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Messages - Igor Savin

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12
Announcements / Forum Upgrades
« on: October 27, 2005, 22:40 »
Is it possible to add ability to receive replies by email?

And yes, marking read threads would be nice.

Discussion / Reloading
« on: October 27, 2005, 22:37 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
:-D. Have you seen it yet? :-)

Hey, how about implementing savegames?..

Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
There should be a bigger punishment. I'd say, violators will be forced to watch Sailor Moon Live Action series :-P

Won't unnecessary and inhumane cruelty repulse people masses?

Discussion / Reloading
« on: October 27, 2005, 18:05 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Here nobody will treat you ill, unless you start asking for a savegame feature for DoomRL :-P

Aha, I'm starting to compile DoomBB rules already ;).

1) Asking for a savegame feature is considered criminal; violators will be forced to watch Berserk.

2) Calling roguelikes "dated" is considered criminal; violators will be forced to watch first Gundam seasons.

3) Using phrases like "isn't it offtopic?" is treated like insulting of administrators and is considered crimil; violators will be forced to tell of their childhood memories.

Discussion / Diablo RL?
« on: October 27, 2005, 18:00 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
and considering that you're the first candidate for a Mod, you can feel quite safe :-P

From - masochism for administrators - ban yourself for exceeding traffic limit ;)). Same applies here, I suppose.

Discussion / Diablo RL?
« on: October 26, 2005, 16:56 »
Quoting: Corremn
I assume your talking about Anime\Manga right? LOL

Nay, lately that wasn't the case ;)). That's the problem when I start looking where to put newly bought books, but not the time-related issue :).

Quoting: jimmyj
hehe, more like hentai!

MORE like, maybe ;).

Quoting: jake250
We are getting a little bit off topic aren't we? :P

Topics are boring, when you have to strictly follow them ;))).

Discussion / New forum - Nice but slow
« on: October 24, 2005, 18:38 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
But I'm planning other stuff than just roguelikes in the near future then :).

Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
but I can't decide on wether looks good or bad

Personally, I dislike "-" in hyperlinks... it slows down typing and hardens remembering... But it looks better, yes. isn't a bad option; it sounds good :)).

Requests For Features / Proposed Feature - locked doors
« on: October 24, 2005, 18:29 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
There was another idea tough, that vaults are locked with keycards -- and you can have more then one keycard of a color. Then you could use your found keycards either with the first occasion, or save them for the lower levels (where the rewards are better).

Good idea :).

Discussion / New forum - Nice but slow
« on: October 24, 2005, 18:28 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
LOL, you mean, this years trend?


Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
I should pick a name that would be common for all the projects ;))


Requests For Features / Iffy idea, but, what the hell
« on: October 24, 2005, 18:26 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Oh come on, don't make me download/play anything -- I already have little spare time for anything ;-).

OK ;). Poor lil' Kornel...

Requests For Features / Proposed Feature - locked doors
« on: October 24, 2005, 17:15 »
This one comes from locked door generation algorithm I was thinking about for Carceri, but what the hell - it could be used anywhere.

How it works:

1) Random map generator creates new room.

2) If room has 1 exit, then continue, else stop_check_locked.

3) If room has no stairs (maybe except for bonus ones) then continue, else stop.

4) If this is the last room to be generated, then stop, else continue (otherwise you won't be able to place keycard; I don't know if it's possible to return to previously created ones in order to do so, since you'll have to somehow check, if they are locked or not, and keycards should either be never locked, or locked in sequence, that is possible to follow)

...maybe some other conditions?

4) x\100 chance door gets one of 3 colours. If rolled succesfully, block entrance with door, generate keycard (and maybe some additional monsters around it; maybe additional items too).

This way it's impossible to make game unplayable by locking vital rooms, and searching for keycards allows to get some additional supplies...

Keycard can be not simple laying around, but carried by some monster not inside locked room... BTW, locked rooms should have indestructible walls or the whole point would be missed.

Actually, stairways can be locked too, but condition of only one exit should be met anyway; otherwise you'll get lost in uberdifficult checks...

Discussion / New forum - Nice but slow
« on: October 24, 2005, 17:04 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
Till the end of the year I'm gonna buy a buisness-class server :-/

Boss, are we getting classy * mailboxes?

Requests For Features / Level Editor/Maker
« on: October 24, 2005, 17:02 »
Quoting: jimmyj
perhaps if there is MP we can make MP levels??

What fun is MP-roguelike? Have you ever seen TomeNET? (and I don't really wanna think about turn-based MPRL - it gives me shivers ;)) ).

Discussion / Diablo RL?
« on: October 24, 2005, 16:58 »
Quoting: Corremn
Just a thought how about StarCraftRL. At the start you play a lowly soldier that is part of a team (up to 5) and you have to kill a number of enemies. As you progress in levels you become captain and you take control of your squad. Hmm sounds like a lot of work for a RL.

I once had a similar (though more complex ;) ) idea, and it even survived something like five incarnations (none really playable), until I postponed my FP-tinkering in favour of literature, school and (*ahem*; hint - check my "Interests" section).

Maybe it will be finished one day ;). And don't forget Carceri :)).

Requests For Features / Iffy idea, but, what the hell
« on: October 24, 2005, 16:55 »
Quoting: Kornel Kisielewicz
although the Shambler from Quake is running through my mind

Save it for QuakeRL ;).

Quoting: jake250
You only need Doom2.wad, if you don't have this then forget it

I'm betting my life: if he doesn't, he will in a few hours after he decides he needs them :). After all, Internet is big...

Oh, and good ol' Gmail is still an option ;).

Requests For Features / Proposed Feature - Challenge Modes
« on: October 23, 2005, 18:50 »
Poor memory - no level mapping.

Antimechanic person - weapon tend to explode in you hands with 5% chance per shoot.

Bloodophoby - lose a bit of HP (of XP) whenever step on blood ;).

Coward - start with "Coward" tactics and can't change.

Purist - no levelling.

(ok, names don't sound cool, they are placeholders)

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