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Messages - raekuul

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 61
It's not just that the number is significant, we also need to be able to make a level entrance message from it.

So rather than dropping a link on us and saying "here, use this significant number," why not say "Here's a message for level 400"?

Level 255:  Careful you don't roll over to -256!
Put this on 127 instead (256 would roll over to 0 instead of underflowing to a negative number, because signed/unsigned), and I'll put in a support vote.

Discussion / Re: Call for Uniques/Exotics
« on: April 19, 2016, 18:27 »
Like e.g. a pistol version of the railgun?
Pistol base, shot type 0x07, and done.

I believe it's shot type 0x07, at any rate. Been a long time since I memhacked.

In any case, to answer the standing question: not really? I'd have to look at what's available but afair every weapon class has exotics that work well in most Angels (shotguns might be the only exception to that general rule simply because of the problem of balancing shotgun weapons without completely ruining what makes Shotguns work, and obviously you don't really want weapons in Angel of Pacifism).

Artifacts are a different story, but aren't artifacts restricted to the current Angel ruleset already? I can't remember if that was an actual thing or just a suggestion.

Discussion / Re: Balancing Assemblies
« on: April 15, 2016, 07:53 »
Admittedly this is true, and destroying everything is fun at times. I just don't like using 100 ammo in one shot where 80 across two would do adequately well.

Discussion / Re: Balancing Assemblies
« on: April 12, 2016, 07:37 »
I respect your ideas and like some of them, but part of the problem is that the assemblies themsevles tend toward being "not worth using in place of the non-assembled mod combo."

Let's take the Biggest Fucking Gun as an example, starting from a basic BFG9000 (information taken from the chaosforge wiki, which may be out of date)

A BFG9000 holds 100 power cells, and uses 40 cells per shot. Bulk mods increase clip size by 30%.
(100 * 1.3) * 1.3 = 169 Cells - 4 shots without having to reload.

A BFG9000 has a blast radius of 8. Firestorm mods increase blast radius by 2. In addition, BFG9000 Blasts are chained blasts - entities other than the player caught in the blast create an explosion of their own (though I don't know if Firestorm applies to these chained blasts as well).

With 1 firestorm mod, that initial blast has a radius of 10.

We can't add the 2nd firestorm mod without being prompted for the Biggest Fucking Gun. According to the wiki, chamber size and damage are based on the original gun. Assuming that's off of the BBF BFG9000 and not the unmodded one, then BFG9000 -> Biggest Fucking Gun should hold 422 power cells, use 100 power cells per shot, have blast radius 16 and a damage roll of 20d12.

Unassembled: 4 shots between reloads, blast radius 12. Damage roll is 10d6
Theoretical Assembled: 4 shots between reloads, blast radius 16. Damage roll is 20d12

That theoretical assembly is drool-worthy, but there are a few issues with it.

1) Who the hell has 400 power cells at once?
2) On MAc games, Firestorm is more helpful on plasma rifles because of +2 shots from the mod plus +2 from the two required TH levels.

On non-MAc games, the Biggest Fucking Gun would probably be useful as a power cell storage unit, but I don't see burning 100 power cells at once to be useful at all.

And of course, if the actual doesn't hold 422 power cells, there's really no point in firing it because you're trading chamber size for damage. (Still useful as a power cell chest though)

E: And of course, certain builds can't make advanced/master assemblies - Gunrunner (Scout general) explicitly blocks it, and Army of the Dead (Marine shotgun) blocks the prerequisite. (Entrenchment blocks Finesse but Technicians get Whizkid regardless)

Discussion / Re: I got screwed over by mapgen. Shit luck or bug?
« on: September 26, 2014, 15:52 »
If he was able to generate a mortem, he should have been able to get out - short of the floor being acid or lava, all the ways to suicide can also destroy walls.

Bug Reports / Re: PSA: You can move diagonally
« on: September 23, 2014, 16:43 »
Never really got into Nethack, and the only other Roguelikes I play are Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (which is trivial to complete if you're sufficiently determined), POWDER (which doesn't allow the player to move diagonally unless you do something odd like become a Grid Bug), and Spelunky (which is a sidescroller anyway)

Plus I play on a laptop without a numpad, and don't use diagonal movement unless I have to do so to get to the stairs, so I never rebind 'em either. This sort of PSA is always appreciated ^^

Console feels more responsive to me, though that's because I don't have to wait for the Doomguy and the monsters to slide into place.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: July 21, 2014, 19:39 »
Noobing a bit on Linux here, but is there a deb package that I can use to install with? I hate having to puzzle missing dependencies based on runtime errors.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: February 12, 2014, 20:34 »
Been a while since I've been here. Been on a Baldur's Gate kick.

Crom Faeyr
Special: Guaranteed gib on kill against mechanical foes.
Depth: 15+

Special: Guaranteed gib on kill against any and all formers.
Depth: 10+

Requests For Features / Re: Item Traps
« on: November 01, 2013, 03:28 »
Make them exclusive to each other instead of able to compound, and I'll get behind that idea.

Discussion / Re: Another melee base?
« on: October 17, 2013, 18:26 »

The main thing that sets DoomRL apart from other Roguelikes is DoomRL's emphasis on ranged combat. I would presume that the lack of low-level regular melee weapons is more a design decision than anything else.

That being said, I would like to see another regular melee weapon and another regular "pistol" type weapon.

All I have is one question.

Will we be able to use custom music like we can with DoomRL?

Discussion / Re: You've just gained some free publicity
« on: August 25, 2013, 19:33 »
Can't you dual-wield chainswords?

Off Topic / Re: The NEW Horrible Ideas Thread
« on: August 11, 2013, 15:45 »
Once upon a time, Pacifism started you on the 2nd floor...

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