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Messages - jake250

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 12
Requests For Features / Idea: Arena Mode
« on: October 03, 2006, 22:58 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Hah, I did that one time -- I did DoomRL Arena as my AI project :-P. But that would have to be redone anyway :/. And it IS a large scope project :/

You should consider it a "low priority" project. That could give you something to work on once you run out of idea and work (if you ever do :P)

Discussion / Wiki: Reactivation
« on: October 02, 2006, 17:34 »
Quoting: Malek
More info, sw33t... on a bit off-topic note, what are the rules of angel of haste/purity?

Angel of Haste : DoomRl is too long, you want to fight your way through, as fast as possible. Each down stairs takes you 2 levels down.

Angel of Purity : Who needs those powerups anyway? Try to finish DoomRL without them. But remember that health globes are also a powerup!

Both ratings is HARD. No, I don't want to try them :P On the Angel of Haste, you also start on Level 2, so no easy-level with medpacks and an easy shotgun!

Discussion / Wiki: Reactivation
« on: October 02, 2006, 17:20 »
Needed for "Major" Rank :
-- win the game on at least Hurt Me Plenty
-- complete the Angel of Markmanship  challenge
-- complete the Angel of Purity  challenge

Getting the Captain Rank unlocks Angel of Haste and Angel of Purity.

Discussion / Help!
« on: October 01, 2006, 00:48 »
Quoting: Malek
Actually my first win (the thermie one, before progress tracking) was made using mostly doble shotgun... but that was on easy...

Well I was talking about the original DoomRL, not the Beta.

Discussion / Help!
« on: September 30, 2006, 21:52 »
Don't keep and prefer a single weapon...

And shotgun will make your doom, they are generally too weak. I love them and use them (and never use chaingun), never made the game "normally"...

Requests For Features / Idea: Arena Mode
« on: September 30, 2006, 05:03 »
I am all for it. Would be fun for a blast.

Announcements / Beta Testers forum open
« on: September 29, 2006, 00:50 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz

If things are always like that, you would be better making the Beta public :P

Announcements / Beta Testers forum open
« on: September 17, 2006, 06:15 »
Honestly I can't believe I missed that. I was always around, constantly, but the activity in the forum was... 1-2 posts a week... and Its been a long time I didn't come here.

To come back and see that I missed all that! I would like to be a beta testers but not only my time is quite limited, but I guess its too late.

Anyway, I'm glad DoomRL is still alive! Can't wait to new stuff!

Discussion / Is this place dead?
« on: August 04, 2006, 19:23 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Ok, first there was a heavy exam session, then there was a long period of exam recovery (don't ask) and now I'm leaving for vacations. I hoped I would start working on DoomRL as soon as exams ended, but I overestimated my power. I PROMISE I will resume DoomRL work when I come back (in a month). Hell, I would gladly work on it now, but now time :(((

Well, I hope you'll hold your promise this time!

I understand you can't be working on DoomRL all the time, I mean it doesn't give any money or direct benefits to you. Take good vacation, we can gladly (and impatiently) wait for you since its all free!

....but heh, don't take "too" much time :P

Discussion / Is this place dead?
« on: August 03, 2006, 05:52 »
I mean it, its really dead. Kornel don't show up so often, yet he didn't showed up since a few weeks.

What's up? Im still waiting for the next version of DoomRL, but I was getting bored and stopped coming to the forum - looks like it didn't moved at all...

I sure would like an answer from Kornel, to know how things are going!

Requests For Features / Decoy bonuses
« on: June 27, 2006, 03:45 »
Have the walls pop open to admit a minor horde of enemys that will leave behind some stuff in their "home" as they rush out to attack you...
I hate this. It was overused in Doom.

Discussion / zero-nine-nine
« on: June 07, 2006, 13:26 »
Eeeeeh? I thought it was already over O.o
Same here..

Discussion / zero-nine-nine
« on: June 03, 2006, 22:12 »
100 views, no response ... am I only one feeling that Kornel ignored this topic?
He may have missed it.

Can they pick up and use Thermonuclear Bomb? :D

Requests For Features / Request for forum feature.
« on: May 05, 2006, 05:19 »
The utlimate thing to do is to remove the ability to post when unregistered. I think forum without it are just fine.

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