......=====....^.........#                                   ^               
 Die                        Armor : modified red armor [6/6] (70%) (P)         
 Health: 176% Exp:  8/31%   Weapon: missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]               
 cautious                                                    Phobos Hell  Lev1 

You bet, it's a Cruise Missile!

Bug Reports / Re: Not under 30 minutes? D=
« on: May 04, 2010, 21:07 »
Also, I don't see zero kills, what happened to pacifism?

pacifism != zero kills :p

It's bit funny that I've "killed" exactly that many mobs my first AoP run as well:

 Die, level 11 Imp Sergeant Major, sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon
 on level 25 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 20189 turns and scored 37481 points.
 He played for 27 minutes and 40 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 46 out of 482 hellspawn. (9%)
 My, was he a wimpy chump.
 He was an Angel of Pacifism!

 He saved himself once.

Bug Reports / [][win]Gun Kata Reloading Bug
« on: May 04, 2010, 21:03 »
Gun Kata do not always reloads ammo after finish an opponent.

From my experience it:
- Definitely not reloads when an opponent's finished out of LOS (you hear the scream of a freed soul!). Happens when "probing", knockback etc.
- Very Likely not reloads when an opponent(A) dies and another opponent(B) moves to the same tile same time.
@     Oc
The missile hits the cacodemon. The cacodemon dies.
@     c

* no reload happens.
- Occansionally refuses to reload when nothing appeared to be wrong.
- Not reloads when killing via barrel but that's probably WAI.

This could (very) often be the line between live and death for a gun user, especially when facing crowded enemies like, say, Hellgate/City of Skulls etc (where its as simple as if you take 32turns to reload, you die.)

alright, I might have discovered what's wrong in the "nothing wrong" scenario: When you kill a mob w/o targeting him (usually due to cope with strange bullet lines), you dont get a reload.


if you target s directly, your bullet'll hit the barrel. In order to avoid this, you'll have to target the space behind s:

Shoot. Kill. No reload here.

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