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Messages - jake250

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12]
Requests For Features / Proposed Feature - locked doors
« on: October 25, 2005, 04:38 »
There could be some small rooms with indestructible walls that contain stuff and ennemies, but can only be opened with key. Diferent color could also mean better stuff... So you may find lot of blue, a bit of yellow, and rarely red. So if you find a vault or locked room, if it requires a red key, then it may contain a lot more valuable stuff. Just an idea.

Requests For Features / Iffy idea, but, what the hell
« on: October 24, 2005, 01:37 »
Quoting: jimmyj
well, my idea was pretty bad :(

Its not exactly bad, just not included in any doom game, which almost automaticly remove the Doom feel.

Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz

The Revenant's speciality is the rocket following you. How would it work? Does it simply make it an ennemies like all other? If so, IMO, there is not much point in including it. Maybe some originality could be used here.

Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
I'm not familiar with Doom III monsters, so I'll leave them out. As for Doom 64 I don't know that at all, so the same :-/

If you ever have some free time : , you can download the PC remake of Doom 64, Absolution, which includes some new stuff.. Well, I recomend you download it and try it some days! (You only need Doom2.wad, if you don't have this then forget it :/)

Requests For Features / Iffy idea, but, what the hell
« on: October 24, 2005, 00:22 »
So, if I understand you are going to add...

-ArchVile (I don't know how they would work though)
-Mancubus (Again, it would be a strange addition, it realy depends on how you make them)
-Pain Elemental (we are going to beat down a load of lost soul :P)
-Revenant (kinda weird :P)
-Spider Mastermind

The only missing monster is the Spectre, but it doesn't fit imo (and how would it works anyway?)

You could always add the "boss", that big wall, it should spawn monsters continuously and you would need to activate something, then go to a specific area... this area would go up and you could shot the boss once. Then they go down again and you need to activate the things again...

Other monster I may like to see...

(from Doom 64/Absolution)
-Nightmare Imp (Ok, Im not sure anyway if they would be any different from the normal Imp anyway...)
-Nightmare Spectre (Yeah, a Demon with 3x more health :P)
-Nightmare Cacodemon (a little harder to kill, rapidly throw 3 fireball..)
-Motherdemon (for a boss, it could be nice)

IMO however, I don't think monsters that aren't in any Doom game should belong in DoomRL, and if any comes in, better give it a realy good reason :P

Requests For Features / Proposed Feature - Challenge Modes
« on: October 23, 2005, 05:29 »
Angel of Fire - More lava is generated in the level, at many places. However, this alone make it easy (they will all kill themself) so all monsters should be immune from lava damage (or at least they should dodge it)

Cyber Hunting - In each level, a "modified" cyberdemon (with reduce visibility and movement) spawn and try to hunt you. Maybe it could deal a bit less damage in lower level and have less health : the goal is not to kill the Cyberdemon (although you could still kill him but it wouldn't be easy.)

BFG Fest - More weapons and ammunition are spawned = you can even get the BFG in the first or second level. Mostly rockets and cells should be spawned. However, there would be a lot more ennemies...

They are just idea I wanted to "throw away".

Discussion / New forum - Nice but slow
« on: October 23, 2005, 05:17 »
Yeah, you can be happy of this! This look a lot better than the last forum. Only problem however is : its slow. Takes 5-10 more seconds to load each pages, which gets anoying quite fast. Hope it won't be like that forever!

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