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Discussion / AoHumanity strategy/builds
« on: May 29, 2017, 11:45 »
Ballistic armor

Is it a good idea to go technician and make powered ballistic armor to avoid death by shotgun?

On the one hand, the sergeant is by far the the deadliest early game enemy, capable of doing 8 to 24 damage, which means 'up to 24 damage'.

On the other hand, you can get a ballistic vest in the arena, and with some levels in TaN, and 6 protection I you can get out of oneshot range without help from ballistic armor. (24-8*2=8). So considering the availability of fire and acid enemies to oneshot you as well, is it a waste of mods to construct that armor? (particularly for someone who doesn't want to minimise early game risk)

Then intuition is probably particularly good in this challenge, so that suggests scout rather than technician. As is extra maxHP when it's so low already. (do marines only get +2hp from ironman like everyone else?)


Is this a necessity to survive in lategame? -removes the possibility to get oneshot by a single enemy right?


Anyway, more generally how do you think an AoHumanity build should go?

(Does something like this sound good? Technician: TaN, TaN, bad, WK, WK, iro, brute, brute, berserker)

Discussion / Worst master trait
« on: May 29, 2017, 11:28 »
It's bullet dance, right?


bullets in gun is more of a bottleneck than fire speed. -not what you want

SoG5 gives you insane fast shots anyway. -redundant

the numerical boost isn't even that good: triggerhappy + bulletdance gives you 2 shots in 1.5 times the time. -33% faster shots. 2 levels of finesse gives you 30% faster shots on every single weapon type and access to juggler and whizkid. -outclassed. Next level is 3/2, 50% faster which isn't pulling away from finesse.

longer fire time with more shots fired is bad because of how dodging works. Later bullets in burst may be wasted with knockback. -hidden costs


It looks like the trait doesn't even become good if you use it only with appropriate gear, like nanomachic assembly in one hand and combat pistol in the other, or if you dedicated a bunch of inventory and take finesse + juggler to fight like neo in matrix 1.


After that one I can't see a comparably weak trait. maybe survivalist sits between this one and the rest?

would be good because:

1. after raiding the vaults, there's not enough time to play with your fancy toys.

2. the cathedral is a more epic place than the vaults, makes sense it would be deeper.

2 3. It's a minor nerf to lategame melee

Discussion / mortuary strategy
« on: May 23, 2017, 08:26 »
first of all am I right in thinking I think that if you want to clear the level, then the 2 health globes in the center are less important than getting going fast, seeing as there's another four in the corners?

If so, might it be a good idea to start the level with something like

move 1: shoot BFG to the left to clear corpses
move 2: shoot BFG to the right to clear corpses
move 3: switch to rocket launcher
move 4: rocket jump to the right
move 5: rocket jump to the right again, reload first if it's not a tactical rocket launcher
move 6: use skull

What do you think?

And what's your strategy for the mortuary? (or limbo)

Requests For Features / some challenge mode ideas
« on: May 23, 2017, 07:56 »
(I know it's not in active development, just for fun)

angel of alertness: no run command, no giftdropping, and 'gifts' dropped by monsters (that die within a certain proximity to you) disappear after some time. Basically forces you to camp & explore manually, and removes the option to giftdrop. -If you want to camp in the demon infested halls of hell you have to do so one moment at a time.

archangel of alertness: same as the above but with a realtime turn timer

angel of death: this one's more of a gimmick but, the grim reaper has returned to retrieve its scythe. enemy vision radius is reduced but you can't attack. Every level has many health globes, and if you collect 3/4 of these, you can use a super version of the scythe's altfire which kills everything and doesn't cost health. Once you get the scythe from the cathedral you gain 95% damage resist and can melee instakill enemies. (basically you become invincible for the purposes of the game). Might be too easy as stated and require some additional challenge. Could also be deliberately too easy what with it being the grim reaper and all.

Later on on I'm very happy to throw them on a BFG to save inventory space. Or if I get a nano mod I'm assuming that nanomanufacture is great.

if I get them early I can't think of uses, and I'm not too sure about the ones I have.


1. fireproof armor or onyx shield. How useful is it if I get cerberus? I suppose a spare high quality armor is good so maybe pretty good.

2. I could throw one on the chainsaw? It's not necessarry for the cathedral, which is why I'm carrying it, but maybe I could throw an agility mod on it as well to use it without brute, or just let the bulk mods tell me to get melee skills instead.

Beyond those two, i'm not sure if any of the rest are useful when you haven't invested in accuracy:

Burst cannon looks cool but low accuracy. Maybe with a sniper or agility mod?

Environmental boots look good on paper but seem like a waste to assemble from steel rather than plasteel, and the only reason I would want them anyway is lava pits, which is way later, and carrying an extra envirosuit around might anyway be just as good anyway as carrying plasteel boots and spending 3 mods on it.

tactical rocket launcher seems like its for when you're not getting the missile launcher, which I always aim to.

Storm bolter pistol looks cool but I have no accuracy and i usually find an artifact pistol anyway.

So should I just lug them around until nano or bfg and use one on red armor and maybe one on chainsaw?

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