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AliensRL / [0.8.2|YAVP] HW Specialist - Easy at start, average later
« on: November 10, 2012, 12:52 »
I had too much time, so I decided to put my first true victory in a newest version (not counting few-several wins in ALPHA/BETA/RC stage) :D .
It actually took me three tries to get HW Specialist to the end of game. The two of them got carried too much by enthusiasm, and got themselves killed in Military Tower 6-7 (when there was absolutely nothing that could kill them). Oh well, should I blame my luck when three bursts from Pulse Rifle are not being able to kill Elite at a short / point blank range?
It seems that HW Specialists have easier start (extra ammo), but later they start to suck. Two in three times I was able to find Power Armor before I mastered Heavy Weapons. Oh well :) .
Game is pretty decent now. There are still some nuisances which are annoying, but the game is definitely heading in a good direction.
It actually took me three tries to get HW Specialist to the end of game. The two of them got carried too much by enthusiasm, and got themselves killed in Military Tower 6-7 (when there was absolutely nothing that could kill them). Oh well, should I blame my luck when three bursts from Pulse Rifle are not being able to kill Elite at a short / point blank range?
It seems that HW Specialists have easier start (extra ammo), but later they start to suck. Two in three times I was able to find Power Armor before I mastered Heavy Weapons. Oh well :) .
Game is pretty decent now. There are still some nuisances which are annoying, but the game is definitely heading in a good direction.
-- AliensRL 0.8.2 Post Mortem ----------------------------------------
Name : Metzger
Class : HW Specialist
Rank : Veteran
Result : killed the queen and escaped
Score : 17970
Total experience : 13940
Experience left : 600
Game length : 636040 turns
Security keycards : 5
Military keys : 1
Armor : Power armor [4]
Sidearm : M4A5 compact pistol (7/7)
Primary : M41A pulse rifle (99/99)
Heavy : M56 smartgun (30/50)
Medpacks: 3
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : basic
Light weapons : basic
Heavy weapons : master
Technical : advanced
Medicine : basic
Fitness : basic
Perception : basic
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 389/400
5.56 ammo : 400/400
.44 ammo : 150/150
M309 ammo : 300/500
M250 ammo : 306/500
60mm gren. : 22/40
12g. shells : 200/200
napalm cartrid: 20/20
frag grenade : 4/4
inc grenade : 4/4
krak grenade : 4/4
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
3 * medpack
5 * security key
5 * armor pack
4 * stimpack
1 * military key
5 * painkiller pack
2 * multi-tool
-- Kills (1059) ------------------------------------------------------
242 juveniles
137 warriors
37 elites
16 praetorians
159 scavengers
191 hunters
33 stalkers
160 drones
73 workers
10 overseers
1 queen
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
heavily hit the hunter! The hunter
There is 12x .44 ammo lying here.
There is a medpack lying here.
You pick up a medpack.
There is a medpack lying here.
You pick up a medpack.
There is 12x .44 ammo lying here.
You already are at maximum capacity
for this ammo type!
You lightly hit the elite! You hit
the elite! You lightly hit the elite!
The elite dies.
You enter the corridor. Entering
Civilian Tower, level 1...
AliensRL / AliensRL 0.8.2 BETA 4 YAVP
« on: September 03, 2012, 15:08 »
There are some bugs, but the game is pretty playable ;) atm .
-- AliensRL 0.8.2 BETA 4 (r903) Post Mortem --------------------------
Name : Jarkar
Class : Technician
Rank : Veteran
Result : killed the queen and escaped
Score : 19512
Total experience : 17025
Experience left : 1205
Game length : 639079 turns
Security keycards : 1
Military keys : 1
Armor : Gyro-stabilizer [0]
Sidearm : .44 colt (6/6)
Primary : M41A pulse rifle (99/99)
Heavy : M5 RPG (ready)
Medpacks: 5
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : expert
Light weapons : advanced
Heavy weapons : basic
Technical : master
Medicine : advanced
Fitness : advanced
Perception : untrained
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 400/400
5.56 ammo : 400/400
.44 ammo : 150/150
M309 ammo : 475/500
M250 ammo : 384/500
60mm gren. : 36/40
12g. shells : 200/200
napalm cartrig: 20/20
frag grenade : 5/3
inc grenade : 5/3
krak grenade : 5/3
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
5 * medpack
2 * multi-tool
4 * stimpack
1 * security key
5 * armor pack
3 * painkiller pack
1 * military key
0 * sentry turret kit
3 * military medpack
-- Kills (1398) ------------------------------------------------------
356 juveniles
179 warriors
45 elites
27 praetorians
188 scavengers
214 hunters
70 stalkers
236 drones
71 workers
10 overseers
1 queen
1 defense turret
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
AliensRL / AliensRL 0.8.2 BETA 3 Game and YA(not so Stupid)D
« on: August 30, 2012, 16:02 »
Lots of new features, lots of new bugs, lots of old bugs :P .
Due to some in-game issues game was not winable in a longer shot, I tried to keep myself alive as long as possible :P .
Due to some in-game issues game was not winable in a longer shot, I tried to keep myself alive as long as possible :P .
-- AliensRL 0.8.2 BETA 3 (r887) Post Mortem --------------------------
Name : Jarkar
Class : Technician
Rank : Seasoned
Result : killed in action
Died on : Security Tower, level 3
Score : 2965
Total experience : 5860
Experience left : 1520
Game length : 229044 turns
Security keycards : 2
Military keys : 0
Armor : Flak armor [2]
Sidearm : M4A5 compact pistol (3/7)
Primary : FN SCAR rifle (reload)
Medpacks: 0
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : basic
Light weapons : basic
Heavy weapons : untrained
Technical : expert
Medicine : basic
Fitness : untrained
Perception : untrained
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 47/400
5.56 ammo : 0/400
.44 ammo : 150/150
M309 ammo : 0/500
M250 ammo : 0/500
60mm gren. : 0/40
12g. shells : 200/200
napalm cartrig: 20/20
frag grenade : 2/3
inc grenade : 3/3
krak grenade : 3/3
-- Other items -------------------------------------------------------
0 * medpack
0 * multi-tool
2 * security key
5 * armor pack
3 * stimpack
4 * painkiller pack
-- Kills (445) -------------------------------------------------------
154 juveniles
40 warriors
61 scavengers
77 hunters
109 drones
4 workers
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
Requests For Features / Few ideas / minor changes
« on: April 10, 2012, 14:02 »
- Let DoomRL always remember the tile at which the last shot was aimed (now it remembers only if it was in LOS / FOV);
- Create a test screen (maybe a key) which would display all the objects from the game (moddable ones), so we can check if coloring is done right;
- Up resistances on Green and Blue armor to about 25-30%; Why? To make them more useful in a late game;
- Improve Nanofiber armor; it is hardly used now, and not worth creating, imo;
- Make non-napalm barrels appear more often in deep levels;
- Make acid appear more often (instead of lava) in deep levels;
- Make wait take the time accordingly to speed, not 1.0 sec always; I hate getting damage when running in place :] ; or maybe just the other key for those that play on N! and need 1.0 sec for their math;
- Create a test screen (maybe a key) which would display all the objects from the game (moddable ones), so we can check if coloring is done right;
- Up resistances on Green and Blue armor to about 25-30%; Why? To make them more useful in a late game;
- Improve Nanofiber armor; it is hardly used now, and not worth creating, imo;
- Make non-napalm barrels appear more often in deep levels;
- Make acid appear more often (instead of lava) in deep levels;
- Make wait take the time accordingly to speed, not 1.0 sec always; I hate getting damage when running in place :] ; or maybe just the other key for those that play on N! and need 1.0 sec for their math;
Bug Reports / [] A question about Cyberdemon's head
« on: April 10, 2012, 05:55 »
Should Cyberdemon's Head be awarded for nuking him (and surviving)?
6 / [U|AoCn|YAAM] Daredevil Platinum
« on: April 09, 2012, 18:40 »
This was one hell of a pain for me. Hard to start with, it was a matter of luck not to start in arachno caves / near Mancubi packs / on arena. Once I managed to clear one Caco cave, only to stumble into another cave. Ehh...
I figured out that 100% kill rate makes it much more harder than usual rushes that people prefer for AoCn or AoOC.
Ammo was constant problem, as the best starting weapon (good, trusty Shotgun) was eating shells like mad. Levels without former sergeants were dooming me to use useless chaingun...
I was playing with builds: MAc and Shottyhead. At first I had less successes with Marines, but later I failed with few perfectly good Scouts. It was either classic R&V combo, or the new City of Skulls that got me.
Finally few problems with ammo (which led to a death of few really good chars) made me switch back to Marines.
I learned my lesson and finally developed good tactics for killing Agony Elemental with ammochain guy (it is not that trivial to kill bastard without destroying skulls and not dying). Apparently, basic shotgun is not that bad =) .
Only problem I had later was one level when two invisible mancubi blasted walls and me behind. Viles followed with them and I had to make a perfect use of homing device.
Killing Cybie by overloading Nuclear Plasma is not killing him without taking damage, game says. Am I the only person that is getting annoyed with the bugs / illogical features? >.>
Oh, and I learned that nightmare monsters can appear on UV normal (non 100-levels one) game. I did not know that. Feature?
I figured out that 100% kill rate makes it much more harder than usual rushes that people prefer for AoCn or AoOC.
Ammo was constant problem, as the best starting weapon (good, trusty Shotgun) was eating shells like mad. Levels without former sergeants were dooming me to use useless chaingun...
I was playing with builds: MAc and Shottyhead. At first I had less successes with Marines, but later I failed with few perfectly good Scouts. It was either classic R&V combo, or the new City of Skulls that got me.
Finally few problems with ammo (which led to a death of few really good chars) made me switch back to Marines.
I learned my lesson and finally developed good tactics for killing Agony Elemental with ammochain guy (it is not that trivial to kill bastard without destroying skulls and not dying). Apparently, basic shotgun is not that bad =) .
Only problem I had later was one level when two invisible mancubi blasted walls and me behind. Viles followed with them and I had to make a perfect use of homing device.
Killing Cybie by overloading Nuclear Plasma is not killing him without taking damage, game says. Am I the only person that is getting annoyed with the bugs / illogical features? >.>
Oh, and I learned that nightmare monsters can appear on UV normal (non 100-levels one) game. I did not know that. Feature?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Discussion / Mancubus AI
« on: April 02, 2012, 04:57 »
Is it only me, that I have Mancubi KOing me in two consecutive turns all the time?
They apparently have this unique feature that causes them to continue blasting in the specific direction - even though I am no longer in their sight :( .
The first wave kicks me away and destroys every possible wall. Second one is just a finishing blow. Either I have a Large Medpack to heal enough to survive the blast, or my keyboard gets slammed.
Seriously, WTH?
They apparently have this unique feature that causes them to continue blasting in the specific direction - even though I am no longer in their sight :( .
The first wave kicks me away and destroys every possible wall. Second one is just a finishing blow. Either I have a Large Medpack to heal enough to survive the blast, or my keyboard gets slammed.
Seriously, WTH?
Bug Reports / [] Scavenger master trait
« on: March 31, 2012, 18:08 »
Scavenger cannot be taken together with Sharpshooter. Bug or feature?
Discussion / [GUIDE] DOS Recorder
« on: March 30, 2012, 15:34 »
1. Download.
Web page here:
Direct download here:
2. Install.
An example in attachment - check out the first screenshot.
3. Download some recorded run.
For example available here:
4. Associate the *.dm2 file with DOS Recorder player.
5. Test it.
Now everything should work - just doubleclick the downloaded *.dm2 file.
Web page here:
Direct download here:
2. Install.
- Create target folder, for example "D:\Program Files\Dos Recorder"
- Unpack all the content of downloaded file
An example in attachment - check out the first screenshot.
3. Download some recorded run.
For example available here:
- http://forum.chaosforge.org/index.php/topic,5496.0.html
- http://forum.chaosforge.org/index.php/topic,5446.0.html
4. Associate the *.dm2 file with DOS Recorder player.
- RMB (Right Mouse Button :P ) on *.dm2 file -> Properties
- On "General" tab click the "Change" button next to "Opens with:"
- "Choose the program you want to use to open this file:". Windows probably does not know DOS Recorder, so you need to click "Browse..." and navigate to the player manually
- Click "Open"->"OK"->"Apply"->"OK"
5. Test it.
Now everything should work - just doubleclick the downloaded *.dm2 file.
10 / [U|AoMr|YAAM] Marksman Platinum
« on: March 24, 2012, 17:22 »
Thoughts about this game version:
- After many fails, I think I am getting used to the new AoMr and AI.
- The thing I don't really like is the new mechanics. Dying without knowing why is making me upset.
- Mancubi fireballs are too fast imo, really hard to notice where does they come from, what is getting hit >.> .
About the run:
- I have chosen really good build now, it suited me very well. The bad thing is I lacked 3% to get CatEye before Spidey. I wish I could do one special level more.
- Lack of envirosuit packs almost all the time; I could not get healing from Armory because of it; I could not get into Lava Pits as well - with that I could try going for the full win.
- I killed everything in Armory without taking damage, but afterwards I was testing whether I could use tristar blaster. 1*'f' and 3*'arrow up' resulted in me taking lava bath >.> .
- After I got feeling I am going to go really far (2 speedloaders assembled), the RNG started to send me souvenirs; 3 unique pistols? Nice, though I did not really need them at that point (AFJ could be nice before The Wall).
- Angel Arm'ing Cybie does not give his head, why T.T .
- fireproof red armor is a real ass saver against Mancubi traps.
- I forgot that reloading Trigun takes really long time; Spidey reminded me that, spraying plasma with his pseudo-bullet plasma Super Chaingun. Oh well, I will cut his head from his ass later.
- After many fails, I think I am getting used to the new AoMr and AI.
- The thing I don't really like is the new mechanics. Dying without knowing why is making me upset.
- Mancubi fireballs are too fast imo, really hard to notice where does they come from, what is getting hit >.> .
About the run:
- I have chosen really good build now, it suited me very well. The bad thing is I lacked 3% to get CatEye before Spidey. I wish I could do one special level more.
- Lack of envirosuit packs almost all the time; I could not get healing from Armory because of it; I could not get into Lava Pits as well - with that I could try going for the full win.
- I killed everything in Armory without taking damage, but afterwards I was testing whether I could use tristar blaster. 1*'f' and 3*'arrow up' resulted in me taking lava bath >.> .
- After I got feeling I am going to go really far (2 speedloaders assembled), the RNG started to send me souvenirs; 3 unique pistols? Nice, though I did not really need them at that point (AFJ could be nice before The Wall).
- Angel Arm'ing Cybie does not give his head, why T.T .
- fireproof red armor is a real ass saver against Mancubi traps.
- I forgot that reloading Trigun takes really long time; Spidey reminded me that, spraying plasma with his pseudo-bullet plasma Super Chaingun. Oh well, I will cut his head from his ass later.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
11 / [U|AoMr|96%|YAVP] Failed run
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:13 »
Not much can be said, except for few things:
- Lost Souls are really overpowered against AoMr;
- To Devs: Cat Eye is the true sniper/pistol build, not burst, dammit!; get rid of that Triggerhappy >_> ;
- I am pissed because one mistake caused my fail; Pain Elemental cave? Suuuure ... Immunity near? Great, I will kill them with pistols! Oh, immunity is running out ... OH, I HAD A FUCKING NUKE!
And R.I.P. poor Spidey, he had totally no chance against me.
- Lost Souls are really overpowered against AoMr;
- To Devs: Cat Eye is the true sniper/pistol build, not burst, dammit!; get rid of that Triggerhappy >_> ;
- I am pissed because one mistake caused my fail; Pain Elemental cave? Suuuure ... Immunity near? Great, I will kill them with pistols! Oh, immunity is running out ... OH, I HAD A FUCKING NUKE!
And R.I.P. poor Spidey, he had totally no chance against me.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Jarkar, level 14 Hell Baron 1st Lieutenant Scout,
defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
He survived 290065 turns and scored 271823 points.
He played for 6 hours, 32 minutes and 38 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 833 out of 865 hellspawn. (96%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Marksmanship!
He saved himself 2 times.
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 4
Levels completed : 4
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Mastermind's Brain
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Hell Armorer Badge
Technician Silver Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 44/50 Experience 80985/14
ToHit Ranged +2 ToHit Melee +2 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Son of a gun (Level 5)
Eagle Eye (Level 1)
Dualgunner (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 1)
Triggerhappy (Level 1)
Cateye (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] tactical armor [0/0] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] speedloader pistol (2d4) [1/6]
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] speedloader pistol (2d4) [1/6]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] blue armor [4/4] (100%) (P)
[b] red armor [4/4] (200%) (B)
[c] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[d] red armor [6/6] (96%) (P)
[e] gothic armor [6/6] (107%) (B)
[f] 10mm ammo (x100)
[g] 10mm ammo (x100)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
[i] 10mm ammo (x50)
[j] 10mm ammo (x100)
[k] 10mm ammo (x100)
[l] small med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] thermonuclear bomb
[p] thermonuclear bomb
[q] Hellwave Pack
[r] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
[s] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
[t] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
[u] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
101 former humans
80 former sergeants
41 former captains
170 imps
43 demons
158 lost souls
69 cacodemons
25 hell knights
36 barons of hell
15 arachnotrons
12 former commandos
19 pain elementals
25 revenants
22 mancubi
11 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 6 he assembled a speedloader pistol!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he assembled a speedloader pistol!
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
On level 10 he assembled a tactical boots!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 11 he found the Butcher's Cleaver!
On level 11 he assembled a ballistic armor!
On level 12 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17, hell froze over!
On level 19 he stumbled into complex full of mancubi!
On level 19 he assembled a tactical armor!
On level 23 he stumbled into complex full of revenants!
On level 23 he found the Hellwave Pack!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies.
Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now. Boom!
You see : a revenant (scratched) | floor | [ m ]ore
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
164 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
141 of those were killed.
And 5 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
18 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
15 killed the bitch and survived.
2 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
12 / [E|Speedrun 25:25|YAVP] The hardest bronze badge for me so far :]
« on: March 15, 2012, 15:20 »
Not much can be said about it, maybe just that speedruns are totally the opposite of my play style:
- ITYTD, which I usually do not touch;
- Time under 30 mins, while I usually play for hours;
- Not killing everything :P ;
- Skipping special levels (maybe I should just consider going into Chained Court for 5 Berserks);
- Skipping some of levels when there were stairs nearby;
- Ignoring uniques;
And I actually got Untouchable Badge, it was not that bad :) .
I like the ballistic shield. First time it was used against Cybie (while I was killing it with a mere shotgun), then Spider Mommy. I was literally spamming F button and watching my armor / HP go down. Not possible to repair, but definitely worth using.
A question to all speedrunners: what are your tactics to have a successful speedrun? I am looking at Silver and Gold Badge and it I think I will have to have a good plan before that...
- ITYTD, which I usually do not touch;
- Time under 30 mins, while I usually play for hours;
- Not killing everything :P ;
- Skipping special levels (maybe I should just consider going into Chained Court for 5 Berserks);
- Skipping some of levels when there were stairs nearby;
- Ignoring uniques;
And I actually got Untouchable Badge, it was not that bad :) .
I like the ballistic shield. First time it was used against Cybie (while I was killing it with a mere shotgun), then Spider Mommy. I was literally spamming F button and watching my armor / HP go down. Not possible to repair, but definitely worth using.
A question to all speedrunners: what are your tactics to have a successful speedrun? I am looking at Silver and Gold Badge and it I think I will have to have a good plan before that...
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Vystvia, level 7 Hell Baron 1st Lieutenant Marine,
defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
He survived 27696 turns and scored 27502 points.
He played for 25 minutes and 25 seconds.
He was too young to die!
He killed 104 out of 221 hellspawn. (47%)
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 7
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Minor Icarus Cross
Compet-n Silver Cross
Untouchable Badge
Speedrunner Bronze Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 61/60 Experience 16064/7
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Reloader (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Ammochain (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] ballistic shield [0/0] (27%)
[b] [ Weapon ] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [27/40] (A1)
[c] [ Boots ] steel boots [1/1] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] chaingun (1d6)x4 [40/40]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
[b] red armor [4/4] (200%) (B)
[c] red armor [6/6] (100%) (P)
[d] Necroarmor [6/6] (100%)
[e] 10mm ammo (x100)
[f] 10mm ammo (x82)
[g] shotgun shell (x50)
[h] shotgun shell (x50)
[i] rocket (x3)
[j] rocket (x10)
[k] power cell (x50)
[l] power cell (x22)
[m] small med-pack
[n] small med-pack
[o] small med-pack
[p] small med-pack
[q] small med-pack
[r] large med-pack
[s] large med-pack
[t] envirosuit pack
[u] envirosuit pack
[v] thermonuclear bomb
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 95% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 95% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 95% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
14 former humans
11 former sergeants
5 former captains
30 imps
19 demons
7 lost souls
2 cacodemons
2 hell knights
1 baron of hell
3 former commandos
1 revenant
5 mancubi
2 arch-viles
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
He left level 3 as soon as possible.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 10 he found the Butcher's Cleaver!
He left level 12 as soon as possible.
On level 14 he found the Necroarmor!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
Entering level 18 he was almost dead...
He left level 19 as soon as possible.
He left level 22 as soon as possible.
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits
the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider
Mastermind hits you. The Spider Mastermind hits you.
You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind
hits you.
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The missile hits the Spider
Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind misses you. The Spider Mastermind misses
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies.
Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
You reload the shotgun.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
153 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
131 of those were killed.
And 5 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
17 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
14 killed the bitch and survived.
2 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
13 / [M|YASD] Berserk - like game, and a question for AoB players
« on: January 30, 2011, 16:05 »
I have been playing normal game, restricted only to melee weapons.
And I have the question...
What the damn hell is wrong with the berserking? I got previously killed by some retarded sergeant, even though I had +30% HP while berserk.
Now I got killed by AD even though I had berserk all the time. 30-40% HP gone in one hit. Med-pack->Hit->Med-pack->Hit->Hit-> mortem?
And I have the question...
What the damn hell is wrong with the berserking? I got previously killed by some retarded sergeant, even though I had +30% HP while berserk.
Now I got killed by AD even though I had berserk all the time. 30-40% HP gone in one hit. Med-pack->Hit->Med-pack->Hit->Hit-> mortem?
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Metzger, level 7 Cacodemon 1st Lieutenant, killed by a demon
on level 16 of the Phobos base.
He survived 172486 turns and scored 39112 points.
He played for 1 hour, 27 minutes and 17 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 324 out of 329 hellspawn. (98%)
He held his right to remain violent.
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health -3/50 Experience 21180/7
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +6
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Brute (Level 2)
Berserker (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
Vampyre (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[b] [ Weapon ] modified chainsaw (5d6)
[c] [ Boots ] modified protective boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] combat knife (2d5)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[b] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[c] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[d] red armor [2/4] (48%)
[e] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[f] combat knife (2d5)
[g] combat knife (2d5)
[h] small med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] homing phase device
[p] envirosuit pack
[q] envirosuit pack
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
76 former humans
35 former sergeants
10 former captains
56 imps
50 demons
61 lost souls
18 cacodemons
3 barons of hell
9 hell knights
1 former commando
1 pain elemental
1 arch-vile
1 mancubus
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 15 he encoutered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 16 he finally was killed by a demon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
taste blood!
You hit the Angel of Death. The Angel of Death hits you. You need to taste
You use a small med-pack. You feel healed. The Angel of Death hits you. You
need to taste blood!
You use a large med-pack. You feel fully healed. The Angel of Death hits
you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Angel of Death. The demon hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Angel of Death. The Angel of Death hits you. The demon hits
you. You need to taste blood!
You use a large med-pack. You feel fully healed. The Angel of Death hits
you. The demon hits you. You need to taste blood!
Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
The demon hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the demon. The demon hits you. The Angel of Death hits you. The
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 99 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
86 of those were killed.
And 4 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 9 souls claim to have killed him...
7 killed the bastard and survived.
2 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
14 / [E|100%|YAAM|YAFW] Why RNG never is so nice when I play UV, why?
« on: January 23, 2011, 05:31 »
I decided to teach my friend how to play roguelikes, and I have chosen RoomRL :D .
It was long time since I played it last time (maybe year ago). So RNG wanted to be nice on this Easy run and in the end it became Very Easy.
Malek's Armor, Grammaton Cleric Beretta, 3 nukes, 3 invulnerability globes (two of them on level 22, third on 23), a lot of mods (I made two (A1) Pistols, later I made two (P1); also two (B1) BFGs and few of mods on armors), at least 6 phase devices (I wanted to clear The Vaults, but now I am not sure if it is even possible for them to appear on Easy).
In the end I had so many souvenirs, that I ran out of ammo for Pistols and all I had left were two BFGs and 300 cells. Luckily I found some sergeants, got the shotty and started playing AoSh style.
Build was meant to be AoMr like - I just kept some weapons of mass destruction just to be safe :) . I screwed it a bit, last SoG should be earlier ...
On 22 I found 2 Inv Globes and a Nuke and I decided to try the first full win.
Of course I forgot that aimed Nuke doesn't go to the next level, so I cleaned the already clean level.
23 was arachno cave - I managed to clean it quite fast and got another Inv Globe there (thanks to the Intuition).
On 24 Mancubi / Arch Vile party was decimated by BFG, I grabbed GCB and phased to exit.
25 - aimed nuke, phased to Cyberdemon. I managed to destroy few pillars before nuke did the same with the rest of the level. Stairs were near ...
26 - aimed nuke, used two Phase Devs to seeKornel's John Carmack's face and waited for invulnerability to run out. But the nuke was first ;P
So 100% Full Win :D .
It was long time since I played it last time (maybe year ago). So RNG wanted to be nice on this Easy run and in the end it became Very Easy.
Malek's Armor, Grammaton Cleric Beretta, 3 nukes, 3 invulnerability globes (two of them on level 22, third on 23), a lot of mods (I made two (A1) Pistols, later I made two (P1); also two (B1) BFGs and few of mods on armors), at least 6 phase devices (I wanted to clear The Vaults, but now I am not sure if it is even possible for them to appear on Easy).
In the end I had so many souvenirs, that I ran out of ammo for Pistols and all I had left were two BFGs and 300 cells. Luckily I found some sergeants, got the shotty and started playing AoSh style.
Build was meant to be AoMr like - I just kept some weapons of mass destruction just to be safe :) . I screwed it a bit, last SoG should be earlier ...
On 22 I found 2 Inv Globes and a Nuke and I decided to try the first full win.
Of course I forgot that aimed Nuke doesn't go to the next level, so I cleaned the already clean level.
23 was arachno cave - I managed to clean it quite fast and got another Inv Globe there (thanks to the Intuition).
On 24 Mancubi / Arch Vile party was decimated by BFG, I grabbed GCB and phased to exit.
25 - aimed nuke, phased to Cyberdemon. I managed to destroy few pillars before nuke did the same with the rest of the level. Stairs were near ...
26 - aimed nuke, used two Phase Devs to see
So 100% Full Win :D .
DoomRL (v.0.9.9) roguelike post-mortem character dump
Impatient, level 10 Cacodemon 2nd Lieutenant, nuked the Cyberdemon.
on level 26 of the Phobos base.
He survived 145060 turns and scored 55444 points.
He played for 4 hours, 26 minutes and 51 seconds.
He was too young to die!
He killed 471 out of 471 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Aurora Medallion
Hell Champion Medal
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 50/50 Experience 47148/10
ToHit Ranged +4 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Son of a gun (Level 3)
Eagle Eye (Level 2)
Dualgunner (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [3/3] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [130/130] (B1)
[c] [ Boots ] modified plasteel boots [4/4] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [130/130] (B1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] modified pistol (2d5) [6/6] (P1)
[b] Grammaton Cleric Beretta (2d6) [18/18]
[c] 10mm ammo (x44)
[d] power cell (x30)
[e] power cell (x50)
[f] power cell (x50)
[g] power cell (x50)
[h] power cell (x50)
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] phase device
[m] phase device
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
85 former humans
61 former sergeants
23 former captains
69 imps
34 demons
107 lost souls
32 cacodemons
5 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
6 hell knights
20 arachnotrons
1 John Carmack
7 former commandos
3 pain elementals
8 arch-viles
5 mancubi
4 revenants
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 9 he found Hell's Armory.
On level 9 he found the Combat Translocator!
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he found the Gothic Boots!
On level 15 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 18 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 19 he found the Malek's Armor!
He nuked level 22!
On level 24 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
He nuked level 25!
He defeated the Cyberdemon and found the TRUE EVIL!
He nuked level 26!
Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You use a phase device. You feel yanked in an non-existing direction!
Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds!
You prepare the BFG 9000! Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!
You reload the BFG 9000 with power cell. Warning! Explosion in 5
seconds! Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
You swap your weapon.
You wear/wield : a modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [130/130] (B1) Warning!
Explosion in 3 seconds! You are hit!
Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
Fire -- Choose target...
Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
John Carmack fires! You dodge! You hear an explosion!
You hear an explosion! You hear an explosion! You hear an explosion! You
hear an explosion! You feel relatively safe now. Congratulations!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
Before him 70 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
60 of those were killed.
And 4 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
Is he immortal? 6 souls claim to have killed him...
6 killed the bastard and survived.
DiabloRL / 0.4.5 Sorceror YAVP
« on: November 30, 2010, 16:46 »
The game has a very similar feeling to the original.
Found problems:
- Too easy. The hardest things I found so far are the barrels (only thing that managed to kill one of my low HP sorcerors) and crashes.
The hardest thing about the game is to transport all the found stuff back to town - but even this is sorted out when you get the Town Portal scrolls/staves/spell.
I hope for late game monsters (nothing better than fighting Warlord of Blood with sorcerer).
- Too few lightning spells. I managed to obtain Flash only - and too late in game to make any use of it.
- Inventory should not close after dropping items.
Found problems:
- Too easy. The hardest things I found so far are the barrels (only thing that managed to kill one of my low HP sorcerors) and crashes.
The hardest thing about the game is to transport all the found stuff back to town - but even this is sorted out when you get the Town Portal scrolls/staves/spell.
I hope for late game monsters (nothing better than fighting Warlord of Blood with sorcerer).
- Too few lightning spells. I managed to obtain Flash only - and too late in game to make any use of it.
- Inventory should not close after dropping items.
DiabloRL v 0.4.5 roguelike postmortem character dump
Jarkar, level 12 sorceror, entered Catacombs,
after 13905 turns.
He scored 343573 points, killing 891 hellspawn.
He advanced to level 12 gaining 115873 experience.
He amassed 810 gold coins.
He killed the Butcher.
He purified the town water supply.
He retrieved Ogden's tavern sign.
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Strength 22/20
Magic 87/85
Dexterity 17/15
Vitality 22/20
Life 60/54 Mana 203/59
Armor 11 ToHit 58
-- Spells ----------------------------------------------------
Firebolt level 8
Holy Bolt level 9
Healing level 2
Town Portal level 1
Phasing level 1
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[ Head ] Harlequin Crest [-3]
[ Neck ] nothing
[ Body ] hard leather armor [14]
[ Wpn ] staff of Holy Bolt (2-4) {9/28}
[ Shld ] nothing
[ RRng ] ring of Truth
[ LRng ] nothing
-- Quickslots ------------------------------------------------
[ Slot 1 ] potion of mana
[ Slot 2 ] potion of mana
[ Slot 3 ] potion of mana
[ Slot 4 ] potion of mana
[ Slot 5 ] potion of mana
[ Slot 6 ] potion of mana
[ Slot 7 ] potion of healing
[ Slot 8 ] potion of healing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
potion of mana
potion of mana
potion of mana
scroll of phasing
scroll of flash
scroll of flash
potion of healing
potion of healing
potion of healing
potion of healing
potion of healing
potion of healing
scroll of town portal
scroll of town portal
scroll of town portal
810 gold coins
potion of rejuvenation
potion of rejuvenation
potion of healing
potion of healing
potion of healing
potion of rejuvenation
scroll of phasing
sabre of Skill (1-8)
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
rotting carcass 29
corpse axe 40
corpse captain 1
corpse bow 2
devil kin 62
horror captain 42
burning dead 118
dark one 16
skeleton 71
flesh clan archer 1
overlord 4
plague eater 21
horror archer 2
shadow beast 43
carver 57
burning dead captain 21
skeleton captain 26
fiend 58
zombie 29
flesh clan 3
fallen one 91
burning dead archer 33
skeleton archer 1
horror 48
scavenger 45
gloom 21
Madeye the Dead
the Butcher
Pukerat the Unclean
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience.
You hit Snotspill.
You hit Snotspill.
You hit Snotspill.
You hit Snotspill.
You hit Snotspill. Snotspill dies. You gain 612 experience.
A scroll of phasing is lying here.
You put the scroll of phasing into your backpack.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience.
The dark one hits you. A sabre (1-8) is lying here.
You hit the dark one. The dark one dies. You gain 128 experience. A sabre
(1-8) is lying here.
A pile of 25 gold coins is lying here.
You got 25 gold coins.
A sabre (1-8) is lying here.
You put the sabre (1-8) into your backpack.
Congratulations! You have won the Demo version! Press <Enter>...