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Messages - HexaDoken

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17]
Requests For Features / Re: Some mostly cosmetic suggestions.
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:23 »
This really has more to do with the way that Scavenger is activated: in order to scavenge a part, you have to unload an empty weapon. Melee weapons and armor don't have an unloading function whatsoever, so they can't be part of that list. IMO, Scavenger needs a rework anyway.
On the other hand, nucclear BFG/plasmarifle can't be unloaded, but can be scrapped.
You mean all of the ammo in your inventory? Not really sure where this would go: there's already cases where the name doesn't entirely fit on HUD, and adding extra information would only make that worse.
No. Just the number of spare ammo left for the weapon that is currently wielded. If you wield chaingun, it shows bullets in backpack, if you wield rocket launcher, it shows you number of rockets in backpack.
Also, if you use a chain/box, instead of showing number of ammo left in backpack it shows you number of ammo left in the chain/box.
I really don't think the save anywhere thing will ever happen. The way saving works now (as far as I can tell without source) is it saves only the character's data and what level they are entering, when you load it then generates the new level. Changing this would require a complete rewrite of the saving code resulting in a whole new anthill of game breaking bugs.
Well, I personally don't see a reason why it should result in bugs. Saving the whole level is easy, actually. Adding to the player stats(which we already have), you will have to write what is located within each square of the map. Then, if what is located there requires some additional stats(monster health, what he got in inventory, etc.), write em down too. This shouldn't result in bugs at all, of course, if you actually know what you're doing. And since the game which we got is MOSTLY bug-free(I haven't encountered any myself, actually), I am sure that Kornel knows what he is doing pretty well.
Altho, I must agree, that the whole thing is goddamn tedious. It can also bump the save/load time a bit, but that will probably be unnoticable unless your computer is from stone age. So, I don't see why it shouldn't happen.

Requests For Features / Re: Partial Invisibility
« on: March 06, 2012, 05:05 »
This was suggested by me just yesterday.
I suggest it working either as it did in Doom(monsters get severe accuracy penalities when firing at invisible player, while that sucked in original game(altho, it was a life saviour against hitscans)), either as it did in Quake(monsters couldn't see you AT ALL, until you hit them - after that, they see you just like if you weren't invisible) or both combined.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: March 05, 2012, 00:35 »
<Insert a title here>

Stats: same as Rocket Launcher stats.

Special: if it kills anything, the corpse goes BOOM with a standart rocket explosion(6d6 radius 4).If the resulting explosion kills something else, the killed corpse goes boom too, and so on, and so on, and so on... possibly resulting in huge chain reactions wiping out the whole level for good. The enemy must be killed for an explosion to occur - just hitting him won't count. Chain explosions can wipe out YOU too, so, bro, be careful there.

That sound great, specially on UV! More monsters - more exp - more fun! But I think it needs more balance. Maybe, decrease exp gain?
Whatever. Perhaps, dividing the exp gain by 1.5 will do.
Primary reason why I suggested that is because I want to be ever able to launch a bfg shot in random direction and get a ludicrous kill. Everything else doesn't really matter.
The mortuary will be... interesting.

Requests For Features / Re: The Horrible Ideas Thread
« on: March 04, 2012, 11:03 »
An invisibility sphere that allows you to wander around unnoticed. If you hit a monster, it notices you, but has -4 to hit.
Great for Angels of Berserk and Pacifist.

A few rather random ideas.

Angel of Explosives
You can use only your fists and explosive weapons. By "explosive" I do not mean all damage with radius attack, but rather all weapons that can damage YOU. So, BFG9000 is unusable on this challenge, as it can't damage you. To help, your fists do double damage, you start with a rocket launcher, whatever ammo is spawned are rockets, and weapons are more likely to be explosive(they are NOT ALWAYS explosive, tho). Also, monsters than normally shrug off explosives don't do so.

Angel of Massacre
Your weapons do double damage. Monsters spawn rate doubled. Health of bosses(arena master, shambler, bruiser brother, etc.) is doubled. Special levels hold twice as much non boss monsters, too.

Angel of Uniques(could make use of better title)
All unique/exotic items that you discovered in normal games are ten times as likely to spawn. Assembles you know are also likely to just lie on the floor. All unique/exotic items you haven't discovered in normal games are still spawnable, but with normal chance. Tougher monsters are more likely to spawn, random levels can hold monsters that are impossible to be located there otherwise(for example, HK's on Phobos, Mancubi on Deimos, goddamn shamblers on later levels of Hell)

Requests For Features / Re: Some mostly cosmetic suggestions.
« on: March 03, 2012, 05:51 »
Still too much letters for me. Six instead of possible three. I am not a quick-presser.

Requests For Features / Re: Some mostly cosmetic suggestions.
« on: March 03, 2012, 05:19 »
Ah. Ok then.

About hellnobles, I just... can't imagine him picking up a phase device and succesfully using it(in my opinion, phase device usage must be complicated, not just "hit a button and get yanked away"). Neither I can imagine armor fitting on his oversized body.

Requests For Features / Some mostly cosmetic suggestions.
« on: March 03, 2012, 04:34 »
Me again. I decided to put everything in one topic instead of spamming them.

First of all. I am almost sure this has been mentioned before, but I am still asking for it.


No, seriously. Losing an almost ideal game just because I had to quickly shutdown computer in the start of the level and therefore commiting suicide is not fun. At all.

2) With the graphics version being released(which, btw, is awesome), most of problems with mistaking cacodemons, berserks and large medpacks with blood got fixed right. But a new problem arised - the automap. In general, I can't see things on it. On the other hand, making it larger/less translucent can make it obscurive, so, a button should be made that turns on/off map mode, which shows an automap on the full screen size. I would suggest TAB as map button and moving run button to SHIFT, because, well, thats how it is done in original game. But where it will be isn't that important. Of course, the map mode won't apply to the console version because the whole version is in "perma-map" mode.

3) Can HUD show the spare ammo left for the currently wielded weapon? Because, I don't really like if I have to hit "I" to check it.

4) Can there be a "use from the floor" button? So, if you find something you could use right away, and your inventory happens to be full, you could just run over that thing and press a single button instead of dropping something, picking that thing up, using it, moving to one of the adjacent squares and pick back the thing you dropped. That's QUITE tedious. If you'd use that on a weapon/armor, you wield it, if on a consumable, you use it, if on a mod pack, you modify whatever you can.

5) For the same reason, can ammo chains/shell boxes be wieldable? So, if you want to place something else in prepared slot, you don't have to unprepare the chain/box, swap, select the weapon you want and then, in case your inventory was full again, picking chain/box again, but you could just swap the weapon with the chain/box and select the weapon of your choice. Of course, if you try to fire/reload the chain/box, it won't do anything.(altho would be fun if you could take a bullet from the chain and throw it in the nearest monster for lulz)

6) I don't seem to be able to scrap chainsaw with technican's scavenger perk. Am I doing something wrong or that's supposed to be?

7) While that's more of a bug, I'm still writing it here. Stats say I've encountered five bullet proof vests, but I am sure I've seen only one.

Also, "Hellknight uses a phase device and blinks away!"

Requests For Features / Re: Some kind of cruise mode or something
« on: February 20, 2012, 08:30 »
Something like that is already in place - press "," and then a direction key and the doomguy will run in that direction, stopping when hitting walls, doors, stepping on an item or if a monster appears. You can also you "." (the wait command) for "direction" which results in you waiting until a monster appears.
That might do, thanks.
Also, version (due out shortly) will have the option of mouse control, for a similar effect.
That can be a help too.
Some kind of lock out if you hold the button down for maybe a second or something...
No. A second is too much while values that are "enough" basically allow you to move 2-3 squares, quite defeating the point.
The best solution is simply learn to _never, never_ hold down the keys. Patience and calmness is the best part of valor in roguelikes generally.
The problem is, that the previous roguelike I used to play quite lockdowned me every time I see something SOMEWHAT dangerous(even if that's a pool of lava), so I could run around like crazy knowing that until it stops me everything is more than fine.
Not to mention that even while moving around carefully I sometimes can't notice enemies because they blend in. Perhaps, write in the prompt something likes "you spot an imp"?
BTW, while we are on keyboardly stuff, can I request moving move controls to keypad? It's a bit easier to manage the diagonal movement with it than with home/end/pgup/pgdn.

Requests For Features / Some kind of cruise mode or something
« on: February 20, 2012, 03:47 »
No ideas how to name it, but, there is a thing in current Doom RL that should be somehow countered.

The thing is that I like to just hold down the arrow key and blaze trough the level at lightning speeds. The problem is, due to me moving at exessively high speed(I mean realtime) I can bump in a room with monsters and fail to react and stop in time, resulting in continuing moving forward and taking a few hits. I am also a fan of not using portable medkits til very, very dire need, and therefore often run around with less than 30 hp, so taking those few hits can end up being fatal. Of course, I could just not run around like crazy in first place, but that's boring.

What solution I am suggesting? Well, normally, you just can't hold the movement keys. The game won't do anything, it will require you to move space by space, space by space. But then, you can enter some mode where you can hold the arrows and run around like crazy. But, if a monster is spotted, or you're being attacked, or something else bad happens, the mode is automatically exited, and you stop, instead of continuing running and taking hits from monsters.

Well, at least something like that.

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