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Messages - Khashishi

Pages: [1] 2 3
Bug Reports / incorrect resistance % in postmortem
« on: September 17, 2024, 23:57 »
The mortem.txt says I have a melee torso resistance of 4294967276%.

    10mm ammo chain (x250)
    [t] 10mm ammo chain (x250)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    bullet     - internal 10%   torso 10%   feet 10% 
    melee      - internal 10%   torso 4294967276% feet 10% 
    shrapnel   - internal 10%   torso 10%   feet 10% 
    acid       - internal 0%    torso 0%    feet 50% 
    fire       - internal 0%    torso 55%   feet 25% 

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    91 former humans

I think the problem with Entrenchment isn't that Entrenchment is bad, but that chain fire is bad. Chain fire should be changed, then Entrenchment can be reëvaluated. Right now, I only use Chain fire to save ammo. I suggest removing the 2/3 fire speed shots penalty from the first turn (so you fire full shots from the start), and make chain fire the default firing mode. Then make burst fire as an alternative fire which fires 2/3 shots and cancels any current wind-up. This is a buff to chaingun (which kinda needs the buff, imho). It's only a slight buff to plasma gun since we are usually more concerned with ammo efficiency than raw output on plasma gun. Hyperblaster might need nerfing though if this goes through.

I'm wondering how OP Entrenchment would be if it gave you defense any time you take any action except for moving. Maybe the defense could build up based on the time spent standing still. Or, to keep it attached to rapid fire weapons, the defense could scale with amount of chain fire wind-up.

I miss the ability to select items by pressing a letter key corresponding to each row of the inventory. It is much more efficient than scrolling to the item and pressing enter. Both methods of selection should be available.

The volume of the sound from using the arena master staff on multiple enemies should be reduced, or it should only be played once regardless of enemy count.

I'm not sure if knockback has been fixed; I haven't tested enough But in knockback occurred at a different time to damage, so hitting enemies with tactical rockets would frequently cause them to get knocked back but take no damage. Also, I think that you can get knocked back twice by enemies with splash damage if they knock you back into a tile where the splash hasn't resolved yet. I'm not sure how this affects damage.

I suggest not basing knockback distance on damage so that son of a bitch doesn't increase knockback. This is a nerf to son of a bitch, which is very powerful. You could add increased knockback to the reloader trait, which would synergize well with the shotgun and rocket focus, though you might need to change the name of the trait.

Maybe a guaranteed combat pistol somewhere would be nice, like in Phobos lab.

UI change: When using look mode, the screen should scroll if you try to look near the edge of the screen. I'm not sure if there's a way to scroll the screen without using the mouse, but I don't like using the mouse to check around the map.

Discussion / Re: running on mac through gptk2(wine)
« on: September 03, 2024, 15:20 »
Partial success!

I downloaded mesa3d 24.1.7 from and the llvmpipe driver to work, which is a software renderer which is pretty slow, even for a turn based game like doomrl. But it's playable. For unknown reasons, I can't get zink or d3d12 to work following the directions of

Discussion / Re: running on mac through gptk2(wine)
« on: September 03, 2024, 13:31 »
looks like wine doesn't support OpenGL 3.3. I found something called MGL which supposed to bring support for OpenGL 4.6 to metal, but I don't don't really know how to use it.

Discussion / running on mac through gptk2(wine)
« on: September 03, 2024, 11:53 »
Version with graphics works perfectly fine when run on M1 Mac through game porting toolkit v2 which is based on wine. But unfortunately, does not run using the same emulation setup. "can't create OpenGL context". Obviously, I can't reasonably expect support on this, but I thought I might mention it in case anyone was curious. Maybe there is some fiddling on my end that can get it to work, but I'm not sure.

Requests For Features / Re: The Rocket Launcher.
« on: March 21, 2012, 16:37 »
I think rocket launcher is balanced pretty well, except for the fact that sometimes the blast knocks back the enemies and does no damage. That needs to be fixed. The rocket launcher is already pretty accurate and does good damage. Destroying items is a major disadvantage, but it's partially balanced by the ability to destroy corpses and walls. When a pack of archviles and barons spawn together (which they often seem to do), rocket launcher is your friend. I always hold on to a rocket launcher until I get something better like napalm launcher.

Requests For Features / Re: quad damage
« on: March 21, 2012, 16:26 »
It's not any more overpowered than invulnerability or megasphere. You could reduce the probabilities of the other powerups to balance it out.

Requests For Features / quad damage
« on: March 19, 2012, 20:11 »
Really, the subject says it all, but I think it should be a powerup and not an item.

Bug Reports / [G-win-0996] I'm bleeding everywhere
« on: March 19, 2012, 19:52 »
It seems like randomly, my player will spew puddles of blood wherever he walks. It doesn't seem too correlated with taking damage, so I think it's a bug. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to notice what triggers it.

Bug Reports / Re: [G-win-0996] crash after bruiser killed me
« on: March 19, 2012, 19:32 »

Intuition level 2 lets you detect enemies out of sight. In graphics mode, the detection symbol is some kind of purple x, but when I am berserk or environmental suited, the symbol looks like a black x. It's either invisible or damned hard to see on a black background.

in Phobos Anomaly
DoomRL crashed!
Reason: LuaError: beings[bruiser].OnAction -- Get( failed!

The level effect deadly air can hurt the player when the player is supposedly invulnerable.

Discussion / scavenger nearly worthless?
« on: March 07, 2012, 21:49 »
I tried it, and realized it did nothing for me. It could use a buff. A really big buff.

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