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Messages - DaEezT

Pages: 1 ... 28 29 [30]
DiabloRL / Re: Building a feature list for DiabloRL 0.5.0
« on: November 28, 2006, 03:20 »
I think it should have:

- Basic magic: That means at least fire/holy/charged bolt as book and on staves + tp scroll
- ranged weapons
- selling, repairing and shop restock
- Min attributes for items should apply
- Additional dungeon stuff (traps, shrines, bookshelves)

That would make all the classes playable and give us an idea what the final game would feel like. IT would still end with the butcher (maybe add level 5 and make the King Leoric quest the end) but imo adding those basic features like magic, ranged and shopping and nicer dungeons are more interesting than running throuch 20 levels without ranged or magic,.

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 27, 2006, 10:49 »
That's because they have such a low durability (4 AFAIK). I don't remember if they had the armor warning in original diablo.
I assumed that the game simply displays the orange/red text when durability drops below a certan percentage. It's not needed for rags and as long as it works with everything else (and it does as far as I tested it) it's fine.

The imp that writes the "log.txt" in my DiabloRL folder. It doesn't contain the values the game read from the inis anymore and also doesn't show "generating xyz". Not that I really care but as I said: I noticed :p

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 27, 2006, 10:34 »
hmhmhm somehow the effect if the items.ini is strange.
I tried to eliminate mana potion drops to increase the number of healh potions, so edited the file and set level and price to the same values as the berserk sword. But after killing only 8 zombies a was rewarded with a shiny new potion of full mana.
I even tried setting "level" to 99 but I am still able to find them on level 1...
For comparison: I reached the Butcher twice and church level 4 three times and only came across one (1) berserk sword.

Two more things I noticed:
- wearing rags never leads to a armor warning text (the orange/red text at the bottom of the screen).
- magic items aren't blue in the inventory and shop screens

PS: I also noticed what you did to the logger

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 27, 2006, 09:49 »

 DiabloRL 7DRL PRERELEASE roguelike postmortem character dump

  DaEezT, level 9 warrior, killed the Butcher
  in Butcher's Hideout, after 7435 turns.
  He scored 138484 points, killing 370 hellspawn.

  He advanced to level 9 gainging 52564 experience.
  He found 2345 gold coins.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Strength   40/40
  Magic      10/10
  Dexterity  20/23
  Vitality   55/55

  Life 146  Mana 18
  Armor 14  ToHit 60

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

  [ Head   ]  nothing
  [ Neck   ]  nothing
  [ Torso  ] quilted armor [10]
  [ Weapon ] berserk sword of dexterity (10-20)
  [ Shield ]  nothing
  [ RRing  ]  nothing
  [ LRing  ]  nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

  potion of Full Healing
  quilted armor [9]
  falchion (4-8)
  2345 gold coins


My inhuman warrior was able to wield a berserk sword with only 40 str, even though the items.ini says 100. Good thing this bug exists or I would have died for sure ;)
I just noticed that "He found 2345 gold coins." is the amount I had in my inventory when I killed the Butcher. Wouldn't it be more interesting to show the total amout a character found during the game (including any gold spent or gained through item sales)?

Another minor thing:


The health/mana globes can obscure the lowest dungeon row (or however you want to call it). But it doesn't seem to have any negative effects (the wall hidden by the globe still blocks my character).

And still no invisible monsers D:

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 27, 2006, 06:24 »
I still haven't encountered the invisible monster bug (I came this close to saying "I haven't seen any invisble monsters yet" but then I imagined the wrath those who worship Doom would unleash upon someone who dares to utter a cheap joke like that).

I noticed one thing about the AI/pathfinding:


there are the evil monsters


and once I step back around the wall I'm save. They seem unable to figure out the way around the wall.

And of course there are three features that are dearly missed:
- repairing stuff
- selling stuff
- shop restock

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 27, 2006, 04:33 »
Simillary to DoomRL -- Door is a tile, corpse is a tile -- so to maintain the ability to close the door, I need to discard the corpse.
But if I remember Diablo corretly killing a monster inside a doorway would leave a corpse that permanently blocks the door.

Another minor thing: the character screen says "Lifes" but imo it should be "Life".

dlvl 3 now and running out of equipment because I can't repair anything D:


 DiabloRL 7DRL PRERELEASE roguelike postmortem character dump

  DaEezT, level 7 warrior, killed
  in Butcher's Hideout, after 5 turns.
  He scored 84931 points, killing 310 hellspawn.

  He advanced to level 7 gainging 32091 experience.
  He found 1741 gold coins.

-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Strength   50/50
  Magic      10/10
  Dexterity  25/25
  Vitality   30/30

  Life 92  Mana 16
  Armor 16  ToHit 62

-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

  [ Head   ] skull cap [3]
  [ Neck   ]  nothing
  [ Torso  ] cape [5]
  [ Weapon ] scimitar of strudiness (3-7)
  [ Shield ] buckler [3]
  [ RRing  ]  nothing
  [ LRing  ]  nothing

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

  rags [5]
  1741 gold coins


Seems the turn count is off a bit but at least it says "Life" ;)

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 27, 2006, 04:01 »
Things that work now:
- Gold stacks and is shown correctly in the character menue. I can use it to buy stuff so it's all fine now.
- Head/torso/shield slots can be used.
- Potions can be used

I found one new bug so far:

- You can close doors while a monster is standing on the door tile. It can still attack and be ataccked and also move, so it's not stuck or anything.

A few more thigns about doors in DiabloRL (dunno what is intentional and what not):

- Monsters never open any doors
- All doors appear brown while closed but some turn white when opened. Those that turn white cannot be closed again (game says they are blocked) those that stay brown can always be closed (even if a monster or an item is on the door tile)
- Monsters killed on a door tile never leave a corpse

I haven't encountered any invisible monsters yet, but then again those aren'T supposed to shop up until the caverns iirc ;)

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:47 »
Ye, I propably I still had one left.
I had a hard time staying alive with that first char (no potions or armor). But I managed to clear church lvl 1 with my second char so I have enough piles for testing now. And so far the inventory space systems seems to be working fine.

One thing that bugs me is that you can't easily switch weapons. You have to unequip your current one and then equip the new one. That means you have to have enough space in your inventory to place your current weapon in it. Would be really nice if I could just select the new one and press [Enter] and have the game switch them if there is enough inv space for the old one left.

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 26, 2006, 09:26 »
Bugs I found so far:
Only the weapon slot seems to work. Was able to put different weapons and also a shield into it, but putting a shield into the "Shield" slot doesn't work. Torso & Head also don't work.

Using potions also doesn't work.

Gold doesn't stack and I end up with a full inventory really quick.

I assume you tried to emulate the tile system from Diablo and the numbers behind the item are their size (e.g. "A cap [2]" = two tiles). But it doesn't really work that way. In case of that cap I had to drop three piles of gold.
Edit: Err [2] = Armor value... But the cap shows up as size "4" in th einventory screen but when I do drop/pickup tests with gold piles it still only adds up to three.

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