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Topics - IronBeer

Pages: [1]
Modding / IronBeer's Sound Overhaul Mod
« on: April 30, 2013, 12:11 »
I was debating whether or not I should make this public, but I ultimately decided to do so. The mod is exactly what it sounds like in the title- I've gone through and thoroughly overhauled the sounds on a lot of the things in DoomRL, particularly the weapons and items, though some monsters did get improved sounds as well. The balance impact should be minimal at the very worst- basic monsters only gained more "individualized" attack sounds, and the only monsters to get "unique" pain sounds are the bosses.

My mod incorporates Malek Deneith's "Boss Monsters" sound mod, and GrimmC's mods for the (Combat/Double) Shotgun and the Combat Knife, and repackages all their lua controls under one file.

Download Link! (mediafire)

Installing the mod is pretty simple:
1.) Drop the "wav" folder and the "newsound.lua" file into your DoomRL directory.
2.) In your config.lua file, you will need to find the following line:
Code: [Select]
dofile "sound.lua"and change that line to say:
Code: [Select]
dofile "newsound.lua"This line is near the beginning of config.lua, and should be easy to find.
3.) For the weapon sounds to work as intended, you will also need to find
Code: [Select]
SoundEquipPickup = falseand set it to "true" if you have not done so previously.

Known Issues:
*I developed this mod under 0996, so I don't have sounds for the new unique items featured in 0997. If anybody runs across the ItemIDs for the new loot, please let me know ASAP.

To the best of my memory, the specific additions and changes the mod makes are:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Also, to the best of my memory, the sounds that the mod uses are sourced as follows:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Century Lounge / [H|Ao100|YAAM] Hell hath no fury like mine!
« on: April 10, 2012, 21:06 »

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Twink, level 22 Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel Technician,
 completed 100 levels of torture on level 100 of Hell.
 He survived 211554 turns and scored 1227432 points.
 He played for 3 hours, 18 minutes and 37 seconds.
 He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.

 He killed 2229 out of 2229 hellspawn. (100%)
 This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
 He was an Angel of 100!

 He saved himself once.

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 0
  Levels visited   : 0
  Levels completed : 0

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Medal of Prejudice
  UAC Star (bronze cluster)
  Experience Medal

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 90/80   Experience 540544/22
  ToHit Ranged +2  ToHit Melee +6  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +6

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Technician

    Ironman          (Level 3)
    Finesse          (Level 3)
    Hellrunner       (Level 2)
    Tough as nails   (Level 2)
    Son of a gun     (Level 3)
    Eagle Eye        (Level 1)
    Brute            (Level 2)
    Dualgunner       (Level 1)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)
    Whizkid          (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 2)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Lava Armor [4/4] (100%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   Dragonslayer (9d9)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   antigrav plasteel boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] blaster (2d4) [10/10]
    [b] blaster (2d4) [10/10]
    [c] Shielded Armor [2]
    [d] large med-pack
    [e] large med-pack
    [f] large med-pack
    [g] large med-pack
    [h] large med-pack
    [i] large med-pack
    [j] large med-pack
    [k] large med-pack
    [l] phase device
    [m] homing phase device
    [n] homing phase device
    [o] thermonuclear bomb
    [p] thermonuclear bomb
    [q] power mod pack
    [r] power mod pack
    [s] power mod pack
    [t] technical mod pack
    [u] bulk mod pack
    [v] Enviroboots [0]

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Bullet     - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 60% 
    Melee      - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 60% 
    Shrapnel   - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 60% 
    Acid       - internal 60%   torso 60%   feet 95% 
    Fire       - internal 60%   torso 95%   feet 85% 
    Plasma     - internal 60%   torso 95%   feet 60% 

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    172 former humans
    200 former sergeants
    199 former captains
    100 imps
    40 demons
    106 lost souls
    63 cacodemons
    82 hell knights
    334 barons of hell
    137 arachnotrons
    18 former commandos
    14 pain elementals
    142 revenants
    168 mancubi
    211 arch-viles
    36 nightmare imps
    56 nightmare cacodemons
    42 nightmare demons
    59 nightmare arachnotrons
    3 nightmare arch-viles
    27 bruiser brothers
    12 shamblers
    3 lava elemental
    3 agony elementals
    2 Cyberdemons

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  On level 9 he assembled a energy pistol!
  On level 13 he assembled a energy pistol!
  On level 15 he assembled a speedloader pistol!
  On level 18 he assembled a fireproof armor!
  On level 19 he stumbled into complex full of mancubi!
  On level 19 he assembled a nanofiber armor!
  Level 22 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
  On level 25 he ran for his life from acid!
  On level 26, hell froze over!
  On level 26 he found the Jackhammer!
  On level 27, hell froze over!
  On level 33 he found the Railgun!
  On level 40 he stumbled into complex full of revenants!
  On level 43, hell froze over!
  On level 43 he assembled a antigrav boots!
  On level 45 he ran for his life from acid!
  He nuked level 46!
  On level 49 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  He nuked level 51!
  On level 53 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  On level 55 he found the Lava Armor!
  He nuked level 56!
  He sounded the alarm on level 57!
  On level 60 he found the Necroarmor!
  On level 61 he found the Enviroboots!
  Level 62 was a hard nut to crack!
  On level 63 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
  On level 64 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 65 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  He nuked level 66!
  On level 69 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
  On level 78 he found the Trigun!
  On level 80 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  Level 81 was a hard nut to crack!
  Level 83 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
  On level 84 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 88 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 92 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 93 he stumbled into complex full of former humans!
  On level 95 he ran for his life from acid!
  Level 97 was a hard nut to crack!
  On level 97 he found the Shielded Armor!
  He sounded the alarm on level 98!
  On level 100 he finally completed 100 levels of torture.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 You need to taste blood!
 There are stairs leading downward here. You need to taste blood!
 You did it! You completed 100 levels of DoomRL! You're the champion! Press
 You dodge! Boom! Argh!!! Lava! You need to taste blood!

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 73 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 37 of those were killed.
 1 of those was killed by something unknown.
 1 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 1 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 34 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 2 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 25 killed the bitch and survived.
 7 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


This started off as a pistols-only Ao100 run. Upper levels were easy, a ludicrous abundance of early P-mods let me put together an Energy Pistol before Power Cells had even started spawning. I gradually started switching over to cells as Commandos started showing up, saving a pair of vanilla pistols for trash mobs. Also found a pretty early Nano pack, but I had to wait a while on Antigrav Boots because of all the Power mods. I actually got tired of seeing Power mods! Dunno if that'll ever happen again.

On Hell 17, everything changed. I popped a Computer Map to help hunt down a Unique I knew was on the level, and I saw a green "\". Initial thought was "Meh. Another Cleaver. I'll go collect it after I waste this Vile-Revenant-Mancubus pack." My initial thoughts were wrong- for the second time during a pistol run, I found myself presented with the Dragonslayer! It was a no-brainer to switch my build over to use that godly weapon, but cheeky Kornel had tweaked the wielding requirements again. With a little lateral thought and some non-combat use of the Rocket Launcher, I managed to finally pick up the mighty blade!

The rest of the game was a blur of mayhem, explosions, and carnage. Putting together a Nanofiber Red Armor and P-modding it basically let me stop worrying about armor, and my Nano-modded proto-Antigrav boots weren't about to melt away on me. All I had to do was run up next to any uglies and chop them apart. If walls got in my way, I'd just stab a nearby barrel and run right through the lava! I basically honey badgered hurtfloors; yeah, they hurt a bit, but I cared not in the slightest! Eventually found a pair of Blasters; even though I couldn't use them, I held onto them for the hell of it. Lava Armor + Enviroboots is a combo I'll never say no to when available, and eventually came to my senses and threw all my chips in with the Lava Armor. My heart leapt a little bit every time I saw the "You sense something valuable" level feeling, alas no Berserker Armor ever showed up. I *really* wanted that armor this game for 3 reasons: a) I haven't gotten it yet, and it's the last rare drop I need to find, b) I'm pretty sure I know how to wear it, and c) I've seen what it's capable of, so I simply want it!

Some other thoughts: probably the hardest level during that whole run was, of all things, a Former Complex. Yes, each of the little sods could only hit for 1-2 points a pop, but in a floor with a couple hundred of the dorks, those little hits will add up pretty quick. Especially if I can't actually shoot them! Also, perhaps it's a reflection of my still-kinda-raw skills, but I often seem to run into a "health bottleneck" in games above HNTR. There will usually be a moment where I'm forced to pop my last medkit, and spend some time with a truly limited health pool. I generally survive that part, but it's a hairy time.

Anyways, that run was a LOT of fun. It was my first real rampage with the Dragonslayer, and boy was it!

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Stubbs, level 14 Hell Baron Major Marine,
 nuked the Mastermind on level 9 of Hell.
 He survived 141123 turns and scored 336921 points.
 He played for 2 hours, 3 minutes and 35 seconds.
 He was a man of Ultra-Violence!

 He killed 810 out of 857 hellspawn. (94%)
 He held his right to remain violent.

 He saved himself once.

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 11
  Levels visited   : 5
  Levels completed : 5

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (silver cluster)
  Hell Champion Medal
  Hell Armorer Badge
  UAC Gold Badge
  Veteran Platinum Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 71/90   Experience 95240/14
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +2  ToDmg Melee +2

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Marine

    Ironman          (Level 3)
    Finesse          (Level 2)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 2)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Whizkid          (Level 1)
    Triggerhappy     (Level 2)
    Ammochain        (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Necroarmor [6/6] (94%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   VBFG9000 (10d10) [30/150]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   Enviroboots [0]
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] plasma rifle (1d7)x8 [33/40] (A1F1)
    [b] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
    [c] blue armor [2/2] (67%)
    [d] fireproof red armor [2/4] (36%)
    [e] rocket (x2)
    [f] rocket (x10)
    [g] rocket (x10)
    [h] large med-pack
    [i] large med-pack
    [j] large med-pack
    [k] phase device
    [l] phase device
    [m] homing phase device
    [n] thermonuclear bomb
    [o] protective boots [2/2] (100%) (A)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Acid       - internal 0%    torso 0%    feet 100%
    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 0%    feet 100%

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    109 former humans
    83 former sergeants
    28 former captains
    100 imps
    92 demons
    130 lost souls
    37 cacodemons
    36 hell knights
    70 barons of hell
    19 arachnotrons
    10 former commandos
    12 pain elementals
    18 revenants
    24 mancubi
    35 arch-viles
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 shambler
    1 lava elemental
    1 Cyberdemon
    1 Spider Mastermind
    1 John Carmack

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 7 he witnessed the Wall.
  He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
  On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
  On level 10 he found the Enviroboots!
  On level 10 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
  He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
  On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 15 he assembled a fireproof armor!
  On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
  He left level 18 as soon as possible.
  On level 20 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
  On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
  On level 22 he assembled a VBFG9000!
  On level 22 he found the Necroarmor!
  He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
  Then at last he found Dis!
  He nuked level 24!
  He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
  Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 The missile hits the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. You hear the
 scream of a freed soul! You hear the scream of a freed soul!
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You wear/wield : a power battery (x120)
 You quickly reload the VBFG9000.
 You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
 The missile hits John Carmack. The baron of hell dies. The baron of hell
 dies. The baron of hell dies. You hear the scream of a freed soul! You are
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You see : John Carmack (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
 The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You
 defeated John Carmack! Press <Enter>...
 You feel relatively safe now.
 Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 42 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 19 of those were killed.
 1 of those was killed by something unknown.
 And 1 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 22 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 17 killed the bitch and survived.
 4 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


Rejected possible titles: "No f'kin way", "(Any) Armor is for pansies", "PEWPEWPEWPEW".

The mortem dump says a lot, but there are a few things that it won't say, like that I spent about a third each of Deimos and Hell with no armor on my character, and a total of about 5% durability in my pack. I don't know if it's the new version or if my good rolls got spent elsewhere, but I saw very few armor suits or armor shards during the second half of the run. On the other hand, I got pretty good at "active defense", aka pewpewing the ever-living crap out of anything that looked at me funny. The Enviroboots are now one of my favorite things; during the levels where I had no armor, those boots let me conserve my precious health by ignoring the hurty acid or lava tiles. I even pulled a stupid and managed to kill JC after forgetting to switch to my fightin' boots!

The only level that I didn't cleanse of life was Floor 18, which the dump reports me leaving "as quickly as possible". Hah. What it won't mention is that I spawned in range of: a mixed pack of Mancubi and Arch-Viles, and two packs of Barons with Former toadies. Of course, I had no phases and no armor, but I spawned about 3 tiles away from the stairs- "Nothing to do here".

I started off pretty gung-ho about extra levels, particularly early on. But I was barely holding myself together in the later floors, and with my sights set firmly on the Platinum badge, I knew conservative play was in order. As Game Hunter once said, "If you don't die, you have no choice but to win eventually." Somehow I had the amazing good fortune to get a Rocket Box just before The Wall, which I immediately put to good use explode-ifying Barons and Viles. Viles are kind of wimpy when deprived of corpses and faced with brutal knockback.

Equipment-wise, most of my mods went to guns. If I'd known how stingy the RNG would've been with armor and repairs, I might have modded a little differently. All things considered, though, I somehow managed to make it work. Firestorm Plasma Rifle + MAc is wicked; I'd forgotten just how fun a ludicrous spammy rapid-fire build could be. The Missile Launcher is always an all-star in my book. It trivializes the Bruiser Bros, wastes Arachnotrons and Mancubi, and best of all is a guaranteed exotic! Pulled the Necroarmor out of the Lava Pits; honestly would've preferred the Lava Armor, just because the latter is troll-tastic with Enviroboots, but I was still very happy to finally have some material between my squishy important bits and the forces of Hell. Had VBFG9000 schematics on hand, did Whizkid just to build it. I'm pleased with the change, it's freaking brutal!

Ultra-Violence is tough, make no mistake, but I know what the game can throw at me, and I've been playing long enough to make the best of most situations. Here's hoping that this run is no fluke, and that I may finally be getting a little bit good at this whole DoomRL thing.

Modding / Couple of questions about sound hooks
« on: February 16, 2012, 16:26 »
A little background: I play DoomRL with some modifications to the stock soundset. The modifications are mostly for powerups, player weapon firing/reloading, and a couple individualizations to monster attack sounds. I am aware that monster pain sounds can be set on a per-creature basis, but I've left those all but untouched, only changing the pain sounds for the boss monsters (Shambler, Cybie, AoD, and Spidey). Not all the modifications were originally my work, but I remember where everything comes from in my significantly altered sound.lua.

Since my introduction's probably just scared off the non-technical forumites, my big questions for anybody left are:

*Can a given event have different sounds depending on what conditions the event procs? Specifically, I'm asking about the "berserk counter increase" event (I know, scientific terms). It apparently is presently hooked only to the pickup sound of the Berserk Pack. I changed that pickup sound to be a couple seconds of psychotic, murderous screams, which is awesome. Hearing the whole sound whenever I proc the Berserker trait in a fistfight, not so much.

*Next, I also changed the Thermonuclear Bomb to have an even greater "kaboom" when the timer hits zero, but all nuclear explosions seem to use the same sound clip, and is not related to the sound as set on a per-item basis. Is this sound controlled elsewhere from sound.lua?

*Can I set the sound for overcharging a weapon? If so, what's the action I'd need to add into the .lua under an overchargeable weapon?

*Finally, can assemblies be given a different soundset versus their base item? (Probably not, I think DoomRL treats assemblies basically as the base item. Personally, I'd think it'd be cool if assemblies became new items.)

From what I know, it looks like the first two cases may be hardcoded. In that case, perhaps it might be worth considering a change, or at least a second look.

5 / [U|AoMC|YAAM] Covered in Blood
« on: January 31, 2012, 21:00 »
 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Athene, level 15 Hell Knight 2nd Lieutenant Scout,
 defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
 He survived 90145 turns and scored 324177 points.
 He played for 1 hour, 28 minutes and 36 seconds.
 He was a man of Ultra-Violence!

 He killed 876 out of 876 hellspawn. (100%)
 This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
 He was an Angel of Max Carnage!

 He saved himself 2 times.

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 11
  Levels visited   : 8
  Levels completed : 8

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Cyberdemon's Head
  Mastermind's Brain
  Medal of Prejudice
  UAC Star (gold cluster)
  Aurora Medallion
  Grim Reaper's Badge
  Hell Champion Medal
  Shambler's Head
  Gatekeeper Silver Badge
  Gatekeeper Gold Badge
  Gatekeeper Diamond Badge
  Veteran Silver Badge
  Veteran Gold Badge
  Destroyer Bronze Badge
  Destroyer Silver Badge
  Arachno Silver Badge
  Arena Silver Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 90/90   Experience 100627/15
  ToHit Ranged +12  ToHit Melee +12  ToDmg Ranged +2  ToDmg Melee +2

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Scout

    Ironman          (Level 4)
    Finesse          (Level 1)
    Hellrunner       (Level 2)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 2)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)
    Intuition        (Level 2)
    Triggerhappy     (Level 1)
    Cateye           (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Angelic Armor [7/7] (100%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   BFG 9000 (10d8) [10/130] (B1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   plasteel boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] gatling gun (1d7)x6 [52/52]
    [b] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [40/40] (N1)
    [c] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4] (T1)
    [d] nuclear plasma rifle (1d6)x6 [31/31] (B1)
    [e] tactical armor [1/1] (100%)
    [f] red armor [6/6] (100%) (P)
    [g] Cybernetic Armor [7/7] (100%)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x140)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x140)
    [j] rocket (x14)
    [k] rocket (x7)
    [l] power cell (x70)
    [m] power cell (x70)
    [n] power cell (x70)
    [o] large med-pack
    [p] large med-pack
    [q] large med-pack
    [r] large med-pack
    [s] large med-pack
    [t] large med-pack
    [u] homing phase device
    [v] envirosuit pack

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Acid       - internal 0%    torso 0%    feet 50% 
    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 0%    feet 25% 

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    99 former humans
    79 former sergeants
    58 former captains
    143 imps
    75 demons
    80 lost souls
    51 cacodemons
    30 hell knights
    75 barons of hell
    73 arachnotrons
    11 former commandos
    10 pain elementals
    32 revenants
    22 mancubi
    32 arch-viles
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 shambler
    1 Cyberdemon
    1 Spider Mastermind
    1 Arena Master

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
  He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
  On level 4 he assembled a tactical armor!
  On level 7 he witnessed the Wall.
  He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
  On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
  On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
  On level 10 he assembled a gatling gun!
  On level 10 he found the Nano Pack!
  He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
  On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 14 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
  He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
  On level 15 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
  On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
  On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
  On level 19 he found the Revenant's Launcher!
  He cracked the Vaults and cleared them out!
  On level 20 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
  On level 20 he found the Angelic Armor!
  He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
  Then at last he found Dis!
  On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : a Spider Mastermind (wounded) [m]ore | blood
 The missile hits the Spider Mastermind.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You wear/wield : a power battery (x120)
 You quickly reload the BFG 9000.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 You hear the scream of a freed soul! You feel relatively safe now.
 Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 19 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 8 of those were killed.
 And 1 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 10 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 8 killed the bitch and survived.
 2 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


Oh, this was fun. Phobos was pretty par for the course as far as AoMC went, as usual shit got really bananas once I got my grimy mitts on a Chaingun. The Wall was tough; I almost bought it there on more than one occasion - it's so easy to majorly slip up in AoMC! - but I managed to pull through and get the rewards. A lucky phase got me positioned to beat the Anomaly without taking a scratch, and my nice shiny suits of Red Armor felt awfully neglected. In a normal game, the Missile Launcher absolutely omnoms the Brothers, and it's even worse under MC.

Deimos was throwing Arachnotrons at me by D2-ish, but I overcame them and about 3 Arachnotron caves throughout the course of my journey. Somehow got through Hell's Armory without taking a scratch; gotta be pure luck that the Shambler never actually fired back. Made a Gatling Gun there to fight the Shambler, and got the holy Nano Pack after my victory. I bestowed the almighty blessing to a Plasma Rifle, and knew that I had all the tools I needed to defeat Hell. Pretty much everything after that was a blur of carnage, pain, and that delightful coruscating ring of energy cells discharging. The denizens of the Spider's Lair were kind enough to fork over a Nuclear Plasma Rifle; of course, I didn't ask- my hosts were too busy getting vaporized. Had the presence of mind to snag Dodgemaster before fighting Cybie, and the poor oaf never even came close to hurting me.

Hell was pretty uneventful, save for the occasional Missile Launcher-mediated "shelling" of tightly clustered enemies, and more than a few frantic scrambles for safe position upon entering a floor. The only thing that stood out in Hell was the Mortuary (as it often tends to do). I managed to waste 3 of the Viles right off the bat, but I knew that wasn't enough. Trusting my instincts and praying, I proceeded towards the northeast corner, to hopefully fortify my arsenal with the Nuclear BFG. As I approached the nook, my heart sank- I saw Hellspawn milling around the area, and that could only mean that an Arch-Vile was in the area with a lot of "friends". Whispering a barely-audible apology to the star-crossed instrument of mass destruction, I tearfully levelled that corner of the map, then proceeded to the other side. As I marched back to the west, I noticed something nobody should ever see: corpses on my level memory were vanishing pretty much every step! I paused for a moment to check my remaining ammunition: PLENTY. I knew my 2 plasma rifles could carry me to victory... but only if I survived the Mortuary! For ever so few moments, I was unleashing my own brand of Hell- Missiles cut monsters down left and right, and the BFG sang its mighty tune of mayhem. Somewhere in the carnage, I managed to kill the last dastardly, bastardly Arch-Vile, and mopped up with my rapid-fire weapons. As I sought out the Angelic Armor and scraped chunky demon salsa from my face, I realized that I didn't even have to pop a single med-pack: I almost got the old Angelic Medal on top of everything else I knew I'd accomplished. Armor tucked away, I moved on. Passed on the Lava Pits; I'm pretty sure only Marines can do it safely with only 1 envirosuit. Got to Dis, wasted the Mastermind from out of her LOS with the BFG, then finished up with some corner-shooting.

Final thoughts: AoMC is definitely the easiest arena to score all the "no damage" medals. I'm still too clumsy to get the Untouchable series, but Cateye and spending lots of ammo will see anybody through to victory.

6 / [M|AoMr|81%|YAVP] To Hell with guns! :P
« on: January 06, 2012, 16:33 »
 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Twitch, level 9 Demon Sergeant Major Technician,
 defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
 He survived 69647 turns and scored 76256 points.
 He played for 50 minutes and 40 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 396 out of 488 hellspawn. (81%)
 He was an Angel of Marksmanship!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 11
  Levels visited   : 5
  Levels completed : 3

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (bronze cluster)
  Hell Armorer Badge
  Technician Silver Badge
  Armorer Silver Badge
  Marksman Bronze Badge
  Marksman Silver Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 24/50   Experience 33460/9
  ToHit Ranged +2  ToHit Melee +4  ToDmg Ranged +1  ToDmg Melee +4

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Technician

    Son of a bitch   (Level 1)
    Son of a gun     (Level 3)
    Reloader         (Level 1)
    Eagle Eye        (Level 1)
    Brute            (Level 1)
    Dualgunner       (Level 1)
    Whizkid          (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   red armor [6/6] (95%) (BP)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   Dragonslayer (9d9)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   protective boots [2/2] (96%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] storm bolter pistol (1d9)x6 [30/30]
    [b] speedloader pistol (2d4) [6/6]
    [c] pistol (2d5) [8/8] (B1P1T1)
    [d] blue armor [2/2] (81%)
    [e] fireproof red armor [4/4] (76%)
    [f] red armor [4/4] (74%)
    [g] ballistic vest [3/3] (100%) (PT)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [i] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [j] 10mm ammo (x40)
    [k] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [l] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [m] large med-pack
    [n] large med-pack
    [o] phase device
    [p] phase device
    [q] envirosuit pack
    [r] thermonuclear bomb
    [s] 10mm ammo chain (x250)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Bullet     - internal 0%    torso 60%   feet 60% 
    Melee      - internal 0%    torso 60%   feet 60% 
    Shrapnel   - internal 0%    torso 60%   feet 60% 
    Acid       - internal 0%    torso 60%   feet 85% 
    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 85%   feet 60% 
    Plasma     - internal 0%    torso 60%   feet 60% 

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    96 former humans
    63 former sergeants
    9 former captains
    82 imps
    26 demons
    56 lost souls
    22 cacodemons
    10 hell knights
    8 barons of hell
    7 arachnotrons
    2 former commandos
    4 pain elementals
    1 revenant
    2 mancubi
    3 arch-viles
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 shambler
    1 Cyberdemon
    1 Spider Mastermind

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 7 he witnessed the Wall.
  Not knowing what to do, he left.
  On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
  On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
  On level 10 he assembled a speedloader pistol!
  On level 10 he assembled a storm bolter pistol!
  On level 10 he assembled a fireproof armor!
  He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
  On level 12 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
  He left level 20 as soon as possible.
  On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
  He decided it was too hot there.
  Then at last he found Dis!
  On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) [m]ore | pool of blood
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to taste blood!
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
 This weapon isn't worthy of a marksman! You hit the Spider Mastermind. The
 Spider Mastermind dies. You feel relatively safe now.
 Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 6 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 2 of those were killed.

 4 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
 3 killed the bitch and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


Ok, first off, I'm proud of myself for figuring out how to wield the Dragonslayer. Somewhat fittingly, of course I figure that out during an AoMr run. Therein goes the loss of the YAAM- I didn't even realize I was punching everything to death right away, but once I picked up on that, I figured it would probably be better just to run down to Dis ASAP. Gotta hand it to my character, though: even 'zerked out of his freaking mind with the Mastermind bearing down on him, my character stuck to his principles and punched out the Mastermind. Which was actually pretty easy- the Mastermind's really squishy in melee combat, so much so that I might go primarily for Chainsaw kills in the future.

Some other thoughts: Phobos Anomaly is a mofo under AoMr. I've never really figured out how to do it cleanly under this challenge, and given the changes to Lost Souls and to the Anomaly in general, I simply don't see an easy way to clear it without a lucky phase, a Shockwave Pack, or simply losing a lot of health. That Ballistic Vest saved my sorry ass from the Lost Soul ambush, but the Bruiser Bros. pretty much bruised each other. I think they did about as much damage to each other (from splash) as I dealt with my guns. Also, managed to put together a Storm Bolter Pistol in Hell's Armory; praise the f'ing Emperor! Just before I grabbed the DS, I was capable of occasionally one-salvoing Hell Knights, and killed Barons before they could respond. I shudder to consider what the SBP might be capable of in the hands of a Sharpshooter.

7 / [U|AoMC|YAAM] First AoMC Win + Gatekeeper Diamond
« on: November 05, 2011, 17:18 »
 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Athene, level 13 Arch-Vile Captain Scout,
 defeated the Cyberdemon on level 25 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 102623 turns and scored 261110 points.
 He played for 1 hour, 28 minutes and 19 seconds.
 He was a man of Ultra-Violence!

 He killed 801 out of 801 hellspawn. (100%)
 This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
 He was an Angel of Max Carnage!

 He saved himself once.

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 8
  Levels visited   : 2
  Levels completed : 1

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Medal of Prejudice
  UAC Star (silver cluster)
  Destroyer Gold Badge
  Gatekeeper Diamond Badge
  Veteran Gold Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 117/90   Experience 74226/13
  ToHit Ranged +12  ToHit Melee +12  ToDmg Ranged +2  ToDmg Melee +2

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Scout

    Ironman          (Level 4)
    Finesse          (Level 1)
    Hellrunner       (Level 1)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 2)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Intuition        (Level 2)
    Triggerhappy     (Level 1)
    Cateye           (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   modified red armor [4/4] (53%) (A)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   modified BFG 9000 (11d8) [20/100] (P1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   tactical boots [1/1] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   modified nuclear plasma rifle (1d6)x6 [30/31] (B1)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a]   modified missile launcher (6d6) [4/4] (T1)
    [b]   modified red armor [3/6] (36%) (P)
    [c]   rocket (x8)
    [d]   power cell (x20)
    [e]   power cell (x50)
    [f]   power cell (x50)
    [g]   power cell (x50)
    [h]   power cell (x50)
    [i]   power cell (x50)
    [j]   small med-pack
    [k]   large med-pack
    [l]   large med-pack
    [m]   large med-pack
    [n]   large med-pack
    [o]   large med-pack
    [p]   large med-pack
    [q]   large med-pack
    [r]   large med-pack
    [s]   envirosuit pack
    [t]   rocket box (x11)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 25%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    59 former humans
    105 former sergeants
    48 former captains
    177 imps
    68 demons
    128 lost souls
    33 cacodemons
    53 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    13 hell knights
    44 arachnotrons
    16 former commandos
    14 pain elementals
    12 arch-viles
    19 mancubi
    5 revenants
    4 nightmare imps
    2 bruiser brothers

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 7 he assembled a tactical boots!
  On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
  He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
  On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
  On level 17 he assembled a gatling gun!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You see : Athene (boosted) [m]ore | floor
 You stop running.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You swap your weapons instantly!
 You reload the BFG 9000 with power cell. You are hit!
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : floor
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You are hit! Your red armor is damaged!
 You wear/wield : a modified red armor [4/4] (53%) (A)
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 You hear the scream of a freed soul! You feel relatively safe now.
 Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 156 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 119 of those were killed.
 3 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 6 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 28 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
 2 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 25 killed the bastard and survived.
 1 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


That was fun. I've pretty much ever played Angel of Max Carnage of Ultra-Violence for some reason, and today my persistence has been rewarded! Never did I think that I had a chance at any Diamond badges other than Armorer and Technician- perhaps I'm capable of more than I've given myself credit for.

Int (2) is really, really good on AoMC. In fact, I'd venture to say that Int (2) makes AoMC a breeze... as much as Ultra-Violence can be a breeze. With the stupidly high hit rates even out of vision, I'm not sure that Cateye is the best master to go for under AoMC, but it had to have helped. Juggler is another trait that's just plain awesome- I delayed picking it up until after a couple levels of Ironman to minimize the risk of surprise 1-turn deaths.

I played pretty conservatively since things can go from "oh, I'm doing fine" to "OMFG what I'm dead" literally in one move. As such, I only took on the first part of Hell's Armory and the Halls of Carnage. A shotgun and a bulk-modded chaingun got me pretty far, with occasional help from a rocket launcher. Things were pretty straightforward within the Phobos Base floors once I got rolling, and getting a hold of a Missile Launcher and a couple rocket boxes before Hellgate made Gatekeeper Diamond a cinch, though I didn't realize it at the time. Bullets started getting pretty scarce in Hell, but I managed to stretch my 10mm ammo until about floor 17 (I guess, I'm not posting this immediately after my win). Ditched with little 10mm ammo I had, equipped an ammo chain, and let rip with my gatling gun. I had planned ahead for the lack of 10mm rounds, and had a pretty nice stockpile of power cells to feed a plasma rifle and BFG.

2 floor starts had me crying "bullshit", but the mighty BFG or RNG came through and saved me each time. The first time was low in Phobos Base- I spawn in view of a platoon of Formers backed up by Arch-Viles.... with an Invulnerability Globe mayyyybe reachable. It was reachable. The second time was an Arachnotron Cave in Hell where I appeared in the midst of 3 Arachnotrons! Whipped out my BFG and shot the floor right next to me; 2 of the spiders died right there, I juggle-swapped to my other gun and wasted the third before systematically wiping the Cave clear.  Wielded a combat shotgun for a few floors, but ditched it when I spied a Nuclear Plasma Rifle pretty low in Hell alongside a Napalm Launcher. That Nuclear Plasma Rifle sealed the game. With about 7-8 full stacks of power cells to feed my BFG many, many Hellspawn died in coruscating fire. Didn't have an opportunity to get tactical against the Cyberdemon. A Supercharge Globe gave me the hp to survive a fight that might have killed me otherwise. Cybie spawned within my Intuition range as I entered the Phobos Arena, I swapped between my Nuke Rifle and BFG and tried to dodge as best as I could. Eventually got pasted to the wall and I just kept shooting, fearing the worst. Imagine my surprise when the Cyberdemon suddenly exploded- I hadn't even been seeing his health since he was shelling my from outside of my Intuition range. (New feature, I presume? Ran into that behavior in Ao100 as well).

As some of you have probably gathered from my player profile, I've played DoomRL for quite some time. I actually started on .9.9.1, and have been importing my player.wad since .9.9.2. I've had some pretty good games under my belt, and some pretty bad ones, but I feel that today's run was something that should be shared. Howdy, Chaosforge!

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