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Post Mortem / Re: [M|AoSh|YASD] Stupidity cost me a 'guaranteed' win
« on: March 30, 2013, 20:12 »
I wasnt going for bronze, if i wanted that I could have just left I wanted silver for the hell of it, dumb choice.
The missile launcher was inside the vault I believe, picked it up just for the hell of it
The missile launcher was inside the vault I believe, picked it up just for the hell of it
Post Mortem / Re: [H|YAFW|98%] Laser rifle is my new BFF / first 'real' full win.
« on: March 30, 2013, 01:21 »What did you miss? Or was it one of those "What - I missed something?" moments?
It was one of those :|
Next time!
Post Mortem / [H|YAFW|98%] Laser rifle is my new BFF / first 'real' full win.
« on: March 29, 2013, 22:27 »
So I think this run made up for my last batch of idiocy getting myself locked in the vaults. I consider this my first real full win, all the others I had were either ITYTD or HNTR. Finally beat the game on HMP, and it was a full win to boot which I wasnt even going for, just wanted the silver badge for sergeant. I managed to jump from corporal to sgt. major which made me quite happy.
So the majority of this run I had very little good armor, it kept getting destroyed shortly after I got it, in fact for the last half of deimos I was running around in either green armor or no armor. Only reason I beat cybie is because there was an invuln globe RIGHT next to the stairs to him which was a life saver.
Once I got whizkid though things turned around really fast, 3 power mods on a plasma rifle is ok and all, but putting 3 power mods on a laser rifle is omgwtfthisthingispowerful.
Took 3 ranks of eagle eye as well to make SURE every single shot from this thing would hit. And hit it did. nothing survived more than 2 volleys from this sucker. I love it. I wish I could say if I loved it more than the bfg10k, but the only time I got one of those was very close to Dis and didnt get to use it much. The pinpoint accuracy + SoaB + power mods is all I could ever need or want.
The only thing that bothers me is that last 2% that kept me from YAAM and probably another badge...
So the majority of this run I had very little good armor, it kept getting destroyed shortly after I got it, in fact for the last half of deimos I was running around in either green armor or no armor. Only reason I beat cybie is because there was an invuln globe RIGHT next to the stairs to him which was a life saver.
Once I got whizkid though things turned around really fast, 3 power mods on a plasma rifle is ok and all, but putting 3 power mods on a laser rifle is omgwtfthisthingispowerful.
Took 3 ranks of eagle eye as well to make SURE every single shot from this thing would hit. And hit it did. nothing survived more than 2 volleys from this sucker. I love it. I wish I could say if I loved it more than the bfg10k, but the only time I got one of those was very close to Dis and didnt get to use it much. The pinpoint accuracy + SoaB + power mods is all I could ever need or want.
The only thing that bothers me is that last 2% that kept me from YAAM and probably another badge...
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Derrick Sund, level 12 Imp Corporal Technician,
nuked the Mastermind at the Hell Fortress.
He survived 115190 turns and scored 194541 points.
He played for 2 hours, 4 minutes and 35 seconds.
He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.
He killed 648 out of 656 hellspawn. (98%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He saved himself once.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 6
Levels completed : 5
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
Hell Armorer Badge
Technician Silver Badge
Gatekeeper Gold Badge
UAC Silver Badge
Arachno Bronze Badge
Scavenger Bronze Badge
Scavenger Silver Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 40/50 Experience 64747/12
ToHit Ranged +6 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Technician
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Eagle Eye (Level 3)
Whizkid (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Entrenchment (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] red armor [6/6] (139%) (BP)
[b] [ Weapon ] laser rifle (1d10)x5 [18/40] (P3)
[c] [ Boots ] Nyarlaptotep's Boots [6/6] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] gatling gun (1d7)x6 [60/60]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] red armor [4/4] (170%) (B)
[b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] Medical Powerarmor [4/4] (64%)
[d] 10mm ammo (x68)
[e] 10mm ammo (x100)
[f] power cell (x40)
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] envirosuit pack
[n] envirosuit pack
[o] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 30% feet 30%
Melee - internal 0% torso 30% feet 30%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 30% feet 30%
Acid - internal 0% torso 30% feet 60%
Fire - internal 0% torso 55% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 30% feet 30%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
102 former humans
74 former sergeants
28 former captains
78 imps
49 demons
149 lost souls
32 cacodemons
17 hell knights
9 barons of hell
39 arachnotrons
4 former commandos
10 pain elementals
11 revenants
20 mancubi
7 arch-viles
5 elite former humans
5 elite former sergeants
2 elite former captains
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 lava elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 6 he assembled a gatling gun!
On level 7 he marched into the Military Base.
He purified his fellow comrades.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
On level 9 he found the Frag Shotgun!
On level 9 he assembled a gatling gun!
On level 9 he assembled a tactical boots!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
Level 10 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 10 he assembled a nanofiber armor!
On level 14 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
On level 19 he found the Nyarlaptotep's Boots!
He managed to scavenge a part of the Vaults treasures.
On level 21 he assembled a hyperblaster!
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
On level 22 he found the Medical Powerarmor!
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 24!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in Hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack reloads his rocket
Chain fire ( warming ) -- Choose target or abort...
You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John
Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. You
are hit!
Chain fire ( full ) -- Choose target or abort...
You see : John Carmack (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You defeated John
Carmack! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
13 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
9 of those were killed.
And 2 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
2 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
2 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Post Mortem / [M|AoSh|YASD] Stupidity cost me a 'guaranteed' win
« on: March 29, 2013, 19:27 »
Well now. This is probably my absolute stupidest death ever. I HAD an amazing AoSh run going on. Nothing could stand up to me, had good guns and great armor.
Till I found the damn vaults.
I was going to just enter then leave and get the bronze badge but my stupid ass said to myself "Well, I have this phase device. Maybe I can get lucky, land in the center vault, and grab the silver badge?"
Yeah no, totally didnt happen. Landed in the far right vault with no way out. Someone please tell me I had no way out. I shotgunned all the walls countless times im pretty sure I needed explosives to break them. Stepped on every tile, no hidden teleporter. So I just suicided on the lava pool in this vault. I'm a sad marine right now....
Till I found the damn vaults.
I was going to just enter then leave and get the bronze badge but my stupid ass said to myself "Well, I have this phase device. Maybe I can get lucky, land in the center vault, and grab the silver badge?"
Yeah no, totally didnt happen. Landed in the far right vault with no way out. Someone please tell me I had no way out. I shotgunned all the walls countless times im pretty sure I needed explosives to break them. Stepped on every tile, no hidden teleporter. So I just suicided on the lava pool in this vault. I'm a sad marine right now....
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Linuxusers Buy Games,
level 10 Imp Corporal Marine,
committed a stupid suicide on level 3 of Hell.
He survived 85243 turns and scored 65162 points.
He played for 1 hour, 24 minutes and 31 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 611 out of 661 hellspawn. (92%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!
He saved himself once.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 8
Levels completed : 5
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Hell Armorer Badge
Shottyman Bronze Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/60 Experience 43266/10
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Reloader (Level 2)
Badass (Level 2)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Army of the Dead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] red armor [6/6] (100%) (P)
[b] [ Weapon ] assault shotgun (8d3) [6/6] (P1)
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] nothing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
[b] powered blue armor [3/3] (100%)
[c] shotgun shell (x50)
[d] shotgun shell (x50)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] shotgun shell (x50)
[g] shotgun shell (x50)
[h] shotgun shell (x50)
[i] shotgun shell (x10)
[j] shotgun shell (x50)
[k] shotgun shell (x50)
[l] small med-pack
[m] small med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] envirosuit pack
[t] shell box (x100)
[u] shell box (x100)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Fire - internal 0% torso 25% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
110 former humans
71 former sergeants
15 former captains
90 imps
34 demons
196 lost souls
27 cacodemons
19 hell knights
5 barons of hell
9 arachnotrons
5 former commandos
14 pain elementals
1 revenant
2 arch-viles
5 elite former humans
2 elite former sergeants
2 bruiser brothers
2 shamblers
1 agony elemental
1 Cyberdemon
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 7 he marched into the Military Base.
He purified his fellow comrades.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he ran for his life from acid!
On level 9 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 9 he assembled a elephant gun!
On level 9 he entered Deimos Lab.
On level 9 he assembled a power armor!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 11 he arrived at the Containment Area.
Not knowing what to do, he left.
On level 12 he romped upon the Abyssal Plains.
He slaughtered the beasts living there.
On level 14 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
On level 19 he finally committed a stupid suicide.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
There is a missile launcher (6d6) [4/4] lying here.
You picked up a missile launcher (6d6) [4/4].
There is an elephant gun (12d3) [1/1] lying here.
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava! Your protective boots are damaged!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava! Your protective boots are damaged!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava! Your protective boots are completely destroyed!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava!
Argh!!! Lava! You die!... Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
11 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
8 of those were killed.
And 2 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
1 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Post Mortem / [E|YAAM] Full Win with BFG10k? easy mode
« on: March 27, 2013, 19:02 »
So, did a quick easy run just to try for a standard win. I got really lucky in the fact that I found a nuke 2 floors before the mastermind, and mt. erebus so I got me a lava element. And I managed to find a BFG10k for the first time ever. This gun is AMAZING. I was having tons of fun with an ammochain build using a high power plasma rifle since magazine size dosent matter, and I found that sucker.
Pure awesome. Too bad it didnt abide by ammochain :D
Beyond the nuke and bfg10k, I dont think anything else major happened. Just a lucky full win on ITYTD.
edit --
oh yeah, look at the message log. Look how fast JC died! Amazing weapon.
Pure awesome. Too bad it didnt abide by ammochain :D
Beyond the nuke and bfg10k, I dont think anything else major happened. Just a lucky full win on ITYTD.
edit --
oh yeah, look at the message log. Look how fast JC died! Amazing weapon.
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Ilya Bely, level 10 Imp Corporal Marine,
nuked the Mastermind at the Hell Fortress.
He survived 105193 turns and scored 55485 points.
He played for 1 hour, 19 minutes and 54 seconds.
He was too young to die!
He killed 416 out of 416 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He saved himself once.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 7
Levels visited : 6
Levels completed : 6
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
UAC Bronze Badge
Veteran Bronze Badge
Lava Bronze Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 90/60 Experience 48558/10
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Badass (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Ammochain (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Lava Armor [4/4] (91%)
[b] [ Weapon ] BFG 10K (6d4)x5 [35/50]
[c] [ Boots ] grappling protective boots [3/3] (97%)
[d] [ Prepared ] high power plasma rifle (1d9)x6 [26/26]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] red armor [6/6] (85%) (P)
[b] power cell (x70)
[c] power cell (x70)
[d] power cell (x70)
[e] power cell (x68)
[f] large med-pack
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] Arena Master's Staff
[t] power battery (x120)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Acid - internal 0% torso 0% feet 25%
Fire - internal 0% torso 75% feet 0%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 50% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
105 former humans
46 former sergeants
7 former captains
35 imps
74 demons
74 lost souls
18 cacodemons
22 hell knights
3 barons of hell
2 arachnotrons
2 former commandos
3 pain elementals
2 revenants
11 mancubi
5 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 lava elemental
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 5 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 7 he sneaked into the Phobos Lab.
He broke through the lab.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 11 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 12 he assembled a gatling gun!
On level 14 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 14 he assembled a grappling boots!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
He left level 16 as soon as possible.
On level 18 he assembled a high power weapon!
On level 22 he found the BFG 10K!
On level 22 he arrived at Mt. Erebus.
On level 22 he found the Lava Armor!
He managed to raise Mt. Erebus completely!
On level 23 he ran for his life from acid!
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 24!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in Hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
This is it. This is the lair of all evil! What will you meet here?
You dodge!
You dodge!
Chain fire ( initial ) -- Choose target or abort...
You see : John Carmack (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
Chain fire ( warming ) -- Choose target or abort...
You see : John Carmack (wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. The missile hits John Carmack. The missile
hits John Carmack.
Chain fire ( full ) -- Choose target or abort...
You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits John Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You
defeated John Carmack! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
8 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
6 of those were killed.
And 1 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
1 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 showed that it can outsmart Hell itself.
Discussion / Re: - Dual-Reload still broke?
« on: March 27, 2013, 09:16 »
I never calculated the times myself, but Im pretty sure I saw in several places people basically said dont waste time with "R" because it takes longer.
From kornel himself:
Also another post about how horrible Dualreload is and it gets people killed alot apparently:
From kornel himself:
Also another post about how horrible Dualreload is and it gets people killed alot apparently:
Discussion / - Dual-Reload still broke?
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:24 »
Does anyone know if dual reload is still broke in the new version? I know in previous ones with dualgunner, it actually took LESS time to reload, swap, reload your pistols than to use dual-reload. Which I find to be completely silly. The time it takes should be equal. If anything, it should be the other way around.
1. drop both mags.
2. load both mags.
swap reload:
1. drop mag
2. load mag
3. move gun in left hand to right hand, and vice versa.
4. drop mag
5. load mag.
1. drop both mags.
2. load both mags.
swap reload:
1. drop mag
2. load mag
3. move gun in left hand to right hand, and vice versa.
4. drop mag
5. load mag.
Discussion / Re: Opinions on new special levels needed!
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:17 »
Mt Erebus was always my all time favorite Doom 1 map, I cant wait to find it.
Discussion / Re: Opinions on new special levels needed!
« on: March 27, 2013, 06:11 »
So far the only new / changed one's I have been in are chained court, phobos lab, military base and abyssal plains.
All are very good, very well thought out. I'd like to see more nostalgia ones like phobos lab and military base. Also, I see we have new tiles all over the place. I dont think we have seen any of the "organic" tiles from Inferno with like, intestines for walls and skin for floors. Is there a reason for that?
All are very good, very well thought out. I'd like to see more nostalgia ones like phobos lab and military base. Also, I see we have new tiles all over the place. I dont think we have seen any of the "organic" tiles from Inferno with like, intestines for walls and skin for floors. Is there a reason for that?
Discussion / Phobos Lab
« on: March 26, 2013, 18:20 »
I approve! Loving 9.9.7 thusfar. You guys rock, the long wait was worth it.
Discussion / Breakable Crates!!! also, GunRunner awesomeness
« on: March 26, 2013, 17:25 »
So I dont know if you were able to break crates / boxes by shooting them in 9.9.6 or not, but I just discovered I could do it tonight. So damn cool. Levels filled with crates are my new best friend, nothing like finding med kits, armor, and boxes of shells just sitting there hidden :)
Also, Scout + GunRunner + Dualgunner + really good pistols = omg. I found one combat pistol, im not sure if its possible but if I get a second, its on.
Also, Scout + GunRunner + Dualgunner + really good pistols = omg. I found one combat pistol, im not sure if its possible but if I get a second, its on.
Discussion / Re: Is Angel of marksmanship challenge really easy?
« on: January 21, 2013, 13:53 »
What is so "easy" about AoB??? I cant even get the bronze badge for it, let alone make it far enough to get the chainsaw to have a chance at it. All classes, starting with brute first or hellrunner first, or any other trait. I am always dead after the first couple floors and its almost always because of the knockback from former sergeants.
Discussion / Re: Weapon variable names for quick swap key binding?
« on: January 19, 2013, 08:56 »
I think this is fine, and it dosent make sense to NOT be able to quickswitch to anything. I can hit 5 and quickswap in a double barrel shotgun, but my guy isnt capable of quickswitching in say a supershotgun just because its "special"? dosent make much sense.
Releases / Re: The Inferno Module
« on: January 18, 2013, 20:33 »
Just did my first run on this mod, and I must say it is freaking awesome. I made it quite far before dying off in Ptolomea. Lots of great stuff in this mod, I really hope development for it continues. Although I must say, it seems like there is no reason to NOT choose the melee loadout. 2 large health kits and a blue armor, and all I have to do is rush the imp when entering hellkeep then I get a shotgun right away with plenty of shells? Sure, why not?!
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Module : Inferno (0.15.1)
Ilya Bely, level 11 Scout,
let an arachnotron get him in Ptolomea.
He survived 81680 turns.
He played for 1 hour, 22 minutes and 39 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 648 out of 684 hellspawn. (94%)
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Name Result Kills Turns Time
Hell Keep Complete 11/ 11 1912 1m23s
The Blood Temple Escaped 0/ 0 929 43s
Singularity Complete 29/ 29 3755 3m41s
The Acheron Complete 48/ 48 2952 3m24s
Infernal Sanctuary Complete 29/ 29 2935 3m28s
Ptolomea Death 2/ 38 1362 9m43s
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Massacre Medal
-- Killed eight monsters in fifty turns
Sniper Medal
-- Killed 100 monsters that are more than 8 tiles away
Ruby Heart
-- Defeated the lava witch
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/50 Experience 56604/11
ToHit Ranged +6 ToDmg Ranged +3
ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Eagle Eye (Level 3)
Intuition (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Cateye (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] ballistic red armor [1/4] (9%)
[b] [ Weapon ] gatling gun (1d7)x6 [24/60]
[c] [ Boots ] steel boots [1/1] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] 10mm ammo chain (x157)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] plasma rifle (1d8)x6 [40/40] (P1)
[b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] 10mm ammo (x140)
[d] 10mm ammo (x140)
[e] 10mm ammo (x140)
[f] 10mm ammo (x140)
[g] power cell (x70)
[h] power cell (x70)
[i] power cell (x70)
[j] power cell (x70)
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] large med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] large med-pack
[t] large med-pack
[u] large med-pack
[v] Duplication Pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 7% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 7% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 7% feet 0%
Fire - internal 0% torso -5% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
115 former humans
72 former sergeants
28 former captains
98 imps
22 demons
92 lost souls
32 cacodemons
17 hell knights
18 barons of hell
16 arachnotrons
2 former commandos
3 pain elementals
8 revenants
5 mancubi
6 arch-viles
1 lava witch
6 spectres
60 hydras
36 achlyses
10 cinders
1 asura
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He selected the melee loadout.
He began his journey by storming Hell Keep...
He left no survivors!
On level 8 he encountered the Blood Temple...
He left the place undisturbed.
On level 13 he approached the Singularity...
There he found the Duplication Pack.
He closed all the portals!
He reached the banks of the Acheron.
On level 18 he discovered The Infernal Sanctuary.
There he claimed Ruby Heart.
He defeated the lava witch!
On level 19 he assembled a ballistic armor!
On level 20 he assembled a gatling gun!
On level 21 he anwsered the call of Ptolomea...
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! Boom! Boom! Boom!
You see : an arachnotron (almost dead) | blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the arachnotron. The arachnotron dies. Boom! Boom! Boom!
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! You are
hit! You are hit! Boom! Boom! You are hit! Your ballistic red armor is
You see : a mancubus (unhurt) | blood | [ m ]ore
Boom! The missile hits the hell knight. The missile hits the hell knight.
Boom! The missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus. The
missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits
the mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus.
You are hit! Boom! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! Boom!
The missile hits the baron of hell. Your ballistic red armor is damaged!
Boom! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You die!... Press
Discussion / Is this some kind of forshadowing???
« on: January 16, 2013, 07:11 »
From the wiki:
DoomRL, released in January 2013, continued the time honored tradition of yanking the rug from underneath prospective modders and spitting on them while they were down. Although most of the fundamental redesigns were in areas only TCers dared visit the sheer volume of changes made DoomRL modding a much more complete and thorough experience. Only a few areas remained outside of modder control, though total conversions were still not supported. "
Released in january 2013?! Am I in a time warp? Did I miss it? Or is someone trolling?
DoomRL, released in January 2013, continued the time honored tradition of yanking the rug from underneath prospective modders and spitting on them while they were down. Although most of the fundamental redesigns were in areas only TCers dared visit the sheer volume of changes made DoomRL modding a much more complete and thorough experience. Only a few areas remained outside of modder control, though total conversions were still not supported. "
Released in january 2013?! Am I in a time warp? Did I miss it? Or is someone trolling?