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Bug Reports / Re: [|G|Linux] MMB little oddity
« on: June 04, 2013, 16:58 »You counted the milliseconds?
Yes I indeed counted the milliseconds, or turns or whatever. I wanted to know how long the attacks take, since the display in the character screen is not so good for MMB builds. It just shows the (non MMB) attack time with the current weapon, not the dual attack time for both weapons. (If both weapons attack with the same speed it doesn't matter of course). Unfortunately fractional turns are still a bit difficult to count this way.
Bug Reports / Re: [|G|Linux] MMB little oddity
« on: June 03, 2013, 13:25 »
To clarify: Only if you miss the first of the two, the second one is cancelled. The first one (which misses) is done at half the attack time as specified in the wiki. So I do think it are two attacks.
Bug Reports / [|G|Linux] MMB little oddity
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:56 »
I started to play a little with MMB, a trait which I had ignored up to now. I noticed the following little oddity:
When doomguy has two blades equipped (i.e. two chainswords) he normally attacks with both. But If the first attack misses, the second attack isn't executed. This isn't necessarily even bad, since also only the time for the first attack is used.
Well, maybe he just stumbles.
When doomguy has two blades equipped (i.e. two chainswords) he normally attacks with both. But If the first attack misses, the second attack isn't executed. This isn't necessarily even bad, since also only the time for the first attack is used.
Well, maybe he just stumbles.
Discussion / Re: Side Stepping Attacks Question
« on: June 03, 2013, 06:15 »Yes, and it's worth remembering that a sidestep only applies to the first attack from a volley, and it's not a guaranteed dodge without the Dodgemaster trait.
Dodgemaster does only apply to the first attack from a volley, but can't you also dodge the other shots if you're lucky? I remember regularly dodging whole arachnotron volleys with HR3.
DiabloRL / Re: Can't enable sound on Mac OS X 10.8
« on: May 29, 2013, 09:40 »
I used the diablorl package (diablorl-linux-x64-050.tar.gz) from the website. I built stormlib from sources using the (inofficial) archlinux provided "script" which I linked to, called PKGBUILD.
The forum didn't let me attach the resulting 'libstorm.so', so I uploaded it at http://www1.datafilehost.com/d/2b427487.
On the technical side I would expect that you can bundle it. The PKGBUILD lists bzip2 and zlib as dependencies. So it might link to those libraries. I don't know enough about the cmake system to give you a definitive answer on possible dependencies. There might be licencing issues as well.
Archlinux installed libstorm.so in /usr/lib. But it also works for me if I put "libstorm.so" in the diablorl directory and set the "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" accordingly. (i.e. "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./" && ./rl")
Instructions if you want to build libstorm.so for yourself (without archlinux build system):
- download and unzip stormlib.zip.
- cd into "StormLib".
- "cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
- "make".
This is basically the same that the PKGBUILD does. If it doesn't work, check whether bzip2 and zlib are installed. I am willing to provide help if it still doesn't work.
The forum didn't let me attach the resulting 'libstorm.so', so I uploaded it at http://www1.datafilehost.com/d/2b427487.
On the technical side I would expect that you can bundle it. The PKGBUILD lists bzip2 and zlib as dependencies. So it might link to those libraries. I don't know enough about the cmake system to give you a definitive answer on possible dependencies. There might be licencing issues as well.
Archlinux installed libstorm.so in /usr/lib. But it also works for me if I put "libstorm.so" in the diablorl directory and set the "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" accordingly. (i.e. "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="./" && ./rl")
Instructions if you want to build libstorm.so for yourself (without archlinux build system):
- download and unzip stormlib.zip.
- cd into "StormLib".
- "cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
- "make".
This is basically the same that the PKGBUILD does. If it doesn't work, check whether bzip2 and zlib are installed. I am willing to provide help if it still doesn't work.
DiabloRL / Re: Can't enable sound on Mac OS X 10.8
« on: May 29, 2013, 03:29 »
I could get sound partially working under archlinux:
- I installed stormlib via https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/stormlib/ (The PKGBUILD looks fairly standard, so it seems if you have the right dependencies installed - which are listed in the PKGBUILD - there are no problems compiling stormlib).
- In vstormlibrary.pas the constant 'StormDefaultPath' points to 'StormLib.so'. It should point to 'libstorm.so' instead. I "solved" this problem by symlinking 'libstorm.so' to 'StormLib.so' in /usr/lib. (didn't want to compile).
Now I get to the main menu of diablorl and have background music. However as soon as I do anything I get the following error (which seems sdl related, but I didn't have time to look into it):
- I installed stormlib via https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/stormlib/ (The PKGBUILD looks fairly standard, so it seems if you have the right dependencies installed - which are listed in the PKGBUILD - there are no problems compiling stormlib).
- In vstormlibrary.pas the constant 'StormDefaultPath' points to 'StormLib.so'. It should point to 'libstorm.so' instead. I "solved" this problem by symlinking 'libstorm.so' to 'StormLib.so' in /usr/lib. (didn't want to compile).
Now I get to the main menu of diablorl and have background music. However as soon as I do anything I get the following error (which seems sdl related, but I didn't have time to look into it):
Code: [Select]
An unhandled exception occurred at $0000000000535479 :
EStreamError : Seek not implemented
$0000000000535479 line 859 of src/rlui.pas
$000000000059CB0F line 114 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vsdlsound.pas
$000000000059854F line 182 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vsound.pas
$0000000000534371 line 552 of src/rlui.pas
$0000000000582C7C line 734 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vuielements.pas
$00000000005833A4 line 793 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vuielements.pas
$000000000056929A line 387 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vuielement.pas
$000000000056956D line 442 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vuielement.pas
$0000000000569552 line 442 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vuielement.pas
$0000000000569552 line 442 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vuielement.pas
$000000000057CA17 line 682 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vconui.pas
$000000000058BF37 line 147 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vio.pas
$000000000058BEA0 line 131 of ../fpcvalkyrie/src/vio.pas
$00000000004687A8 line 78 of src/rlgame.pas
$0000000000426210 line 50 of src/rl.pas
An unhandled exception occurred at $00007F6FEFBAD350 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
Century Lounge / Re: [U|AAo666|338|99%|YASD] Mother of God, I thought Arachnocaves were bad...
« on: May 29, 2013, 02:53 »
Berserker trait is basically useless in this situation. You were not just unlucky:
If you really need a hit to take off 1/3rd of your max hp to trigger berserk, that is 20 as a marine. Bruiser brothers are basically hell barons with more hitpoints. They do 4d5 damage, so it is quite rare for them to do 20 damage (1/625).
The situation is much better as a non-marine. Depending on how the rounding works you would have 5%(for 17HP) or even 10%(16HP) chance to go berserk.
If you really need a hit to take off 1/3rd of your max hp to trigger berserk, that is 20 as a marine. Bruiser brothers are basically hell barons with more hitpoints. They do 4d5 damage, so it is quite rare for them to do 20 damage (1/625).
The situation is much better as a non-marine. Depending on how the rounding works you would have 5%(for 17HP) or even 10%(16HP) chance to go berserk.
Bug Reports / Re: [|G|Win7] Nuke Plasma Rifle doesn't mod to Hyperblaster
« on: May 29, 2013, 02:30 »
You could presumably check the requirements also by looking at the [A]ssemblies page in game. I cannot do that right now, because I lost my profile, but I would expect it to agree with the wiki.
I also was surprised by this at first, but I suppose balance-wise it is not so bad (though the nuclear plasma rifle is now quite rare anyway).
I also was surprised by this at first, but I suppose balance-wise it is not so bad (though the nuclear plasma rifle is now quite rare anyway).
DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.5.0: Sorcerer [YASD]+[YAVP]
« on: May 24, 2013, 08:42 »No problem.
I hope that Flash damage is fixed and area effect not-so-bugged as in original Diablo 1. We do not need to copy Diablo bugs into roguelike, Kornel, do we? :)
I think this bug is not present in diablorl. I didn't notice any position dependency on the damage.
DiabloRL / Re: Crash/bug topic
« on: May 23, 2013, 18:40 »
I played through 0.5.0 and while everything works mostly fine, there were some lua errors when fighting zhar the mad:
(repeat several hundred times)
I also got lua errors similiar to that when using the guardian spell (unfortunately these are no longer in the error.log, I think I accidentially deleted it). Didn't seem to affect gameplay too much, but guardian spell doesn't work.
Code: [Select]
Timestamp : 23-5-13 22:20:10
Error level : ERROR
Message : Lua hook OnAct caught ELuaException!
Call path : npcs[zhar_the_mad].OnAct
Call params : ()
Error message : Path [(spells,0)] passed to TLuaTable is nil!
(repeat several hundred times)
I also got lua errors similiar to that when using the guardian spell (unfortunately these are no longer in the error.log, I think I accidentially deleted it). Didn't seem to affect gameplay too much, but guardian spell doesn't work.
DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.5.0: Sorcerer [YASD]
« on: May 23, 2013, 18:27 »
I indeed had overlooked the flash spell earlier, so I tried it out. The flash spell is quite rare, but Adria sells it and Adria also restocks when saving and loading (like in the original diablo), so no problem there. The lava lords are immune to magic, so no luck there, but they go down quickly to the golem. However the flayed ones, which were the major pain in the ass before, are merely resistant to magic and so can be killed with flash. At the end they went down after about three casts of flash. I included a screenshot of the spellbook at the end of the game, so you can see that at higher levels flash does quite decent damage (about on par with fireball). It also is not too expensive.
Many thanks for the hint!
Mortem spoilered because of length.
Many thanks for the hint!
Mortem spoilered because of length.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Code: [Select]
Press <Enter> to view, <Escape> to exit...
You got 164 gold coins.
..:....:..## ##.#...³ ³
..:....:...##### #.....#³ Firebolt (L:15) 33-42 Cost: 3 ³
%.::::::.......### ##..#...³ Holy Bolt (L:13) 31-40 Cost: 3 ³
.................## ##..##...³ Healing (L:14) 37-182 Cost: 10 ³
...##..::::::..%..# #...#....³ Town Portal (L:3) Cost: 29 ³
######.:....:..%..### ##...#...#³ Flash (L:10) 107-214 Cost: 16³
#..:....:.....%.###########........#³ Stone Curse (L:2) Cost: 57 ³
##.::::+:.......................%...³ Phasing (L:2) Cost: 10 ³
#...............########.##....%%...³ Mana Shield (L:4) Cost: 33 ³
#####.þ...#####....## ####.%þ.%.%..³ Fireball (L:8) 123-215 Cost: 10 ³
.##.....#.# #....## #.%........³ Guardian (L:2) Cost: 48 ³
........### ####..### ##..##.....³ Golem (L:5) Cost: 76 ³
::::':::## #...@..## #..####....³ Teleport (L:1) Cost: 35 ³
.........# #.......# #.%.###....³ Close ³
#........# ####......#######....##....³ ³
###......#####.......####....#...###....³ ³
##.......##.#####.#### # #....## #....³ ³
#..........## ##### #. ##....###....³ ³
##..........# #..# #..#..%...#....=³ ³
..........%.# #.## #..........==.=³ ³
#####..##...### #.#### ###..=======..=³ ³
######%...# #.##.# #####%==========³ ³
##..#####....# #......%========³ ³
### ##....#......###.....%.........³ ³
##.## ####..=....====......%.%#...#%....³ ³
....# #.....========.........##.%###....³ ³
::':#######..=.===.....%%....##.## #....ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ....ÄÄÄÙ
---######- [?!!!!!!!] ------------------------------ Caves, level 12 --......---
###### Fireball ######
#### ####
Century Lounge / Re: [U|AoMC+Ao100|71%|YAVP] Missed Destroyer Platinum by several thousands...
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:45 »
about knockback: I didn't test this now, but if the wiki page
is correct, then you need 12 points of damage for knockback.
The gatling gun does 1d7, so with SoB5 you have a chance of 1/7 (7+5=12) per shot of knockback, which will happen reasonably often, since you shoot 8 shots per burst. No knockback with SoB4 or less.
An assault rifle does 2d5 (2d6 on plasma rifle) per shot, so it is much easier to reach the 12 points of damage required for knockback. With SoB4 you need at least 8 damage on the assault chaingun, which happens roughly every 4th shot.
Not sure how enemy armor is applied here, but I think it does not affect knockback.
is correct, then you need 12 points of damage for knockback.
The gatling gun does 1d7, so with SoB5 you have a chance of 1/7 (7+5=12) per shot of knockback, which will happen reasonably often, since you shoot 8 shots per burst. No knockback with SoB4 or less.
An assault rifle does 2d5 (2d6 on plasma rifle) per shot, so it is much easier to reach the 12 points of damage required for knockback. With SoB4 you need at least 8 damage on the assault chaingun, which happens roughly every 4th shot.
Not sure how enemy armor is applied here, but I think it does not affect knockback.
DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.5.0: Sorcerer [YASD]
« on: May 23, 2013, 07:16 »
Sorcerer sounds challenging, congrats on getting as far as you did. ;)
Thx. Actually I found it quite easy until fireimmunes started showing up. Just pump most of your points in mana. You will find enough books of firebolt to make it quite powerful, so for quite a while you can oneshot almost everything. Once you find manashield (staff or scrolls are also good for the beginning), also your defensive worries are gone. (I used a scroll of manashield for leoric, since I didn't have the spell yet).
So until you hit the caves it goes really well. Then the game switches from quite easy to very hard, since there is just no good way for a sorcerer to deal with fireimmunes (Golem + stone curse is possible, but you have to take it very slowly and it is not much fun).
Once there are lightning spells, this will be really cool.
DiabloRL / DiabloRL 0.5.0: Sorcerer [YASD]+[YAVP]
« on: May 21, 2013, 05:47 »
Wouldn't have thought it possible: This is even better than the original Diablo. Very cool game. Also more fast-paced, even though turn based.
Sorcerer is quite powerful, because of manashield - until you run into too many fireimmune monsters. Since lightning spells are not implemented yet, the only way to deal with them is melee + golem + stone curse (stone curse wears off in this version when you attack the monster, but still can be used to block enemies you aren't dealing with at the moment), which is very tedious. So I started teleporting around --> YASD.
Linux version (64bit) worked fine, but I got a crash when I turned sound on, so I switched to windows + wine for the time being.
edit: now also with YAVP (scroll down!)
Sorcerer is quite powerful, because of manashield - until you run into too many fireimmune monsters. Since lightning spells are not implemented yet, the only way to deal with them is melee + golem + stone curse (stone curse wears off in this version when you attack the monster, but still can be used to block enemies you aren't dealing with at the moment), which is very tedious. So I started teleporting around --> YASD.
Linux version (64bit) worked fine, but I got a crash when I turned sound on, so I switched to windows + wine for the time being.
DiabloRL v 0.5.0 roguelike postmortem character dump
momo, level 20 Sorcerer, killed by a obsidian lord in Caves, level 11.
He scored 382436.67 points, killing 0 hellspawn.
He advanced to level 20 gaining 1143667 experience.
He amassed 1796 gold coins.
He killed the Butcher.
He granted eternal rest to the Skeleton King.
He retrieved Ogden's tavern sign.
He learned the Guardian spell.
He cleared Halls of Blind.
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Strength 29/29
Magic 151/118
Dexterity 15/15
Vitality 32/32
Life 71/-8 Mana 370/1
Armor 18 ToHit 57
-- Spells ----------------------------------------------------
Firebolt level 14
Holy Bolt level 13
Healing level 13
Town Portal level 4
Stone Curse level 1
Mana Shield level 2
Fireball level 5
Guardian level 3
Golem level 1
Teleport level 1
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[ Head ] crown of Brilliance [11]
[ Neck ] Optic amulet
[ Body ] nothing
[ Wpn ] Jagged sabre of Light (1-8)
[ Shld ] Pearl small shield of Brilliance [7]
[ RRng ] ring of the Jaguar
[ LRng ] The Bleeder
-- Quickslots ------------------------------------------------
[ Slot1 ] potion of full rejuvenation
[ Slot2 ] scroll of mana shield
[ Slot5 ] potion of full mana
[ Slot6 ] potion of mana
[ Slot7 ] potion of mana
[ Slot8 ] potion of mana
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
1796 gold coins
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
potion of full mana
Azure mail of the Wolf [19]
short battle bow (3-7)
cloak [7]
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
Gutshank the Quick
Deathshade Fleshmaul
Blighthorn Steelmace
Goblight of the Flame
the Butcher
Skeleton King
15 * zombie
36 * ghoul
35 * skeleton
29 * burning dead
54 * horror
16 * skeleton captain
65 * burning dead captain
116 * horror captain
46 * skeleton archer
16 * corpse bow
2 * burning dead archer
85 * horror archer
43 * scavenger
34 * plague eater
25 * shadow beast
39 * fallen one
25 * fallen one
90 * carver
66 * devil kin
48 * devil kin
124 * dark one
43 * dark one
18 * fiend
31 * blink
38 * gloom
76 * familiar
55 * stone clan
188 * night clan
47 * stone clan archer
132 * hidden
44 * stalker
13 * unseen
4 * overlord
75 * horned demon
89 * obsidian lord
204 * blood stone
131 * gargoyle
64 * blood claw
79 * poison spitter
15 * pit beast
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You drink the potion of full mana. You feel magically fully restored.
Momo casts Fireball. The pit beast dies. You gain 2266 experience. The pit
beast dies. You gain 2266 experience. The obsidian lord dies. You gain 1628
Momo casts Fireball. The pit beast dies. You gain 2266 experience.
Momo casts Teleport.
Momo casts Teleport.
You open the chest.
Momo casts Fireball. The obsidian lord dies. You gain 1628 experience. The
obsidian lord dies. You gain 1628 experience.
Momo casts Fireball. The obsidian lord dies. You gain 1628 experience. The
flayed one hits you.
Momo casts Fireball. The flayed one is unaffected. The pit beast dies. You
gain 2266 experience.
Momo casts Teleport.
Momo casts Teleport.
Momo casts Fireball. The pit beast dies. You gain 2266 experience. The pit
beast dies. You gain 2266 experience.
Momo casts Fireball. The pit beast dies. You gain 2266 experience. The
obsidian lord hits you. The obsidian lord hits you. The obsidian lord hits You
edit: now also with YAVP (scroll down!)
Post Mortem / [U|AoCn|100%|YAFW] Daredevil Platinum
« on: May 18, 2013, 14:27 »
RNG God was really nice this time. Got three onyx packs in total + several good uniques. The two shamblers in Deimos Lab are not too bad with an A-modded plasma rifle and SoB 1. Once I got AC this run wasn't more difficult than a standard UV game. The crucial thing seems to be to get enough healing / no bad spawns on the first few levels. Also got a lucky invulnerability globe for the cyberdemon.
Didn't do city of skulls, because I was low on ammo. For Halls of Carnage I just put on the lava boots and waited. Didn't dare to do the mortuary later then because I had nothing to destroy the corpses.
Still got enough experience overall.
Strangely enough the victories info page shows this just as a standard win. Any ideas?
Didn't do city of skulls, because I was low on ammo. For Halls of Carnage I just put on the lava boots and waited. Didn't dare to do the mortuary later then because I had nothing to destroy the corpses.
Still got enough experience overall.
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Zalminen, level 13 Arch-Vile Br. General Marine,
defeated the Mastermind at the Hell Fortress.
He survived 183664 turns and scored 271524 points.
He played for 6 hours, 26 minutes and 38 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 643 out of 643 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Confidence!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 8
Levels visited : 3
Levels completed : 3
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Aurora Medallion
Hell Armorer Badge
Technician Gold Badge
Daredevil Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 60/60 Experience 78294/13
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Finesse (Level 3)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Whizkid (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Ammochain (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [3/3] (91%)
[b] [ Weapon ] hyperblaster (2d4)x5 [27/40] (F1)
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] gatling gun (1d7)x6 [60/60]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [5/5]
[b] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
[c] red armor [4] (AO)
[d] power cell (x50)
[e] power cell (x50)
[f] power cell (x50)
[g] power cell (x50)
[h] power cell (x50)
[i] power cell (x50)
[j] power cell (x50)
[k] power cell (x50)
[l] power cell (x39)
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] phase device
[s] onyx armor pack
[t] Enviroboots [0]
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Acid - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Fire - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
27 former humans
41 former sergeants
17 former captains
86 imps
38 demons
203 lost souls
40 cacodemons
17 hell knights
44 barons of hell
22 arachnotrons
15 former commandos
20 pain elementals
25 revenants
18 mancubi
24 arch-viles
2 shamblers
1 lava elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 1 he entered Deimos Lab.
On level 1 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 1 he assembled a lava boots!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 4 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 5 he found the Acid Spitter!
On level 6 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 7 he assembled a tactical armor!
On level 8 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 10 he assembled a gatling gun!
On level 10 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
On level 11 he stumbled into a complex full of arch-viles!
On level 11 he assembled a hyperblaster!
On level 14 he found the Enviroboots!
On level 14 he entered the Lava Pits.
On level 14 he found the Malek's Armor!
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 16!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in Hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You see : John Carmack (severely wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack.
Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : John Carmack (almost dead) | blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations!
You defeated John Carmack! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
265 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
232 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
1 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 8 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
20 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
15 killed the bitch and survived.
4 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Strangely enough the victories info page shows this just as a standard win. Any ideas?
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