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Messages - jake250

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 12
Discussion / Re: Cheats...
« on: March 10, 2012, 19:20 »
Well, if you just eventually unlock the debugging console and tell us how to vaguely use it, that would be great.

And yeah, I have little background in coding, I'm not sure how you could improve it either. I don't mean to blame the tutorial, just that the entire thing seemed too complex for me to get into. I could look into existing mods to learn, I've done it in many other games. To be honest, I simply didn't try yet. The tutorials scared me.

And to Mahreen: I think I promote self-control over limiting possibilities. I've always had no trouble drawing a line between cheats and no cheats. Both are completely separate experiences.

Discussion / Cheats...
« on: March 10, 2012, 15:04 »
I'm aware the game doesn't have any. Which is a shame.

But here it is: I like to cheat. I like to play -however the hell I want-. There's lots of things and ways to play that I'm -much more interested- in when it comes to DoomRL, and thats not "playing normally", which I find tedious.

The modding tutorials are frankly, to me, completely incomprehensible, and don't seem to point out at the possibility of cheats, just simple additions. I could be completely wrong, mind you. I didn't even see if there was a way to modify things that are in the game right now.

I don't really know what to say. I just want to cheats, and I can't. The game also used to be easier to crack with CheatEngine, but now values jump around even more than before. And I'm not skilled enough for trainers anyway. Sure, I can make myself invincible easily, but thats not fun.

Why no cheat support?

Oh my god! Graphics! I have been waiting for this for what... 5 years? Can't believe its almost there now...!

Is the graphic version available to those that donated yet?

Announcements / Re: DoomRL 0.9.9 RELEASED!
« on: October 23, 2009, 00:37 »
Do you guys, by "tiles", mean a version of DoomRL with actual graphics and not text?

In 2008, he promised he would complete it before the end of 2009.

No, I am not mad and I'm not here to show disrespect. Its a big thing to hold on to. I still want and hope that it will be done. I'll get the proof.

Because that promise was broken, I'd simply like to ask for some official word from Kornel here, on if its still going to happen, and how long could it take (but don't promise anything this time :).

By the way, the new version of DoomRL is excellent, as always. You do great work, even if it takes a long time :)

EDIT: Here is the proof:,1490.0.html

Discussion / Re: I've been gone for months - and no GRAPHICS?
« on: November 08, 2008, 17:58 »
But what's exactly keeping the graphics version from being released?
- The code is not yet finished or
- There are no graphics yet?

There might be missing graphics, but most of it was already done. Just browse the first page of this topic.

Discussion / Re: I've been gone for months - and no GRAPHICS?
« on: November 08, 2008, 11:35 »
It will be done this year, I promise.

Thanks for the promise, Kornel, but be careful with them. Trust me that I won't forget it ;)

I'm sorry to bump but..

You promised!

I have been away for a long, long time. I'm sorry that I'm little to no support here either. But its still a promise, and I told you I would remember it!

And you know, the year is almost over...

Requests For Features / Re: Options!
« on: November 08, 2008, 11:34 »
Nice idea. But I still think Kornel could make an Options menu to make some wishes come true... ;]
That would be good, though its not a necessity..

I despise unlockables. Stop taking things away from me just because I don't have time to bother playing. Its even more true with such a game, which I might just download from another computer to waste some time.

Don't get me wrong, new things are nice, but we don't need more unlockables. It personally really gets on my nerve when every things needs to be unlocked, its a fake way of making the game supposedly last longer and I don't buy it. Give me the full experience at first and don't let me waste my time to get it for no reason.

Even the CHALLENGES gets on my nerve because you need to unlock them.

Discussion / Re: Experience cap at level 19
« on: May 19, 2008, 18:07 »
Really, the point of an RPG is to have some sort of leveling system, or else it isn't an RPG, it is simply a roleplay.

I personally hate people that gives such claims. A RPG is a ROLE PLAYING GAME and there is absolutely nothing in its naming that indicates in any way a requirement for levels. Plus, you don't even need levels to give a sense of advancement.

Requests For Features / Re: Medals
« on: March 29, 2008, 14:25 »
Actually I think medals should be awarded to character, not to a player. I find it little bit strange. You play a character, not a player, is that right? So how can player get medals for what characters did? It is kinda like creating other character who is player-who-controls-characters. Little mess.

The ranking already completely breaks your way of thinking.

Discussion / Re: DoomRL trainer
« on: March 19, 2008, 13:01 »
Bother reading my post before. You don't get it, I won't write another resume just for you. As tisiphone said, cheating should be an option, and I honestly do not care if you can't understand the reasons I want cheats, but I already wrote all that in my previous post. While it would be a good thing for me and those who like to cheat, I don't see any bad side effect for those who don't want to cheat.

Discussion / Re: DoomRL trainer
« on: March 19, 2008, 08:28 »
Uh, please, if there is any disadvantage to using cheat (removing unique items, for example), thats pointless, I'll just go and get a trainer then. That ruins the point.

Of course I wouldn't want my score to be registered then. But no disadvantage of that kind, thats ruining the point...

Its old, so sorry to bring it back but Kornel said nothing. I think it should be added. Its annoying as well. At worse, add one key for Unique Weapons.

Requests For Features / Re: First person graphic mode
« on: March 18, 2008, 18:11 »
Alright, the quote is so weird so I'm just answering to this :

No. Do you know what a roguelike is? Half the point is the anachronism of text mode.

Thats closed minded, hella closed minded. Although I disagree with a "first person mode", waste of time and it ruins the overhead feels, you are just closed to the evolution of such a project just because its a RL. Its not because its made of text and was supposed to that this shouldn't change.

Special levels would be a good place for the suggested unique monsters (which in turn could have randomized 'good' drops).
Maybe, though there should be such in normal levels too, rarely, but there still should. Making everything special level exclusive would get rather annoying, wouldn't it?

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