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Messages - Anti-Jagular~

Pages: [1]
DiabloRL / Diablo fullscreen mode
« on: July 28, 2015, 04:26 »
How to enable fullscreen with "graphics" set to "true" in config.lua?
Tried adding "StartFullscreen = true" and "fullscreen = true". Nothing worked.
Console mode Diablo can be set to fullscreen, but how about graphics mode?
Alt-Enter didn't work too ;-)


Bug Reports / Re: [] unofficial fix for win9x...
« on: April 26, 2011, 09:39 »
UURRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! :-) (Hurray, I mean)

Bug Reports / Re: [] unofficial fix for win9x...
« on: March 15, 2011, 21:35 »
I'll blame nobody! :-) Game is great! And the problem is (sort of) solved! :-)

Bug Reports / Re: [] unofficial fix for win9x...
« on: March 10, 2011, 21:58 »
GetConsoleWindow -> GetConsoleTitleW eh?
Yep, you seem to know windows OS'es pretty much in detail. Lol.
I was loling too, but similar idiotic fixes worked lots of time for me... :-)
Many xp-only programs can be tricked this way, because these incompatibilities are not used but just checked at runtime (BA-A-A-AD compilers)...

Bug Reports / Re: [] unofficial fix for win9x...
« on: March 03, 2011, 21:52 »
OK! Sent to mail-address mentioned at the top of page...
File attached as doomrl.exe zipped to :-)

Bug Reports / [] unofficial fix for win9x...
« on: February 28, 2011, 22:53 »
Hi! I use win-98SE, so here is my stupid fix to make the game compatible with win9x:
000E23CC: 57 --> 54
000E23CE: 6E --> 74
000E23CF: 64 --> 6C
000E23D0: 6F --> 65
000E23D1: 77 --> 57
Yes, I know that that such way of fixing kernel incompatibilities is stupid, but it works! I'm already on level 7, the game runs fine...
I've also put patched .exe here:
Enjoy the great game even on non-beta windows version! :-)

I confirm this behaviour of sound version of DiabloRL (with sounds from CD)... Nosound version works fine... Tried on few different computers...

Bug Reports / Re: Windows compatibility
« on: April 05, 2010, 21:37 »
Would be great! At least for 1.0.0! :-)

Bug Reports / Re: Windows compatibility
« on: March 22, 2010, 22:06 »
OK! Looks like I'll have to stay with previous 0.9.9... No problem - it's still good! :-)

Bug Reports / Windows compatibility
« on: March 18, 2010, 00:25 »
Latest version ( is not compatible with win98SE (doomrl.exe requires KERNEL32.DLL:GetConsoleWindow)... It's obvious that many projects drop support of win98, but anyway is there any hope of fixing this? Not a chance?

Pages: [1]