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Messages - Sylph

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Discussion / Re: Angel of Death speed randomized?
« on: October 29, 2016, 19:58 »
Oooo!  Now that you've mentioned it...

...but for realsies, the last time I hinted at taking on some of the "suggestions" I think I got an earful from Sylph(?).
Hahaha! I love how you phrased that!
I was thinking about the time we were discussing the removal of corner-shooting, and then Tormuse goes and reminds me of the nightmare corpses! Hahaha

As for this one... I find throwing knives 200 times really boring, and what can I say? I'm a simple girl: I see red stairs, I walk down them!

Discussion / Angel of Death speed randomized?
« on: October 23, 2016, 23:03 »
Hi folks!
Was the angel of death's speed set to some random value in a recent version?
I just downloaded doomrl for a bash, got tot he cathedral, and lost all my large medkits before running out of the level without conquerer (which led to me quitting).

It seemed sometimes I could move 4 times before he stopped, other times 6, other times 11... Sometimes he'd move twice in the time I only moved once... It was really weird...?

Has this been changed recently?

Discussion / Re: Plate Armor vs. Tower Shield
« on: March 13, 2015, 09:37 »
I had a good whinge about plate armour in this topic:,4093.msg33897.html#msg33897

I'm glad it was removed. :)

There's a section about corpse disposal in my doomrl guide, here:

Might be worth having a read if you're struggling with nightmare, Zuyl.

Nightmare! / Re: [N!|35%|YAVP] UAC Diamond (With recording)
« on: October 08, 2014, 08:06 »
Can't wait to watch this one when I get home. Of all challenges, the nightmare speedrun ones are the furthest from my grasp! Thanks for posting!

Nightmare! / Re: [N!/AoMr/75%/YAVP] Marksman Diamond
« on: September 30, 2014, 04:09 »
Interesting, I kind of favour Papilio's strategy of startscumming for the agility mod, because I prefer the Speedloader Pistol over the Highpower Pistol too.  I find it curious that you said the highpower is good for early game, 'cause I imagine that it would be more useful in lategame when you need to deal more damage.  In early game, I prefer being able to fire and reload quickly over dealing more damage.

I don't know... Reloading a speedloader pistol takes 0.6 seconds. Swapping to a second offhand pistol takes 0.8 seconds. I honestly can't see a reason to waste 2 modpacks on saving 0.2 seconds every now and then. It just doesn't make any real difference to my playthroughs.

Being able to knock targets back 28% of the time, though, is an amazing trick for a SoGx3 pistol shooter that can put out a bullet every 0.4 seconds, and when you find your first ammochain, a highpower pistol can keep a monster locked in knockback for ages!

Also, (I know I've said this before, sorry) ammochains remove all the weaknesses of a highpower pistol, but remove all the strengths of a speedloader. That said, even before the first ammochain drops, I'd rather just use the swap weapon command than waste modpacks on a speedloader. I appreciate I'm the odd-one-out here though! :D

Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:42 »
I just finished Legend of Grimrock
Brilliant game, really fun throwback to watching my brother play eye of the beholder on his Amiga! I'd wholeheartedly recommend it!

Well played! Very impressive - jumping from never passing Babel, to doing the whole game!
Any feelings on tackling the mortuary?

Nightmare! / Re: [N!/AoMr/75%/YAVP] Marksman Diamond
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:08 »
Well played! I really enjoyed your writeup!
Just wanted to note that I got this one with gunkata. I actually tried for bulletdance for quite a long time, knowing how sub-optimal it was, as a kind of test to see whether there was some hidden power to bulletdance... Eventually I stopped and picked gunkata instead. I picked gunkata over sharpshooter, knowing that sharpshooter was much better for it. I think it was after we'd been having some discussion on these forums about how viable gunkata was on nightmare?
Either way, I think this challenge is possible with all 3 pistol master traits, and obviously it's pretty nice and easy masterless too. :)

I recorded a video of my entire gunkata run,

My mortem thread is here:
It goes into enough depth to give a good gist.

Interesting that you saw the speedloader pistol as instrumental. I found that a highpower pistol was far more important for the early game, and I think it might be even more vital for a sharpshooter! I really think highpower is the way to go for high difficulty pistol games, but maybe that's just my style?

I think you're right about the anomaly as well - there's not really any chance of clearing it without invulnerability, but you can certainly pass it without.

Well done anyway! x

Nightmare! / Re: [N!/AoMr+AoD/76%/YAVP] Marksman Angelic
« on: September 29, 2014, 08:02 »
Interesting to see this cracked!
This one has been the next on my 'to do list' for ages now. I've been playing too many other games, I'll have to come back at some point, I particularly regarded this challenge as one that was easily within my 'casual' reach (meaning I'd have fun and not tear all my hair out getting it!).

Absolutely fantastic post! Love it!

Nice use of Cateye, juggler, and whizkid. They seem a lot of fun combined together, and always felt powerful, but I never thought they had the punch to deal with the lategame. I'm very glad to be proven so wrong!

Discussion / Re: Halp, my sharpshooters keep dying!
« on: July 23, 2014, 02:56 »
Oh and before i forget, you said one high power pistol or two. Wich is god damn confusing. Were you refering to dualgunner builds?
Sorry, that's an artifact from my cut-and-pasting while I was writing my post, above. I meant one highpower pistol for a sharpshooter, maybe changing to stormbolter if you bother with whizkid (I'd rather go for hellrunner or berserker, both of which are better than most advanced or expert assemblies - whizkid only become worth it if you use your finesse to also take juggler, imo).

Discussion / Re: Halp, my sharpshooters keep dying!
« on: July 21, 2014, 07:47 »
Here's another place where our styles differ; I prefer Speedloader pistols over Highpower pistols.  The way I see it, a pistol build's biggest disadvantage is that you can only shoot one enemy at a time.  This is fine if they're coming at you one at a time, but in this version of the game, you frequently encounter large groups of large enemies (especially at higher difficulty levels) which means frequent reloading is necessary

I'd totally see where you were coming from, but when playing sharpshooter games, I keep an ammo chain in the prepared slot almost all of the time (I only remove it to safely reload). Thus, I probably don't appreciate the advantages of the speedloader pistol at all, but very much enjoy the knockback and far higher damage of the highpower pistol.
The way I look at it, an ammo chain removes pretty much all of the advantage of a speedloader, whereas it removes pretty much all of the weakness of a highpower.

I like speedloaders for other pistol builds, but specifically for sharpshooters (since they aren't dualgunning) I really can't see the point in building them.

Discussion / Re: Halp, my sharpshooters keep dying!
« on: July 20, 2014, 14:07 »
- Only found the combat pistol once in UV. Just bad luck? Where should it start spawning?
You might find one in the armoury! It's extremely rare though, plan to go the whole game without it, and just shout at yourself when you find one after already making your storm pistols! :D

- I tend to use plasma riffles against shamblers, are they better or worse than a Storm pistol? And with a single technical mod?
Remember that the plasma rifle needs reloading every 6 seconds, and the shambler just so happens to teleport every 6 seconds (on average)! This means pretty much no reloads for plasma! Every 6 turns, typically, your plasma rifle will deal 108 damage to the shamber. The same 6 turns with the storm pistol, assuming you have sharpshooter, will deal 192 damage due to the nearly *3 turns* of reloading you'll spend with it! Best advice here is get a 10mm bullet box for your storm bolter pistol, which will make your damage go up to 272!

I just checked a past video I posted of a nightmare pistol run I recorded on youtube sometime ago ( , and I noticed that on nightmare, close to but not exactly 100% completion, I was level 7 when I hit the armoury. I suspect a 100% ultra violence would be similar (but I don't play ultraviolence very often), meaning with the build posted here you might not yet have sharpshooter. Bear in mind that, without sharpshooter, the plasma rifle absolutely blows the storm bolter pistol out of the water!

- When do you get rid of your tactical shotgun? (i ALWAYS build one)
You should be able to do without it. Personally, I wouldn't dream of bothering to build one. You're building for pistols, keep a combat shotgun around for radar shooting and corner knockback sure, but don't waste yummy mods on it! Power and tech mods are extremely useful for building towards special pistols (highpower is most important). Your first highpower pistol with a sharpshooter build is far more important than saving 0.2s pumping a shell into a combat shotgun between shots. Bear in mind that a sharpshooter will ALWAYS knock a target back when firing a P-modded or highpower pistol, and can fire it fast enough to knock a target back 2-3 squares for every 1 square forward it moves. Even without sharpshooter, a SoGx3 highpower pistol will tend to knock targets back as quickly as they advance, holding them in place until you start reloading!

- I ALWAYS do hells armory, specifically cause i wouldnt know how to kill the bruiser brothers without the rocket launcher and the extra experience is very nice early on. The blue armor deosnt hurt either. I usually spend 1-3 medkits in there. However, ive heard that the Chained court is much easier otherwise, and it tends to be one of my problem levels. So, Pros-Cons?
I tend to do a couple of waves of hell's armoury when doing pistols, but neglect to finish it specifically so that I get the easier chained court. This is on nightmare difficulty though, on ultra violence outside of a challenge mode I'd probably complete it too. However, you shouldn't be struggling to beat the bruiser brothers on UV whether you have a rocket launcher or not. I tend to use corner shooting and running mode to beat them. You can do it taking next to zero damage on UV even without any shotgun or hellrunner traits. This video is on HMP, but the same stuff basically works for UV (with perhaps a medkit to get a second burst of running mode to get you back to the start room):

- Im starting to hate radar shooting (not really). It almost always causes humanoids to spend medkits i could have gotten otherwise. Also frequently blows up barrels wich destroy other items. Am i using it too much? Is the only other alternative run-wait?
- Sometimes when i run wait mobs shoot at me. Usually near closed doors. Is it location dependant? Any advice on how to prevent it? 
I'd say use more run-wait than radar shooting. You're right that sometimes monsters can see you when you can't see them, getting to attack you 'from the dark' while you're runwaiting, but as time goes on you'll get better at recognising the waiting positions that normally cause it, and avoiding them.

- What do you build for Sharpshooter?
A highpower pistol, maybe 2. That's all a sharpshooter really needs to finish the game, but after that I'd probably make your priority tactical boots, tactical armour, and hellrunner so that you can really abuse the fast fire speed and perfect cornershooting that sharpshooter offers.
If you're not going to try to be super-clever against every monster, and wanna play a bit more 'wet and wild' with it, then I'd perhaps focus on whizkid like you do, but I wouldn't dream of building the assemblies that you do. I'd go highpower pistol, tactical boots, power + bulk red, fireproof red, storm pistol, energy pistol. If on nightmare, I'd make demolition ammo pistol my number 1 priority, but outside of nightmare, don't go near it with a bargepole!

I think you aught to give other assemblies/mods a try btw - your modding is a little sub-optimal! Microlauncher is pointless, tactical shottie is not worth it on a pistol user, P mod a red BEFORE B-modding it. Hyperblaster is pointless on most rapidfire builds, never mind pistol ones! Energy pistol is not worth it for a sharpshooter - it's greatest strength is being able to play without 10mm ammo in an angel of marksmanship challenge game, and even then a sharpshooter is so ammo efficient you'll never need it!

I've usually aimed at stormbolt, since i had a stormbolt combat pistol in my previous Sharpshooter win (HMP) and it was amazing, but the normal Storm pistol doent cause knockback, so i've been thinking of simply modding a normal pistol with power mods and abuse knockback instead.
You're on the right track! You can just make a highpower pistol for good knockback with pistol builds, but a sharpshooter is capable of achieving 100% knockback with a normal P-modded pistol, so for a sharpshooter the highpower pistol is more for getting through the early-mid game - if you can go without it, then save the mods and make do with a power pistol! Oh, and you don't want a storm pistol to knockback, since it will make the second bullet miss, halving the damage! If you want a dream pistol for a sharpshooter, haev a play with a demolition ammo combat pistol! ;)

Off Topic / Re: Now playing... (games)
« on: July 16, 2014, 11:23 »
I used to really enjoy titan quest!
I hated diablo 3 though... I've heard it's a lot better since they closed down the auction house, but for diablo games I've always been a fan of ironman diablo 1! Diablo 1 just had such a lonely atmosphere, and my heart identifies with haunting loneliness a lot more than it does with perilous dread!

As for me, I've been absolutely hammering starcraft 2 recently! Back-to-back games for hours on end!
In between those, though, I've been putting a few hours into FTL (now that there's a hard more in the advanced edition), Don't starve, ADOM, and hearthstone.
It feels very good to have kicked my League of Legends addiction once and for all! x

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