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Messages - Adral

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Off Topic / Re: Crawl
« on: January 31, 2007, 12:49 »
Bah... remember kiddies - if you ever get good item's it's only because RNG will kill you in the next couple of minutes

Quoted for truth:P

The only randarts I've ever got with my characters (a ring and a dagger, I think) were just the prelude of my supreme destruction. The RNG is even eviler(sic) than Kornel. :P

Requests For Features / Re: drowning in water
« on: January 28, 2007, 10:22 »
Well, we've got Stainless Steel, and we've got name changing :P

So let's say they are Plasteel Boots and we're set :P no need to overcomplicate anything.

EDIT: Whoops! I didn't check out that! Plasteel boots are already in-game!

Then we have the more generic Combat Boots :P

Off Topic / Re: Crawl
« on: January 28, 2007, 05:43 »
I usually play at akrasiac with some Mountain Dwarf Fighters, mainly because I am able to survive a bit longer with them :P

But I have also run the occasional Paladin or Chaos Knight. I also like Crusaders for some reason, even though I suck playing them :P

Requests For Features / Re: drowning in water
« on: January 28, 2007, 05:40 »
I agree with Getix, the future will probably have much better materials than those we have now. Hell, if they've got the BFG 9000 what is a simple rustproof boot for them? :P

Also, I don't see a problem with having water just for ambience. Ambience is important in games to make them more "immersive", and a roguelike can be immersive too, even without graphics ;)

Requests For Features / Re: Revamp of Rank Requirements, etc.
« on: January 27, 2007, 13:55 »
We need chainswords!:P

Berserk! / Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« on: January 25, 2007, 11:48 »
I should note that if anyone here other than Kornel wants to use [some of] my ideas, or has requests for new ones, go ahead - just let me know where it's going, first.
I've beasts aplenty and they want food and warm homes :)

Yes, the same goes for my ideas. They are GPL'd :P

Just as I take credit where it's due, I have no problem with anyone using them!

And another monster, just for kicks:

Name: Giant Slime

Strength: Legendary
Dexterity: Terrible/Poor
Speed: Terrible

Attack: Melee

Special: Uses three map squares(!) The head is what moves and attacks, and the other parts just do the last movement of the head for part one and the last movement of the part one for part two. In other words, when the head moves a space, the next body piece instantly moves to the just emptied space and the next one moves to the now empty space. If it's not clear enough, please ask. :)

The first part, the head attacks, but to damage it you must attack its tail! So you have to avoid the head, which has a very strong attack and attack it from the rear.

Behavior: Dumb as hell, most probably. But since he's big and mean, it's no problem:P

Description: A giant slime, towering over other monsters. Has some horns and a soft body, but his skin is very tough everywhere except at the tail.

Berserk! / Re: Post mortems
« on: January 24, 2007, 08:45 »
I made a try on Massacre mode, and I got a somewhat nice score, so I figured out I'll post it :)

-- Berserk! (0.8) Post Mortem ----------------------------------------

  Character name  : Adral
  Game type       : Massacre
  Monsters killed : 302

  STR: 10  DEX: 17  END: 10  WIL: 10
  Speed: 112  HP: -5/115  EN: 97/100
  Base damage: 1d6+5  Weight: 10

-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------


-- Weapons left ------------------------------------------------------

  Crossbow (9/0)  Knives (7)

-- Kills (302) -------------------------------------------------------

  24 bulldemons
  195 beasts
  8 mandagores
  1 defiler
  38 imps
  6 phasehounds
  28 skeletons
  2 wraiths

-- Skills (3) --------------------------------------------------------

  Ironman (level 3)

-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------

 You hit the beast!
 You evade.
 Choose target, k to
 You hit the beast!
 You evade.
 You evade.
 You evade.
 The mandagore hits you!
 You die!...
 Press <Enter>

-- Achievements ------------------------------------------------------

  Max kills in one turn    : 19
  Longest killing sequence : 19 kills in 1 turns.
  Survived for             : 1081 turns
  Died on                  : Town
  Reason of death          : killed by a mandagore

That 19 kills on one turn was one cannon blast that sent lots of skeletons back to their graves :P

I went for all Dexterity, and I think it's the most powerful combination. Willpower is a bit dangerous, as making your berserk rage last longer might just mean you are going to die earlier:P

Berserk! / Re: Colors and atmosphere in Berserk!
« on: January 24, 2007, 07:40 »
I'll give my own valoration for colours, just in case they serve for something:

Black - unusable for monsters :/
Error. Certain stealthy monsters might work verywell as black characters. It's like true stealth. This should be a fairly uncommon monster, though, so as to avoid having the player look for black dots everywhere. Maybe to compensate a message should warn the player when it appears ("You notice a ZOMFGSTEALTH0RPWNER")

White - to bright as you noted, maybe for special cases
LightGray - as above, but I think it's ok for skeletons?
They serve just right for skeletons and/or bone monsters. Maybe a special white-armoured character, otherwise avoid.

Green - bad because there's a lot of green on the terrain
Red - bad because monsters will be unrecognizable on blooded terrain
This may serve the same purpose that a black character (i.e. Stealth). Green for a forest-camouflaging monster, and red for a bloody beast of sorts. They should also be fairly uncommon, of course.

Cyan - too light for our mood
LightRed - too light for our mood
LightCyan - too light for our mood
LightBlue - too light for our mood
LightMagenta - too light for our mood
LightGreen - too light for our mood
Yellow - too light for our mood
A character that changes between all these colors might just as well represent the essence of pure chaos. Also they might work for some friendly monster (like a elf or something like that). Otherwise, I'll avoid them unless they "fit" with the description of the monster.

About highlighting, I'd use one of the above colours to highlight special monsters, and I do mean special :P Or maybe swap between the "normal" and "light" version of the colour so as to call player attention.

Berserk! / Re: Request for Help : Improved Documentation
« on: January 23, 2007, 15:31 »
I'll try to work on the wiki again soon, now that I finally ended my exams.

I'll try to start tomorrow completing the documentation. Any help is appreciated, too:P

Berserk! / Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« on: January 23, 2007, 15:23 »
I'll try with one!

---Monster template---
Name: Stone Giant

Strength: Superb
Dexterity: Poor
Speed: Mediocre/Poor

Attack: Melee and Ranged

Special: Can take a stone of the map to use as weapon (the character might change, or the color at least, to show this up at a single glance) When using a stone, deals double damage in melee, and can throw it to the player for normal damage, losing the stone (but he can take another one later)

Behavior: Goes for the nearest stone. Then, if he's near Gatsu, he'll come to him and bash him to a pulp, and if he's very far, he'll throw that stone. Either way, you are screwed :P

Description: A giant made of stone, with big muscles and a ugly face


Name: Thorn Elemental (there has to be a better name)

Strength: Poor
Dexterity: Fair
Speed: Fair

Attack: Melee

Special: When attacked in melee, causes damage to the player. When you are in Berserk mode, however, the attack is SO brutal that it doesn't have that much opportunity to damage the player (so you receive less damage if attacking him in berserk mode)

Behavior: Goes for Gatsu, unpaused.

Description: A plant-like critter, full of thorns and with large arms.

Discussion / Re: modding??
« on: January 22, 2007, 13:40 »
In Spanish it's possible, but sounds a lot cheesy:P

But I'll try to do a translation if you are interested so more people might enjoy the game!

Berserk! / Re: Berserk! branch
« on: January 21, 2007, 09:20 »
Most of the new features will be optional and you will be able to toggle the on and off; toughness of monsters in order to balance things out will be adjusted throught the difficulty.
Hey, toggling things on and off is a nice idea (I think). It's kind of similar to the birth options in some of the *bands, isn't it?

And yes, right now I'm aiming for "horrible unplayable variant with no balance at all"; it will take time and effort for things to take shape.
I do hope that you plan to make it balanced some day :P

Anyway, good luck! I'm no programmer, but I can drop by some ideas, and the ones that Kornel doesn't pick up, now might have a place to go :P

Keep us informed on the development!

Discussion / Re: modding??
« on: January 20, 2007, 04:35 »
I think that you'll have to wait a bit, and you'll be able to translate it only if Kornel decides to release the code.

About modding, that is supposed to happen on 1.0.0, but I don't know if it will be possible to translate the game.

Berserk! / Re: Berserk! 0.8 - Release Candidate 4
« on: January 19, 2007, 16:32 »
Heh, I'm sorry about the wiki help bit. But I am in exams time at my university so I don't have much time left! But when I finish them I'll try to get that finished ;)

Berserk! / Re: Poll : Dissalow "wait" during berserk mode?
« on: January 18, 2007, 09:00 »
I voted no, for the reasons the above posters mentioned. Imposing arbitrary restrictions upon berserk mode will only make people not put any points in willpower whatsoever.

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