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Messages - Shinji_Ikari_9th

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 23
Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: May 16, 2018, 04:24 »
I know it's been 2+ months since I last posted, but things haven't been good for the family lately.  Biggest thing being that my grandmother who had the 2 UTIs last year pasted away last month at the age of 87.  Even though I'm trying to hang in there and take things one day at a time, I admit that I'm in a bit of a funk these days and that isn't helping with trying to come up with ideas.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: March 01, 2018, 14:37 »
And here it is. Was going for dark and doomy on this one.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: March 01, 2018, 14:09 »
The quality of your work continues to improve.  Very nicely done.

Thanks Sereg, I've got something cooking as I type this. Hope that there'll be no repeat of what happened earlier this year, and I can share directly with everyone, but if so at least I've found a workaround.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: March 01, 2018, 02:16 »
Ok, this should take you to what I was trying to upload back in January. Let me know otherwise.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: January 20, 2018, 19:40 »
I don't know what's going on but every time I tried to upload a render this month it's not letting me do so. Keeps saying that my uploads fail some sort of security check.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: December 31, 2017, 19:09 »
No new render(s) to share, but felt that I'd like to wish all of you a happy and safe new year.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: December 19, 2017, 04:31 »
Here's my latest for this thread.  If I don't get anything else posted before then, I wish everyone a happy and safe new year.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: December 06, 2017, 16:28 »
Here's my latest render to share. It was done at the request of a friend of mine this week who is using it for my contact image on his phone. Personally I liked the result enough that I felt the need to share it here as well.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: December 02, 2017, 01:50 »
Alright, here's my newest render for here.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: December 01, 2017, 13:16 »
Sorry about not posting at all last month, but things were crazy. Hope that everyone who celebrates Thanksgiving where able to have a great one.

Anyway I've got a new project in the works as I type this.  Not quite ready to render thou but I'm working on things.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: October 24, 2017, 15:50 »
Here's something new. Sorry about not posting sooner, but last month was crazy with renders for the new user challenge over at Daz. I know that I've been rendering for quite some time, about as long as I've been posting to this thread even, but I'm still learning new tricks and the like as I go.

If anyone is curious as to what I was working on last month, head on over to here, and look for any posts with attachments by Shinji Ikari 9th.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: September 14, 2017, 01:31 »
Never thought that I'd have to do this, but I actually had to go and move part of my resources for my art over to an external hard drive that I have because my c: drive was getting too full.

Anyway here's some of my latest render's for you all.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: August 15, 2017, 01:39 »
Here is the latest render that I've done for this thread. Hope this isn't confusing on my wording, but I'm using my phone to do this post.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: July 19, 2017, 10:45 »
Sorry about not posting right away, but grandma had a second uti last month like I mentioned in my last post.  Hate to say it, but she's going to be having to stay in long term care this time.

Sorry about venting there, on to my latest render for this thread.

Discussion / Re: 3d Art Inspired by DoomRL
« on: June 27, 2017, 01:04 »
Hate to say it, but grandma was back in the hospital with another uti last week.  She's in rehab already, but there's going to be a meeting this afternoon so hopefully things go well with that.  On a lighter note she at the same rehab place she was at last time, and my mother and I jokingly almost called her room.  We joked that she'd be in the same room as last time when in reality she's in the room one door down from the one across the hall from the room she was in last. Let me tell you that it gave me a laugh that I needed when I saw that Friday.

Sorry about not posting, but to make up for it I have something rendering as I type this.

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