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Messages - Flame_US3r

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afaik, magenta (in contrary to lighmagenta) is _never_ used in doomrl, at least, since 0994.
Should be enough of a difference for me then! Honestly, I'll vote anything but white (current) and red (special floor).

Nothing like 'zerking into the Mortuary and promptly freaking out in the IRC.

Good times.
Perfect. I think it's a valid downside to having the berzerk bonus. It encourages KILL KILL KILL and it makes it annoying to have to (l) everything or walk over to ID.

Perhaps cyan, green or magenta? Those are certainly very visible.
Hmm, those colors usually stand out as uncommon or rare equipment. Not saying it wouldn't work much better than white though. :)

Agreed with the sound tweaking. That shouldn't be an option :)

On the note of color editing, I always find the normal downstair to be difficult to spot (especially with all the pistols and shotguns lying around). Maybe a more distinguishable color should be made the default?

AliensRL / Re: Sensor mines
« on: July 15, 2013, 14:05 »
The first thing I thought of when I read Sensor mines was something along the motion sensor grenades from Battlefield Bad Company 2. (Throw like a grenade, wherever they land they act as a motion sensor for a small radius surrounding the device)

It seems like Zinc's idea is more like a proximity mine that does damage when tripped.

And then I got to thinking... there isn't a motion tracker in A:RL.

I imagine thought was put into this previously. It seems difficult to think of a good way to implement a motion tracking mechanic in a way that meshes well with a turn-based roguelike.

I think it would be useful as a piece of equipment that could be scavenged, perhaps with modules or upgrades that could increase/augment it's effectiveness. Range, angle of scan, accuracy of scan, size of enemy... maybe even a HUD augment that permanently applies the motion tracking to your vision?

A base unit could be helpful in the lowlight areas.. maybe traversing one without a tracker could be extremely dangerous.

Granted, this largely depends on:

how much the aliens themselves are moving (A motion tracker shouldn't show you the location of a static enemy, waiting to ambush); this might mean establishing more patrol paths and incorporating more movement in general

how the tracker would be implemented/displayed (use 1.0 sec to aim, scan, read an area? Separate UI for scanner? Put the red motion dots onto the map, a la int2? Isn't this all quite complicated?)

and usefulness in the current style of the game. Right now, you don't really need a motion tracker because you can put points into perception (and increase your sight distance). If you rely on that and sound queues, a motion tracker would just be icing on the cake.

However, considering how iconic it is in the source material, it seems like it's worth taking a stab at. I really dig AliensRL (managed to actually win a game in the latest version) and I'd love to see it expanded further.

And I like the idea of proximity mines too. As long as the player can trip them too. :)

I like the idea of a crazed Ash Williams activating a thermonuclear bomb.

Take that, Deadites!

Discussion / Re: New build variants for
« on: May 03, 2013, 10:59 »
Juggler should be fixed. I'm not hotkeying anything, that's uncool.
Onto Juggler. It's been buffed to let you retrieve a weapon that's LOADED now. It used to be handy, now it's fantastic. Whilst these extra weapons take up inventory slots, the amount of firepower you can dish out is amazing. There's 2 MLs in the game now, so for god's sake, hotkey MLs in the keybindings section. 
I think it's unnecessarily obtuse to have a trait that can (and should) be modified in the keybindings for an advantage. There had been talk of a Juggler rework, methinks and I agree that there should be some sort of change here. In my opinion, it should either affect all inventory weapons (used with/without hotkey bindings) or none at all and be reworked. Swapping between the two prepared weapons instantly makes a lot of sense; I think that should remain.

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^Alot of damage!^

Couldn't resist.

As far as the run, sadness. I imagine after so many levels you get in a AAo666 groove and move pretty fast. It's easy to make mistakes like that and the deeper you go, the more you pay for them. Best of luck next time! (I don't have the patience for Ao666. My first Ao100 the other day was done over ~7 days.)

By the way... 7 days and 9 hours is freakin' loooong man.
Like I said, I left the game running instead of saving and closing it. I probably actually played the game ~6-7 hours.

heh 1 hour is not a long time.
I didn't spend all the time trying things, fyi. Most of it was just musing. What tools did I have, what could I rule out, what could I try without screwing it up. The solution ended up being one of the last things I would have tried. (Yet I'm still not 100% sure what the exact requirements are; need more Dragonslayers to experiment with)

Also, nightmare-variant Arachnotrons are terrifying.
Agreed. I hate spiders; arachnotrons follow suit.

I know someone who found 6 on a normal 25 level game. >_>

Sickening. Haha

not finding Dragonslayer
My problem exactly until now. Good luck finding it! Or puzzling out the conditions for receiving it in N! Unholy Cathedral. (There is a way, right?)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

My first Ao100 win. Dlvl 18 dragonslayer was tantalizing... I had been building rapidfire weapons the whole way. I cautiously cleared the level before staring at the dragonslayer for about an hour. Then, somehow, I managed to lift it (I tried so many things at once, I'm still not sure of the exact conditions, heh). Easymode from there on out. Or rather, once I combined the weapon with assembled cerberus boots and cybernano armor. In hindsight, I wouldn't have assembled the cursed armor because I had a chance of encountering the berserker armor... but I didn't run into it. Scavenging the early uniques got me nano and onyx packs for those assemblies, and helped to assemble a few more along the way (just for filling out my list).

I finally scavenged another nano pack for antigrav boots; I used those to speed through the levels without much lava. But the cerberus boots were on about 75% of the time. So good.

Dlvl 100 was Nightmare A's and I actually almost died by standing still with 3-4 in line of sight. Despite my stupidity, I survived with ~25% health and a large medpack carried me to victory. I'm a bit pissed about the 2 unobliterated demons. I played over about a week off and on (I left the game running) and I must have left a few behind to save my life on dlvl 11.

So, is finding that many (9?) uniques common in a Ao100?

Discussion / Re: ASCII graphics for Doom
« on: April 04, 2013, 15:32 »
Just now saw the Hell Arena video; holy crap it's fantastic.

So meta. Before you know it, someone will get the bright idea to make a real-time action roguelike based on your wad! Doomception.

Requests For Features / Re: Different name for SoG
« on: April 04, 2013, 15:14 »
For what it's worth, I was messing around with pistols today and accidentally chose SoB when I wanted SoG. It didn't really ruin my game (just messing around), but it definitely has potential to.

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: April 04, 2013, 11:35 »
He already stated that he has plasma shotgun to gib corpses and to destroy walls.
If he starts using plasmatic shrapnel assembly every time he tries to cornershoot he will screw his cover. And that's never desirable.
While having plasma shotgun making plasmatic shotgun on MAD build is probably the best way to waste resources while also trying to kill yourself.
And that's exactly why I decided to just Pmod my newly found super shotgun and hang on to the sniper mod just in case I ran out of shells. Easy win. I'm going to be playing on HMP+ from now on methinks.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Anyone have any insight into my other questions?
1. When throwing a weapon, eg. Combat Knife/Mjollnir, is accuracy determined by Melee or Ranged chance to hit?
2. On that note, is Mjollnir on par with other melee weapons in it's current state (1D15; avg 8 dmg, throw+return attack)?

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 29, 2013, 14:22 »
1. When throwing a weapon, eg. Combat Knife/Mjollnir, is accuracy determined by Melee or Ranged chance to hit?
2. On that note, is Mjollnir on par with other melee weapons in it's current state (1D15; avg 8 dmg, throw+return attack)?

I'm currently attempting a Marine MAD:AoSh and AoConfidence dual-angel, and the RNG has been good to me. I got a plasmatic shotgun AND a Sniper mod pack for defeating the shamblers. Due to some early power mods, I already have an elephant gun and a couple of shell boxes.

3. Since I have MAD, how useful is 7d3 plasma dmg vs. 12d3 elephant gun? (Plasmatic shotgun does have 30/30, 3 ammo/shot = 10 shots, but I have reloader)
4. Which shotgun would be a good use of my sniper mod + power mod for for a plasmatic upgrade?

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