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Post Mortem / [H|100%|YAAM] Fresh player, lots of strongmans.
« on: March 20, 2013, 17:47 »
This time i got it with much less effort than before. Is it me getting better or just luckier?
As for the run - its all the same. Got several berserk packs on lvl2 and berserk lasted until almost the end of second wave. Damaged hell knights with shotgun then and finished them of with one or two fist hits each.
Also got two berserk packs on the level before CC+ so managed to complete it with full hp (without that packs I think i could complete it on ~15% hp).
In the beginning I was planning to get conqueror on one condition: the special level on phobos7 must be militay base since it is so much easier to fist through that phobos lab (Phobos lab must be freaking hard on only-fist runs I think). I had no luck with it, so I didn't bother later to enter useless for this particular attempt special levels.
Got MVm in anomaly and the game got much easier. Got lots of armors before armory and in it and the game got much easier again. Then I got TaN2 and nanofiber armor (this is one of that few particular situations when it is really useful) and the game became absurdly easy.
Entered UC to check if I missed some monsters and only there remembered that now one can find out kill stats it character info screen.
Some tips&advices about strongman diamond:
DoomRL ( roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 11 Human Private Marine,
defeated the Mastermind at the City of Dis.
He survived 285390 turns and scored 164344 points.
He played for 1 hour, 17 minutes and 48 seconds.
He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.
He killed 613 out of 613 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 4
Levels completed : 4
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
Malicious Knives Cross
Sunrise Iron Fist
Hell Armorer Badge
Hell Champion Medal
Technician Bronze Badge
Gatekeeper Bronze Badge
UAC Bronze Badge
UAC Silver Badge
Veteran Bronze Badge
Veteran Silver Badge
Strongman Bronze Badge
Strongman Silver Badge
Strongman Gold Badge
Strongman Platinum Badge
Strongman Diamond Badge
Arena Bronze Badge
Longinus Gold Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 66/60 Experience 59381/11
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Finesse (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Badass (Level 2)
Vampyre (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] powered blue armor [1/3] (31%)
[b] [ Weapon ] nothing
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1]
[b] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] nanofiber red armor [2]
[d] red armor [6/6] (100%) (P)
[e] chainsaw (4d6)
[f] shotgun shell (x25)
[g] large med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] homing phase device
[r] homing phase device
[s] envirosuit pack
[t] technical mod pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 72% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 80% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
71 former humans
84 former sergeants
27 former captains
131 imps
63 demons
101 lost souls
16 cacodemons
25 hell knights
13 barons of hell
13 arachnotrons
12 former commandos
4 pain elementals
18 revenants
15 mancubi
13 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 Angel of Death
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 12 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 14 he assembled a nanofiber armor!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 17 he found the Azrael's Scythe!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 23 he assembled a power armor!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
hit! You are hit! You are hit! You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You're going
berserk! You need to taste blood!
You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. You are hit! You are hit! You are hit! You are
hit! You are hit! You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind flinched! You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations!
You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now. You're going berserk!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
He's the first brave soul to have ventured into Hell...
As for the run - its all the same. Got several berserk packs on lvl2 and berserk lasted until almost the end of second wave. Damaged hell knights with shotgun then and finished them of with one or two fist hits each.
Also got two berserk packs on the level before CC+ so managed to complete it with full hp (without that packs I think i could complete it on ~15% hp).
In the beginning I was planning to get conqueror on one condition: the special level on phobos7 must be militay base since it is so much easier to fist through that phobos lab (Phobos lab must be freaking hard on only-fist runs I think). I had no luck with it, so I didn't bother later to enter useless for this particular attempt special levels.
Got MVm in anomaly and the game got much easier. Got lots of armors before armory and in it and the game got much easier again. Then I got TaN2 and nanofiber armor (this is one of that few particular situations when it is really useful) and the game became absurdly easy.
Entered UC to check if I missed some monsters and only there remembered that now one can find out kill stats it character info screen.
Some tips&advices about strongman diamond:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Century Lounge / [N!|Ao100|85%|YAVP] Centurial diamond & experience cross
« on: November 26, 2012, 14:04 »
I wasn't playing DoomRL for a while then I read Klear's posts about his YAAM N! Ao100 attempts and decided to try to do that myself.
I started with MCe build. Died somewhere near lvl10 and perfectly understood that I just don't have enough patience even for 25 levels of N! YAAM. So I decided to try without YAAM as a goal. For that I chose MVm build and to my great surprise there wes Butcher's Cleaver on the very first level! I grabbed it and thought "Now I'm gonna win!".... and died on level 5 or so. I guess the fact that I didn't play DoomRL for months was the reason for that.
I got really really angry at myself. So I just started over and over until something valuable spawned on level one (in fact that didn't take too long, maybe 15 or 20 tries). And below is mortem of this attempt.
So this attempt is somewhat not legit.
Just like most of my successful N! runs this one was pretty lucky.
I found plenty of red and blue armors until level 15, so i didn't suffer from lack of armor much. Somewhere near level 10 I found super shotgun and that made first quarter of the game much easier. At level 15 I found P pack - no more armor problems. Levels 19-21 were full of uniques and after I found Malek's armor there weren't much situations that could stop me.
There were some hard moments something like every 20 levels, when several bad levels without much globes and without any medkits occured in a row, but I managed to stay patient and not mess up in some crazy and frustrating way. Attempt took pretty long time because of experience cross so I got tired and after getting experience level 25 (somewhere near hell 85) I stopped trying to kill most hellspawn on level and just tried to find exit fast.
Also got God Hand rank!
I started with MCe build. Died somewhere near lvl10 and perfectly understood that I just don't have enough patience even for 25 levels of N! YAAM. So I decided to try without YAAM as a goal. For that I chose MVm build and to my great surprise there wes Butcher's Cleaver on the very first level! I grabbed it and thought "Now I'm gonna win!".... and died on level 5 or so. I guess the fact that I didn't play DoomRL for months was the reason for that.
I got really really angry at myself. So I just started over and over until something valuable spawned on level one (in fact that didn't take too long, maybe 15 or 20 tries). And below is mortem of this attempt.
So this attempt is somewhat not legit.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 25 Arch-Vile Blade Marine,
completed 100 levels of torture on level 100 of Hell.
He survived 393403 turns and scored 5583537 points.
He played for 3 hours, 47 minutes and 59 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 3911 out of 4559 hellspawn. (85%)
He was an Angel of 100!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 0
Levels visited : 0
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Experience Cross
Dervis' Medallion
Centurial Platinum Badge
Centurial Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 220/110 Experience 1002854/25
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +10 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +15
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Ironman (Level 5)
Finesse (Level 3)
Tough as nails (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Brute (Level 5)
Juggler (Level 1)
Berserker (Level 1)
Whizkid (Level 2)
Badass (Level 2)
Vampyre (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [3/3] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Butcher's Cleaver (5d6)
[c] [ Boots ] phaseshift boots [4/4] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] super shotgun (9d4)x2 [2/2] (P1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] rocket launcher (6d6) [1/1]
[b] nanofiber red armor [2]
[c] Necroarmor [6/6] (100%)
[d] shotgun shell (x50)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] shotgun shell (x15)
[g] rocket (x7)
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] phase device
[n] envirosuit pack
[o] thermonuclear bomb
[p] power mod pack
[q] agility mod pack
[r] shockwave pack
[s] Hell Staff
[t] phaseshift boots [2/4] (34%) (A)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 90% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 90% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 90% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
240 former humans
398 former sergeants
373 former captains
223 imps
60 demons
204 lost souls
72 cacodemons
155 hell knights
478 barons of hell
245 arachnotrons
23 former commandos
19 pain elementals
308 revenants
282 mancubi
355 arch-viles
55 nightmare imps
129 nightmare cacodemons
114 nightmare demons
110 nightmare arachnotrons
5 nightmare arch-viles
47 bruiser brothers
8 shamblers
2 lava elemental
2 agony elementals
4 Cyberdemons
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 1 he found the Butcher's Cleaver!
On level 15 he assembled a nanofiber armor!
On level 17 he stumbled into complex full of revenants!
Level 17 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
On level 19 he found the Hell Staff!
On level 20 he found the Malek's Armor!
On level 21 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
On level 24 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 34 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 36 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 36 he found the Necroarmor!
On level 38 he ran for his life from lava!
Level 41 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 44 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
On level 45 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
On level 46 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
On level 47 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 52 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
On level 53 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
On level 54 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
On level 57 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 59 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
He left level 59 as soon as possible.
On level 61 he stumbled into complex full of revenants!
He sounded the alarm on level 64!
On level 76 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
Level 77 was a hard nut to crack!
On level 78 he ran for his life from lava!
He sounded the alarm on level 79!
On level 81 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 89 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
On level 93 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
On level 94 he ran for his life from lava!
On level 96 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
He left level 99 as soon as possible.
On level 100 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
On level 100 he finally completed 100 levels of torture.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
There are stairs leading downward here. You need to taste blood!
You did it! You completed 100 levels of DoomRL! You're the champion! Press
You hit the nightmare demon. The nightmare demon dies. Next! You're going
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1876 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1761 of those were killed.
6 of those were killed by something unknown.
16 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
56 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
15 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
35 killed the bitch and survived.
6 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
Just like most of my successful N! runs this one was pretty lucky.
I found plenty of red and blue armors until level 15, so i didn't suffer from lack of armor much. Somewhere near level 10 I found super shotgun and that made first quarter of the game much easier. At level 15 I found P pack - no more armor problems. Levels 19-21 were full of uniques and after I found Malek's armor there weren't much situations that could stop me.
There were some hard moments something like every 20 levels, when several bad levels without much globes and without any medkits occured in a row, but I managed to stay patient and not mess up in some crazy and frustrating way. Attempt took pretty long time because of experience cross so I got tired and after getting experience level 25 (somewhere near hell 85) I stopped trying to kill most hellspawn on level and just tried to find exit fast.
Also got God Hand rank!
Nightmare! / [N!|AoB|45%|6|YAD] Arena diamond.
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:02 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 5 Arch-Vile Blade Marine,
killed by a former human on level 6 of the Phobos base.
He survived 48976 turns and scored 59855 points.
He played for 16 minutes and 57 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 134 out of 297 hellspawn. (45%)
He was an Angel of Berserk!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 2
Levels completed : 1
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Hell Champion Medal
Arena Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/60 Experience 8334/5
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] blue armor [2/2] (77%)
[b] [ Weapon ] chainsaw (4d6)
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] nothing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
[b] green armor [1/1] (23%)
[c] combat knife (2d5)
[d] agility mod pack
[e] Arena Master's Staff
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 80% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
34 former humans
17 former sergeants
8 former captains
39 imps
12 demons
6 lost souls
10 cacodemons
2 hell knights
5 barons of hell
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
Entering level 4 he was almost dead...
On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
Entering level 6 he was almost dead...
On level 6 he finally killed by a former human.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You wear/wield : a blue armor [1/2] (31%) You need to taste blood! There is
an armor shard lying here.
Your armor looks better! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You are hit! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the imp. The imp dies. You are hit! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
You are hit! You die!... Press <Enter>...
You need to taste blood!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1714 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1602 of those were killed.
6 of those were killed by something unknown.
16 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
53 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
15 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
32 killed the bitch and survived.
6 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
Surprisingly I needed only ~15 tries to beat this challenge. Even more surprising is that in fact i wasn't lucky with the globes in the successful try (only one berserk pack on the level with stairs to arena and it was pretty far from stairs). I entered arena with knife, 2 large medpacks, 2 small medpacks, damaged blue armor and several green armors. I had level 3 with bru2+ber build, i got level 4 only after killing last baron. I wasn't lucky with monster placement too, they were scattered all over the arena.
Even after i cleared first round I thought that i will most certainly fail. But then I found out that while I didn't have any luck in almost every important for winning things this try, I was extremely lucky with monster reviving in arena. There was no reviving in arena this run. On the first round i ran left killed some monsters then ran right killed some more and discovered that i missed one of monsters on the left side. Killed him, then cleared second round from left to right. The killed one baron that appeared near me. Then picked up large health globe. Then found second baron on the opposing side of a map. And all that time there were almost no revives. This badge demands lots of luck indeed.
After that i didn't have motivation to continue since I got berserker diamond badge long ago. Also unchained court is soooooo hard on N! AoB!.
4 / [U|AoCn|100%|YAAM] From general to blade rank.
« on: July 24, 2012, 04:51 »
There is not much to say about this run.
Main purpose was to complete AoCn (I never did that before).
In armory i found onyx pack, used it on medical armor on level 5 and dropped it immediately.
In spider lair i got MBm and killed all the spiders with P modded knife.
In vaults I had three phase packs and int case they won't work I had scythe and Iro2. First phase pack brought me right into the middle vault.
Mortuary was easy since I had 3 hatred skulls from city of skulls and also fire skull.
I didn't have any enviropacks until level 13. There I found one, and on level 14 I found two more. So Lava pits were easy too.
There was invulnerability globe near exit on the last level so i just nuked both mastermind and JC.
After this run I got promoted from General through Marshal and Legend right to Blade rank.
Main purpose was to complete AoCn (I never did that before).
In armory i found onyx pack, used it on medical armor on level 5 and dropped it immediately.
In spider lair i got MBm and killed all the spiders with P modded knife.
In vaults I had three phase packs and int case they won't work I had scythe and Iro2. First phase pack brought me right into the middle vault.
Mortuary was easy since I had 3 hatred skulls from city of skulls and also fire skull.
I didn't have any enviropacks until level 13. There I found one, and on level 14 I found two more. So Lava pits were easy too.
There was invulnerability globe near exit on the last level so i just nuked both mastermind and JC.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 14 Arch-Vile General Scout,
nuked the Mastermind on level 9 of Hell.
He survived 129447 turns and scored 321939 points.
He played for 1 hour, 28 minutes and 49 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 1138 out of 1138 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Confidence!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 8
Levels visited : 8
Levels completed : 8
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Fallout Gold Cross
Grim Reaper's Badge
Hell Armorer Badge
Daredevil Bronze Badge
Daredevil Silver Badge
Daredevil Platinum Badge
Scavenger Platinum Badge
Scavenger Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 80/80 Experience 96627/14
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 3)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Blademaster (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Cybernetic Armor [3/7] (45%)
[b] [ Weapon ] nothing
[c] [ Boots ] protective boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] tactical shotgun (8d3) [5/5]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] nuclear plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [24/24]
[b] BFG 9000 (10d8) [130/130] (B1)
[c] BFG 9000 (10d8) [100/100]
[d] Azrael's Scythe (9d9)
[e] shotgun shell (x17)
[f] power cell (x50)
[g] power cell (x50)
[h] small med-pack
[i] small med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] phase device
[l] shell box (x100)
[m] power battery (x120)
[n] power battery (x120)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Acid - internal 0% torso 0% feet 25%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
46 former humans
91 former sergeants
33 former captains
94 imps
81 demons
482 lost souls
39 cacodemons
22 hell knights
52 barons of hell
39 arachnotrons
31 former commandos
42 pain elementals
29 revenants
19 mancubi
31 arch-viles
1 shambler
1 lava elemental
1 agony elemental
1 Angel of Death
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 2 he entered Hell's Armory.
On level 2 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 3 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 5 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
On level 5 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 6 he assembled a micro launcher!
On level 6 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 8 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 9 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 9 he found the Azrael's Scythe!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 10 he entered the Vaults.
He managed to clear the Vaults completely!
On level 12 he encountered an armed nuke!
On level 12 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
On level 12 he found the Angelic Armor!
He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
On level 14 he entered the Lava Pits.
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 16!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
He overloaded a nuclear BFG 9000 on level 17!
Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You wear/wield : a nuclear BFG 9000 (8d8) [40/40]
Are you sure you want to overcharge the nuclear BFG 9000? This will overload
the nuclear reactor... [Y/n]
You overcharge the nuclear BFG 9000! Warning! Explosion in 10 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 9 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 8 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
You use a lava element. You feel invincible! Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
Congratulations! You defeated John Carmack! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
Your tactical shotgun is already loaded.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1671 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1560 of those were killed.
6 of those were killed by something unknown.
16 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
52 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
15 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
31 killed the bitch and survived.
6 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
After this run I got promoted from General through Marshal and Legend right to Blade rank.
Nightmare! / [N!|AoSh|90%|YAVP] Shottyman Diamond
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:02 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 14 Arch-Vile Lt. General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
He survived 272894 turns and scored 571537 points.
He played for 2 hours, 31 minutes and 11 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 1243 out of 1380 hellspawn. (90%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 3
Levels completed : 2
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
Mastermind's Brain
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Hell Armorer Badge
Shottyman Silver Badge
Shottyman Gold Badge
Shottyman Platinum Badge
Shottyman Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 114/70 Experience 85730/14
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 2)
Finesse (Level 1)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Reloader (Level 2)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Shottyman (Level 1)
Shottyhead (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] tactical armor [0/0] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] elephant gun (12d3) [0/1]
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] tactical shotgun (8d3) [5/5]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] assault shotgun (7d3) [6/6]
[b] shotgun shell (x50)
[c] shotgun shell (x50)
[d] shotgun shell (x11)
[e] large med-pack
[f] large med-pack
[g] large med-pack
[h] phase device
[i] phase device
[j] phase device
[k] envirosuit pack
[l] technical mod pack
[m] agility mod pack
[n] bulk mod pack
[o] bulk mod pack
[p] shell box (x100)
[q] shell box (x100)
[r] shell box (x100)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
161 former humans
201 former sergeants
80 former captains
242 imps
119 demons
213 lost souls
56 cacodemons
28 hell knights
53 barons of hell
1 arachnotron
24 former commandos
19 pain elementals
17 revenants
8 mancubi
16 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 5 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 7 he assembled a tactical armor!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 9 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 10 he assembled a elephant gun!
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
On level 10 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
He left level 17 as soon as possible.
Level 19 was a hard nut to crack!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You see : a Spider Mastermind (severely wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
You see : green wall
You see : a Spider Mastermind (severely wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
You see : green wall
You see : a Spider Mastermind (severely wounded) | blood | [ m ]ore
You see : blooded green wall
You see : blooded green wall
You see : a Spider Mastermind (mortally wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
You see : green wall
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
You see : green wall
You see : a Spider Mastermind (almost dead) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
Argh!!! Lava!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1650 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1540 of those were killed.
6 of those were killed by something unknown.
16 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
51 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
15 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
31 killed the bitch and survived.
5 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
There isn't much to tell about this run.
Found two A packs even before the arena. Ran through CC and got another two A packs. Assembled tactical boots, didn't know what to do with two A packs left so assembled tactical armor and used it almost always(except few dangerous close-range fights with arch-vile & revenants packs or something like that) until the end of the game. Stacked LOTS of shells in the beginning and never had any problems with shells later.
Until deimos 3 or 4 tried to kill every monster and destroy all corpses but left maze level and arena level without killing many. after deimos 3-4 i just ran around the map killing as much as I can. I got pretty tired so I stopped caring about corpses. Main tactic was to shoot enemies out of their visibility range and it was simple because of my good walking and shooting speed and elephant gun. Few last levels I just walked straight to the stairs killing or knockbacking away everyone who tried to stop me. Cyberdemon and Mastermind were easy.
In fact this challenge was much easier than I expected but took a lot of time.
Also at last got 12th platinum badge and was promoted to general.
6 / [H|100%|YAVP] Strongman Diamond.
« on: May 16, 2012, 16:42 »
I had tried a lot. And I failed in all tries except this before phobos anomaly. And those fails make the task of getting this diamond badge the most frustrating thing I faced in doomRL before. More frustrating than dieing on hell7 on one of my hunter diamond tries. More frustrating than getting over 50 damage in almost completed mortuary on my destroyer diamond try. More frustrating than countless tries on the former pacifist diamond.
Maybe there are some hints how to simplify getting this badge i don't know.
The beginning of game is everything. And everything is against you in the beginning of game. If you are doing everything right, then no globes or medkits will spawn and you will die. If globes and medkits do spawn, then you started with two demons and three sergeants in sight without door to exit. If there are no demons or sergeants, then there are certainly several doors that will open at once, and you won't be able to do anything with you bare fists. When you are smart all odds will be against you, for example if you are running and made two formers to stay in line one after another, then second one will miss the first one both times and also hit you both times; Or when everything is very good, you shoot severely wounded demon with pistol and kill him and that means that he had lowest possible health for severely wounded status(6hp) and you rolled 8 dmg with your pistol. Also no medkits from former humans for you, they want medkits themselves. And there is more, much more frustrating things.
The text above was really sad. It was about fails. Now I'll tell about victory itself.
The first and the simpliest. You need to get lucky (don't know does 2dev need luck though :) ). Like all other challenges. A got onyx armor at level 5 and I won immediately.
The second and the obvious. You need to watch your health and get as little damage as you can. Damaging enemies with pistol from behind of a corner and then finishing them in one hit is the main strategy here.
The third and the traditional. You need to patient and extremely careful. At least until anomaly. Always look at enemies hp when you shoot at them with pistol, even if you shooting at them first time. They could be teledamaged or they could be placed in acid on the start, or maybe some strange evil miracle occured so they die unexpectedly and the run is ruined.
The last and the relieving. I am pretty sure you can kill enemies with fists even if you melee hit them still holding pistol. I was always swapping between pistol and bare hands, but right after armory (i got N pack there, but the game was made before that, no jokes), I spawned in cacodemon cave with pistol in my arms, and I completely forgotten about it. I was frightened by cacodemons so I rushed at the closest and didn't stop until the last was dead. Only after that I noticed that I still have pistol in arms. I thought that i lost, but luckily I decided to finish the game with a faint hope that it still counted as a fist kill. And I was revarded for that faint hope.
Concluding this game.... start ---> VERY PATIENT, time consuming ---> anomaly ---> easier, less patience and time needed ---> armory and MVm gotten in it ---> cacodemon cave fail ---> running around the map and killing everything not paying much attention to anything. It would have been a bit harder without N pack but I am pretty sure that even in that case I would have finished successfully maybe with ~10 more minutes spent.
Also in that cacodemon cave episode, things went bad because i did a mistake that i tend to repeat over and over again. I am speaking about situations when some difficulties demand to quickly do something in response in the game, and I mistake it with the need to do something quickly for me. So instead of thinking carefully and picking the wisest choice I just start bashing the buttons as fast as I can. Decent amount of my runs ended like this. :)
Just like Cotonou some weeks before I didn't get strongman platinum. It is rather funny because now I have diamonds enough to get three promotions, but I have too few platinums.
added: mistakenly wrote strongman diamond instead strongman platinum it the last line. Diamond was the point of this topic so I of course got it :)
Maybe there are some hints how to simplify getting this badge i don't know.
The beginning of game is everything. And everything is against you in the beginning of game. If you are doing everything right, then no globes or medkits will spawn and you will die. If globes and medkits do spawn, then you started with two demons and three sergeants in sight without door to exit. If there are no demons or sergeants, then there are certainly several doors that will open at once, and you won't be able to do anything with you bare fists. When you are smart all odds will be against you, for example if you are running and made two formers to stay in line one after another, then second one will miss the first one both times and also hit you both times; Or when everything is very good, you shoot severely wounded demon with pistol and kill him and that means that he had lowest possible health for severely wounded status(6hp) and you rolled 8 dmg with your pistol. Also no medkits from former humans for you, they want medkits themselves. And there is more, much more frustrating things.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 10 Arch-Vile Lt. General Marine,
defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
He survived 273286 turns and scored 138582 points.
He played for 1 hour, 43 minutes and 38 seconds.
He wasn't afraid to be hurt plenty.
He killed 513 out of 513 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 1
Levels completed : 1
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
Sunrise Iron Fist
Hell Armorer Badge
Strongman Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 49/80 Experience 46260/10
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Ironman (Level 2)
Finesse (Level 2)
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Badass (Level 1)
Vampyre (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] powered red armor [5/5] (51%)
[b] [ Weapon ] nothing
[c] [ Boots ] protective boots [2/2] (85%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] pistol (2d4) [6/6]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] double shotgun (9d3)x2 [2/2]
[b] fireproof red armor [4/4] (100%)
[c] onyx armor [2]
[d] 10mm ammo (x81)
[e] shotgun shell (x50)
[f] small med-pack
[g] small med-pack
[h] small med-pack
[i] small med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] large med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] phase device
[r] homing phase device
[s] power mod pack
[t] agility mod pack
[u] shell box (x54)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 85% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 85%
Fire - internal 60% torso 95% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
50 former humans
69 former sergeants
27 former captains
115 imps
25 demons
108 lost souls
21 cacodemons
7 hell knights
28 barons of hell
18 arachnotrons
11 former commandos
7 pain elementals
3 revenants
11 mancubi
8 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 12 he assembled a fireproof armor!
On level 15 he assembled a power armor!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You hit the Spider Mastermind. You're going berserk! The Spider Mastermind
hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to
taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. You're going berserk! The Spider Mastermind
hits you. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. You need to taste blood!
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind hits you. You need to
taste blood! Your vision fades.
You hit the Spider Mastermind. The Spider Mastermind dies. Congratulations!
You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now.
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell uses a small med-pack. The baron
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1507 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1404 of those were killed.
4 of those were killed by something unknown.
16 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
46 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
15 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
26 killed the bitch and survived.
5 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
The text above was really sad. It was about fails. Now I'll tell about victory itself.
The first and the simpliest. You need to get lucky (don't know does 2dev need luck though :) ). Like all other challenges. A got onyx armor at level 5 and I won immediately.
The second and the obvious. You need to watch your health and get as little damage as you can. Damaging enemies with pistol from behind of a corner and then finishing them in one hit is the main strategy here.
The third and the traditional. You need to patient and extremely careful. At least until anomaly. Always look at enemies hp when you shoot at them with pistol, even if you shooting at them first time. They could be teledamaged or they could be placed in acid on the start, or maybe some strange evil miracle occured so they die unexpectedly and the run is ruined.
The last and the relieving. I am pretty sure you can kill enemies with fists even if you melee hit them still holding pistol. I was always swapping between pistol and bare hands, but right after armory (i got N pack there, but the game was made before that, no jokes), I spawned in cacodemon cave with pistol in my arms, and I completely forgotten about it. I was frightened by cacodemons so I rushed at the closest and didn't stop until the last was dead. Only after that I noticed that I still have pistol in arms. I thought that i lost, but luckily I decided to finish the game with a faint hope that it still counted as a fist kill. And I was revarded for that faint hope.
Concluding this game.... start ---> VERY PATIENT, time consuming ---> anomaly ---> easier, less patience and time needed ---> armory and MVm gotten in it ---> cacodemon cave fail ---> running around the map and killing everything not paying much attention to anything. It would have been a bit harder without N pack but I am pretty sure that even in that case I would have finished successfully maybe with ~10 more minutes spent.
Also in that cacodemon cave episode, things went bad because i did a mistake that i tend to repeat over and over again. I am speaking about situations when some difficulties demand to quickly do something in response in the game, and I mistake it with the need to do something quickly for me. So instead of thinking carefully and picking the wisest choice I just start bashing the buttons as fast as I can. Decent amount of my runs ended like this. :)
Just like Cotonou some weeks before I didn't get strongman platinum. It is rather funny because now I have diamonds enough to get three promotions, but I have too few platinums.
added: mistakenly wrote strongman diamond instead strongman platinum it the last line. Diamond was the point of this topic so I of course got it :)
Nightmare! / [N!|AoMC|23|93%|YASD] I don't have any clues how to pick up DS.
« on: April 20, 2012, 07:28 »
The purpose of this run was to try to fulfill some conditions i heard about in order to get dragonslayer in UC. Apparently those conditions I heard were wrong because I failed them at least once and still got DS in UC. It was my first time seeing it and though I had some vague ideas how to pick it up I failed. So all my ideas were wrong too. I wanted to get angelic badge but failed when captain respawned and i didn't notice that. Berserker armor was the reward for mortuary but i obviously didn't need it. And in the last level i got hit by mancubi(i don't know which mancubus killed me I didn't see any) but that wasn't upsetting at all because the purpose of this run was already fulfilled/failed.
Also got conqueror badge. Everything is easy on AoMC except destroyer diamond :).
Also got conqueror badge. Everything is easy on AoMC except destroyer diamond :).
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 18 Arch-Vile Lt. General Scout,
rode a mancubi rocket on level 7 of Hell.
He survived 241488 turns and scored 770978 points.
He played for 3 hours, 38 minutes and 42 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 1754 out of 1886 hellspawn. (93%)
He held his right to remain violent.
He was an Angel of Max Carnage!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 11
Levels completed : 11
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Aurora Medallion
Conqueror Badge
Grim Reaper's Badge
Hell Arena Pwnage Medal
Hell Armorer Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/50 Experience 166874/18
ToHit Ranged +12 ToHit Melee +12 ToDmg Ranged +4 ToDmg Melee +4
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Finesse (Level 3)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Son of a bitch (Level 4)
Juggler (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Whizkid (Level 1)
Triggerhappy (Level 2)
Cateye (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] duelist armor [2/4] (32%) (AP)
[b] [ Weapon ] nuclear plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [12/24] (T2)
[c] [ Boots ] tactical boots [0/0] (100%)
[d] [ Prepared ] nuclear BFG 9000 (8d8) [40/40]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [12/40]
[b] assault shotgun (7d3) [6/6]
[c] BFG 9000 (10d8) [90/130] (B1)
[d] BFG 9000 (10d8) [60/100]
[e] Grammaton Cleric Beretta (2d6) [18/18]
[f] red armor [4/4] (188%) (B)
[g] Medical Powerarmor [4/4] (100%)
[h] shotgun shell (x63)
[i] power cell (x70)
[j] power cell (x70)
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] large med-pack
[n] phase device
[o] envirosuit pack
[p] envirosuit pack
[q] power mod pack
[r] agility mod pack
[s] agility mod pack
[t] lava element
[u] steel boots [1/1] (100%)
[v] power battery (x120)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 25% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 25% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 25% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
195 former humans
146 former sergeants
107 former captains
243 imps
117 demons
349 lost souls
68 cacodemons
59 hell knights
115 barons of hell
67 arachnotrons
45 former commandos
42 pain elementals
48 revenants
73 mancubi
46 arch-viles
7 nightmare imps
4 nightmare cacodemons
12 nightmare demons
2 bruiser brothers
4 shamblers
1 lava elemental
1 agony elemental
1 Angel of Death
1 Cyberdemon
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 4 he assembled a tactical boots!
On level 7 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
On level 10 he assembled a piercing blade!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 13 he assembled a elephant gun!
On level 13 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 14 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 18 he entered the Vaults.
On level 18 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
He cracked the Vaults and cleared them out!
On level 20 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
On level 20 he found the Berserker Armor!
He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
On level 22 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
On level 23 he found the Medical Powerarmor!
On level 23 he finally rode a mancubi rocket.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You see : a mancubus (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the arachnotron. The missile hits the arachnotron. The
missile hits the arachnotron. The missile hits the arachnotron. The
arachnotron dies. The missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits the
mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus.
You see : a mancubus (severely wounded) | pool of blood | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the mancubus. The missile hits the mancubus. The mancubus
You see : an arachnotron (unhurt) | floor | [ m ]ore
The missile hits the arachnotron. The missile hits the arachnotron. The
missile hits the arachnotron. The missile hits the arachnotron. The missile
hits the arachnotron. The arachnotron dies.
The barrel explodes! Boom! Your duelist armor is damaged! You die!... Press
There is a shotgun (8d3) [1/1] lying here.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1377 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1279 of those were killed.
4 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
42 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
15 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
23 killed the bitch and survived.
4 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
Nightmare! / [N!|28%|YAVP] UAC diamond
« on: March 29, 2012, 12:50 »
It seems today is speedrunning day for me. After i spectacularly failed my almost completed 3.5 hour N! AoD conquerer run I managed to do two impressive(from my viewpoint) speedruns.
It is not much to say about this run. I can only mention that on the most of the levels stairs wasn't close to the start but on those levels there always were lots of globes/berserk packs between me and exit. Also my phases were lucky(and this is really rare).
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 8 Arch-Vile Lt. General Scout,
sacrificed himself to kill the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
He survived 12937 turns and scored 262676 points.
He played for 11 minutes and 12 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 226 out of 797 hellspawn. (28%)
Who gave him the ticket to hell, anyway?
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 5
Levels completed : 1
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Major Icarus Cross
Compet-n Gold Cross
UAC Gold Badge
UAC Platinum Badge
UAC Diamond Badge
Speedrunner Gold Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/50 Experience 25594/8
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Brute (Level 3)
Berserker (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 1)
Blademaster (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[b] [ Weapon ] Longinus Spear (8d8)
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] pistol (2d4) [4/6]
[b] shotgun (8d3) [1/1]
[c] chaingun (1d6)x4 [36/40]
[d] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [40/40]
[e] green armor [1/1] (100%)
[f] chainsaw (5d6) (B)
[g] 10mm ammo (x44)
[h] 10mm ammo (x100)
[i] 10mm ammo (x100)
[j] 10mm ammo (x100)
[k] 10mm ammo (x100)
[l] shotgun shell (x15)
[m] small med-pack
[n] small med-pack
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] technical mod pack
[r] agility mod pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
45 former humans
15 former sergeants
10 former captains
45 imps
34 demons
30 lost souls
14 cacodemons
11 hell knights
5 barons of hell
2 arachnotrons
1 former commando
1 pain elemental
1 revenant
5 mancubi
2 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 Angel of Death
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 7 he witnessed the Wall.
Not knowing what to do, he left.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
He left level 11 as soon as possible.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
He left level 17 as soon as possible.
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 17 he found the Longinus Spear!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
He decided it was too hot there.
He left level 23 as soon as possible.
Then at last he found Dis!
He nuked level 24!
On level 24 he finally sacrificed himself to kill the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 8 seconds! You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds! You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds! You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds! You need to taste blood!
You need to taste blood!
Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds! You need to taste blood!
Congratulations! You defeated the Spider Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
That hurt! You' going berserk!
You need to taste blood!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1244 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
1148 of those were killed.
4 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
40 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
14 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
23 killed the bitch and survived.
3 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
It is not much to say about this run. I can only mention that on the most of the levels stairs wasn't close to the start but on those levels there always were lots of globes/berserk packs between me and exit. Also my phases were lucky(and this is really rare).
Bug Reports / [] former human - expert in shrapnel dodging.
« on: March 22, 2012, 07:33 »
Sorry, I don't have a screenshot so i may be mistaken in distance between barrel and former human but the rest is exact.
From that position i fired with shotgun aiming the barrel. The result was
I think that the game calculated that i hit the barrel and its explosion and also knockback caused by explosion before it calculated if i hit the former human.
From that position i fired with shotgun aiming the barrel. The result was
Former human was knockbacked by barrel explosion(min 7 dmg) and also should have been hit by my shot(min 8 dmg) but he hadn't died. He also didn't have any armor. It wasn't instant revive too because no drop appeared.I think that the game calculated that i hit the barrel and its explosion and also knockback caused by explosion before it calculated if i hit the former human.
Nightmare! / [N!|AoLT|32%|YAVP] Lightfoot Diamond. Too lazy to fight those monsters.
« on: March 20, 2012, 14:53 »
As is written in the topic title i was too lazy to make serious attempts for time consuming badges. So i decided to try to achieve Lightfoot diamond spending the least possible amount of efforts. And I truly succeeded in that goal. I managed to complete N! AoLT on the third attempt. The first attempt ended when i was running in the tower of babel trying to find out is an indestructible column still there like before or not(apparently there is no such column). And second attempt was really unlucky from the very first level.
The whole description of attempt can be written in several phrases.
I shotgunned as much as I could on the first three levels and entered chained court for free berserk packs.
Then I ran, using my Int to collect berserk packs or invul globes and avoid large groups of enemies.
I ran through anomaly. Using DM I shotgunned cyberdemon.
On level 22 or 23 I found another shell box.
Then in Dis i just ran around the column and shotgunned mastermind.
Well. Thats it. Looks simple isn't it? Well it really was simple.
added: And in the first attempt i got lightfoot bronze. That means that this three attempts were first AoLT attempts since i unlocked it (i think it was version and tried once.
The whole description of attempt can be written in several phrases.
I shotgunned as much as I could on the first three levels and entered chained court for free berserk packs.
Then I ran, using my Int to collect berserk packs or invul globes and avoid large groups of enemies.
I ran through anomaly. Using DM I shotgunned cyberdemon.
On level 22 or 23 I found another shell box.
Then in Dis i just ran around the column and shotgunned mastermind.
Well. Thats it. Looks simple isn't it? Well it really was simple.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 7 Arch-Vile Mjr General Scout,
defeated the Mastermind on level 8 of Hell.
He survived 19174 turns and scored 233036 points.
He played for 35 minutes and 1 second.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 303 out of 923 hellspawn. (32%)
He was an Angel of Light Travel!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 4
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Major Icarus Cross
Lightfoot Silver Badge
Lightfoot Gold Badge
Lightfoot Platinum Badge
Lightfoot Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 29/60 Experience 19200/7
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +0 ToDmg Ranged +1 ToDmg Melee +1
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 1)
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] red armor [4] (O)
[b] [ Weapon ] shotgun (8d3) [0/1]
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] shell box (x31)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun shell (x35)
[b] phase device
[c] fire skull
[d] 10mm ammo chain (x250)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Fire - internal 0% torso 25% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
49 former humans
38 former sergeants
22 former captains
63 imps
23 demons
81 lost souls
3 cacodemons
7 hell knights
1 baron of hell
1 arachnotron
4 former commandos
5 pain elementals
2 revenants
2 mancubi
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
He left level 10 as soon as possible.
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
He nuked level 11!
He left level 15 as soon as possible.
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
He came, he saw, but he left.
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
He decided it was too hot there.
He left level 23 as soon as possible.
Then at last he found Dis!
On level 24 he finally defeated the Mastermind.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You see : green wall
You quickly reload the shotgun.
You see : green wall
You quickly reload the shotgun.
You see : green wall
You quickly reload the shotgun.
You see : green wall
You quickly reload the shotgun.
You see : green wall
You quickly reload the shotgun.
You see : green wall
You quickly reload the shotgun.
You see : green wall
You hear the scream of a freed soul! Congratulations! You defeated the Spider
Mastermind! Press <Enter>...
You quickly reload the shotgun.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1051 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
964 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
32 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
7 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
22 killed the bitch and survived.
3 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
added: And in the first attempt i got lightfoot bronze. That means that this three attempts were first AoLT attempts since i unlocked it (i think it was version and tried once.
11 / [U|AoRA|YAAM] Speed is everything or Quartermaster Diamond
« on: March 19, 2012, 03:00 »
I haven't played DoomRL for a while because most medals or badges i wanted to achieve required enormous amount of patience and when i fail stupidly after two hours of careful corpse door-stacking i become so irritated that i just can't make myself to try one more time. Because of that i decided to try to achieve Quartermaster diamond. I thought that this challenge will require less patience. Well i was wrong. Though this challenge really doesn't need that king of patience: of carefully luring out the enemies and killing them in exact spot but it need another kind of patience: thinking about every of your actions because just one wrong move may result in not killing all enemies or not being able to make it to the stairs in time.
I tried a lot. And i died a lot not being able even to reach anomaly.
At first i tried marine trying to get SM to be able not to stop to reload thereby to speed up completion of levels. But this build turned out to be worthless. Too much time wasted on slow movements, too much risk when you are not cornershooting but moving forward and firing using SM.
So i decided to try scout. I picked HR first to make easier completion of level 2 and then two Ints to make sure no enemies will escape to the other side of the level using my blind zones. Then HR and Fin2 was planned to speed up level completion even more. I wasn't planning any further thinking that decision will be very situation dependent.
After dying a several dozens times i figured out some really simple rules that helped me to do everything on time.
You must run as much as it is possible, using every opportunity like picking a globe or even sometimes using medpacks when you don't really need to replenish health (for example i used 3 or 4 medpacks when i cleared arena though i was hit only two or three times. That helped a lot).
It is better sometimes to openly approach an enemy (even hard enemy like hell knight or cacodemon or baron of hell) and kill them openly from a short distance. You will lose health but the saved time may have much bigger value.
There is not much time to pick up ammo dropped from enemies so sometimes when choosing between picking up medpacks or ammo (when you don't have enough time to pick up both) it is better to pick up ammo.
After many failed attempts this time i got lucky. I managed to collect 7 medpacks to the point of entering hells arena. It is better to start clearing hells arena moving to the right side of the map. When i reached second wave i got lucky again. All monsters just kept on coming to me so i didn't need to search for them. After clearing second wave i moved to the exit and met both barons. So after i cornershooted them i still had between 50 and 60 seconds to collect reward. I was really surprised to find out that whole reward is dropped near exit in AoRA completed arena. So i managed to collect all rockets and rocket launcher, medpack and globe and to exit without any time problems.
On the next levels, before the anomaly i found 1 A pack, 3 T packs and 1 B pack. Also protective boots(instantly modded with A pack) and combat shotgun (used T pack on it). The problem was ammo. I had 20 rockets but only 22 shotgun shells. It was enough to clear anomaly but after that my ammo was almost down to zero. In anomaly i assembled micro rocket launcher (because i didn't have EE) and used B pack on red armor. During an ambush part i kept rocketjumping back and forth killing everything except cacodemons. Then i killed blew them up from the distance. After that i had only 8 rockets. It wasn't enough for bruiser brothers so i cornershotgunned them. Then i picked up rockets behind them and left the anomaly.
And i got lucky again. There were several former sergeants close to start so i replenished my ammo and got lvl7. I wasn't sure to pick brute or SoB. I asked AlterAsc for an advice and he told me that due to my lack of ammo brute is probably better option even if i don't have chainsaw. Well he was right.
The game strangely got easier on this point. I managed to clear levels with a plenty of time left. I found lots of packs, replenished ammo in halls of carnage and got bfg. And made a lot of assemblies. I also found phaseshift boots somewhere near level 12 and from that point time wasn't a big problem. After i got Ber the game became really easy.
I had no problems at all till hell 7. On hell6 i found two envirosuits so i cleared lava pits. Hell 7 was full of lava and i was so self confident at that point that i didn't use envirosuit and tried to kill them on the few not flooded by lava tiles. As the result I barely survived.
In the dis I just waited in starting room and then used lava element.JC wasn't a problem at all since i killed monsters he spawned before they started moving.
P.S. Sorry about that walls of text and bad english.
I tried a lot. And i died a lot not being able even to reach anomaly.
At first i tried marine trying to get SM to be able not to stop to reload thereby to speed up completion of levels. But this build turned out to be worthless. Too much time wasted on slow movements, too much risk when you are not cornershooting but moving forward and firing using SM.
So i decided to try scout. I picked HR first to make easier completion of level 2 and then two Ints to make sure no enemies will escape to the other side of the level using my blind zones. Then HR and Fin2 was planned to speed up level completion even more. I wasn't planning any further thinking that decision will be very situation dependent.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 14 Arch-Vile Mjr General Scout,
nuked the Mastermind on level 9 of Hell.
He survived 66164 turns and scored 369607 points.
He played for 1 hour, 59 minutes and 1 second.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 919 out of 919 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Red Alert!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 11
Levels visited : 4
Levels completed : 4
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Cyberdemon's Head
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Hell Champion Medal
Quartermaster Gold Badge
Quartermaster Diamond Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 50/50 Experience 85865/14
ToHit Ranged +0 ToHit Melee +6 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +9
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Finesse (Level 2)
Hellrunner (Level 3)
Brute (Level 3)
Juggler (Level 1)
Berserker (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Blademaster (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Cybernetic Armor [7/7] (99%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Azrael's Scythe (9d9)
[c] [ Boots ] phaseshift boots [4/4] (99%) (T)
[d] [ Prepared ] micro launcher (5d5) [1/1]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [0/5]
[b] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [40/40]
[c] BFG 9000 (10d8) [80/130] (B1)
[d] shotgun shell (x34)
[e] rocket (x6)
[f] power cell (x50)
[g] power cell (x50)
[h] power cell (x50)
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] phase device
[m] homing phase device
[n] envirosuit pack
[o] firestorm weapon pack
[p] blood skull
[q] Hellwave Pack
[r] rocket box (x20)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Fire - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
Plasma - internal 60% torso 60% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
50 former humans
68 former sergeants
34 former captains
135 imps
115 demons
292 lost souls
38 cacodemons
22 hell knights
40 barons of hell
4 arachnotrons
13 former commandos
25 pain elementals
32 revenants
22 mancubi
22 arch-viles
2 bruiser brothers
1 lava elemental
1 Angel of Death
1 Cyberdemon
1 Spider Mastermind
1 John Carmack
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 8 he encountered the Phobos Anomaly.
On level 8 he assembled a micro launcher!
On level 10 he assembled a piercing blade!
On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 13 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 14 he assembled a ballistic armor!
On level 16 he found the Tower of Babel!
On level 17 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 17 he found the Azrael's Scythe!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 22 he found the Hellwave Pack!
On level 22 he entered the Lava Pits.
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
On level 23 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
Then at last he found Dis!
He defeated the Mastermind and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. Next! You're going
You need to taste blood!
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. Next!
You need to taste blood!
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. Next! You're going
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. Next!
You dodge! Boom! You need to taste blood!
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. Next!
You hit the baron of hell. The baron of hell dies. Next!
You hit John Carmack. You're going berserk! You need to taste blood!
You hit John Carmack. John Carmack dies. Congratulations! You defeated John
Carmack! Press <Enter>...
You feel relatively safe now. Next!
You need to taste blood!
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
1011 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
925 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
15 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 39 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
31 souls destroyed the Mastermind...
7 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
21 killed the bitch and survived.
3 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.
After dying a several dozens times i figured out some really simple rules that helped me to do everything on time.
You must run as much as it is possible, using every opportunity like picking a globe or even sometimes using medpacks when you don't really need to replenish health (for example i used 3 or 4 medpacks when i cleared arena though i was hit only two or three times. That helped a lot).
It is better sometimes to openly approach an enemy (even hard enemy like hell knight or cacodemon or baron of hell) and kill them openly from a short distance. You will lose health but the saved time may have much bigger value.
There is not much time to pick up ammo dropped from enemies so sometimes when choosing between picking up medpacks or ammo (when you don't have enough time to pick up both) it is better to pick up ammo.
After many failed attempts this time i got lucky. I managed to collect 7 medpacks to the point of entering hells arena. It is better to start clearing hells arena moving to the right side of the map. When i reached second wave i got lucky again. All monsters just kept on coming to me so i didn't need to search for them. After clearing second wave i moved to the exit and met both barons. So after i cornershooted them i still had between 50 and 60 seconds to collect reward. I was really surprised to find out that whole reward is dropped near exit in AoRA completed arena. So i managed to collect all rockets and rocket launcher, medpack and globe and to exit without any time problems.
On the next levels, before the anomaly i found 1 A pack, 3 T packs and 1 B pack. Also protective boots(instantly modded with A pack) and combat shotgun (used T pack on it). The problem was ammo. I had 20 rockets but only 22 shotgun shells. It was enough to clear anomaly but after that my ammo was almost down to zero. In anomaly i assembled micro rocket launcher (because i didn't have EE) and used B pack on red armor. During an ambush part i kept rocketjumping back and forth killing everything except cacodemons. Then i killed blew them up from the distance. After that i had only 8 rockets. It wasn't enough for bruiser brothers so i cornershotgunned them. Then i picked up rockets behind them and left the anomaly.
And i got lucky again. There were several former sergeants close to start so i replenished my ammo and got lvl7. I wasn't sure to pick brute or SoB. I asked AlterAsc for an advice and he told me that due to my lack of ammo brute is probably better option even if i don't have chainsaw. Well he was right.
The game strangely got easier on this point. I managed to clear levels with a plenty of time left. I found lots of packs, replenished ammo in halls of carnage and got bfg. And made a lot of assemblies. I also found phaseshift boots somewhere near level 12 and from that point time wasn't a big problem. After i got Ber the game became really easy.
I had no problems at all till hell 7. On hell6 i found two envirosuits so i cleared lava pits. Hell 7 was full of lava and i was so self confident at that point that i didn't use envirosuit and tried to kill them on the few not flooded by lava tiles. As the result I barely survived.
In the dis I just waited in starting room and then used lava element.JC wasn't a problem at all since i killed monsters he spawned before they started moving.
P.S. Sorry about that walls of text and bad english.
12 / [M|AoHu|YAVP|YAAM] Lucky again: Thomas's Medal, Grammaton Cleric Cross, etc..
« on: December 19, 2011, 07:54 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 13 Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel Marine,
defeated the Cyberdemon on level 25 of the Phobos base.
He survived 156977 turns and scored 123907 points.
He played for 2 hours, 4 minutes and 47 seconds.
He didn't like it too rough.
He killed 681 out of 681 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Humanity!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 9
Levels visited : 9
Levels completed : 9
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Hell Armorer Badge
Shambler's Head
Grim Reaper's Badge
Grammaton Cleric Cross
Untouchable Badge
Cyberdemon's Head
Hell Champion Medal
Conqueror Badge
Explorer Badge
Aurora Medallion
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Medal of Prejudice
Thomas's Medal
Every Soldier's Medal
Everyman Gold Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 21/12 Experience 70022/13
ToHit Ranged +6 ToHit Melee +10 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +6
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Tough as nails (Level 1)
Eagle Eye (Level 3)
Brute (Level 2)
Berserker (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Badass (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [3/3] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] Grammaton Cleric Beretta (2d6) [15/18]
[c] [ Boots ] modified plasteel boots [2/2] (96%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] modified missile launcher (6d6) [0/4] (F1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] nuclear BFG 9000 (8d8) [1/40]
[b] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [30/130] (B1)
[c] modified assault shotgun (8d3) [0/6] (P1)
[d] Angelic Armor [7/7] (100%)
[e] shotgun shell (x70)
[f] shotgun shell (x28)
[g] large med-pack
[h] homing phase device
[i] thermonuclear bomb
[j] lava element
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 60% feet 60%
Melee - internal 0% torso 60% feet 60%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 60% feet 60%
Acid - internal 0% torso 90% feet 95%
Fire - internal 0% torso 90% feet 85%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 90% feet 60%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
123 former humans
88 former sergeants
29 former captains
71 imps
78 demons
125 lost souls
33 cacodemons
36 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
29 hell knights
11 arachnotrons
10 former commandos
1 Angel of Death
6 pain elementals
14 arch-viles
13 mancubi
8 revenants
2 bruiser brothers
1 shambler
1 lava elemental
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
On level 10 he found the Trigun!
On level 10 he assembled a piercing blade!
He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
On level 11 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 12 he assembled a piercing blade!
On level 12 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 16 he found the Longinus Spear!
He then destroyed the Unholy Cathedral!
On level 18 he found the Malek's Armor!
On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
On level 19 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
He cracked the Vaults and cleared them out!
On level 22 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
On level 22 he found the Angelic Armor!
He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You need to taste blood!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Cyberdemon (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
You are hit! You need to taste blood!
You wear/wield : a Grammaton Cleric Beretta (2d6) [18/18] The Cyberdemon
reloads his rocket launcher. You need to taste blood!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Cyberdemon (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
The missile hits the Cyberdemon. You need to taste blood!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Cyberdemon (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
The missile hits the Cyberdemon. You are hit! You need to taste blood!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Cyberdemon (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
The missile hits the Cyberdemon. The Cyberdemon dies. You feel relatively
safe now. Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
699 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
639 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
4 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 28 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
25 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
7 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
18 killed the bastard and survived.
Main idea of this build, was to gain enough speed and damage in order to make UC as easy as possible. I used marine because two health points are extremely useful on AoHu.
Getting early tactical shotgun helped me a lot in surviving CC and HA. In HA i found trigun but dropped it immediately because i didn't plan to take SoG traits and his Angel Arm is a joke on AoHu (12-5=7 hp.. ridiculous). I managed to find two P packs for my piercing blades, i also had A-modded green armor and A-modded plasteel boots. Level 14 was tough so i took badass trait instead of brute. So in UC i had 98% exp and only one brute.
Killing angel of death took about 20 minutes of running around the map. After UC my main point was to get berserker trait to see if it is useful on AoHu. Then i found Malek's armor and the rest was easy. Nobody could damage me more than one hp, except arachnotrons because when revenant or baron of hell or arch-vile or mancubus attacked me, they always triggered berserk so my resitances rose to 90%. Also i found out that every move on lava tile triggers berserk too. This is cheap and good way to greatly increase berserker counter in many cases.
When i got to the mortuary i had lots of energy cells from the Vaults. So mortuary wasn't problem at all. Unfortunately i forgot about lava pits and spent all my plasma in the mortuary, so I had some problems with lava elemental but i had enough med packs to kill lava elemental with my shotgun and nuclear BFG.
On the last level there was invulnerability globe near the exit so i could achieve full victory using my bomb in phobos arena and overcharging nuclear bfg in hell fortress but i didn't think about it then.
Nightmare! / [N!|AoD|58%|YAVP] Hunter platinum badge
« on: December 03, 2011, 18:13 »
Two posts today. I think today is my lucky day for doomrl.
I made huge mistake before i started the game. I didn't think that this run will be successful. So I haven't checked diamond hunter badge conditions and was lazy enough to not ckeck them after I started...
My main point in this run was to try to kill as much enemies as i can in the beginning of the game, to make a largest benefit from double experience bonus. The main target was MCe.
Several first levels were tough but i managed to clear them almost completely. I found stairs to Arena but didn't enter it but if i knew about Explorer condition, entering it and escaping without taking much damage would be possible for me. Also through the game i never suffered from shortage of medpacks, so even if I used one or two in arena, nothing would have changed.
I got into chained court for purpose to get some extra free experience and of course to get four free berserker packs. Later it turned out, that chainsaw was extremely useful.
Then i again tried to clear levels almost completely but it was harder than before even with combat shotgun i got from a vault.
On level 6 the game was nearly decided? malek's armor and his resistances made it so much easier to survive, and surviving with passing levels as fast as i can was a plan for the most levels left.
On level 7 i choosing between two stairs not far away from each other: the wall and next level, i assumed that it is pointless to go to the wall and descended to the next level.
On level 12 was an entrance to the halls of carnage but i didn't found them, leaving early. Halls of carnage wouldn't be much of a problem, but finding stairs to them could make me killed somehow, but i believe that i had enough medpacks to find stairs.
On level 16 i immediately noticed stairs to the next level, and when i came closer i saw stairs to the UC 6 or 7 tiles further.
Then i tried to run through levels as fast as i can and randomly entered city of skulls (lucky, got BFG9000 there by breaking the wall), and spider lair (i had no intention to enter lair, but in looked like there were more arachnotrons on previous level (arachnotron cave)).
The rest levels went smoothly. When i found entrance to the mortuary i said to myself: "definetly no". But now i think that i had very big chances to make in through alive. I had Malek armor, Amodded boots, HR 2(speaking in another words I was fast{0.75*0.7*0.9=0.4725 = 0.47 } ). Also i had phase device and lots of med packs. also rest levels were completed without fights, so i could use almost all med packs in there.
This run was very lucky. I didn't want mancubi and there were none. I needed plasma cells and shotgun shells and there were plenty of arachnotrons and former sergeants. Arachnotrons could be a problem, but i almost always managed either to get close unharmed and kill them with chainsaw or escape.
It's a pity, that i didn't get diamond badge, but anyway it was unexpected good victory with lots of fun so I am more than satisfied with it.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 15 Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel Scout,
defeated the Cyberdemon on level 25 of the Phobos base.
He survived 42118 turns and scored 682888 points.
He played for 56 minutes and 44 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 656 out of 1129 hellspawn. (58%)
He was an Angel of Darkness!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 10
Levels visited : 5
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (silver cluster)
Hunter Platinum Badge
Hunter Bronze Badge
Hunter Silver Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 84/100 Experience 106736/15
ToHit Ranged +2 ToHit Melee +2 ToDmg Ranged +2 ToDmg Melee +2
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 5)
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 2)
Eagle Eye (Level 1)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Triggerhappy (Level 1)
Cateye (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] Malek's Armor [3/3] (100%)
[b] [ Weapon ] assault shotgun (7d3) [4/6]
[c] [ Boots ] modified acid-proof boots [0/0] (18%) (A)
[d] [ Prepared ] BFG 9000 (10d8) [20/100]
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] rocket launcher (6d6) [0/1]
[b] plasma rifle (1d7)x6 [23/40]
[c] Acid Spitter (10d10) [0/10] {a}
[d] chainsaw (4d6)
[e] shotgun shell (x3)
[f] shotgun shell (x50)
[g] small med-pack
[h] large med-pack
[i] large med-pack
[j] large med-pack
[k] large med-pack
[l] large med-pack
[m] phase device
[n] power mod pack
[o] shell box (x100)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Acid - internal 0% torso 30% feet 100%
Fire - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
Plasma - internal 0% torso 30% feet 0%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
113 former humans
63 former sergeants
44 former captains
125 imps
32 demons
147 lost souls
22 cacodemons
20 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
19 hell knights
24 arachnotrons
9 former commandos
11 pain elementals
9 arch-viles
14 revenants
1 nightmare imp
2 bruiser brothers
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
On level 6 he found the Malek's Armor!
On level 9 he entered Hell's Armory.
He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
He left level 16 as soon as possible.
He left level 17 as soon as possible.
On level 17 he found the City of Skulls.
He fled the City in terror!
He left level 18 as soon as possible.
He left level 19 as soon as possible.
On level 19 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
He fled the Lair, knowing how to fear Arachnotrons!
Level 23 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
On level 23 he found the Acid Spitter!
On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
He decided it was too hot there.
He left level 24 as soon as possible.
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
On level 25 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You reload the assault shotgun with shotgun shell.
The Cyberdemon reloads his rocket launcher.
You reload the assault shotgun with shotgun shell.
You dodge!
You reload the assault shotgun with shotgun shell.
You reload the assault shotgun with shotgun shell. The Cyberdemon reloads
his rocket launcher.
You reload the assault shotgun with shotgun shell.
You dodge!
You reload the assault shotgun with shotgun shell.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Cyberdemon (almost dead) [m]ore | blood
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a Cyberdemon (almost dead) [m]ore | blood
The Cyberdemon dies. Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
582 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
530 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 25 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
22 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
7 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
15 killed the bastard and survived.
I made huge mistake before i started the game. I didn't think that this run will be successful. So I haven't checked diamond hunter badge conditions and was lazy enough to not ckeck them after I started...
My main point in this run was to try to kill as much enemies as i can in the beginning of the game, to make a largest benefit from double experience bonus. The main target was MCe.
Several first levels were tough but i managed to clear them almost completely. I found stairs to Arena but didn't enter it but if i knew about Explorer condition, entering it and escaping without taking much damage would be possible for me. Also through the game i never suffered from shortage of medpacks, so even if I used one or two in arena, nothing would have changed.
I got into chained court for purpose to get some extra free experience and of course to get four free berserker packs. Later it turned out, that chainsaw was extremely useful.
Then i again tried to clear levels almost completely but it was harder than before even with combat shotgun i got from a vault.
On level 6 the game was nearly decided? malek's armor and his resistances made it so much easier to survive, and surviving with passing levels as fast as i can was a plan for the most levels left.
On level 7 i choosing between two stairs not far away from each other: the wall and next level, i assumed that it is pointless to go to the wall and descended to the next level.
On level 12 was an entrance to the halls of carnage but i didn't found them, leaving early. Halls of carnage wouldn't be much of a problem, but finding stairs to them could make me killed somehow, but i believe that i had enough medpacks to find stairs.
On level 16 i immediately noticed stairs to the next level, and when i came closer i saw stairs to the UC 6 or 7 tiles further.
Then i tried to run through levels as fast as i can and randomly entered city of skulls (lucky, got BFG9000 there by breaking the wall), and spider lair (i had no intention to enter lair, but in looked like there were more arachnotrons on previous level (arachnotron cave)).
The rest levels went smoothly. When i found entrance to the mortuary i said to myself: "definetly no". But now i think that i had very big chances to make in through alive. I had Malek armor, Amodded boots, HR 2(speaking in another words I was fast{0.75*0.7*0.9=0.4725 = 0.47 } ). Also i had phase device and lots of med packs. also rest levels were completed without fights, so i could use almost all med packs in there.
This run was very lucky. I didn't want mancubi and there were none. I needed plasma cells and shotgun shells and there were plenty of arachnotrons and former sergeants. Arachnotrons could be a problem, but i almost always managed either to get close unharmed and kill them with chainsaw or escape.
It's a pity, that i didn't get diamond badge, but anyway it was unexpected good victory with lots of fun so I am more than satisfied with it.
Nightmare! / [N!|AoPc|18%|YAVP] Pacifism Diamond Badge and last levels dramatic stories.
« on: December 03, 2011, 11:24 »
Haven't played doomrl for a while, so i got pretty excited about this victory.
Well, this time I was extremely lucky as required to get Pacifism Diamond. On levels 1 and 2 i got Berserk packs. Stairs were not close to starting position, so i was forced to run through crowds of monsters and most of them died. So to the end of level 2 i leveled up twice. I leveled up when i descended to level 3 and when i got to arena. I leveled up so fast that i got Master survivalist perk when i entered level 9 of phobos base. I found lots of large medpacks and also one homing phase device and three phase devices. I was so lucky when i had problems i always managed to immediately find stairs, and when my powerups effects ended i always managed to find another one without any trouble. And i even found Nano pack and assembled power armor.
Dramatic stories about troubles on level 22 and 24 inside the spoiler.
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 13 Arch-Vile Lt. Colonel Marine,
sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon on level 25 of the Phobos base.
He survived 10654 turns and scored 182064 points.
He played for 21 minutes and 43 seconds.
He opposed the Nightmare!
He killed 113 out of 770 hellspawn. (14%)
Who gave him the ticket to hell, anyway?
He was an Angel of Pacifism!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 9
Levels visited : 4
Levels completed : 0
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Major Icarus Cross
Compet-n Silver Cross
Pacifism Diamond Badge
Pacifism Platinum Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 0/110 Experience 8416/13
ToHit Ranged +4 ToHit Melee +4 ToDmg Ranged +0 ToDmg Melee +0
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Marine
Ironman (Level 5)
Tough as nails (Level 2)
Eagle Eye (Level 2)
Intuition (Level 2)
Badass (Level 1)
Survivalist (Level 1)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] nothing
[b] [ Weapon ] chainsaw (4d6)
[c] [ Boots ] nothing
[d] [ Prepared ] nothing
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] shotgun shell (x16)
[b] large med-pack
[c] technical mod pack
[d] agility mod pack
[e] shockwave pack
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
43 former humans
16 former sergeants
8 former captains
22 imps
2 demons
3 lost souls
3 cacodemons
7 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
6 arachnotrons
1 former commando
1 nightmare imp
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He cowardly fled the Arena.
On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
He left level 9 as soon as possible.
He left level 10 as soon as possible.
On level 13 he found the Nano Pack!
He left level 14 as soon as possible.
On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
On level 20 he assembled a power armor!
On level 21 he entered the Vaults.
He came, he saw, but he left.
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
He nuked level 25!
On level 25 he finally sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You enter a big arena. There's blood everywhere. You hear heavy mechanical
Are you sure you want activate the thermonuclear bomb? [Y/n] You use a
thermonuclear bomb. Warning! Explosion in 10 seconds! Warning!
Explosion in 9 seconds!
Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
You use a small med-pack. You feel healed. Warning! Explosion in 8
Warning! Explosion in 7 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
Warning! Explosion in 1 seconds!
Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press <Enter>...
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
580 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
529 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 25 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
21 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
7 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
14 killed the bastard and survived.
Well, this time I was extremely lucky as required to get Pacifism Diamond. On levels 1 and 2 i got Berserk packs. Stairs were not close to starting position, so i was forced to run through crowds of monsters and most of them died. So to the end of level 2 i leveled up twice. I leveled up when i descended to level 3 and when i got to arena. I leveled up so fast that i got Master survivalist perk when i entered level 9 of phobos base. I found lots of large medpacks and also one homing phase device and three phase devices. I was so lucky when i had problems i always managed to immediately find stairs, and when my powerups effects ended i always managed to find another one without any trouble. And i even found Nano pack and assembled power armor.
Dramatic stories about troubles on level 22 and 24 inside the spoiler.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
15 / [U|AoMC|100%|YAAM]
« on: October 01, 2011, 19:03 »--------------------------------------------------------------
DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump
Q2Z0v, level 15 Mancubus 2nd Lieutenant Scout,
nuked the Cyberdemon. on level 26 of the Phobos base.
He survived 134619 turns and scored 355854 points.
He played for 2 hours, 15 minutes and 55 seconds.
He was a man of Ultra-Violence!
He killed 1062 out of 1062 hellspawn. (100%)
This ass-kicking marine killed all of them!
He was an Angel of Max Carnage!
-- Special levels --------------------------------------------
Levels generated : 10
Levels visited : 6
Levels completed : 6
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
UAC Star (gold cluster)
Medal of Prejudice
Hell Champion Medal
Destroyer Gold Badge
Veteran Gold Badge
Veteran Silver Badge
Veteran Platinum Badge
Destroyer Silver Badge
-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------
-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------
Health 36/80 Experience 102141/15
ToHit Ranged +12 ToHit Melee +12 ToDmg Ranged +3 ToDmg Melee +3
-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------
Class : Scout
Ironman (Level 3)
Finesse (Level 2)
Hellrunner (Level 2)
Son of a bitch (Level 3)
Dodgemaster (Level 1)
Intuition (Level 2)
Whizkid (Level 2)
-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------
[a] [ Armor ] gothic armor [6/6] (156%)
[b] [ Weapon ] BFG 9000 (10d8) [60/100]
[c] [ Boots ] Enviroboots [0]
[d] [ Prepared ] modified assault rifle (2d6)x2 [40/40] (P1)
-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------
[a] tactical shotgun (8d3) [6/6]
[b] modified hyperblaster (2d5)x3 [40/40] (P1)
[c] missile launcher (6d6) [4/4]
[d] red armor [4/4] (100%)
[e] 10mm ammo (x20)
[f] shotgun shell (x70)
[g] shotgun shell (x62)
[h] rocket (x14)
[i] rocket (x14)
[j] rocket (x14)
[k] rocket (x14)
[m] power cell (x40)
[n] power cell (x70)
[o] large med-pack
[p] large med-pack
[q] phase device
[r] modified plasteel boots [2/2] (196%) (AB)
-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------
Bullet - internal 0% torso 50% feet 0%
Melee - internal 0% torso 50% feet 0%
Shrapnel - internal 0% torso 50% feet 0%
Acid - internal 0% torso 0% feet 100%
Fire - internal 0% torso 0% feet 100%
-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------
82 former humans
83 former sergeants
37 former captains
142 imps
95 demons
331 lost souls
36 cacodemons
42 barons of hell
1 Cyberdemon
23 hell knights
30 arachnotrons
1 John Carmack
17 former commandos
41 pain elementals
26 arch-viles
24 mancubi
46 revenants
2 bruiser brothers
1 lava elemental
1 agony elemental
1 Arena Master
-- History ---------------------------------------------------
He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
He left the Arena as a champion!
On level 4 he stormed the Chained Court.
He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
On level 4 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
On level 6 he assembled a assault rifle!
On level 12 he witnessed the Wall.
He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
On level 13 he assembled a hyperblaster!
On level 14 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
On level 17 he found the City of Skulls.
He wiped out the City of Skulls.
On level 18 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
On level 23 he found the Enviroboots!
He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
He nuked level 25!
He defeated the Cyberdemon and found the TRUE EVIL!
Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.
-- Messages --------------------------------------------------
You dodge! John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
You dodge! John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
You dodge! You hear an explosion!
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : John Carmack (severely wounded) [m]ore | pool of blood
The missile hits John Carmack.
John Carmack reloads his rocket launcher.
Carmack raises his hands and summons hellspawn!
You reload the BFG 9000 with power cell. You dodge! The missile hits the
lost soul. The lost soul hits you. The lost soul hits you.
Fire -- Choose target...
You see : a lost soul (almost dead) [m]ore | floor
The missile hits the lost soul. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The
lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. John Carmack
dies. Congratulations! You defeated John Carmack! Press <Enter>... The lost
soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies.
-- General ---------------------------------------------------
426 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
393 of those were killed.
3 of those were killed by something unknown.
2 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
And 18 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.
10 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
2 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
8 killed the bastard and survived.
This is one of rare games when everything(except one stupid mistake) goes according to plan.Before i thought that the best choice for AoMC is marine's ammochain trait. I tried it in the run before this, and everything went good until on lvl22 i made single step around the corner, while having 100% (60 hp) and red armor and instantly died. Then i understood that i want to have Intuition 2 but i don't want to pick useless on AoMC Eagle Eye traits. So scout was the class i needed. Also i aimed at YAAM so I thought that there will be problems with ammo if i used a rapid-fire weapon with too much shots so i planned to assemble assault rifle and hyperblaster and additionally mod them with P mod packs. I was afraid of 6d6 damage from Cyberdemon/JC so I decided to pick DM trait.
On level 6 i got wizkid 2 and also A pack and P pack. As a result i completed main part of my plan to level 6. At first I didn't mod assault rifle with P pack, because i thought that in Hell's Armory i could find a Sniper mod pack. But when i got to the level where stairs to Hell's armory were I accidentally walked down another stairs. That was only thing not according to my plan in this game.
From the beginning i didn't plan to enter unholy cathedral and spider lair. I planned to enter mortuary only in case i got skull of hatred in the city of skulls (AoMC.. mortuary.. without berserk... thats too hardcore for me :-) ). I wasn't lucky in the city of skulls (two fire skulls, and one blood) so I didn't enter mortuary.
I was lucky in lava pits, because after i burned two envirosuit packs with my bfg9000 i found enviroboots there, that helped me a lot.
At last i arrived to cyberdemon, nuked him and faced John Carmack. I had bfg9000 and many power cells to that point, and due to DM trait that battle was easy. I just kept dodging and firing on him and his lost souls.
This U AoMC YAAM Full win is also my first U victory. For me AoMC was way easier than standard game.
PS sorry for my bad english, I am trying my best. ;(
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