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Messages - GustavEnzling

Pages: [1]
AliensRL / Keys!
« on: September 24, 2012, 03:22 »
The keys navigating menus and consoles up and down should be the same as the keys that move north and south. Since playing laptop, i prefer the nethack ykuhlbjn-keys and have changed accordingly and so wish that the keys for menus and console followed.

Sorry for starting a new post for such a small problem - did not know where else to put it. Cheers!

AliensRL / Re: YASD - Welcome to Valhalla, brave scout
« on: September 23, 2012, 02:02 »
Rest well, master scout.

I find that shotgun do too much collateral damage when used. It kicks major alien butt, but destroys many crates and windows in the process of doing so.

AliensRL / Re: Damage
« on: September 21, 2012, 04:12 »
Thanks for the answers. Will help me make my struggle more efficient! :)

AliensRL / Damage
« on: September 20, 2012, 14:31 »
Is weapon damage based on weapon (and if, how?), ammo type or both? (Skills and pain not included).

AliensRL / Re: XP grinding
« on: September 20, 2012, 14:23 »
Also, I love this game.

AliensRL / Re: XP grinding
« on: September 20, 2012, 14:17 »
My strategy is:

Run to storage for guns, ammo, supplies and glory.
Explore enineering - choose fights wisely since you can see through glass in most of rooms.
Explore corridors in civilian and medical for ammo and exploration xp. (Don't venture into rooms there unless want medpacks or to get to elevator. (I find that it is not worth it, most of the times.))
Ransack security and military, if have keys. But don't if low on ammo and healt since the areas often have some real nasty aliens lurking.
Avoid Main tower at all cost, unless you want to put up turrets for some open area fun :D

This can be done at every level. (I often die at level 3 or 4). Pew-pew!

AliensRL / Re: The horrors of the bullet proof Overseer
« on: September 16, 2012, 10:29 »
By the way. Ever thought about implementing sneak in the game? Like when you are wearing no armor, there is a little chance that a alien will not notice you, based on range, lowlit and skill level. The scout could have a bonus for the skill and the master level could let you sneak with armor.

AliensRL / Re: The horrors of the bullet proof Overseer
« on: September 16, 2012, 09:46 »
That is what I enjoy about this RL. It brings a feeling of being constantly hunted and a unwillingness to confront the aliens. Everytime you open a door, you pray for it beeing full of crates, and not full of aliens that will tear your face off if you don't use that last precious ammo of yours. :D

AliensRL / Re: The horrors of the bullet proof Overseer
« on: September 16, 2012, 06:47 »
I panic fired instead of using them :D

AliensRL / Re: The horrors of the bullet proof Overseer
« on: September 16, 2012, 05:17 »
The model 1894 rifle was a joy to find. It insta-popped juveniles and scavangers, and brought down warriors by my feet in two shots, when the stars were aligned. Overseer took about ten shots with it, and was almost dead before shredding me. But as mentioned, aim was not optimal most of the shots because of the nightmarish claw and tooth induced pain and massive trauma endured during the struggle.

About post mortem - some symbols seems to change in linux-enviroment. But I am likely to post the .txt-pm the next time. In the end, taking five screenshots and merging them in gimp just was no fun :D

AliensRL / The horrors of the bullet proof Overseer
« on: September 15, 2012, 07:33 »

And there I was, firing bullet after bullet into the horrifying exoskeleton clad body of the overseer, as it tore the flesh of my body until I was no more.

AliensRL / Re: YASD - My first Technician...
« on: September 15, 2012, 03:49 »
I played a master techician the other day. Most useful feats where multitooling into security doors, unlimited healing from red computer consoles and fixing elevators (with only three multitools - kraxftp!). I liked him, alas he was not very skilled with guns and rifles, and he met a horrible death during his attempted ascend in the colony.

How does one, by the way, take screenshots of post mortems in a easy way? F10 fails to deliver in post mortem (but works well when actually playing).

I also wonder why the colony and it's military storages is full of ancient weaponry. Like a, to us, modern military installation full of long rifles and flintlock guns :)

Announcements / Re: AliensRL 0.8.2 RELEASED!
« on: September 11, 2012, 13:24 »
I am very happy to see this project alive. Nice new version!

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