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Bug Reports / Re: [|console|WinXP] sound and color cheating
« on: July 19, 2013, 06:34 »Hmm, those colors usually stand out as uncommon or rare equipment. Not saying it wouldn't work much better than white though. :)afaik, magenta (in contrary to lighmagenta) is _never_ used in doomrl, at least, since 0994.
Bug Reports / Re: [|console|WinXP] sound and color cheating
« on: July 18, 2013, 05:50 »
KK, i know that the lack of sounds of nightmares is a feature, so i considered the opportunity of customization sounds for them as a bug._
Bug Reports / [|console|WinXP] nuke destroys not everything
« on: July 12, 2013, 21:17 »
Guess, it is old bug that didnt mentioned because there was no chanse for him to occure.
It seems that nuke doesnt affect the very board of the map - cells, items and being. Except player, who takes proper damage whereever he is on the map.
You can meet this bug if you enter Phobos Lab with Trigun, move 1 step down to the row where small medpacks lie, then activate Trigun's holy arm. If you survive nukage, you'll see almost clear level - those two medpacks survives nuke, and under your feet there will'be .. an armed nuke cell!
It seems that nuke doesnt affect the very board of the map - cells, items and being. Except player, who takes proper damage whereever he is on the map.
You can meet this bug if you enter Phobos Lab with Trigun, move 1 step down to the row where small medpacks lie, then activate Trigun's holy arm. If you survive nukage, you'll see almost clear level - those two medpacks survives nuke, and under your feet there will'be .. an armed nuke cell!
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Bug Reports / [|console|WinXP] Whirlwind bugs
« on: July 12, 2013, 18:25 »
1. First bug cannot ever occured in regular game, because the only pre-generated level where you can stand on very board of area is the Phobos Base Entry, and game engine prevents you to reach the board on every other level, and dlevel of item with Whilrwind is 16.
If you stand in any corner or on the very bottom of the map and activate Whirlwind, you'll get error "Access violation" in the error.log .
Obviously, area of attack isnt checker for valid coordinates.
2. Description of whirlwind attack in the wiki states:
Since the flag ALT_WHIRLWIND was removed, and items that had this flag in .altfire, now have ALT_SCRIPT parameter. so i create a module and modified altfire script to check this statement:
So, I discovered, that Whrilwind ALWAYS takes 3.0s, regardless of points in Finesse trait, being berserked, Blademaster trait, or Scout class selected.
3. Obvious bug/exploit: I can spawn both unspeakable items in modules, whether to precreate it in inventory, spawn to floor or get trhough RNG (raising weight and decreasing dlevel).
If you stand in any corner or on the very bottom of the map and activate Whirlwind, you'll get error "Access violation" in the error.log .
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2. Description of whirlwind attack in the wiki states:
Whirlwind requires that the player's tactics are cautious, and it tires the player out. Attacking with whirlwind gives the player a normal melee attack against each of the eight surrounding spaces. The total time cost is the cost of 8 melee attacks minus 5.0s.
Since the flag ALT_WHIRLWIND was removed, and items that had this flag in .altfire, now have ALT_SCRIPT parameter. so i create a module and modified altfire script to check this statement:
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So, I discovered, that Whrilwind ALWAYS takes 3.0s, regardless of points in Finesse trait, being berserked, Blademaster trait, or Scout class selected.
3. Obvious bug/exploit: I can spawn both unspeakable items in modules, whether to precreate it in inventory, spawn to floor or get trhough RNG (raising weight and decreasing dlevel).
Bug Reports / [|console|WinXP] sound and color cheating
« on: July 12, 2013, 17:06 »
Well, it is not bugs, it just exploits.
1. Sound cheating. AFAIK, there was one discussion, where KK stated that no sound can be assigned to nightmare creatures actions. In I can set sounds for nightmare creatures, and it works!
1. Color cheating. It definitely not a bug, but i decided to include this in my post.
At first i used color.lua for painting regular stairs, because it always hard to find gray stairs amongst gray items and corpses, then i expanded it to other cells and valuable items. Like this:
1. Sound cheating. AFAIK, there was one discussion, where KK stated that no sound can be assigned to nightmare creatures actions. In I can set sounds for nightmare creatures, and it works!
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1. Color cheating. It definitely not a bug, but i decided to include this in my post.
At first i used color.lua for painting regular stairs, because it always hard to find gray stairs amongst gray items and corpses, then i expanded it to other cells and valuable items. Like this:
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Bug Reports / Re: Nanomachic rocket launcher + Shottyman eats 1 [magazine?] of ammo
« on: July 08, 2013, 05:39 »
The N-modified missile launcher also reloads from Shottyman and eats rockets from inventory.
Bug Reports / Re: [] Mod order still affects piercing blade assembly
« on: April 01, 2012, 04:24 »
I just discovered the same thing about nanofiber (PB) armor: if the B mod is applied first, resulting speed penalty will be greater.
Bug Reports / Re: [ Windows] Jackhammer
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:37 »Strange... If double shotgun is supposed to be rapidfire one, then BBB-modding it would result to [4/4] (2*1.3^3 = 4.4 round to 4) magazine. Instead, B-modding just decreases his reload time, as if doube shotgun would be single-shot weapon.
Forget what i've said, its a crap. If you would set IF_MODABLE flag for Jackhammer and greatly increase clip size for super and double, you will discower that jackhammer a) can be modded with firestorm pack b) work with TH, and otherwise, super and double shotguns can't and don't.
Modding / Re: ALT_WHIRLWIND - doesnt work.
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:13 »
Yes, it works with OnAltFire well.
Modding / ALT_WHIRLWIND - doesnt work.
« on: March 30, 2012, 03:41 »
When trying to create melee weapon with alternatiwe whirlwind fire i get error message:
Error message : modules\crazydoom.module\crazy_items.lua:14: attempt to read undeclared variable ALT_WHIRLWIND
Overriding altfire for existing items like 'items.knife.altfire = ALT_WHIRLWIND' causes the same error.
Overriding like 'items.knife.altfire = items.udragon.altfire' doesnt cause error, but has no real effect at all.
What did i miss then?
Error message : modules\crazydoom.module\crazy_items.lua:14: attempt to read undeclared variable ALT_WHIRLWIND
Overriding altfire for existing items like 'items.knife.altfire = ALT_WHIRLWIND' causes the same error.
Overriding like 'items.knife.altfire = items.udragon.altfire' doesnt cause error, but has no real effect at all.
What did i miss then?
Discussion / Re: Bad habits
« on: March 30, 2012, 02:22 »I've got a new one - treating the tactical shotgun like it was a combat shotgun (or rather like it was standard shotgun). I rarely realize that I can unload all the shells at once without reloading.
I've the same. Along with often reloading rapidfire weapon when i got ammmochain.
Discussion / Re: Bad habits
« on: March 30, 2012, 02:11 »You must not be berserking properly. Are you holding a rocker launcher or minigun at all times?
You know, minigun is useless to got zerked. Unlike rocket launcher. :)
Bug Reports / Re: [ Windows] Jackhammer
« on: March 29, 2012, 18:46 »Jackhammer and double shotgun (and super shotgun) are both rapidfire shotguns, but double shotgun is limited by its magazine size.
Strange... If double shotgun is supposed to be rapidfire one, then BBB-modding it would result to [4/4] (2*1.3^3 = 4.4 round to 4) magazine. Instead, B-modding just decreases his reload time, as if doube shotgun would be single-shot weapon.
Also, dunno if it is a bug or not: i have BBBNN modded double shotugn, and i have shottyman trait. And modded shotgun is reloaded on move from shells in my inventory. Despite of the fact that nano-modded weapons cannot be reload from regular ammo.
Discussion / Re: Bad habits
« on: March 29, 2012, 16:37 »
my worst habit was, up to 995:
making antigrav gothic boots, because of its 10/10 you can travel over lava relatively safe, then totally forgeting about your boots wearing (you simply dont care about it), then making cerberus gothic armor because of its durability, and then feeling like antigravity fortress. Le Fu~
the same way: my lovest armor set is phaseshift gravity boots and cerberus phaseshift armor. It still has sense in 996. Then again, i used to forget about boots wearing at all, swappin cerv phase to something other and keep walking in lava. Le Fu~
making antigrav gothic boots, because of its 10/10 you can travel over lava relatively safe, then totally forgeting about your boots wearing (you simply dont care about it), then making cerberus gothic armor because of its durability, and then feeling like antigravity fortress. Le Fu~
the same way: my lovest armor set is phaseshift gravity boots and cerberus phaseshift armor. It still has sense in 996. Then again, i used to forget about boots wearing at all, swappin cerv phase to something other and keep walking in lava. Le Fu~
Bug Reports / Re: Keybindings problem on
« on: March 29, 2012, 14:45 »It's hardcoded, since it has to do with the way that the ui.msg_confirm() function works and is not a "whenever you want" command. This it to say that you could bind the 'Y' key to something and the confirm will work just fine.
Hmm.. dont understand. If i want to assing "h" key for Y/N yes confirmation, should i add string to keybindings such as
["H"] = function() ui.msg_confirm = true end,
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