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Messages - Hissatsu

Pages: [1] 2
DiabloRL / Re: Quick Questions Thread: DiabloRL Edition
« on: December 14, 2013, 03:24 »
So, is this still in development? The game is awesome, but the amount of spells available is too limited :( Not to mention not being able to finish the game and play on harder difficulties...

Announcements / Re: DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: March 05, 2012, 05:57 »
Everything about the graphic version is great... except the abscence of map. Real map, not a minimap. You see, before, you could look at your screen and see every item, every corpse, everything, and easilly comprehend where is it located, how do you get there (especially if the land is flooded in an erratic pattern with hazardous liquid), etc. I never played "timed" runs like that "every level has a nuke" since i hate time limits but i think that mode would be completely unplayable in the current graphical version.

This is indeed supreme and very cool to have, this graphics version, and playing the game became much more fun (i'm just loving the way the game looks now), but we need some way to see the level as we could before (meaning, whole level is on screen and every unit/item/tile is represented by an easilly comprehendable symbol, like a letter).

Right now, the minimap is of little use if any! I tried setting it to a bigger size and it honestly isnt helping much. It has two unsolvable flaws as it is now
- its transparent;
- it can only have a dot for an object.

This yeilds - for example, i cannot see what kind of ammunition is left on the level and where, since that dark blue dot that is supposed to stand for ammunition is just not visible on the map if that part of the map isnt over a bright tile (and it usually isnt since all tiles player doesnt see are dark).

Doom had a map and you could even play in map-mode (could move, shoot, etc). I think DoomRL could have something like that, like, a graphical ascii-like mode that can be triggered on-the-fly?

Still, great release that i'm loving ALOT, big thanks!!!

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:15 »
About that new assault assembly, does it mean i can mod things like laser rifle and minigun and bfg10k? Or i can only mod standart chaingun/plasma rifle into assault version?

Well, yes, basically number of special levels generated = number or normal levels on which special level stairs appeared, when related to achievements.

Oh and last:


Currently, waiting allows you to wait only for 1 second. This makes it practically useless further into the game when enemies are faster and you are faster - its better to walk around rather than wait, since alot of endgame enemies can move faster than 1 second. Of course what i propose would make a game "easier" in some way, but i think its reasonable:

Instead of skipping 1 second straight away, waiting should skip 10x0.1 second and check after each interval if a monster is spotted (or player is fired upon, in case monster was not detected and fired on player). Player should still be damaged once if waiting on top of some hazardous tile. Or maybe waiting on top of hazardous tiles should be cancelled immediately (0.1 second) and damage player - you can hardly patiently wait while standing in lava.

This change would really allow the ambush you often need (when going in is a suicide and you have to wait for them to come for you, like in The Wall...). If this is deemed too much of a player advantage, perhaps it could be in intervals equal to 1/2 or 1/4 of player movement speed, but no smaller than 0.1s, and total wait time would be biggest possible that is less than 1 (so if your waiting intevals is 0.3, you will wait 3x0.3 for one key press)

And a purely cosmetic one:

Cursor removal

When i did my ascii games in my childhood, i didnt like how blinking cursor was always there, on the tile i outputted the last. I found a ASM hack that allowed removal of the cursor (if i understand correctly, it pushes the value into the place which holds the cursor size - height in pixels, and putting 0 there hides the cursor). And it worked wonders! I dont know if its possible in windows or linux to implement such, or maybe the cursor is intended, but for me it looks strange that there is an _ blinking under my player for some reason, or under the tile i aim at. Of course cursor should remain for "look" option, but otherwise, i think game would look better without any..


We all know the frustration about not having the Wall just because it has a 100% chance to appear yet it appears 39% of the time... because it gets overwritten by another special! However, solving this by making every special level appear always takes the "special" away...

My suggestion is simple. Let the player decide which special level he takes!

All special levels that chose a level to appear would appear on it. Player would have to make sure he discovered all stairs and chose the stair he wants. This would make it less frustrating and allow you to choose a level you rarely see because something else you wish less overwrites it.


DoomRL is surely a great masterpiece, but playing it i keep finding frustrating, tiring, annoying or just complicated moments for that a fix is very simple and would, without changing game balance, provide for a much better experience IMHO.

1) Running.
Like it is now, running has basically two modes - stop or not on items, and even that is buried in config.lua (and isn't even close to other run options which makes it even more complicated...)

May i propose numerous run options (like different keys for different run modes) or possibly a run modification (like you can press RUN then direction, or you can press RUN then CAUTIOUS then direction) or toggle (you can press "run mode toggle" to scroll between run modes, and run key does the currently chosen run mode).
- CAREFUL - should stop when encountering enemy OR enemy blip if you have intuition OR door OR item
- NORMAL - stop when encountering enemy OR enemy blip if you have intuition OR door
- CARELESS - only stop when encountering an enemy OR enemy blip if you have intuition

Really, being able to stop when encountering enemy blip with intuition is probably the most important. Also, not requiring to go to config to change if you want to walk over items would be a huge plus, as an option to ignore doors ON DEMAND - you know, like when Jericho went off, and your guy keeps stopping near doors...

2) Being able to continue shooting somewhere you don't see.

DoomRL is A LOT about shooting at something you cannot see. Yet, game penaltises you for that, requiring you to re-aim every shot! Of course sometimes you can shoot at visible tile and bullet will go on and hit, but you cant always rely and sometimes it just wont. In such cases, having an option (config, or ingame key) to continue firing if you didnt move would GREATLY save time and frustration. It really hurts to keep re-aiming at a bruiser brother or an arch pack with a shrapshooter build...

Saves time and removes annoyance!

3) Option to automatically scroll to the end of the message text instead of having to click for more.

Currently there are often situations that require you to read walls of text. It happens for example if in one turn you get shot 10 times and you shoot 10 times... You keep pressing [more] and this is really annoying. Not to mention i think if you play for a fast achivement it is a REAL problem! A simple option to show the last of the messages, and an indication that the message was bigger than the screen, would suffice! It would greatly help in those situations when you KNOW what happened (you saw those 3 A firing at you and you know your TH FS Assault Cannon fires ALOT of bullets and you saw it kill two enemies in a volley). This could be a config option for simplicity.

4) Easy way to determine item or any object ID.

A lot of people have a lot of preferences. Changing color is one of the matter of preferences, and currently, you have to go to a non-existant wiki page (by google caching it) to get the item or enemy id's you want to recolor (and still new packs and stuff isnt there obviously). Game itself should know this very well and could easilly display it on demand. A debug option/cheat/something that would show ID of the thing you look at would greatly help customizing the game experience!

5) "Sticky" fire option

Currently the message about killing yourself takes you out of firing mode. This VERY MUCH helps you get killed when you are repeatedly firing something outside your vision range. You do fire-aim-fire-listen for death-repeat. If you make a slight mistake and press f twice in a row and instead of doing fire - go to aiming mode you do go to firing mode-fire at yourself you will move instead of aiming.
This would be VERY easy to fix - just make it so only escape takes you out of firing mode, attempt at firing on yourself should just show a message and continue aiming.
Also this would be much better than current "require enter when attempting to fire an empty weapon" - instead it could go to firing mode but refuse to fire. This would both solve "moving instead of aiming" problem and remove the need to press enter.

6) Very long item names

Often some modified assembly item would have a too long name. This makes its most important part - stats and mod lists - go off the screen. Obviously, the mod list and current status (ammo/armor) is THE thing that interests you more than "modified" prefix! If there would be an option to align very long item names to the right border of the screen, hiding the prefixes or item name start. Probably even add some "short" versions like M. instead of Modified. Everything, but the item status should be clearly visible on the screen.

Thanks. I hope at least some of my ideas prove useful...


I hope someone can help me. Every once in a while, my computer screen goes BLACK. That only happens if i'm in full screen console mode! I have checked and disabled both screen saver and monitor off after inactivity. It still happens! This must be some screen saver for dos/cmd windows option or something. Can someone tell me how to remove it?

Off Topic / Re: Now Playing: ...
« on: August 30, 2011, 00:23 »

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: August 29, 2011, 12:59 »
So against slow enemies with dodgemaster i must always lure their movement or fire before i start shooting them, and then carefully calculate my timing to know when to move again?

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: August 26, 2011, 13:28 »
3) So if there is a slow enemy, that acts once per 2 actions, and i move then shoot, will i be able now to dodge his shot or i had to shoot then move in order to have a chance to dodge?

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:32 »
1) I see now, cyber armor is actually a useful bait like a medpack but useless for the monster since it gives him 0 armor... Maybe thats why in every video i see it its 0/100, since alot of hellspawn did wear it already :)

2) So, i have to wait for whizkid (2) before creating an aseembly, is that correct?

3) In other words, if i moved, and monster didnt move/shoot, i can shoot him as much as i want and my dodgemaster will still work when its his time to act?

Discussion / Re: Quick questions thread!
« on: August 25, 2011, 23:23 »
Quick questions :)

1) How do i unequip cyber armor?
I saw Game Hunter do it in his videos, i mean i saw 0/100% cyber armor in his inventory, so he must have equipped it to damage it, right? Or did he intentionally feed it to multiple armor picking up enemies to wear it down?

2) In which way and how are assemblies moddable?
In Game Hunter videos i saw him mod Tactical Armor with a P and Hyperblaster with a P. I was NEVER able to do it! Right now i have a save with whizkid 2 and hyperblaster and "it cannot be modded with P anymore"! What are the rules for modding assemblies?

3) When exactly does Dodge work?
Does Dodge take place if i moved right before monster action, or if i moved between his last action and his current action? Meaning, if monster acts, then i move, shoot, then its monster time to act, will Dodge take place, because since monster last action, i moved, or will it not, since my last action before his action was not movement?

Aah, so my config for sound is perfectly fine, but i must start a new game for it to take proper effect?

PS: It is confirmed, started new game with all those sound.lua lines and all works well! At least this one is through.

As for the space in color.lua - well, whatever, if its wrong, then its wrong and it just means maybe i forgot to save the config when trying or something about game save loading interfered and prevented a crash for me.

Thanks for the reply.

Even if they intentionally make no sounds while moving, they could make sounds while being hit or dying at least, to make it feel like they ARE intentionally silent but still are living beings, not bugged letters.

Unfortunately log.txt has the last game's log i think, and there is no error.log, despite me never deleting such file and having numerous time encountering this error on this PC

And about lua, yes i found the item id, but thing is, my computer takes those spaces just fine! Without any error. But his computer refuses to run the game. We both have XP, me SP3, he has SP2. I don't know what can be really that different so it acts like that.

Btw another question - when trying to add lava elemental sounds, my "switch to" sound of nuclear BFG becomes a rocket fire sound (woosh) instead of usual "weapon reload" sound. WHY? I dont understand. It happens when i add this:

   -- Lava Elemental
   lava_elemental = {
      die         = "sounds/lavae/Death.wav",
      act         = "sounds/lavae/Idle.wav",
      hit         = "sounds/lavae/Wound.wav",
      melee      = "sounds/lavae/Kick.wav",
      fire      = "sounds/lavae/Fire.wav",

How? Why? Really, why adding EXACTLY this make it do EXACTLY that? i tried changing last "," after Fire.wav into ";", no difference... I dont get it, really, how can this ever happen. whats the connection?

PS: It seems that not only lava elemental, but also agony elemental and other edits that are suggested on forum also cause sound anomalies, for example, my character emits "demon dead" sound when being hurt if i add something about shambler, agony elemental or arena master... I have shambler, then agony, then arenamaster defined after the last monster definition. If i remove arenamaster, instead of "demon dead" sound, getting hurt by lava emits "use of medkit" sound. This must be some overflow error or idk...

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