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Topics - Hipster Scumbag

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Special Fire Modes, emphasis Chain Fire
« on: October 19, 2009, 22:19 »
Very excited to play the new version!  Some things seem a little easier in a good way, like how Hell's Arena is worthwhile since Cacodemons no longer have more powerful shots than Hell Knights (thanks kornel).

I'm wondering, what exactly does the chaingun's chain fire do?  It seems to kill things better than just plain firing, but what's the catch?

Discussion / Breaking lvl15?
« on: June 19, 2009, 07:30 »
I was hoping to get my rank up to Sergeant in order to give UV a spin, but the highest my character level has ever gone was level 11 on a successful Hurt Me Plenty run, killing almost all enemies except for going to & skipping the Unholy Cathedral by accident.  So what I'm saying is that there doesn't seem to be enough stuff to kill to reach level 15.  I understand that easy mode gives a +40% experience bonus, but that doesn't seem like enough to overcome the weak volume of monsters.  How do you break lvl 15 without playing on UV?

Discussion / Does anyone even use finesse/whizkid/intuition
« on: June 15, 2009, 10:36 »
Well, do they?  Certainly don't see any whizkid or intuition YAAPs in the Postmortem forum...  I figure they're almost worthless compared to EE/SoB or HR/SM.

Bug Reports / crash bug
« on: June 07, 2009, 21:31 »
xception occurred at $7710DBBA :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
An unhandled exception occurred at $00489A12 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation

Attempting to save game... Press <Enter>

It would be nice to have some form of autosave or save recovery.  About 20% of my characters die to game crashes for no apparent particular bug, so it would be nice to have a form of insurance besides manually backing up the save myself.

As an aside, I'm playing on a Vista 64-bit machine, and the game tends to crash randomly while I'm walking around or the game is left idle - nothing predictable or replicable.

I've been hoping to see the Cacodemon and lava/acid get a bit of a nerf.  At present, the Cacodemon does more damage than a Hell Knight and has a bigger splash.  Canonically, I feel like the Cacodemon's attack has always been easy to dodge, but in DoomRL they consistently pound you with merciless accuracy.  While 40 health is about right for DoomRL-Doom scaling, shotgun rounds seem to slide right off them and going toe-to-toe with chaingun or chainsaw is asking for a Pyhrric victory.  I think the game would be more true to source material (and a little more fun!) if that big stupid red tomato had less splash and less accuracy.

Also, I can't really understand why floor damage was increased in the last patch - Doom floors did about 5 damage per week.  The buffed floor damage is irritating because it has made pulling levers exceedingly dangerous, you can lose a bucket of health trying to pick up an item that was hiding lava, and getting to the secret rooms in  Chained Court is not worth it anymore.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this, Kornel!

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