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Messages - Igor Savin

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FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 08, 2008, 02:06 »
You have no "Use AnsiStrings" turned on?..

Hmmm, anyway, those are the same settings as I have. I'll try it with the latest Lazarus snapshot, maybe it'll help...

\If that helps, I'll put all the options into the valkyrie files so next time you will be able to set the options as you wish\

That'd come handy.

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 07, 2008, 13:42 »
It'd be difficult to take the rest of te game seriously then (-:

FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 07, 2008, 13:41 »
Lazarus 0.9.24 (11-14-2007) - fpc 2.2.0

FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 07, 2008, 10:01 »
E:\Elwin\Yhacking\Pascal\Valk\vtoutput.pas(68,18) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: "TTextModeOutput.ScreenShot(const AnsiString, Byte="0")"
E:\Elwin\Yhacking\Pascal\Valk\vtoutput.pas(70,17) Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: "TTextModeOutput.ScreenShotExt(Byte="0"):AnsiString"

If I comment override out:

E:\Elwin\Yhacking\Pascal\Valk\vrltools.pas(383,47) Error: Incompatible type for arg no. 1: Got "<address of procedure(const ShortString,const ShortString);Register>", expected "<procedure variable type of procedure(const AnsiString,const AnsiString);Register>"
E:\Elwin\Yhacking\Pascal\Valk\vini.pas(346,16) Hint: Found declaration: TINI.QuerySection(TINIFileCallbackProcedure)

Off Topic / Re: Suggestions please
« on: January 07, 2008, 09:47 »
Is there a homepage or something?

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 07, 2008, 09:44 »
To Karry:

Pretty heavy stuff you have in there :). Do you actually plan doing it?

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 07, 2008, 09:42 »
To Rola:

\I wouldn't be able to promise anything, as my life isn't that stable as I would like it to be\

Life is never about promises. And I would choose erratic input over no input at all - any day.

\And this would force me to go through the Horatio Hornblower books again, LOL!\

Will you regret this?

\May of the ideas I had in mind for StarWarsRL could be used here as well, including the progressive development approach - what you said about expanding the basic game\

Maybe. Maybe not. I have barebone made-to-be-epic pseudo-roguelike at my hands, which I can develop in any direction now. It mgiht be Pirates! It might be Dynasty Warriors. It might be Master of Magic. Beauty of the concept is that all of those parts are seamless and benefit from development of each other. But the (relative) shortcoming is, they all have to reuse the same basical system to be compatible and reasonable.

\With StarWarsRL I could finally have the game I'm waiting for 15 years or so\

I won't be doing any sci-fi for at least few years. And Kornel is the best man for the job anyway .

\another Akella game which name escapes me\

You mean "Captain Blood"?

\I'm really trying hard to imagine ship-to-ship combat\

Kornel already proved with DoomRL that literal gameplay translation is unneeded. One shouldn't think how "similar" gameplay can be achieved with ASCII. One should think how the basic idea can be implemented using ASCII methods.

My idea of a sea-combat was something like this: there's 20x20 board on which ships are positioned. You can either move, or shoot; at everyone within range, but there's a twist - your ship takes some time to aim; this time is reduced by your maneuverability, and increased by enemy manev*speed. Also, every time targetted ship moves, shooting one receives ToHit penalty. Wind can be added to the calculations... (speed bonus when blowing perpendicularly to your enemy).

My main winning point is that I'm not going to abandon the project anytime in the next 5-10 years (-: Pirate part was planned from the very beginning, it's just that I haven't yet decided upon when I'm starting doing it.

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 06, 2008, 18:06 »
\Too bad you want this as 7DRL, we could use a "Pirates!" port to roguelike\

Hey, I like your approach! That's exactly what I had in mind.

7-DRL-version is supposed to be a tech-demo of what can be done. Then everything can be expanded.

Would you consider joining the DevTeam?

FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 06, 2008, 16:55 »
OK, I'll try it tomorrow (actually, today) after the exam - H-Hour is rapidly approaching :).

FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 06, 2008, 13:57 »
\Yeah. Insted of 1 microsecond, you'll use 10 microseconds. So your roguelike will not quickly on a PC 386 DX2 -- on the others there will be no difference :P.\


\TBH, you'd need to do some pretty fucked up shit to make a roguelike as slow as Dwarf Fortress :).\

I still have to scale BaL's 1 lair, 1 village, 1 army x100 and see what happens (-: Though lags produced will have nothing to do with AnsiStrings...

\Anyway, all those Java roguelikes have a massively bigger overhead on *each* operation, and still they work fast\

We haven't seen JADE yet. It might compete with DF in category "Angel of Sluggishness".

\so AnsiStrings are a yes, yes :P\

*Persuasion roll successful*

\BTW, I started work on the GUI classes\

Ah, now I know their EXACT release date. It's when I finish my own berserk-based implementation :). And they'll be up the same moment I'll check up the forums to brag about it...

\BTW, I started work on the GUI classes ^^\

Like vtextui in the latest SVN?

FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 06, 2008, 13:19 »
Looks like this time I'll migrate completely :).

You are using AnsiStrings everywhere (e. g. default Output.DrawString). Aren't those time\resource-wasting overkill?

FPC Valkyrie / Re: "Destroy" method override in Vnode?..
« on: January 06, 2008, 12:32 »
Latest Berserk sources are beautiful :).

What does the "class function\procedure" mean?

"class procedure Skill;"
in TBerserkCharGen (bruichar)

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 06, 2008, 07:39 »
\Although i have a concept that would require about two years of dedicated work\

Could you give a brief overview?

\not a concept of a roguelike\

As in "different stuff accented" or as in "technically inadequate"?

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 06, 2008, 03:27 »
...but perhaps you know the low basics of MS-Word\OpenOffice-Writer?

Once again:
Your concept and writing (inside text), and I do all the coding.

Discussion / Re: Shiver me timbers, landlubber!!
« on: January 05, 2008, 11:33 »
If you design and write it, I code it. Except for PotC being not-so-great a source; make it generic pirate stuff and we have a deal.

Nothing epic, though. 7DRL-style would be appreciated.

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